What are the Spring Web Flow advantages? - spring-webflow

Can someone help me understand the advantages of Spring Web Flow.
What I have understood is
All the flows can be centrally configured in an XML file.
Need not have an overhead of carrying over the data from one request to another as it can be done by flow scope.
It helps especially in cases like Breadcrumbs navigation.
Flows can be further divided into Sub Flows to reduce the complexity.
Are there any other ones which I am have not tweaked into?

I'm going to play devil's advocate and say don't use it for anything other than simple use cases. Simple use cases meaning no ajax calls, no modal dialogs, no partial updates just standard html forms/flows for simple persistence (i.e page A -> page B -> Page C where each 'page' maps to a view-state definition in a 1 to 1 relationship all defined in the same flow xml file).
Spring webflow cons:
Yes everything is in xml files in theory it is suppose to be simple but when you have multiple flow xml files each with multiple state definitions and possibly subflow definitions it can become cumbersome to maintain or easily determine what the sequential logic of a flow is. (kind of like the old "GOTO operator" where any part of a flow logic can jump back to any previously or later defined part making the flow logic although seemingly "sequential" in xml... un-intuitive to follow)
Some features of Spring Webflow's documentation are unintuitive or flat out undocumented leading to hours of trial and error. For instance, exception handeling, usauge of 'output' tag (only works in subflow->back to parent caller undocumented), sending back flash view responses to a user is also unintuitive and uses a different container than Spring MVC (many times when a flow ends you want to send a msg to the user that is defined in a controller outside of webflow... but since the flow ended you can't do it with in spring webflow using flashScope container), etc...
Adding subflows although sounds good does not reduce complexity actually increases it. Due to the way subflows are defined. Definitions are long and complex and can be confusing when you have many end-states in both the main parent flow and the child subflows.
Initial setup and configuration can be painful if integrating with certain 3rd party view frameworks like Apache Tiles or Theymeleaf... I recall spending a few hours if not days on this.
State snapshots (Saving the user's input between pages) although a powerful feature from Flow A's view-state_1 <-> Flow A's view-state_2 and vise versa. This does not work between Main Flow A <-> Sub Flow B and vise versa... forcing the developer to manually bind (or rather hack) saving a user's state between Parent main flow's <-> subflows.
Debugging application logic placed inside webflow can be difficult. For instance, in webflow you can assign variables and perform condition checks all using SPEL inside the xml but this tends to be a pitfall. Over time you learn to avoid placing application logic inside the actual webflow xml and only use the xml to call service class methods and to place the returned values in the various scopes (again this hard learned lesson/best practice is undocumented). Also, because you are executing logic using SPEL... refactoring classes, method names, or variables sometimes silently break your application significantly increasing your development time.
fragment rendering... a powerful but unintuitive feature of webflow. Setting up fragment rendering was 1 of the most painful things I had to do with webflow. The documentation was lacking. I think this feature could easily go in the pros side if it was better documented and easy to setup. I actually documented how to use this feature via stackoverflow... How to include a pop-up dialog box in subflow
Static URLs per flow. If your flow has multiple views defined with in 1 flow your URL will not change navigating from view-state to view-state. This can be limiting if you want to control or match the content of the page with a dynamic url.
If your flow is defined in "/WEB-INF/flows/doSumTing/sumting-flow.xml" and your "base-path" is set to "WEB-INF/flows". Then to navigate to your flow you goto http://<your-host>/<your-webapp-name-if-defined>/doSumTing . The flow file name is completely ignored and not used in the URL at all. Although clear now I found this unintuitive when I first started.
Spring Webflow pros:
concept of "scope" containers flowScope, viewScope, flashScope, sessionScope and having easy access to these containers WITH IN A FLOW gives the developer flexibility as these are accessible from anywhere and are mutable.
Easily define states view-state,action-state,decision-state,end-state which clearly defines what each state is doing but as mentioned in the cons... if your application is complex and has MANY different states and transitions constantly Going back and forth... this can clutter your -flow.xml file makes it hard to read or follow the sequential logic. It's only easy if you have simple use cases with a small number of state definitions.
Seldom used but a powerful feature of webflow is flow inheritance. Common flow functionality across multiple flows can be defined in a single abstract parent flow and extended by child flows (similar to an abstract class definition in java). This feature is nice with regards to the DRY principle if you have many flows that share common logic.
Easily defined validation rules and support for JSR-303 (but Spring MVC has this as well)
The output tag can be used to send POJOs back and forth between Main flow <-> subflow. This feature is nice because the parameters don't need to be passed through the url via get/post and can pass as many POJOs as you wish.
Clearly defined views. What the view name is and which model variable it is being mapped to (e.g <view-state id="edit" view="#{flowScope.modelPathName}/editView" model="modelObj"> ). Also in the example just demonstrated can use preprocessing expressions for viewnames or most arguments in webflow... nice feature though not very well documented :/
Conclusion: Spring Webflow project was a good idea and sounds great on paper but the cons make it cumbersome to work with in complex use cases increasing development time significantly. Since a better solution exists for complex use cases (Spring MVC) to me it is not worth investing heavily in web flow because you can achieve the same results with Spring MVC and with a faster development time for both complex and simple use cases. Morever, Spring MVC is actively maintained, has better documentation, and a larger user community. Maybe if some of my cons are addressed it would tip the scales in Webflow's favor but until then I will recommend Spring MVC over webflow.
Note: I might be missing some things but this is what I came up with off the top of my head.

Additionally, you can use the back button and retain state up to the number of snapshots you choose to store.
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Designing an Asp.Net MVC application

As a novice to this realm, I am planning on building an mvc application. I had originally started a web forms application but decided the scalability and testability will benefit more with an mvc application. I chose to switch with the added benefit of being easier to add more features later on (instead of having code baked into web forms pages).
Now a little about my application, it is an application to stimulate an RPG class builder and moveset. In all simplicity, users can register for a class, and depending on other skills they can register for, they can see a custom move set based on these categories. The way I am envisioning it is I will be able to go back and add more classes and skills later in the database and have users register for this new content immediately once it has been added to the project.
Everything lives in normalized tables, so many joint tables do exist. For each new skill or class I add will mean a handful of tables will be added to the database. This speaks to the way the data will be stored, everything and all information about classes, user data, skills, etc will be stored in the database.
I have designed all the initial database tables I will need to have at the start, and functionality I need (a home page, view skills page, view move sets page, etc.). I am stuck at the next step; where do I go? Should I make my controllers first? Models? Views? Design my page layouts? I am asking for advice from people who have taken a similar organic approach to an mvc project. I am facing analysis paralysis on what to start on, knowing I have a lot of work ahead of me.
Thank you for taking your time to answer.
I've taken everyone's advise and am putting together a website to learn MVC: http://learnaspnetmvc.azurewebsites.net
The most important advice I can give you: just start. A big project can seem overwhelming, especially when you're looking at it like a big project. Instead, break it into small achievable tasks. Find something you can do right now, the ever-so-smallest subset of functionality, and do it. Then do the next one. And the next.
That said, I'll tell you my personal process. When I start on a new application or piece of an application, I first like to create my models. That way I can play with the interactions between them, flesh out the relationships, and think about the needs of my application in a somewhat low-pressure, easily disposable way. I also use code-first, whereas you've gone an created your database tables already. Some people prefer to do it that way. Personally, I find starting with my classes and letting those translate into an underlying data store much more organic. In a sense, it relegates the database to almost a non-existent layer. I don't have to think about what datatype things need to be, what should be indexed and what shouldn't, how querying will work, what kind of stored procedures I need, etc. Those questions have their time and place -- the nascent development stage is not that time and place. You want to give your brain a place to play with ideas, and classes are a cheap and low-friction medium. If an idea doesn't work out, throw the class away and create a new one.
Once I have my models, I like to hit my controllers next. This lets me start to see my models in action. I can play around with the actual flow of my application and see how my classes actually work. I can then make changes to my models where necessary, add additional functionality, etc. I can also start playing around with view models, and figuring out what data should or should not be passed to the view, how it will need to be displayed (will I need a drop down list for that? etc.), and such. This, then, naturally leads me into my views. Again, I'm testing my thinking. With each new layer, I'm hardening the previous by getting a better and better look at how it's working.
Each stage of this process is very liquid. Once I start working on my controllers, I will make changes to my models. Once I hit the views, the controllers will need to be adjusted and perhaps the models as well. You have to give yourself the freedom to screw up. Inevitably, you'll forget something, or design something in a bone-headed way, that you'll only see once you get deeper in. Again, that's the beauty of code-first. Up to this point, I don't even have a database, so any change I make is no big deal. I could completely destroy everything I have and go in a totally different way and I don't have to worry about altering tables, migrating data, etc.
Now, by this point my models are pretty static, and that's when I do my database creation and initial migration. Although, even now, really, only because it's required before I can actually fire this up in a browser to see my views in action. You can always do a migration later, but once you're working with something concrete, the friction starts to increase.
I'll tend to do some tweaking to my controllers and obviously my views, now that I'm seeing them live. Once I'm happy with everything, then I start looking at optimization and refactoring -- How can I make the code more effective? More readable? More efficient? I'll use a tool like Glimpse to look at my queries, render time, etc., and then make decisions about things like stored procedures and such.
Then, it's just a lot of rinse and repeat. Notice that it's all very piecemeal. I'm not building an application; I'm building a class, and then another class, and then some HTML, etc. You focus on just that next piece, that small chunk you need to move on to the next thing, and it's much less overwhelming. So, just as I began, I'll close the same: just start. Writers have a saying that the hardest thing is the first sentence. It's not because the first sentence is really that difficult; it's because once you get that, then you write the second sentence, and the third, and before you know it, you've got pages of writing. The hardest part is in the starting. Everything flows from there.
The other answers here have great advice and important nuggets of information, but I think they do you a disservice at this stage. I'm the first to advocate best practice, proper layering of your applications, etc. But, ultimately, a complete app that follows none of this is more valuable than an incomplete app that incorporates it all. Thankfully, we're working with a malleable medium -- digital text -- and not stone. You can always change things, improve things later. You can go back and separate your app out into the proper layers, create the repositories and services and other abstractions, add in the inversion of control and dependency injection, etc. Those of us who have been doing this awhile do that stuff from the start, but that's because we've been doing this awhile. We know how to do that stuff -- a lot of times we already have classes and libraries we drop in for that stuff. For someone just starting off, or for an app in its earliest nascent stage, it can be crippling, though. Instead of just developing your app, you end up spending days or weeks pouring through recommendations, practices, libraries, etc. trying to get a handle on it all, and by the end you have nothing really to show for it. Don't worry about doing things right and do something. Then, refactor until it's right.
As a first step in planning a MVC framework application, We should start with a strong Model (typical C# props). This process is going to take most of our time, based on the fact that we need to understand the business first and then the relationships between different workflows and entities. So times business models evolve as time passes. So spend qualitative time on building this layer, but not too much.
Once domain (Business) Models are ready, before we actually start coding for Repository classes, we should define our Repository Contracts which are typically Interfaces. Contracts help all parties(other components) to interact with each other in the exact same way. Then we implement contracts on the Repository component, which is just going to act like PUSH and PULL data from your persistent medium (say database). Remember repository component never going to have any idea on business logic.
Once backend has been established, We can concentrate on my actual business process implementation. We can define one more level of Contract which defines all business operations which are to be done using Model classes. This interface has been implemented by BusinessLogic Component which does the core business activity (specific methods for every business operation). This particular component will use Repository component to delegate business data to persistence medium.
With above step completed, We can easily go and build Controllers. We should be calling business logic component methods in controllers and get work done. Once controllers are done, we can define our views and other UI elements like partial views etc.
Pictorial representation of the flow is as follows -
A simple architecture (from high to low level)
Presentation Layer
Domain Logic Layer
Data Access Layer
Presentation layer is MVC project containing Views, Controllers and optional View-Models.
Domain Logic Layer is Class Library project which Presentation layer will access (via DLL or Service reference). This layer contains business logic and rules for the application.
Data Access Layer may contain two sub-layers-
Repository. User repository is best practice for any long term application.
Entity Framework Model.
This will communicate with database.
Database you already have.
I would suggest reading through a book by Scott Millet, called Professional ASP.NET Design Patterns.
ISBN : 0-470292-78-4
Scott walks through what a good ASP.NET site should look like from an architectural standpoint - i.e. DataAccess layers, Business Logic layers, Presentation Layers, Domain events etc.
By following on from industry standards, you will gain a better knowledge of how to correctly put together an MVC web-site.
Hope this helps.
I would suggest you to make your MVC application around a ASP.NET Web API , since it will help, in case you go for a mobile application later.
Since you are a MVC newbie, you should download some open source projects on MVC shared by seniors in the community. Study two or three projects, and analyze a solution which will the best for you.
A quick googling will get you to some good projects.
Making a simple application , Prodinner
After that you should also go through MSDN tutorial on MVC 5 app with SSO , to enable social logins.

FlashBuilder loosly coupled and reusable component architecture

I want my mxml or actionscript components to be reusable and loosly coupled. I am wondering if it is good practice to use the FlexGlobals.topApplication to dispatch and listen for events. For instance I want my login component to dispatch events to the topApplication so when i reuse that component in a different project I won't have to change anything being all applications have a topApplication.
My other option is to have a separate static class to handle event dispatching but then I am creating a dependency on that static class.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I would recommend that you read about event propagation and have your login component dispatch the event to "whoever" catches it as it bubbles up through the hierarchy.
I have to agree with the answer by Stian here for the most part. With regard to weltraumpirat's comment I feel dependency injection can be great but also adds a lot of complication with regard to debugging/testing IMO and if you're not actually going to have different implementations of an interface just adds a lot of garbage code to look through without any real benefit. I feel like Spring on the service layer side works out well because you can change out implementations for the data access layer (DAO) if you switch DBs or something of that nature but it's hard for me to see the benefit on the front-end.
I would not recommend using the topLevelApplication as you'll end up with something like cairngorm where you have this humongous set of events/event handlers happening at the top level. Not to mention if you follow their suggested model you end up with a bunch of pointless event classes that simply define a string (there's better and worse ways to go about it using Cairngorm but I'm not a fan of what I've seen in the wild).
A developer at my company wrote a custom MVC "micro-framework" that works great for us where we can attach a controller to any display object to handle events for it, this works wonderfully but does require the initial overhead of developing/testing it. It's built on top of the existing Event scheme in Flex so our MVCEvent class extends Event (ours just bubble by default as we tend to want this for the types of events we're creating where the controller could be at any level above the UIComponent dispatching the event, and can always opt to turn off bubbling, however starting with the Event base class means we can utilitze the built in EventDispatcher dispatchEvent() method). He wrote just about everything using an interface to define the methods for each part and only assuming objects implement a given interface to be used in a particular context (as in IMVCEvent, IMVCCommand) this way if the built in framework implementation doesn't work for your particular scenario you just need to create a new class that implements the same interface (if extension also doesn't work for your case). This gives a huge amount of flexibility yet at the same time we're generally able to just re-use existing implementations of events, commands, or controllers. In each app we're just defining new views and commands for things that are specific to the business rules of the application.
So what's that all boil down to, I suggest you roll your own as a library then re-use that library for your many projects. You will know your own library in and out and can tweak it as you see fit quickly without trying to understand the many use cases someone designed their MVC framework to handle.
I realize this isn't an ideal solution in terms of speed to get something done now, but I think it really is the best solution for the long haul (it's been great for us that's really all I can say).
Amendment here to acknowledge the existing Flex MVC frameworks available and appease the crowd.
Robot Legs
By the way see what the creator of robot legs has to say about using his code: His words not mine
Stackoverflow question about flex frameworks

ColdFusion App today -- Flex next year. Considerations to maximize re-use of logic tier next year?

I have started design of a ColdFusion application that is entirely web based. Not much use of Flash forms, or AJAX.
The first version is a strict web app. Version 2 will be a Flex front end.
I want to design and build things so that the Flex layer can use existing logic. It's okay if it means I have to do extra work in version 1. I would like to harden the logic code once and not re-factor.
What are things worth considering / designing / implementing now that would greatly aid in being able to design an app in this way?
One big suggestion, depending on where you're coming from (as it's a rather big question), would be to leverage the ColdFusion component (CFC) as much as possible; the CFC architecture is excellent, versatile and powerful, it integrates quite nicely with Flex (and will do so even better in coming versions of Flex and CF), so to the extent you can design your component tier with that in mind, you'll be glad you did.
It's been a while since I wrote CF code, but on the last big project I did with it, I spent a good deal of time designing a functional tier out of CFCs to be used by the plain ol' Web app, much as it sounds like you're doing -- and then later, when it came time to bolt on an Ajax UI for a subsection of the site (it could've been Flex, but in my case, it happened to be a YUI implementation), I created a facade layer of publicly exposed CFCs whose job it was to wrap and expose a specialized subset of the functionality provided by the first tier. Doing so allowed me to leverage and extend existing code in a way unique to the services that needed it, without having to expose the underlying (first tier) CFCs directly.
I'm sure other folks will have many more (and probably more detailed) suggestions, but that's the one big one I have for you first off -- learn, know and use the CF component. Good luck!
I agree with Christian that the best thing you can do is put everything as far as database logic or any other logic for the application in CFC's, and more specifically, I would suggest using webservices. The main reason for this is that it will allow you to eventually have your cf code, which is all of your database persistence and logic on a different server than where you serve the flex applications from, and would allow code reuse for other applications as well. The nice thing too about writing your cfc's as webservices is that you can use them either as webservices or directly as components in Flex using AMF (remote object). Now of course how much those benefits really apply to you depends on your situation, but its a good plan to follow.
But the main suggestion is to think of your application as having a presentation layer and a logic and persistence layer. If you are making a decision, it goes in the logic layer. If you are showing a screen or doing anything with presentation, it goes in that layer. Keeping those things separate will allow you to more easily switch out your presentation layer to flex later on.
Also, it can be useful to trap any errors thrown and return messages as results (with any results, like in a structure) from all methods. Flex has a nasty habit of telling you something went wrong, but not passing along the error information. This will help you to debug and handle any errors that get thrown much easier.
Check out Matt Woodward's presentation on the topic, it's very informative:
And a few general things to add to the answers everyone else provided:
Encapsulate your data interaction in CFCs (typically in Services which delegate to Gateways and DAOs)
In most cases, you'll want to create "bean" CFC's to represent your business objects (users, widgets, etc), these are what will transfer to Flex as ActionScript classes. You'll need to add cfproperty tags to them to make them serializable to ActionScript (case- and order- sensitive!), so pay attention to that when you create them to prevent having to deal with it later, and use one of the code generation tools like the Adobe CF Extensions for Eclipse or Illudium PU36 to do it for you.
Create a remote facade CFC (or set of CFCs depending on how big the app is) that delegates methods to your Services - this is where you set the access for your methods to "remote" - generally the only place you want to do this (it will feel like you're doing a lot of delegating but it pays off to have all your remote services centralized)
As you develop with HTML, treat your remote facade CFCs as your API and make your HTML views as "dumb" as possible. Think of it this way: any logic you write in your CF view will have to be replicated in your Flex view. If you build the project only using your remote API, you'll have a pretty good feel for how Flex will interact with the application.
Check out ColdSpring, it offers a lot of great features for managing all the objects you're going to create!
I don't claim to be an architecture expert and I know I've thrown around a lot of jargon here to keep it short, but some Googling around CF blogs should turn up a lot of info about the design patterns I've mentioned. Good luck!

AJAX webservices - extensions of web or biz layer?

My question is possibly a subtle one:
Web services - are they extensions of the presentation/web layer? ..or are they extensions of the biz/data layer?
That may seem like a dumb question. Web services are an extension of the web tier. I'm not so sure though. I'm building a pretty standard webform with some AJAX-y features, and it seems to me I could build the web services in one of two ways:
they could retrieve data for me (biz/data layer extension).
example: GetUserData(userEmail)
where the web form has javascript on it that knows how to consume the user data and make changes to markup
they could return completely rendered user controls (html; extension of web layer)
example: RenderUserProfileControl(userEmail)
where the web form has simple/dumb js that only copies and pastes the web service html in to the form
I could see it working in either scenario, but I'm interested in different points of view... Thoughts?
In my mind, a web service has 2 characteristics:
it exposes data to external sources, i.e. other sources than the application they reside within. In this sense I agree with #Pete in that you're not really designing a web service; you're designing a helper class that responds to requests in a web-service-like fashion. A semantic distinction, perhaps, but one that's proved useful to me.
it returns data (and only data) in a format that is reusable by multiple consumers. For me this is the answer to your "why not #2" question - if you return web-control-like structures then you limit the usefulness of the web service to other potential callers. They must present the data the way you're returning it, and can't choose to represent it in another way, which minimises the usefulness (and re-usefulness) of the service as a whole.
All of that said, if what you really are looking at is a helper class that responds like a web-service and you only ever intend to use it in this one use case then you can do whatever you like, and your case #2 will work. From my perspective, though, it breaks the separation of responsibilities; you're combining data-access and rendering functions in the same class. I suspect that even if you don't care about MVC patterns option #2 will make your classes harder to maintain, and you're certainly limiting their future usefulness to you; if you ever wanted to access the same data but render it differently you'd need to refactor.
I would say definitely not #2, but #1 is valid.
I also think (and this is opinion) that web services as a data access layer is not ideal. The service has to have a little bit more value (in general - I am sure there are notable exceptions to this).
Even in scenario 1, this service is presenting the data that is available in the data layer, and is not part of the data layer itself, it's just that it's presenting data in a different format than a UI format (ie. JSON, xml etc.)
Regards which scenario I would use, I would go for scenario #1 as that service is reusable in other web forms and other scenarios.
While #1 (def. not #2) is generally the correct approach (expose just the data needed to the view layer and have all markup handled there), be careful with the web portion of the service in your design.
Data should only be exposed as a web service (SOAP/WSDL, REST) if it is meant to be consumed remotely (some SOA architects may argue this, but I think that is out of scope for this question), otherwise you are likely doing too much, and over-designing your request and response format. Use what makes sense for your application - an Ajax framework that facilitates client/server communication and abstracts the underlying format of communication can be a big help. The important thing is to nicely encapsulate the code that retrieves the data you want (you can call it a service, but likely it will just be a nicely written helper class) so it can be re-used, and then expose this data in whatever way makes the most sense for the given application.

What are the downsides to static methods?

What are the downsides to using static methods in a web site business layer versus instantiating a class and then calling a method on the class? What are the performance hits either way?
The performance differences will be negligible.
The downside of using a static method is that it becomes less testable. When dependencies are expressed in static method calls, you can't replace those dependencies with mocks/stubs. If all dependencies are expressed as interfaces, where the implementation is passed into the component, then you can use a mock/stub version of the component for unit tests, and then the real implementation (possibly hooked up with an IoC container) for the real deployment.
Jon Skeet is right--the performance difference would be insignificant...
Having said that, if you are building an enterprise application, I would suggest using the traditional tiered approach espoused by Microsoft and a number of other software companies. Let me briefly explain:
I'm going to use ASP.NET because I'm most familiar with it, but this should easily translate into any other technology you may be using.
The presentation layer of your application would be comprised of ASP.NET aspx pages for display and ASP.NET code-behinds for "process control." This is a fancy way of talking about what happens when I click submit. Do I go to another page? Is there validation? Do I need to save information to the database? Where do I go after that?
The process control is the liaison between the presentation layer and the business layer. This layer is broken up into two pieces (and this is where your question comes in). The most flexible way of building this layer is to have a set of business logic classes (e.g., PaymentProcessing, CustomerManagement, etc.) that have methods like ProcessPayment, DeleteCustomer, CreateAccount, etc. These would be static methods.
When the above methods get called from the process control layer, they would handle all the instantiation of business objects (e.g., Customer, Invoice, Payment, etc.) and apply the appropriate business rules.
Your business objects are what would handle all the database interaction with your data layer. That is, they know how to save the data they contain...this is similar to the MVC pattern.
So--what's the benefit of this? Well, you still get testability at multiple levels. You can test your UI, you can test the business process (by calling the business logic classes with the appropriate data), and you can test the business objects (by manually instantiating them and testing their methods. You also know that if your data model or objects change, your UI won't be impacted, and only your business logic classes will have to change. Also, if the business logic changes, you can change those classes without impacting the objects.
Hope this helps a bit.
Performance wise, using static methods avoids the overhead of object creation/destruction. This is usually non significant.
They should be used only where the action the method takes is not related to state, for instance, for factory methods. It'd make no sense to create an object instance just to instantiate another object instance :-)
String.Format(), the TryParse() and Parse() methods are all good examples of when a static method makes sense. They perform always the same thing, do not need state and are fairly common so instancing makes less sense.
On the other hand, using them when it does not make sense (for example, having to pass all the state into the method, say, with 10 arguments), makes everything more complicated, less maintainable, less readable and less testable as Jon says. I think it's not relevant if this is about business layer or anywhere else in the code, only use them sparingly and when the situation justifies them.
If the method uses static data, this will actually be shared amongst all users of your web application.
Code-only, no real problems beyond the usual issues with static methods in all systems.
Testability: static dependencies are less testable
Threading: you can have concurrency problems
Design: static variables are like global variables
