Where to look for differences when the CSS is seemingly the same? [closed] - css

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Closed 7 years ago.
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the answers I found on the Internet are all pretty specific. So what should I generally do when two elements, their children, and their parents have seemingly the same CSS attributes, but look different?

Inspect the element and look at the styles tab of your developer tools. The style rules appear in the order they are applied and the top most rule is with the highest priority.


How to remove underline from product in Shopify collection [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I want to remove the underline on hover.
Shopify Collection Link
The first step is to identify the element and then identify the styles being applied. In your example, the underline (border-bottom) appears when product card is in focus or being hovered. The relevant CSS rule is on line 8551 in your theme.scss.css file. So just remove this rule from your CSS file.
.product-card:hover .product-card__title,.product-card:focus-within .product-card__title {

is it bad to use flex on css styling? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I want to know that if i use flex on CSS style sheet will it not work properly on other uncommon browsers and devices? I tested on chrome and Firefox it works fine. but hard to check with all browsers. I need some expert advice.
It might cause a problem on some really old browsers, but they are negligible.

Remove label section from paper-textarea [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'd like to remove the extra space that the label takes up in a polymer text-area. Is this possible? Thank you.
These are three mixins that can be applied to label in paper-text-area. You can use these to style label or hide it as per your need
I guess there are some default margin on padding. Without code it's hard to say.

Apply CSS transition when element comes into viewport [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm trying to apply CSS transition effect when an element comes to viewport (i.e. when user scrolls to it), but not before.
I already know how to use CSS transitions, but how do I apply them only when the element comes to viewport?
What it the best way of doing this? If there's some library's to simplify the task, I would be glad to know.
Give CSS3 Animate It a go, makes the whole process as simple as adding a few clases.
Then you can just add the classes like this to get started.
<div class='animatedParent'>
<h2 class='animated bounceInDown'>It Works!</h2>

Page is not Staying Constant when you Zoom in or Out in Firefox [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Click on http://www.christopherandbanks.com/home/index.jsp and when you Zoom-in or zoom out Firefox the Shopping bag Disappears.
You can Use firebug for the Help.
This is only a CSS Related Issue.
On your div which holds the shopping cart and other links besides it, add white-space:nowrap;
