Regex is not working for particular string -

I have to find these string using regex:-
(APP12345-85) - not working for this one
(APP12345) - not working for this one
the original text is like this
.......some text 123 (APP12345-85) some text...............
My code is:-
Regex rgx = new Regex(#"(APP|REG)[0-9]{5}[A-Z]{5}-[0-9]{2}", caseIgnore);
MatchCollection matches = rgx.Matches(#evalString);
if (matches.Count > 0)
Any help will be appreciated.

You can also match these entries with
Looks like the uppercase letters are optional, so setting to {0,5} looks safe.
And this regex does not check the beginning/end of the string/line.
See demo.
Here is a sample code for the updated example:
Regex rgx = new Regex(#"\((APP|REG)[0-9]{5}[A-Z]{0,5}(?:-[0-9]{2})?\)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
MatchCollection matches = rgx.Matches("(APP12345-85)");
if (matches.Count > 0)
Output of matches:


Javafx 8 replace text in textarea and maintain formatting

We are trying to replace misspelled words in the TextArea and when the word is at the end of a line of text and has a carriage return the process is failing other misspelled words are replace as expected
Example Text Well are we reddy for production the spell test is here
but I fear the dictionary is the limiting factor ?
Here is the carriage return test in the lin abov
Hypenated words test slow-motion and lets not forget the date
Just after the misspelled word abov we have a carriage return in the ArrayList the text looks like this
in, the, lin, abov
Because this misspelled word has no comma after it the replacement code also takes out the misspelled word Hypenated because the replacement code sees "abov & Hypenated" as being at the same Index
Result of running the replacement code
Here is the carriage return test in the lin above words test
If this line of code strArray = line.split(" ");
is changed to this strArray = line.split("\\s"); the issue goes away but so does the formatting in the TextArea all the carriage returns are deleted which is not a desired outcome
The question is how to deal with the formatting issue and still replace the misspelled words?
Side note this only happens when the misspelled word is at the end of a sentences for example the misspelled word "lin" will be replaced as desired
We have an excessive number of lines of code for this project so we are only posting the code that is causing the unsatisfactory results
We tried using just a String[ ] array with little or no success
private void onReplace(){
txtMessage.setText("No Replacement Word");
// Line Above Removes misspelled word from cboMisspelledWord
// ==========================================================
String line = txaDiaryEntry.getText();
strArray = line.split(" ");
List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(strArray));
for (int R = 0; R < list.size(); R++) {
theIndex = R;
System.out.println("## dex "+theIndex);//For testing
System.out.println("list "+list);//For testing
sb = new StringBuilder();
for (String addWord : list) {
sb.append(" ");
// Code above replaces misspelled word with correct spelling in TextArea
// =====================================================================
Don't use split. This way you loose the info about the content between the words. Instead create a Pattern matching words and make sure to also copy the substrings between matches. This way you don't loose any info there.
The following example replaces the replacement logic with simply looking for replacements in a Map for simplicity, but it should be sufficient to demonstrate the approach:
public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
TextArea textArea = new TextArea(
"Well are we reddy for production the spell test is here but I fear the dictionary is the limiting factor ?\n"
+ "\n" + "Here is the carriage return test in the lin abov\n" + "\n"
+ "Hypenated words test slow-motion and lets not forget the date");
Map<String, String> replacements = new HashMap<>();
replacements.put("lin", "line");
replacements.put("abov", "above");
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\S+"); // pattern matching words (=non-whitespace sequences in this case)
Button button = new Button("Replace");
button.setOnAction(evt -> {
String text = textArea.getText();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(text);
int lastEnd = 0;
while (matcher.find()) {
int startIndex = matcher.start();
if (startIndex > lastEnd) {
// add missing whitespace chars
sb.append(text.substring(lastEnd, startIndex));
// replace text, if necessary
String group =;
String result = replacements.get(group);
sb.append(result == null ? group : result);
lastEnd = matcher.end();
final Scene scene = new Scene(new VBox(textArea, button));

How to split string in C#

I have a string and I want to get this sub string. [ 10:30 to 11:30 ] .
I don't how to do it.
strong text
string a = "This is my string at -10:30 to 11:30-";
You need to use IndexOf and LastIndexOf to get the first and the last dash.
var firstDash = a.IndexOf("-");
var lastDash = a.LastIndexOf("-");
var timePeriod = a.Substring(firstDash + 1, lastDash - 1);
That should be it. Play with +1 and -1 in case I missed where the reading starts for the substring method.
You might also want to check for the result of firstDash and lastDash. If the value for any of them is -1 then the target string or character was not found.
You can get your desired string using Regex. Try below code to do that.
Regex example: Regex Test Link
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
public class Program
public static void Main()
string a = "This is my string at -10:30 to 11:30-";
string pat = #"[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}\sto\s[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}";
// Instantiate the regular expression object.
Regex r = new Regex(pat, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
// Match the regular expression pattern against a text string.
Match m = r.Match(a);
Let me give you the simplest code. The regex is same as the above.
String result = Regex.Match(a, "[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}\s*to\s*[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}").ToString();

How to use Unicode in Regex

I am writing one regex to find rows which matches the Unicode char in text file
!Regex.IsMatch(colCount.line, #"^"[\p{IsBasicLatin}\p{IsLatinExtended-A}\p{IsLatinExtended-B}]"+$")
below is the full code which I have written
var _fileName = #"C:\text.txt";
BadLinesLst = File
.ReadLines(_fileName, Encoding.UTF8)
.Select((line, index) =>
var count = line.Count(c => Delimiter == c) + 1;
if (NumberOfColumns < 0)
NumberOfColumns = count;
return new
line = line,
count = count,
index = index
.Where(colCount => colCount.count != NumberOfColumns || (Regex.IsMatch(colCount.line, #"[^\p{IsBasicLatin}\p{IsLatinExtended-A}\p{IsLatinExtended-B}]")))
.Select(colCount => colCount.line).ToList();
File contains below rows
264162-03,66,JITK,2007,12,874.000 ,0.000 ,0.000
6420œ50-00,67,JITK,2007,12,2292.000 ,0.000 ,0.000
4804¥75-00,67,JITK,2007,12,1810.000 ,0.000 ,0.000
If file of row contains any other char apart from BasicLatin or LatinExtended-A or LatinExtended-B then I need to get those rows.
The above Regex is not working properly, this is showing those rows as well which contains LatinExtended-A or B
You need to just put the Unicode category classes into a negated character class:
if (Regex.IsMatch(colCount.line,
{ /* Do sth here */ }
This regex will find partial matches (since the Regex.IsMatch finds pattern matches inside larger strings). The pattern will match any character other than the one in \p{IsBasicLatin}, \p{IsLatinExtended-A} and \p{IsLatinExtended-B} Unicode category sets.
You may also want to check the following code:
if (Regex.IsMatch(colCount.line,
{ /* Do sth here */ }
This will return true if the whole colCount.line string does not contain any character from the 3 Unicode category classes specified in the negated character class -or- if the string is empty (if you want to disallow fetching empty strings, replace * with + at the end).

How to get the last two sections of a URL

When the URL is: , I need: "product/Software.aspx",
So far I just tried the below code :
string[] SplitUrls = Request.RawURL.Split('/');
string CategorynQuery = SplitUrls[SplitUrls.Length - 2]
+ SplitUrls[SplitUrls.Length - 1];
However, is there some other way to do this using functions IndexOf(), LastIndexOf() etc.. or any other Function? Or any possibility using Substring method ?
Please note that the above URL is just an example, there are around 100 such URls and I need the Last 2 sections for each.
Try this, using the LastIndexOf, and Substring.
string str = "";
int lastIndexOfBackSlash = str.LastIndexOf('/');
int secondLastIndex = lastIndexOfBackSlash > 0 ? str.LastIndexOf('/', lastIndexOfBackSlash - 1) : -1;
string result = str.Substring(secondLastIndex, str.Length - secondLastIndex);
I am also checking the presence when getting the second last index - obviously you can alter this depending on your requirements :)
You can use Uri class:
Uri uri = new Uri("http://myUrl/%2E%2E/%2E%2E");
Not too efficient but a little more elegant:
string url = "";
var splitted = url.Split('/').Reverse().Take(2).Reverse().ToList();
var str = string.Format("{0}/{1}", splitted[0], splitted[1]);

Split the string of a row of datatable in

I am using I am trying to split the data which is in datatable. I have a code sample like this:
{ dt=objErrorLoggingDataAccess.GetErrorDetails(errorID);
string[] stringSeparators = new string[] { "Message" };
string error = dt.Rows[0]["Message"].ToString();
string[] test = error.Split(stringSeparators, StringSplitOptions.None);
string PageName = test[0].ToString();
PageNameLabel.Text = PageName;
stringSeparators=new string[] {HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.ToString()};
error = dt.Rows[0]["Message"].ToString();
test = error.Split(stringSeparators, StringSplitOptions.None);
string Message = test[0].ToString();
MessageLabel.Text = Message;}
in the datatable following data is there:
....1........http://localhost:10489/images/CategoryIcon/images Message : File does not exist. UserName:
....2........http://localhost:10489/images/CategoryIcon/images Message : File does not exist. UserName:}
My problem is: how can I split the Message and store in the label? I want
separately and UserName separately and the message separately. How can I do that? By executing the above code I am able to split
{ http://localhost:10489/images/CategoryIcon/images
only. How can I split the Message column and store in pageLabel, MessageLabel, UserNamelabel?
I would use a regular expression in this case. Because only by splitting this string looks a little bit to inflexible to me.
I tested your data example against this quick and dirty RegEx:
It supports valid URLs and EMail patterns.
Regex regex = new Regex(
| RegexOptions.CultureInvariant
| RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace
| RegexOptions.Compiled
// Capture the first Match, if any, in the InputText
Match m = regex.Match(InputText);
// Capture all Matches in the InputText
MatchCollection ms = regex.Matches(InputText);
// Test to see if there is a match in the InputText
bool IsMatch = regex.IsMatch(InputText);
// Get the names of all the named capture groups
// I included your fields as groups: id, url, message and username
string[] GroupNames = regex.GetGroupNames();
I don't know how often you need to call this code. Maybe you get in performance troubles if you have too much data. This regex is q&d - please adjust it to your needs.
