I have developed a project of"Automatic Number Plate Reader" in matlab and I want to call this project in C# windows application for further process.But when i implement this in C# i got a error:
MWArray assembly failed to be initialized.
I have generated all the dll files in matlab and added it in the reference of the C# project from the deploytool in matlab. And MWArray.dll have also been added.
I am using 2013a version of matlab and 2012 version of Visual Studio.
Did you get the error in your Develop machine? I suspect not.
When you distribute a software that uses matlab Dll's you need to install Matlab Runtime Compiler (AKA MCR) in order to allow the machine using the software to run the Matlab code.
If you get the same error after installing the MCR, Try running it again with an Administrator user.
I am trying to build a .net core console application, and the machine I am building from does not have internet access.
When I try and build, the error I get is that it is Error NU1102: Unable to find package Microsoft.NETCore.App.Host.win-x64. No packages exist with this id in source(s): Microsoft Visual Studio Offline Packages, nuget.org
I think that the correct files are all in place in C:\Program Files\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.NETCore.App.Host.win-x64\<version>\runtimes\win-x64\native but I don't know how to tell dotnet restore to look there (or is there another place that needs to have the right data?)
Is there a good way to do this?
I have an Asp.net 4.0 solution that compiles properly on each local development machine using VS2010 but when I run a build on our build box it gives me this error
ASPNETCOMPILER: Could not load file or assembly 'MagickNet' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.
I have installed Imagemagik on the build box which has the VC++ runtime required, changed the build configuration to Mixed Platform, Any CPU; but still the error keeps coming. The buildbox doesn't have any visual studio installation. Its a win2012 R2 server with .Net 4.0 framework installed. What could be the problem?
Have you tried forcing a 32-bit process? This is a common source of problems.
This option is in the Build Definition under Advanced, MSBuild Platform.
You can troubleshoot the dependencies for MagickNet using a tool like ILSpy or Reflector.
I have a perfectly working windows forms C# .NET 4 application that uses a SQLite3 database file to store data and display forms.
When I deploy my app on any machine other then the dev machine, I get an exception thrown and it's message is "Could not load assembly System.Data.SQLite.dll or one of its dependencies. The specified module could not be found."
The System.Data.SQLite.dll reference in the project is set to Copy Local = True. Also, I tried manually loading the assembly with Assembly.LoadFile. The dll is placed in the output directory. I also tried setting the platform target to Any CPU as well as x86, no difference. All machines I am working with are 32-bit. What is the issue here? Why is my application trying to load the assembly and can't find it?
I had the same problem after publishing my program to a separate computer. Installing Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86) on the separate computer fixed the problem.
Note: the separate computer already had Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x64) installed, the x86 version was needed.
'System.Data.SQLite.dll" requires "msvcr100.dll" which is one of it's Dependencies. This will be available only if you installed latest "Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable" or any other product which internally provides this.
For example, VS2010 will install C++ Redistributable by default. Thats the reason your application doesnot works in some machine but works in others.
You could try pasting the "msvcr100.dll" in your application bin folder and distribute if you dont want to install VC++ 2010 Redist in all the PC's.
Some of the System.Data.Sqlite.dll modules depend on the "Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable Package" .
You can find required dependencies on the official download page : http://system.data.sqlite.org/index.html/doc/trunk/www/downloads.wiki
The answers already given didn't solve my problem. I tried to deploy to a VMware server. The solution that did help where given here: http://sqlite.1065341.n5.nabble.com/System-Data-SQLite-Deployment-Mystery-td71752.html Two methods are described there.
When i install this sqlite-netFx45-setup-bundle-x86-2012-, my app is able to find the right dll.
The second method is to add the dll to de app.exe.config in the debug or release dir. If you edit this file directly, there is a change VC will overwrite the file.
My main problem was that i installed the sqlite package manually. I didn't use NuGet, because i'm behind a proxy. If you do use Nuget, the information in the app.exe.config will be provided automatically.
Using NuGet behind a proxy is described here: NuGet Behind Proxy
I am using both Qt Framework and QuickFIX engine to create a financial application with GUI.
My problem is that when I compile a program that implements QickFIX engine and Qt Framework, it gives me a compilation error: it doesn't find some header files in MinGW (socket.h, inet/in.h, etc)
I am on Windows 7 and I know that to use sockets you must use winsock.h and so on, but the problem is I have Visual C++ express edition and it's not supported by Qt, so I used Qt Creator and since I have an open source of Qt, QuickFIX engine uses the header files of Linux (socket.h, etc) rather than windows. So it gave me an error.
Please can you suggest me a solution?
I use Visual Studio Express 2010 with Qt. You will need to build Qt with it. When you configure make sure to specify Visual Studio 2010 as the make spec.Last time I built it got hung up on a couple of projects. To get around this you need to clear out some temporary files that Nokia packaged in the installer for some reason. Just google the error for details.
Once you have Qt built you ought to be able to qmake -tp vc your project and then load up the generated Visual Studio project file.
On Vista Ultimate (No SP), I installed Qt Creator 1.3 from Nokia, using the Windows Binary installer. When I tried running it, I got a side-by-side error saying:
"The Application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log for more detail."
The Event Viewer Logs showed:
"Activation context generation failed for "C:\Qt\qtcreator-1.3.0\bin\qtcreator.exe". Dependent Assembly Microsoft.VC90.CRT,processorArchitecture="x86",publicKeyToken="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b",type="win32",version="9.0.21022.8" could not be found. Please use sxstrace.exe for detailed diagnosis."
Running and sxstrace gave me a log file. I've uploaded the contents at http://cl1p.net/sxstrace/
I've figured it has something to do with different versions of DLLs and the Sxstrace system, and VC90.crt, but I don't know what to do. If it helps, the only other development tool I have installed on my PC is Dev-C++ (and MingW). I have had Visual Studio installed in the past, but its been uninstalled since. Other apps with VC90.crt manifests, like Limewire and Digsby are running fine. Help please?
Try installing the Visual C++ 2008 Redistribuable Package or Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistribuable Package.