Will LinkedIn company updates be available to users who are not admins of the page? - linkedin

Our app involves users to sign up using LinkedIn and add company pages to measure engagements.Till now any user can add any company page even if he is not a admin of it.
After the new LinkedIn Developer updates, will company updates be available to users who are not admin of the company page?
If not, what will be solution to access the updates and measure the engagement on the updates?
Which partner program should we subscribe to get LinkedIn company updates?

I've chatted with a few people from LinkedIn and the answer is no. You will not be able to access the company resource without the particular auth'd LinkedIn Account having admin access that company page.
I unfortunately do not have an easy answer for you regarding the partner program, there are many.


Calendar App is blocked when users try to sync their calendar

Thank you in advance for your help!
We have a CRM system that allows users to sync their Calendars using the Calendar API. The application ID of the Calendar project is not associated with our GSuite organization and we have not been able to troubleshoot the account. The calendar application was created using a non-company email address through GSuite and we no longer have access to the application. Our company is approved by Google for the Restricted Scope after an audit by Leviathan.
We are trying to receive help from Google Support and submitted a ticket through https://support.google.com/googleone/contact/googleone_chat but are not getting anywhere and were told to come to Stackoverflow.
This is an access issue with the project being assigned to a non-organization user and we need to have the Calendar project moved to our existing GSuite organization with the help of the proper department.
There's a 2-step solution that we need assistance with. The first step is to ask for Google's help to identify which email the Calendar API project is part of. The second step is for Google to move the project to our GSuite Organization.
Our users are seeing this message when syncing their CRM Calendar
Our users are currently unable to sync their calendars. This is very important that our clients are able to sync their calendar without seeing an error.
Thank you,

Users can sign-up on our portal using linkedin but we are unable to access their linkedin ID. How do track the linkedin ID with email address?

We are a platform that facilitates companies to hire analytics talent on demand. We only allow users to login to our platform with their Linkedin IDs so that we can validate their profile details and score them. Currently, the Linkedin API doesnot give us even the Linkedin-id of the user to help us manually check the profile. How can we correct this?
Ask for the r_liteprofile and r_emailaddress scopes as part of the OAuth flow. Then make GET calls to https://api.linkedin.com/v2/me and https://api.linkedin.com/v2/emailAddress?q=members&projection=(elements*(handle~))
to gather this information. See the documentation for more details.
However, please read LinkedIn's API Terms of Use to ensure your application is an acceptable use case. Also, the profile data you can receive is quite limits, so it may not give you the fields you want.

Where to apply for a permission to access the LinkedIn r_fullprofile?

We lost access to some important user information with the upgrade to V2. We have read all the migration info and documentation posted. We would like to know where to apply for a permission to access the LinkedIn r_fullprofile?
PD: We have already sent an email to linkedin_support#cs.linkedin.com explaining some info about the company and how LinkedIn info is used:
"Our mobile app is a collection of mini social and professional networks that exist at physical locations. It is used in local venues, conferences and university classrooms. The ability gives our mutual users the ability to connect with people nearby with similar professional profiles. We use the vanity name to direct users to the public url page of other users. We strongly also encourage that our users signup using Linkedin and for those who don't have a Linkedin account to create one. We believe the integration add value to both of our companies."

Avoid login prompt for Company data with Consumer Partner?

We are trying to show the company updates done for our company on LinkedIn in the companies intranet. After visiting the developer site, we are able to create the token and pull the required information. The challenge is with the login prompt that would come up on the intranet home page. We want to avoid it.
This post mentions we need a token (that we have) and also user should be logged in to LinkedIn. So we guess it is a limitation.
However, the developer site mentions about 'partnership with Linkedin' and says if you become a consumer partner following is possible. It says you have higher functionality and thresholds.
"Create personalized and engaging user experiences for your audience by combining LinkedIn data and functionality into custom websites and mobile applications"
We tried reaching to Linked Developer Support with no response from them. Can anyone here confirm if we can Avoid login prompt for Company data with Consumer Partner?

How to fetch admin profile details of a company page using Company API - Linkedin

Is there a way to fetch Admin profile details/Company page owner details using Companies API?
or Vice-versa, to fetch Company Pages the user owns (Not his employers) using Profile API?
I read the documentation and could find a way for it, any help is highly appreciated.
According to the LinkedIn API docs (last example in the Overview section), you can get all the companies a use is an admin for with the following call:
