How to get test agent's state and queue length - automated-tests

does a codedui tests agent exposes an api to get information
about it's status in real time?
if so where can i find details about it and purhapse code examples?
i've found a way to get some information on test agent via command line (link in the comment section),
still would love to know id there's an api to enable other types or actions, specifically restarting the agent

Looks like there is a lot of functionality to be accessed through TestAgentConfig.exe. I found an MSDN blog post that goes into some details on the feature.
Specifically, to start or stop the agent: "Start/Stop service - sc \machinename stop vsttagent ; sc \machinename start vsttcontroller. If the agent and controller are in different domain, you can use IP instead of machine name."


How do you "restart" receiving Firebase Alerts on short code 44398

I often use Firebase phone auth in my applications. I have one user who religiously sends "STOP" to all text messages. Big oops. Now she can not login to any application using the system...
Short code phone # = 44398
If the user types "STOP" to that short code, the system responds with:
Firebase: You are opted out and will receive no further messages. For
HELP, reply HELP. Msg & Data rates may apply
Type "HELP", the response is:
Firebase: For more info: -
Msg&Data rates may apply.
My question. How do you "RESTART" the service? The Firebase support page offers no help here.
I've tried "GO", "RESTART", "UNSTOP". All of those fail.
Here's a posting on how Twilio addresses the topic. Twilio uses START, YES and UNSTOP to restart a service (on long code source). Each of those fail here.
Twilio also provides a link to standards for short code expressions., but I'm not seeing anything on restarting a service.
Here is a screen shot (of my phone):

Artifactory Users Management not loading

I'm trying to open the Artifactory Users Management page, following the Admin->Security->Users tab.
Then I'm getting the following error:
Any idea of what might be causing it? Also, which log I can check this? Couldn't find anything yet.
The server error generally indicates there is problem fetching the user details from Artifactory. This can happen due to any of the following reasons:
when you have a high volume of users and the request is timing out.
There is a chance that you might have created a username with a
special character which is not allowed (using the REST method or some
other method)
There is an issue with the backend database
And the best place to troubleshoot is to first check the request log a good valid entry looks like below:
Next check the artifactory.log file for java stack or check catalina.out under tomcat/logs directory.

Spring-boot, how to curl or create rest endpoint for sentry DSN

I am using spring-boot-1.4.0. In my project i am using sentry for logging, sometimes log events are not reflected in sentry.While browsing google about this issue i saw something called "Raven-Sentry" but it was written using Python. Is there any Raven-sentry available for spring-boot.I am using following Raven-callback but still I am unsure how to curl or create a rest endpoint which would let me know the status of sentry whether it is up or down. Please let me know for any more details even i am ready to provide a code samples if needed.
Your help should be appreciable.
As per Brett comments I have updated my question by providing Python Sentry connection test link:
In the above link they are running the test to find out connection to sentry is successful or not. Similarly i want to check the connection to sentry is successful or not via spring-boot.Also i would like to add sentry status to health check, so that when ever my logging events are not reflected in sentry, immediately i will flip the health of sentry to down.

how can i monitor iccube server and data via an external tool

I'd like to put iccube under solid monitoring so that we know when a) cube load failure or b) cube last update time exceeded the expected.
is there an api i can use to integrate with standard monitoring tools?rest, command-line etc ...
thanks in advance, assaf
Regarding the schema load failure you can check the notification service (www); you can for example receive an eMail on failure. Note that you can implement (JAVA) your own transport service to receive notifications. There is no "notification" for last update time exceeded but if you could use an external LOAD command (www) for loading your schema; in that case you will know the last update time and perform whatever logic required.
Edit: XMLA commands can be sent via any tools (e.g., Bash).
Hope that helps.

how to use the example of scrapy-redis

I have read the example of scrapy-redis but still don't quite understand how to use it.
I have run the spider named dmoz and it works well. But when I start another spider named mycrawler_redis it just got nothing.
Besides I'm quite confused about how the request queue is set. I didn't find any piece of code in the example-project which illustrate the request queue setting.
And if the spiders on different machines want to share the same request queue, how can I get it done? It seems that I should firstly make the slave machine connect to the master machine's redis, but I'm not sure which part to put the relative code in,in the or I just type it in the command line?
I'm quite new to scrapy-redis and any help would be appreciated !
If the example spider is working and your custom one isn't, there must be something that you have done wrong. Update your question with the code, including all relevant parts, so we can see what went wrong.
Besides I'm quite confused about how the request queue is set. I
didn't find any piece of code in the example-project which illustrate
the request queue setting.
As far as your spider is concerned, this is done by appropriate project settings, for example if you want FIFO:
# Enables scheduling storing requests queue in redis.
SCHEDULER = "scrapy_redis.scheduler.Scheduler"
# Don't cleanup redis queues, allows to pause/resume crawls.
# Schedule requests using a queue (FIFO).
SCHEDULER_QUEUE_CLASS = 'scrapy_redis.queue.SpiderQueue'
As far as the implementation goes, queuing is done via RedisSpider which you must inherit from your spider. You can find the code for enqueuing requests here:
As for the connection, you don't need to manually connect to the redis machine, you just specify the host and port information in the settings:
REDIS_HOST = 'localhost'
And the connection is configured in the Ä‹
The example of usage can be found in several places:
