Changing X-axis values in Time Series plot with R - r

I'm a newer R user and I need help with a time series plot. I created a time series plot, and cannot figure out how to change my x-axis values to correspond to my sample dates. My data is as follows:
Year Month Level
2009 8 350
2009 9 210
2009 10 173
2009 11 166
2009 12 153
2010 1 141
2010 2 129
2010 3 124
2010 4 103
2010 5 69
2010 6 51
2010 7 49
2010 8 51
2010 9 51
Let's say this data is saved as the name "data.csv"
data = read.table("data.csv", sep = ",", header = T)
data.ts = ts(data, frequency = 1)
plot(dat.mission.ts[, 3], ylab = "level", main = "main", axes = T)
I've also tried inputing the start = c(2009, 8) into the ts function but I still get wrong values
When I plot this my x axis does not correlate to August 2009 through Sept. 2010. It will either increase by year or just by decimal. I've looked up many examples online and also through the ? help on R, but cannot find a way to relabel my axis values. Any help would be appreciated.

Using base coding, you can accomplish this in a few steps. As described in this SO answer, you can identify your "Month" and "Year" data as a date if you use as.Date and paste functions together and incorporate a day (i.e., first day of the month; "1"). For the purposes of this answer, I will simply refer to the data you provided as df:
Year Month Level date
1 2009 8 350 2009-08-01
2 2009 9 210 2009-09-01
3 2009 10 173 2009-10-01
4 2009 11 166 2009-11-01
5 2009 12 153 2009-12-01
6 2010 1 141 2010-01-01
7 2010 2 129 2010-02-01
8 2010 3 124 2010-03-01
9 2010 4 103 2010-04-01
10 2010 5 69 2010-05-01
11 2010 6 51 2010-06-01
12 2010 7 49 2010-07-01
13 2010 8 51 2010-08-01
14 2010 9 51 2010-09-01
Then you can use your basic plot, axis, and mtext functions to control how you want to visualize the data and your axes. For instance:
xmin<-min(df$date,na.rm=T);xmax<-max(df$date,na.rm=T) #ESTABLISH X-VALUES (MIN & MAX)
ymin<-min(df$Level,na.rm=T);ymax<-max(df$Level,na.rm=T) #ESTABLISH Y-VALUES (MIN & MAX)
yseq<-round(seq(0,ymax,by=50),0) # CREATE SEQUENCE FROM 0-350 BY 50
par(mar=c(1,1,0,0),oma=c(6,5,3,2)) #CONTROLS YOUR IMAGE MARGINS
plot(Level~date,data=df,type='b',ylim=c(0,ymax),axes=F,xlab='',ylab='');box() #PLOT LEVEL AS A FUNCTION OF DATE, REMOVE AXES FOR FUTURE CUSTOMIZATION
axis.Date(side=1,at=xseq,format='%Y-%m',labels=T,las=3) #ADD X-AXIS LABELS WITH "YEAR-MONTH" FORMAT
axis(side=2,at=yseq,las=2) #ADD Y-AXIS LABELS
mtext('Date (Year-Month)',side=1,line=5) #X-AXIS LABEL
mtext('Level',side=2,line=4) #Y-AXIS LABEL

as.POSIXct("2010/09/01",format="%Y/%m/%d"),by="1 month"),
scale_x_datetime(labels = date_format("%Y/%m"),breaks = "1 month")+
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1,vjust=0.3))

Example using xts package:
ts1 <- xts(data$Level, as.POSIXct(sprintf("%d-%d-01", data$Year, data$Month)))
# or ts1 <- xts(data$Level, as.yearmon(data$Year + (data$Month-1)/12))
If you are using ggplot2:


Stacked Bar Graph of Count of Variables within date bins

Using R, I am trying to make a simple stacked bar graph of the counts of different settlement types by date. I have 3 ways of accounting for date. Below is an example of my database
ID Settlement Start End Mid
01 Urban 200 400 300
02 Rural 450 850 650
03 Military 1300 1400 1350
04 Castle 2 1000 501
so far I have
count(ratData, vars = "Settlement")
which returns
Settlement freq
1 78
2 Castle 25
3 Cave 3
4 Fortification 5
5 Hill Fort 2
6 Industrial (quarry) 1
7 Manor 2
8 Military 4
9 Military camp 1
10 Military Camp 3
11 Military site 1
12 Mining 1
13 Monastic 15
14 Monastic/Rural? 1
15 Port 5
16 River-site 2
17 Roman fort 1
18 Roman Fort 1
19 Roman settlement 3
20 Rural 22
21 Settlement 2
22 urban 1
23 Urban 123
24 Villa 4
25 Wic 13
Then to plot
ggplot(v, aes(x=Settlement, y=freq)) + geom_bar(stat='identity', fill='lightblue', color='black')
This however shows settlement type on the x axis instead of stacking the settlement types. This is missing date data. I would like to bin them into 100 year bins from 1-1500 and make a stacked bar graph of settlement types per bin to illustrate presence over time.
This should do the trick. The cut function is very useful in situations like this where you need to create a categorical variable based on some range of a continuous variable. I've gone the Tidyverse route but there are base R options as well.
# Some dummy data that resembles your problem
s <- data.frame(ID = 1:100,
Settlement = c(rep('Urban', 50), rep('Rural', 20), rep('Military', 10), rep('Castle', 20)),
Start = signif(rnorm(100, 500, 100), 2),
End = signif(rnorm(100, 1000, 100), 2))
s$Mid <- s$Start + ((s$End - s$Start) / 2)
# Find the range of the mid variable to decide on cut locations
r <- range(s$Mid)
# Make a new factor variable based year bins - you will need to change to match your actual data
s$group <- cut(s$Mid, 5, labels = c('575-640', '641-705', '706-770', '771-835', '836-900'))
# Frequency count per factor level
grouped <- s %>%
group_by(group) %>%
# You'll need to clean up axis labels, etc.
ggplot(grouped, aes(x = group, y = n, fill = Settlement)) +
geom_bar(stat = 'identity')

Testing whether n% of data values exist in a variable grouped by posix date

I have a data frame that has hourly observational climate data over multiple years, I have included a dummy data frame below that will hopefully illustrate my QU.
dateTime <- seq(as.POSIXct("2012-01-01"),
WS <- sample(0:20,8761,rep=TRUE)
WD <- sample(0:390,8761,rep=TRUE)
Temp <- sample(0:40,8761,rep=TRUE)
df <- data.frame(dateTime,WS,WD,Temp)
df$WS[WS>15] <- NA
I need to group by year (or in this example, by month) to find if df$WS has 75% or more of valid data for that month. My filtering criteria is NA as 0 is still a valid observation. I have real NAs as it is observational climate data.
I have tried dplyr piping using %>% function to filer by a new column "Month" as well as reviewing several questions on here
Calculate the percentages of a column in a data frame - "grouped" by column,
Making a data frame of count of NA by variable for multiple data frames in a list,
R group by date, and summarize the values
None of these have really answered my question.
My hope is to put something in a longer script that works in a looping function that will go through all my stations and all the years in each station to produce a wind rose if this criteria is met for that year / station. Please let me know if I need to clarify more.
There are many way of doing this. This one appears quite instructive.
First create a new variable which will denote month (and account for year if you have more than one year). Split on this variable and count the number of NAs. Divide this by the number of values and multiply by 100 to get percentage points.
df$monthyear <- format(df$dateTime, format = "%m %Y")
out <- split(df, f = df$monthyear)
sapply(out, function(x) (sum($WS))/nrow(x)) * 100)
01 2012 02 2012 03 2012 04 2012 05 2012 06 2012 07 2012
23.92473 21.40805 24.09152 25.00000 20.56452 24.58333 27.15054
08 2012 09 2012 10 2012 11 2012 12 2012
22.31183 25.69444 23.22148 21.80556 24.96533
You could also use data.table.
df[, (sum( * 100, by = monthyear]
monthyear V1
1: 01 2012 23.92473
2: 02 2012 21.40805
3: 03 2012 24.09152
4: 04 2012 25.00000
5: 05 2012 20.56452
6: 06 2012 24.58333
7: 07 2012 27.15054
8: 08 2012 22.31183
9: 09 2012 25.69444
10: 10 2012 23.22148
11: 11 2012 21.80556
12: 12 2012 24.96533
Here is a method using dplyr. It will work even if you have missing data.
library(lubridate) #for the days_in_month function
df2 <- df %>% mutate(Month=format(dateTime,"%Y-%m")) %>%
group_by(Month) %>%
Max.Obs=24*days_in_month(as.Date(paste0(first(Month),"-01")))) %>%
Month No.Obs Max.Obs Obs.Rate
<chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
1 2012-01 575 744 0.7728495
2 2012-02 545 696 0.7830460
3 2012-03 560 744 0.7526882
4 2012-04 537 720 0.7458333
5 2012-05 567 744 0.7620968
6 2012-06 557 720 0.7736111
7 2012-07 553 744 0.7432796
8 2012-08 568 744 0.7634409
9 2012-09 546 720 0.7583333
10 2012-10 544 744 0.7311828
11 2012-11 546 720 0.7583333
12 2012-12 554 744 0.7446237

Boxplot not plotting all data

I'm trying to plot a boxplot for a time series (e.g. and can get every other example to work, bar my last one. I have averages per month for six years (2011 to 2016) and have data for 2014 and 2015 (albeit in small quantities), but for some reason, boxes aren't being shown for the 2014 and 2015 data.
My input data has three columns: year, month and residency index (a value between 0 and 1). There are multiple individuals (in this example, 37) each with an average residency index per month per year (including 2014 and 2015).
For example:
year month RI
2015 1 NA
2015 2 NA
2015 3 NA
2015 4 NA
2015 5 NA
2015 6 NA
2015 7 0.387096774
2015 8 0.580645161
2015 9 0.3
2015 10 0.225806452
2015 11 0.3
2015 12 0.161290323
2016 1 0.096774194
2016 2 0.103448276
2016 3 0.161290323
2016 4 0.366666667
2016 5 0.258064516
2016 6 0.266666667
2016 7 0.387096774
2016 8 0.129032258
2016 9 0.133333333
2016 10 0.032258065
2016 11 0.133333333
2016 12 0.129032258
which is repeated for each individual fish.
My code:
#make boxplot
xaxt="n",xlab="",col=my_colours,pch=20,cex=0.3,ylab="Residency Index (RI)", ylim=c(0,1))
The average trend line works as per the other examples.
a=aggregate(RI$RI,by=list(RI$month,RI$year),mean, na.rm=TRUE)
Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Your problem seems to be the presence of missing values, NA, in your data, the other values are plotted correctly. I've simplified your code a bit.
boxplot(RI$RI ~ RI$month + RI$year,
ylab="Residency Index (RI)")
a <- aggregate(RI ~ month + year, data = RI, FUN = mean, na.rm = TRUE)
lines(c(rep(NA, 6), a[,3]), type="l", col="red", lwd=2)
Also, I believe that maybe a boxplot is not the best way to depict your data. You only have one value per year/month, when a boxplot would require more. Maybe a simple scatter plot will do better.

How to plot the availability of a variable by year?

year <- c(2000:2014)
group <- c("A","A","A","A","A","A","A","A","A","A","A","A","A","A","A",
value <- sample(1:5, 45, replace=TRUE)
df <- data.frame(year,group,value)
df$value[df$value==1] <- NA
year group value
1 2000 A NA
2 2001 A 2
3 2002 A 2
11 2010 A 2
12 2011 A 3
13 2012 A 5
14 2013 A NA
15 2014 A 3
16 2000 B 2
17 2001 B 3
26 2010 B NA
27 2011 B 5
28 2012 B 4
29 2013 B 3
30 2014 B 5
31 2000 C 5
32 2001 C 4
33 2002 C 3
34 2003 C 4
44 2013 C 5
45 2014 C 3
Above is the sample dataframe for my question.
Each group (A,B or C), has value from 2000 to 2014, but in some years, the value might be missing for some of the groups.
The graph I would like to plot is as below:
x-axis is year
y-axis is group (i.e. A, B & C should be showed on y-lab)
the bar or line represent the value availability of each group
If the value is NA, then the bar would not show at that time point.
ggplot2 is preferred if possible.
Can anyone help?
Thank you.
I think my description is confusing. I am expecting a graph like below, BUT the x-axis would be year. And the bar or line represents the availability of the value for a given group across the year.
In the sample dataframe of group A, we have
2012 A 5
2013 A NA
2014 A 3
Then there should be nothing at the point of group A in 2013, and then a dot would be presented at the point of group A in 2014.
You can use the geom_errorbar, with no range (geom_errorbarh for horizontal). Then just subset for complete.cases (or !$value))
year <- c(2000:2014)
group <- c("A","A","A","A","A","A","A","A","A","A","A","A","A","A","A",
value <- sample(1:5, 45, replace=TRUE)
df <- data.frame(year,group,value)
df$value[df$value==1] <- NA
no_na_df <- df[complete.cases(df), ]
ggplot(no_na_df, aes(x=year, y = group)) +
geom_errorbarh(aes(xmax = year, xmin = year), size = 2)
To get a countious bar, you can use this slightly unappealing method. It is nesessary to make a numeric representation of the group data, to give the bars a width. Thereafter, we can make the scale represent the variables as discrete again.
df$group_n <- as.numeric(df$group)
no_na_df <- df[complete.cases(df), ]
ggplot(no_na_df, aes(xmin=year-0.5, xmax=year+0.5, y = group_n)) +
geom_rect(aes(ymin = group_n-0.1, ymax = group_n+0.1)) +
scale_y_discrete(limits = levels(df$group))

R - split data to hydrological quarters

I wish to split my data sets into year quarters according to definition of hydrological year. According to Wikipedia, "Due to meteorological and geographical factors, the definition of the water years varies". In USA, hydrological year is a period between October 1st of one year and September 30th of the next.
I use definition of hydrological year for Poland (starts at November 1st and ends at October 31st).
Sample data set looks as folllows:
sampleData <- structure(list(date = structure(c(15946, 15947, 15875, 15910, 15869, 15888, 15823, 16059, 16068, 16067), class = "Date"),`example value` = c(-0.325806595888448, 0.116001346459147, 1.68884381116696, -0.480527505762716, -0.50307381813168,-1.12032214801472, -0.659699514672226, -0.547101497279717, 0.729148872679021,-0.769760735764215)), .Names = c("date", "example value"), row.names = c(NA, -10L), class = "data.frame")
For some reason, function "cut" in my code complains that "breaks" and "labels" differs in length (but they don't). If I omit "labels" options in cut (as below) function works perfectly.
What is wrong with labels?
ToHydroQuarters <-function(df)
result <- df
yearStart <- as.numeric(format(min(df$date),'%Y'))-1
#Hydrological year in Poland starts at November 1st
DateStart <- as.Date(paste(yearStart,"-11-01",sep=""))
breaks <- seq(from=DateStart, to=max(df$date)+90, by="quarter")
breakYear <- format(breaks,'%Y')
#Please, do not create labels in such way.
#Please note that for November and December we have next hydrological year - since it started at 1st November. So, we need to check month to decide which year we have (?) or use cut function again as mentioned here:
labels <- c(paste("Winter",breakYear[1]),
######Here is problem - once I add labels parameter, function complains about different lengths
result$hydroYear <- cut(df$date, breaks)
Firstly I think it is unwise to have labels as a "hardcoded" variable in a function since it is impossible to check without some kind of reproducible example, however I can see what you're trying to achieve.
You claim that your break and labels should be the correct length, however the function itself doesn't always work (this is without the labels, even if the labels did exist the cut function did not process the last portion of the dates).
For example:
x <- ymd(c("09-01-01", "09-01-02", "11-09-03"))
df <- data.frame(date=as.Date(seq(from=min(x), to=max(x), by="day")))
a <- ToHydroQuarters(df)
date hydroYear
971 2011-08-29 <NA>
972 2011-08-30 <NA>
973 2011-08-31 <NA>
974 2011-09-01 <NA>
975 2011-09-02 <NA>
976 2011-09-03 <NA>
Doing something like breaks <- seq(from=DateStart, to=max(df$date)+90, by="quarter"), does resolve that issue, as it forces a break to actually exist. This might solve your labelling issue that you've had in your function, but it does not make the function "generic".
Personally on the coding side I think it would be better to convert the month, and year parts separately, because it would be easier to understand. For example, you could use library(lubridate) to easily extract the month and specify the breaks and the labels as you normally would. I was thinking the function could look something like this:
thq <- function(date) {
mnth <- cut(month(date), breaks=c(1,4,7, 10, 12),
right=FALSE, include.lowest=TRUE,
labels=c("Spring", "Summer", "Autumn", "Winter"))
return(paste(mnth, ifelse(mnth == "Winter", year(date)+1, year(date))))
So then using some dummy data ...
x <- ymd(c("09-01-01", "09-01-02", "11-09-03"))
df <- data.frame(date=as.Date(seq(from=min(x), to=max(x), by="month")))
thq <- function(date) {
mnth <- cut(month(date), breaks=c(1,4,7, 10, 12),
right=FALSE, include.lowest=TRUE,
labels=c("Spring", "Summer", "Autumn", "Winter"))
return(paste(mnth, ifelse(mnth == "Winter", year(date)+1, year(date))))
df$newdate <- thq(df$date)
Which has the following output:
date newdate
1 2009-01-01 Spring 2009
2 2009-02-01 Spring 2009
3 2009-03-01 Spring 2009
4 2009-04-01 Summer 2009
5 2009-05-01 Summer 2009
6 2009-06-01 Summer 2009
7 2009-07-01 Autumn 2009
8 2009-08-01 Autumn 2009
9 2009-09-01 Autumn 2009
10 2009-10-01 Winter 2010
11 2009-11-01 Winter 2010
12 2009-12-01 Winter 2010
13 2010-01-01 Spring 2010
14 2010-02-01 Spring 2010
15 2010-03-01 Spring 2010
16 2010-04-01 Summer 2010
17 2010-05-01 Summer 2010
18 2010-06-01 Summer 2010
19 2010-07-01 Autumn 2010
20 2010-08-01 Autumn 2010
21 2010-09-01 Autumn 2010
22 2010-10-01 Winter 2011
23 2010-11-01 Winter 2011
24 2010-12-01 Winter 2011
25 2011-01-01 Spring 2011
26 2011-02-01 Spring 2011
27 2011-03-01 Spring 2011
28 2011-04-01 Summer 2011
29 2011-05-01 Summer 2011
30 2011-06-01 Summer 2011
31 2011-07-01 Autumn 2011
32 2011-08-01 Autumn 2011
33 2011-09-01 Autumn 2011
You can shift the months using the modulo operator if it is in a weird order...
thq <- function(date) {
mnth <- cut(((month(df$date)+1) %% 12), breaks=c(0, 3, 6, 9, 12),
right=FALSE, include.lowest=TRUE,
labels=c("Nov_Jan", "Feb_Apr", "May_Jul", "Aug_Oct")
# you will need to alter the return statement yourself, because
# I feel there is enough information for you to do it, rather than
# me changing it every time you change the question.
return(paste(mnth, ifelse(mnth == "Winter", year(date)+1, year(date))))
x <- ymd(c("09-01-01", "09-01-02", "11-09-03"))
df <- data.frame(date=as.Date(seq(from=min(x), to=max(x), by="day")))
df$new <- thq(df$date)
> head(df)
date new
1 2009-01-01 Nov_Jan 2009
2 2009-01-02 Nov_Jan 2009
3 2009-01-03 Nov_Jan 2009
4 2009-01-04 Nov_Jan 2009
5 2009-01-05 Nov_Jan 2009
6 2009-01-06 Nov_Jan 2009
