How to do center alignment in multirow in Lyx - lyx

I have problem with center alignment in Lyx. You can see this on the screen.
Is it possible to fix it somehow in the Lyx where I have only limited options to edit code?
Thank you

Merge all of the cells (0,3) to (0,6), I'm using LyX version 2.1.3.
To merge all of the cells you'll need to delete the text, unmerge, then re-merge and add the text back in.


How to decrease Qt Creator upper left menu options text size?

As you can see in the images I provided, the upper left menu options text is huge. I don't know why this is, I think I updated Qt and then suddenly it looked like this the next time I ran it. I have tried to search for solutions for how to get regular size back but I find pretty much only things related to code font size. Does anyone know how I can get back the original, much smaller and easy-on-the eyes text size?
This is a bug in QtCreator 9.0.0. It will be fixed in version 9.0.1. which will hopefully come out soon. If you do not want to wait, you can download and install some snapshot of QtCreator 9.0.1. here See also for some other workarounds.

Inline preview overlays on top of the Markdown document in RStudio

I'm using RMarkdown on a new installation with RStudio. I'm finding that the inline preview is taking up the top two thirds of the text editor for my rmarkdown file. It's appearing, in addition to showing up inline below each paragraph, on top of the paragraphs.
It makes it hard to code or see any of the other work that I'm doing. The preview is fixed to the top of the screen and it stays there even when I scroll up and down in the document.
I can get rid of the inline preview by clicking clear all output.
I think this is probably a bug, but maybe not. I tried restarting RStudio and the issue persists.
If you go to Tools -> Global Options, a window will pop up. Select "R Markdown" on the left and you should see something like the below:
Half-way through, make sure "Show output inline for all R Markdown documents" is unchecked.

Vertically center text near an image in a QLabel

I am attempting to get a QLabel display an image and some text centered vertically with that image.
I can't figure out how to do this.
Most sources I've found on the internet suggest using the following code:
ui->label->setText("<img src='c:/images.jpg' style='vertical-align:middle;'> Hello");
However what I get is this.
The bottom line of the text is centered near the image, but what I like to have is the middle line of the text to be centered (like so: made in ms paint). Sounds like a pretty common task yet I wasn't able to find any answer.
How can I achieve this?
I tried to run it in my QtCreator and it work fine. So, for start, you can try the following:
Check the picture size. Open it in or something like that. Perhaps the top image is an empty area of ​​the invisible. Those, the actual size of the image looks like an elongated rectangle, in which the visible part is on the bottom. Try other image.
Try to change the format jpg to png. I had problems with displaying images in jpg format, so I always try to use the png.
Problems with styles. Qt may work incorrect with css style, because it not part of the Qt. I tested in version Qt 5.4.0. If you have an older, may be its time to update it.

Automatic double quotes,parenthesis etc. with Brackets editor

I'm using the "Brackets" from Adobe as my main web design code editor. The problem i have is when i want to type two quotes or parentheses etc. In sublime for example i just have to press only the left parentheses and it will automatically type the right one for me and put the cursor in the middle.
But in "Brackets" i have to type the left and the right and then manually with my arrow keys put the cursor in the middle. I have installed lots of extensions but with no luck. Is there any solution for this? Thanks.
Check off Edit > Auto Close Braces in the menu.

How to auto wrap the runtime output of R in TextMate R Bundle?

I would like to see the output be auto wrapped, otherwise long comments would exceed the line width and result in extra horizontal scroll bar in the runtime output window.
I know I can achieve that in the official R GUI, but in the TextMate Bundle I don't know how to do it.
There is a View/SoftWrap option. Is that what you are seeking?
