Query HealthKit data via REST API - healthkit

Is it possible to get data from Healthkit the same way as you would query regular API (With user's consent) to store in my webapp?
Something like: healthkit.com/api/v1/user/GetWeight
If yes, where can I find a list of available methods?
If not, are there any workarounds?

You'll have to build:
your own REST API service to store and retrieve the desired data;
an iOS app that accesses the data on-device using the HealthKit SDK and POSTs it to your API.
Neither step is trivial. Good luck!

An alternative may be to install Google Fit on the iPhone, which would connect to healthkit and sync that data to the cloud, which can then be queried via Fit's REST API https://developers.google.com/fit/rest/

If it's a REST/json API you want it's not available and i guess it never will be.
HealthKit is just a standard API available in the IOS8 SDK accessible from application running on a iDevice and written in objective-c/swift.

Not sure if this question is still relevant for someone, but now you have the option to use shortcuts to gather the desired health data and post it to your own api, also you may use automation in order to make it all happen without any hustle.


Automate API key generation on Google Cloud

We're currently working on our API based on Google Cloud Functions together with Google's API Gateway.
As every customer who buys access to our API should get their own API key, I'm wondering if there's a ways to create those API keys using and API. What I want to achieve is that a customer is able to request an API key in their own settings, so klick a button, this triggers a function, generates a key and shows it to the customer in front end.
After searching for quite some time, I didn't find anything about how this could be built. It could also be that my approach to this is totally wrong - if that's the case, please roast me and give me some advice with it!
Thanks in advance for your answers!
Google credentials can not be created programmttlcy they must be created manually.
In fact, there is something. A while in beta (more than 1 years ago) and quickly back in alpha, and undocumented (or pretty bad)
As you can see in the gcloud alpha command, you can use API Keys with CLI and API. Use this command to test and discover more how you can use API keys.
gcloud alpha services api-keys create --display-name="created by API" --log-http
Firstly, I have no update on this API, will it survive or not? The lifecycle and the "no news" from Google is strange and keep in mind that the API can be removed at any time.
Secondly, API Keys is a long lived token and it's not recommended for security reason. But sometime, it's better than nothing, so to use it when no others solution are possible, it's acceptable. Else, prefer OAuth .
Eventually, API Keys authenticate a project, not a customer/user. You won't have it in header data after the API Gateway request forward. Only the Project ID (or Number, I don't remember). Thus, if you want to differentiate each customer/user, you need to create different projects, and generate a keys in each project. Same thing if you implement rate limit on API Gateway: Quotas are per project and not per API Keys.

can I post data to my server directly instead of firebase

I am considering firebase for an app - mainly for the real-time but other features like the analytics and authentication (and price) are other bonuses.
I have my own database and I want everything saved in there. Firebase will have a small portion of the dataset I push as it's needed.
So I'm basically thinking that the firebase data will be read only to the users. If a user comments, that will actually go to my server, I'll authenticate, clean, whatever.. and push to the that feed.
Are there problems with this approach? Are there other (better) ways to solve the problem?
This is a completely valid approach. Firebase is designed so you can use specific features that suit your needs.

Is there an Azure database equivalent to Firebase clients being able to listen for database changes?

Firebase's realtime database SDK has callback methods built in which allow the client to listen for database changes. (e.g. as per https://firebase.google.com/docs/database/android/start/)
Does Azure have any functionality like that in either the SQL Database or DocumentDB products? If not, why not? And what is the best way to achieve this functionality using Azure?
Edit context: I'm building a cross-platform mobile app using Xamarin.
Microsoft just announced a new feature in DocDb called Change Feed which sounds like what you are looking for. It is enabled by default and included in the cost of DocDb.
From their announcement: "With Change Feed support, DocumentDB provides a sorted list of documents within a DocumentDB collection in the order in which they were modified. This feed can be used to listen for modifications to data within the collection and perform actions..."
Documentation on how to work with the change feed can be found here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/documentdb/documentdb-change-feed
Azure's SQL Database service now has Extended Events (currently in Preview). More info here.
DocumentDB does not have events you can subscribe to. You would need to build your own mechanism for taking action when modifying your database contents.
EDIT: Cosmos DB (formerly called DocumentDB, when this answer was originally posted) provides a change feed you can subscribe to.
As for "best way to achieve this functionality" - there is no best way. It's whatever you decide to build, based on your app, chosen frameworks, etc.

Securely store access token in Cordova

Edit: see my answer for the solution
Currently working on a Hybrid App with Ionic where there is a requirement to store an authentication Token in order to keep the user logged in, and also guarantee that this data cannot be accessed outside the App context.
There is of course plenty of solutions for this task, each one with different pros-and-cons so it's confusing (for me) to locate the one technology that fits.
I've been looking at angular-localForage and other candidates:
Obvious choice for small data.
Data gets wiped in iOS when the system is low on memory.
Buggy support in iOS (IndexedDB support)
WebSQL (SQLite)
Apparently a good option for small data and decent support (WebSQL suppport) but it's deprecated.
There are related issues with Cordova in iOS.
Looks like an overkill for this scenario but is definitely a strong candidate. Is the any security concerns I should be aware of (as I read it locally persist data to JSON files)?
PouchDB + SQLite
Well, it's a JS client to work with CouchDB or Couchbase databases wich can also work with SQLite but again I only need to store a Token..
So apparently the best option for Android/iOS cross-compatibility should ironically be WebSQL, but is no longer being developed and I have to guarantee long-term support.
So my question is: are there any other options I'm missing to securely store an access Token? If don't, wich of the above ones should be the best choice for this task?
After doing some research I will share my conclusion.
Funny enough, none of the above candidates are suitable for securely storing an access Token. The approach should be using a native solution for both Android (Shared Preferences) and iOS (Keychain).
In the particular case of Ionic, a broadcaster plugin for Cordova could be used to communicate JS with Native so you can access the stored data.
The only secure way is using "httponly cookie". However, since april 2020 Apple uses wkwebview which has cookie problem.
SQLite is the best option to go with as the content of DB will be encrypted and saved. Also native apps rely on SQLite to save data.
To make CRUD easier with SQLite, I have created a wrapper library. Please check it here
Go for LocalStorage, it is the best way to store

Export firebase

I was wondering if it is possible to export firebase data (perhaps as a JSON object) in frequent "cycles". The main reason I'm asking this is because I would like to capture the data at specific points of time in order to perform a range of analytics upon them / identify specific patterns. I'm interested in any operations / methods that are part of the Firebase API - maybe some kind of web hook, or other workarounds that would enable me to do this!
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as I could not find anything on the web / docs (maybe I've over read it?).
Firebase has a full-featured REST API, so the simplest thing to do is just poll the REST API on a regular basis. REST API docs are here: https://www.firebase.com/docs/rest-api-quickstart.html
You can also get full access to your Firebase data using the Node.js client. This allows you to attach callbacks to your data and act on changes immediately when they occur from your own server: https://www.firebase.com/docs/nodejs-quickstart.html
Firebase now provides private backup option. For more information checkout private backup for Firebase data.
You can export firebase data in Json object, just make a curl request like below:
curl 'https://MyBase.firebaseio.com/MyPoint.json?auth=MyAuth&print=pretty'
in linux terminal and you get all your child structure
