SignalR in WCF service to update web site clients -

Using SignalR, is it possible to update website clients from my WCF service if the service is not used by these clients directly?
I have a desktop application in .NET which has WCF service used internally using net.TCP protocol. This application changes one of the status fields in database table depending on certain user actions. I want to notify this change to end users who are accessing a different website hosted on the same web server.
I have tried one SignalR sample where notification works fine if it is sent from same website's host to its own client (stock ticker sample). But in my case, the message should go from WCF service to a website client.

IMO you should do an intermediate hop, for example having your website exposing an endpoint (you pick the technology) where you can post whenever you have a change to notify. Your WCF service would post there whenever there's a change, and the web app would process the post by broadcasting info to the target clients (can be all, or can be just some you filter with some logic behind the post). I use this pattern quite frequently, implementing it with HTTP POST. You would have no issues to implement the SignalR infrastructure in the web app, which is where your clients already connect to.


How to make Secure service to service calls between ASP.Net website and agent

I have a ASP.Net WebAPI service that is used by my AngularJS front end and I am making use of Owin and bearer token.
Now there is a need that we need to install an agent on the few of the client machines (developed in .Net core mostly) that is able to connect to our application and make similar calls. I can create a separate controller for this need, but want to host it in the same website.
How can I create a secure connection between this agent and the ASP.Net server hosted on Azure?
Currently I am looking at generating a Token during the agent installation based on the client MAC address and giving it with each call, but I am checking if there are any better way to address this need.
Any help in this direction is welcome.
It seems that you’d like to enable only valid “agents” that installed on the client machines to communicate with your server, if that is the case, Azure AD provides Native Application to Web API authentication scenario (a native application that runs on a phone, tablet, or PC needs to authenticate a user to get resources from a web API that is secured by Azure AD), you could refer to it.

writing a stateless .net web api to work with a node web server

We currently have a node web server that does authentication of users including oauth2 to google and facebook. We would like for it to handle the serving of web pages while a stateless .NET web api handles the serving of the actual data (which is all requested asynchronously). My question is how to handle authentication to the web api?
I mean should the client even authenticate to the api (and if so how do we do the pass through authentication so that it is authenticated to both once authenticating against the web server) or should the web server authenticate the user and then just forward all api requests to the api along with a user id? What is the standard scheme used for this?
Thanks in advance.
This answer is late, but I'll post my thoughts for the heck of it. I would place a dummy api in your node app, just a simple pass-through for everything that is in your data api (the .net one). Then I'd lock down the data api so only your node server can talk to it. The short answer is that any api that you expose to the internet has to be locked down. If you do the above, you don't have to expose your data api to the internet. You get the added benefit of not having to deal with CORS - you can have a simple /api folder hanging off of your domain. You can also use this pass-through api to aggregate calls to multiple business apis if your solution ever grows. It's a very scalable architecture.
If you don't want to do the above, then you'll need to either place the data api on the same domain as the other site, or setup CORS so javascript/AJAX from one can call into the other. Once your data api can see cookies written by the other site, you'll need to authenticate them, probably very manually, in your .net api, since .net didn't write the auth cookie - node did.

Can IIS hosted WCF services perform background tasks?

I know that probably this question would be asked to many times but...
The wcf services hosted on iis7 in an asp. Net Web site can do things automatically? Like post a message to a pre-configured wall on Facebook given the permission to the application in a pre scheduled time?
For this to happen a client must send a request or it can do it alone?
The lifetime of a WCF service is typically determined by requests from a client i.e. if there is no client making requests then there is no service running.
Possible solutions:
Create a custom WCF ServiceHost, override the OnStart OnStop methods and create a background task.
Create an ASP.NET background task (external to WCF), which you can do with a library such as WebBackgrounder
Use the Windows Task Scheduler to trigger a task which polls your WCF service periodically which can then post outstanding messages to Facebook.

WCF service singleton with callback and hosted on IIS?

I have a WCF service hosted at IIS7 web application. It's created by a WebServiceHostFactory. The client connects to a service calls the Collect method, and data are stored to DB. All working fine.
Now I would like to refresh page every time the new data are "collected" (i.e. the service method Collect is called).
My question is: What is the best approach ?
I was considering the CallbackContract, but this would require a singleton pattern (service is now PerCall), or is it a wrong assumption ? Is this approach possible ?
My logic is:
ASP.NET page subscribes to WCF service
the service singleton is created from now on
when method is called the services calls subscribers (clients)
there should be therefore only one service instance in order to subscription to work (or is it ?)
the client page refreshes itself
You can't refresh the page in a user's browser from the sever. Browsers use HTTP, which is a request-response protocol, so if the browser hasn't issued a request, it won't be looking for a response from your server.
If you have a Silverlight application hosted in a browser, that's a different story, but you didn't mention Silverlight anywhere. You would also be able to do what you're asking using WebSockets in HTML5, but that's not fully standardized yet.

Integrating Instant Messaging into an ASP.NET application

I was thinking about integrating some instant messaging function into an existing ASP.NET web application, e.g:
the web application can display the online-status of users (are they currently logged in with their IM client)
users can send messages from the web application to the IM client of other users
users can initiate a IM chat from the web application (without having to know the other user's IM identification beforehand)
Does anyone know about some existing libraries, sample applications or other resources that might help implementing such a feature?
Thanks a lot for sharing your knowledge.
You should try Jabber. Demo client avaiable here.
There is an architectural overview, the main concept looks like this:
And some citation from the site:
1. Goal
Create an multi-service instant messaging AJAX-based web application with internal accounting.
2. Main problem
We need to connect to IM servers from HTTP client (browser).
HTTP is a stateless protocol. This means that, theoretically, each HTTP request is being proccessed by separate http daemon proccess.
Once request proccessed (data sent to client), server fogets about client.
All IM services protocols are stateful.
When client connects to IM server, socket connection being created and connection much remain open for succesfull communication.
There's a list on the site.
You might want to look at the .net implementation of jabber:
