Meteor Iron Router does not get Current Path from Route - meteor

In a Template Helper I get the current path from Iron.Router (iron:router) as follows:
This works fine, unless the route path does contain parameters (e.g. /client/:_id/edit). In that case the path() function returns null.
How do I get the current path within a Template Helper, when the route contains parameters?
There are posts around covering the issue but the solution mentioned there seem not to fit.
I'm using Meteor 1.1.5 with iron:router1.0.7

According to this iron-router/issues/289 there are problems when the path contains parameters. The suggestion to use Iron.Location.get().path This works well for me.


Here API | MultiValueQueryParameter for Via Points

I'm using the latest version of the here javascript sdk
When I use H.service.Url.MultiValueQueryParameter for my via points like
via: new H.service.Url.MultiValueQueryParameter(['50.1234,8.7654', '51.2234,9.1123']);
I see in the URL params of my request this: &via=%5Bobject%20Object%5D
Someone an idea why this happens?
Thanks in advance!
When you use "via" parameter, you define a list of via waypoints. A via waypoint is not a native datatype recongnized by JavaScript, therefore, you will see in the URL params the word object refering to a particular data structure, in this case the via Waypoint composed mainly by Latitude, Longitude.
This took a while to figure out the actual issue with the malformed url params. I was dynamically loading the here maps service script on mount of a component. Accidentally this happened in some cases twice. In both cases H was globally available and everything worked like expected. BUT when the script was loaded twice H.service.Url.MultiValueQueryParameter didn't return the correct params. It basically encoded them twice, or tried to.
The other side issue was that is outdated and doesn't cover MultiValueQueryParameter. So I had to remove the types and use my own. Else I probably would have realized the issue earlier.

WP API Ignoring parameters

I have a function that loops through my products and creates some json files. Recently this function stopped working correctly.
I tracked it down to the fact the call to the WP API is ignoring the per_page parameter and always grabbing just the first 10.
$response = wp_remote_get($api_url . '/wp-json/wp/v2/products?per_page=50');
I have tried multiple parameters, like adding an offset, nothing works. It grabs the first 10 and that is it.
Has something changed? I tried Googling and I don't find anything relevant. The API documentation says this should work.
If I just put that url with the request in the browser address bar I get the 50.

How do I localize routes with next.js and next-i18next?

I need to change the name of the route when I change the language. For example, I have a route /en/career but when I change to Czech language, I need a route /cs/kariera. Basically I need the URLs to be localized. Right now, when I'm on /en/career and change language to cs, I get /cs/career. This page should not exist at all and when I render the page on server, I correctly get 404. Can I do something like this with next-i18next package? If so, how?
I found this package which probably does exactly what I need but it's apparently no longer maintained and doesn't work under next.js 8.
What I did eventually was to use next-routes package and defined specific route for every page, such as:
module.exports = routes()
.add('en-career-listing', '/en/career/:listing', 'career/listing')
.add('cs-career-listing', '/cs/kariera/:listing', 'career/listing')
.add('en-career', '/en/career', 'career')
.add('cs-career', '/cs/kariera', 'career')
.add('en-our-story', '/en/our-story', 'our-story')
.add('cs-our-story', '/cs/nas-pribeh', 'our-story')
And I also had to create a custom Link component based on next/link where I manually added the language to URL.
next-i18next supports this functionality, it called locale subpaths.
You need to configure: new NextI18Next({ localeSubpaths: 'foreign' }), and then use the Link & Router that NextI18Next instance has on it, not the next/router.

Using handlebars to filter specific products from a JSON object?

Kind of a weird and specific question but here I go.
I can currently pull all my products through YAML and through some really brute-force methods, I would be able to sort the product out by custom fields.
I have a multiple choice wizard the user has to fill and in the end, I get an object that looks something like this:
stoneType: ['Granite', 'Quartz', 'Glass'],
stoneFinish: ['Polished', 'Honed'],
stoneConcern: ['Floor Care'],
labels: ['Daily Cleaning', 'Stain Removal']
I can't (or at least I don't know how) to get this data into my HTML to use the data stored in my YAML code and render the specific products.
I believe I can solve this issue if I were able to pass the array of products into javascript using some sort of handlebars helper(?) but Bigcommerce doesn't allow for custom helper functions.
I read online that you can bypass this by installing handlebars but that is not working for me.
When I installed handlebars through NPM, I get this error:
GET http://localhost:3000/stencil/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001/dist/theme-bundle.main.js 404 (Not Found)
Is there a way for me to get custom helper functions working or another possible idea to sort & filter the products?
Thank you, appreciate the help.
EDIT: I have also tried manually downloading Handlebars.js including the file but I get the error Handlebars is not defined. I must be doing something wrong...

Meteor's Iron.Router adding an extra "/" to route names and not allowing home route

I am having a problem getting iron-router to correctly store and access routes. It appears that Iron.Router is adding an extra slash (/) before the route names, not ignoring case for template names, and not creating a default route.
I am adding Iron.Router to a simple testing app I have that I have split up for separate pages, but I cannot get any page to work as documented either with the map() or route() functions. I have spent hours trying options and searching and I seem to be the only one who ever had this problem. So I set up a minimum project to test. I created a new meteor project, removed the files, then copied basic.js and basic.html from All this example does is show three pages when you click between them. I then…
vagrant#precise32:/vagrant/test$ meteor add iron:router
vagrant#precise32:/vagrant/test$ meteor update
This project is already at Meteor, the latest release.
Your packages are at their latest compatible versions.
vagrant#precise32:/vagrant/test$ npm version
{ http_parser: '1.0',
node: '0.10.32',
v8: '',
ares: '1.9.0-DEV',
uv: '0.10.28',
zlib: '1.2.3',
modules: '11',
openssl: '1.0.1i',
npm: '2.1.2' }
vagrant#precise32:/vagrant/test$ ls
basic.html basic.js.
vagrant#precise32:/vagrant/test$ meteor
It started successfully, but threw a JS error on in Chrome (or FF). Exception from Tracker recompute function: Error: Couldn't find a template named "/" or "". Are you sure you defined it? Well yes, I did. Giving the route a blank name generates no error and no home page. So next I tried adding “/one” on the URL. I then get the JS error Error: Oh no! No route found for path: "/one". Next I changed the parameter in my route() call from “/one” to “one” and got this error: Error: Couldn't find a template named “one” or “one”. Are you sure you defined it? I then tried adding explicit code for route “one”: “function() { this.render(“Home”)} to reference the template “Home” using the same case. I got the exact same error message as without the explicit code. The only way I could get page one to display was to changed the name from “One” to “one” in the HTML. I couldn't get the default page to display at all.
When poking around (using Chrome’s console) in some internal variables, I found Router.routes, which has this highly suspicious content:
>Router.routes.forEach( function(v) {"name = '%s', originalPath = '%s', re = '%s'",,v.originalPath,})
2014-10-04 16:10:07.756 name = '/', originalPath = '//', re = '/^//?$/i'
2014-10-04 16:10:07.757 name = '/one', originalPath = '//one', re = '/^//one/?$/i'
2014-10-04 16:10:07.758 name = '/two', originalPath = '//two', re = '/^//two/?$/i'
(If I name the path "one", then the route will show 'one' as the name, and '/one' as the originalPath.
Details: This is a brand new folder with only these two files in it (and the hidden .meteor folder). The only package added was “iron:router”. I did a meteor update just before my last round of testing (one hour ago). I have set no environment variables. I have the latest version of Chrome & FireFox. I am using VirtualBox via Vagrant from Window 8 with 12G memory. Every other Meteor project I’ve done so far works, (well except for some trying to use jQuery).
If this was a bug in Iron:router, someone else would have noticed, but there are no more settings I can find anywhere that could be adding or subtracting the extra “/” in Iron-Router. Anyone have any ideas of what I need to look for for making a vanilla Iron-Router work with a vanilla Meteor project on my machine?
You are really out of luck because your problem is very simple : you are running examples which are intended to work with the LATEST iron:router#1.0.0-pre3, but your iron:router version is most likely 0.9.4.
Try this :
meteor remove iron:router
meteor add iron:router#1.0.0-pre3
If you want a little more insight, routes used to be declared with name first and path as an option, this is now the contrary.
