clearing the symfony cache doesn't work - symfony

I want to clear the cache, but I got an error that file is not writable, so I choose to delete cache folder manually, but that too doesn't work.
I have all permissions to delete files but I didn't understand what's the problem.

may be ACL can help you, try this:
sudo chmod -R 777 app/cache
sudo setfacl -dR -m u::rwX app/cache

Symfony2 doc has clear instructions how to setup your cache in proper way "Setting up Permissions"


Symfony 4 file permissions of var directory change every time

I am setting up a new server and installed Ubuntu 18.04 in combination with Apache2. My project is stored in /var/www/project. In apache2.conf I added
<Directory /var/www/project/>
AllowOverride All
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from All
In my virtualhosts file I point to /var/www/project/public
When I go to the Ip address of my server I see my project and everything works, except one thing:
whenever I clear the cache with php bin/console cache:clear the permissions of my directory var are messed up which results in errors in the production environment.
I can fix this with:
chmod -R 777 var/
But the problem returns wheneven I clear the cache again. I tried with different users including root, but always the same problem. I do not understand what is causing this. In the documentation on file permissions it says:
In Symfony 3.x, you needed to do some extra work to make sure that your cache directory was writable. But that is no longer true! In Symfony 4, everything works automatically
Well not for me, but what could cause the problem?
The problem
The cache directory is owned by the user executing the cache:clear command.
Lets say your project files are owned by www-data.
Clearing the cache with root user
Cache is owned by root
www-data can't write in cache directory
execute cache:clear using the user owning the files.
Login as www-data: su www-data -s /bin/bash
clear the cache ./bin/console cache:clear
Depending on your settings, your www-data user may be different
The solution that worked for me (using Symfony 3.x and Ubuntu 18.04) is the one explained in the official site, here:
Maybe that solution work also with Symfony 4?
3. Using ACL on a System that Supports setfacl (Linux/BSD)
Most Linux and BSD distributions don't support chmod +a, but do
support another utility called setfacl. You may need to install
setfacl and enable ACL support on your disk partition before using it.
Then, use the following script to determine your web server user and
grant the needed permissions:
HTTPDUSER=$(ps axo user,comm | grep -E
'[a]pache|[h]ttpd|[_]www|[w]ww-data|[n]ginx' | grep -v root | head -1
| cut -d\ -f1)
sudo setfacl -dR -m u:"$HTTPDUSER":rwX -m u:$(whoami):rwX var
sudo setfacl -R -m u:"$HTTPDUSER":rwX -m u:$(whoami):rwX var
The first setfacl command sets permissions for future files and
folders, while the second one sets permissions on the existing files
and folders. Both of these commands assign permissions for the system
user and the Apache user.
setfacl isn't available on NFS mount points. However, storing cache
and logs over NFS is strongly discouraged for performance reasons.
Personal hint:
sudo apt-get install setfacl may says "unable to find setfacl".
If so:
check if setfacl is present: setfacl -h
setfacl is part of the acl package, so install acl if missed
It took me quite a while to solve the problem in Symfony 4.4 that only was present in PROD but not in DEV. I still don't know what difference between PROD and DEV caused it, however. At least it's working now.
If ACL is present, the first solution in should work. I just manually set the HTTPDUSER since the given code returned the wrong one. Else, setting the permissions after every single cache:clear should do the job, too:
sudo chown -R "$local_user":"$webserver_group" "$app_dir/var/"
sudo chmod -R 0777 "$app_dir/var/"
Maybe you have to manually delete old files in var/ bevore first by rm -rf var/*

Giving a default permission for cache folder

The problem is when I clear caches in my Symfony project on production environment, I should type this command for giving right permissions to cache folder:
cd app/cache
sudo chmod -R a+w *
But is there any way to not typing these commands each time?
try this
sudo setfacl -dR -m u::rwX app/cache

Symfony command cache:clear make certain permissions to be lost

I am using Symfony 2.0.12 in a Mac Os X Lion (10.7.4).
For some reason, every time I clear cache (php app/console cache:clear), the permissions of cache/* folder are lost.
The result is that I try to enter my application and it start to give me a bounch of errors like "unable to write in app/cache/dev/XXX folder".
So there starts a "fight" against the machine. No sooner I give permissions for that folder, quickly I get an error message for the next YYY folder. And that happens during about 8 or 9 folders until it's me the winner and everything apparently starts to works normally again.
Did anyone pass through this? How can I manage to conserve the permissions when clearing the cache?
in the documentation there are some alternative commands on how to set up the permissions. but i dunno if they work for mac. Check the Setting up Permissions box.
on my ubuntu system the following commands made the permissions permanent
sudo setfacl -R -m u:www-data:rwx -m u:`whoami`:rwx app/cache app/logs
sudo setfacl -dR -m u:www-data:rwx -m u:`whoami`:rwx app/cache app/logs
making the webserver run as your user is not a good idea in my opinion because the webserver should not have access to your personal files and so on...
If you're running the commands as a different user than the php process that create the cache files then this will happen. You'll either have to run the commands as the web server user, make the web server run as your user, or chown/chmod the app/cache app/logs directories after you run commands.

I can't reinstall symfony2

I am using symfony2 standard version, on linux mint 12.
I created a symfony2 project 2 days and everything went well, i installed a wrong bundle and messed up the project so i decided to delete the Symfony folder, and reinstall symfony.
And now, if i do php app/check.php i get the timezone error, although my timezone is set correctly, and the configuration page looks like this
i tried
rm -rf app/cache/*
rm -rf app/logs/*
and i tried
chmod -R 777 app/cache app/logs
could not fix it
php bin/vendors install --reinstall fixed the issue (Hakan Deryal thank you sir). However, I found out that if you rename the Symfony folder to symfony or any other name, you'll get the error, or everything goes normal but when you press Configure your Symfony Application online you'll get this error
Server error
The website encountered an error while retrieving http://localhost/mysite/web/app_dev.php/_configurator/. It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.
Here are some suggestions:
Reload this webpage later.
HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): An unexpected condition was encountered while the server was attempting to fulfill the request.
So my next question is how to change of the symfony2 project , say you have 2 symfony2 project on localhost, they can't have the same name
Hi some time just clearing cache is not enough.
Event I came across the same type of problem, after clearing the cache, try to rebuild it.
commands are:
$ sudo php app/console cache:clear
$ sudo php app/console cache:warmup
$ sudo chmod 777 -R app/cache app/logs
The best way to set permission is to use ACLs:
sudo setfacl -R -m u:www-data:rwx -m u:`whoami`:rwx app/cache app/logs
sudo setfacl -dR -m u:www-data:rwx -m u:`whoami`:rwx app/cache app/logs
You could also try a chown www-data app/logs
Symfony reinstall at this point is not very relevant

How to resolve /var/www copy/write permission denied?

I am a newbie in php, mysql. I have written a hello.php script, which I am trying to copy into /var/www directory (and will later want to open it through web browser). The problem with the same is that I am not allowed to save/write any files in /var/www despite me being the root. I tried implementing steps in this question, but I get the following error when I process the third line
find /var/www/ -type f -exec chmod g+w '{}' ';'
chmod: changing permissions of `/var/www/index.html': Operation not permitted
I know symlink is also an option. I would want to be able to write/copy files directly to /var/www/ directory.
Any suggestions on what is going wrong?
it'matter of *unix permissions, gain root acces, for example by typing
sudo su
[then type your password]
and try to do what you have to do
Do you have a file in /var/www called hello.php already that has permissions on it? Maybe the system can't replace the file?
Although, root access should supersede any user on the system.
Have you tried applying permissions to the www folder?
If you can do this, try the following:
sudo chmod -R 777 /var/www
then do:
sudo cp hello.php /var/www
I only recommend doing this if you know 100% that it is ok to set permissions on the whole www folder. By the sounds of it, you are running on your own production server as most live/shared hosting servers are setup so that the www folder is not in the /var folder (instead it is in the home folder of the user).
Be VERY careful when doing anything with the sudo prefix though, you can seriously damage your system if you do it wrong.
Are you in a development environment ? If Yes, You can do
chown -R user:group /var/www
so you will be able to write with your user.
Execute the following command
sudo setfacl -R -m u:<user_name>:rwx /var/www
It will change the permissions of html directory so that you can upload, download and delete the files or directories
Encountered a similar problem today. Did not see my fix listed here, so I thought I'd share.
Root could not erase a file.
I did my research. Turns out there's something called an immutable bit.
# lsattr /path/file
----i-------- /path/file
This bit being configured prevents even root from modifying/removing it.
To remove this I did:
# chattr -i /path/file
After that I could rm the file.
In reverse, it's a neat trick to know if you have something you want to keep from being gone.
sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /var/www
First off, this has nothing to do with php. This is a unix permission issue. You need to login as a superuser ( sudo/su ) and type your password, then try that command.
$ su
(type password )
\# your command
$ sudo command
$ (type password)
It might also help if you actually specified the operating system you use.
sudo cp hello.php /var/www/
What output do you get?
If none of the above works, you might be dealing with a vfat filesystem. Use "df" to check.
See for more details.
First of all, you need to login as root and than go to /etc directory and execute some commands which are given below.
[root#localhost~]# cd /etc
[root#localhost /etc]# vi sudoers
and enter this line at the end
where kundan is the username and than save it. and then try to transfer the file and add sudo as a prefix to the command you want to execute:
sudo cp hello.txt /home/rahul/program/
where rahul is the second user in the same server.
You just have to write sudo instead of su.
Then just copy the PHP file to the var/www/ directory.
Then go to the browser, and write local host/test.php or whatever the .php filename is.
Enter the following command in the directory you want to modify the right:
for example the directory: /var/www/html
sudo setfacl -m g:username:rwx . #-> for file
sudo setfacl -d -m g:username: rwx . #-> for directory
This will solve the problem.
Replace username with your username.
The problem is a privilege issue navigate to the var/www/
right-click in it and select open as admin
then continue your work
