Predictive model decision tree - r

I want to build a predictive model using decision tree classification in R. I used this code:
DataYesNo <- read.csv('DataYesNo.csv', header=T)
worktrain <- sample(1:50, 40)
worktest <- setdiff(1:50, worktrain)
M <- ncol(DataYesNo)
input <- names(DataYesNo)[1:(M-1)]
target <- “YesNo”
tree <- rpart(YesNo~Var1+Var2+Var3+Var4+Var5,
data=DataYesNo[worktrain, c(input,target)],
control=rpart.control(usesurrogate=0, maxsurrogate=0))
I got just one root (Var3) and two leafs (yes, no). I'm not sure about this result. How can I get the confusion matrix, accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity?
Can I get them with the caret package?

If you use your model to make predictions on your test set, you can use confusionMatrix() to get the measures you're looking for.
Something like this...
predictions <- predict(tree, worktest)
cmatrix <- confusionMatrix(predictions, worktest$YesNo)

Once you create a confusion matrix, other measures can also be obtained - I don't remember them at the moment.
According to your example, the confusion matrix can be obtained as following.
fitted <- predict(tree, DataYesNo[worktest, c(input,target)])
actual <- DataYesNo[worktest, c(target)]
confusion <- table(data.frame(fitted = fitted, actual = actual))


plot one of 500 trees in randomForest package

How can plot trees in output of randomForest function in same names packages in R? For example I use iris data and want to plot first tree in 500 output tress. my code is
model <-randomForest(Species~.,data=iris,ntree=500)
You can use the getTree() function in the randomForest package (official guide:
On the iris dataset:
## we have a look at the k-th tree in the forest
k <- 10
getTree(randomForest(iris[, -5], iris[, 5], ntree = 10), k, labelVar = TRUE)
You may use cforest to plot like below, I have hardcoded the value to 5, you may change as per your requirement.
ntree <- 5
cf <- cforest(Species~., data=iris,controls=cforest_control(ntree=ntree))
for(i in 1:ntree){
pt <- prettytree(cf#ensemble[[i]], names(cf#data#get("input")))
nt <- new("Random Forest BinaryTree")
nt#tree <- pt
nt#data <- cf#data
nt#responses <- cf#responses
plot(nt, type="simple")
cforest is another implementation of random forest, It can't be said which is better but in general there are few differences that we can see. The difference is that cforest uses conditional inferences where we put more weight to the terminal nodes in comparison to randomForest package where the implementation provides equal weights to terminal nodes.
In general cofrest uses weighted mean and randomForest uses normal average. You may want to check this .

Error when predicting new fitted values from R gamlss object

I have a gamlss model that I'd like to use to make new y predictions (and confidence intervals) from in order to visualize how well the model fits the real data. I'd like to make predictions from a new data set of randomized predictor values (rather than the original data), but I'm running into an error message. Here's some example code:
# example data
irr <- c(0,0,0,0,0,0.93,1.4,1.4,2.3,1.5)
lite <- c(0,1,2,2.5)
blck <- 1:8
raw <- data.frame(
css =abs(rnorm(500, mean=0.5, sd=0.1)),
nit =abs(rnorm(500, mean=0.72, sd=0.5)),
irr =sample(irr, 500, replace=TRUE),
lit =sample(lite, 500, replace=TRUE),
block =factor(sample(blck, 500, replace=TRUE))
# the model
mod <- gamlss(css~nit + irr + lit + random(block),*nit + random(block), data=raw, family=BE)
# new data (predictors) for making css predictions
pred <- data.frame(
nit =abs(rnorm(500, mean=0.72, sd=0.5)),
irr =sample(irr, 500, replace=TRUE),
lit =sample(lite, 500, replace=TRUE),
block =factor(sample(blck, 500, replace=TRUE))
# make predictions
predmu <- predict(mod, newdata=pred, what="mu", type="response")
This gives the following error:
Error in data[match(names(newdata), names(data))] :
object of type 'closure' is not subsettable
When I run this on my real data, it gives this slightly different error:
Error in `[.data.frame`(data, match(names(newdata), names(data))) :
undefined columns selected
When I use predict without newdata, it works fine making predictions on the original data, as in:
predmu <- predict(mod, what="mu", type="response")
Am I using predict wrong? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated! Thank you.
No, you are not wrong. I have experienced the same issue.
The documentation indicates the implementation of predict is incomplete. this appears to be an example of an incomplete feature/function.
Hedgehog mentioned that predictions based on new-data is not possible yet.
BonnieM therefore "moved the model" into lmer().
I would like to further comment on this idea:
BonniM tried to get predictions based on the object mod
mod <- gamlss(css~nit + irr + lit + random(block),*nit + random(block), data=raw, family=BE)
"Moving into lme()" in this scenario could look as follows:
mod2 <- gamlss(css~nit + irr + lit + re(random=~1|block),*nit + re(random=~1|block),
Predictions on new-data based on mod2 are implemented within the gamlss2 package.
Furthermore, mod and mod2 should be the same models.
Stasinopoulos, M. D., Rigby, R. A., Heller, G. Z., Voudouris, V., & De Bastiani, F. (2017). Flexible regression and smoothing: using GAMLSS in R. Chapman and Hall/CRC. Chapter 10.9.1
Best regards
I had a lot of random problems in this direction, and found fitting using the weights argument, and some extra dummy observations set to weight zero (but the predictors I was interested in) to be one workaround.
I was able to overcome the undefined columns selected error by ensuring that the new data for the newdata parameter had the EXACT column structure as what was used when running the gamlss model.

Plot in SVM model (e1071 Package) using DocumentTermMatrix

i trying do create a plot for my model create using SVM in e1071 package.
my code to build the model, predict and build confusion matrix is
ptm <- proc.time()
svm.classifier = svm(x = train.set.list[[0.999]][["0_0.1"]],
y = train.factor.list[[0.999]][["0_0.1"]],
kernel ="linear")
pred = predict(svm.classifier, test.set.list[[0.999]][["0_0.1"]], decision.values = TRUE)
time[["svm"]] = proc.time() - ptm
confmatrix = confusionMatrix(pred,test.factor.list[[0.999]][["0_0.1"]])
train.set.list and test.set.list contains the test and train set for several conditions. train and set factor has the true label for each set. Train.set and test.set are both documenttermmatrix.
Then i tried to see a plot of my data, i tried with
plot(svm.classifier, train.set.list[[0.999]][["0_0.1"]])
but i got the message:
"Error in plot.svm(svm.classifier, train.set.list[[0.999]][["0_0.1"]]) :
missing formula."
what i'm doing wrong? confusion matrix seems good to me even not using formula parameter in svm function
Without given code to run, it's hard to say exactly what the problem is. My guess, given
which says
formula formula selecting the visualized two dimensions. Only needed if more than two input variables are used.
is that your data has more than two predictors. You should specify in your plot function:
plot(svm.classifier, train.set.list[[0.999]][["0_0.1"]], predictor1 ~ predictor2)

R random forest - training set using target column for prediction

I am learning how to use various random forest packages and coded up the following from example code:
#I'll try to reproduce this with a public data set; in the mean time here's the existing code
data = read.csv(data_location, sep = ',')
test = data[1:65] #basically data w/o the "answers"
m = sample(1:(nrow(factor)),nrow(factor)/2,replace=FALSE)
o = sample(1:(nrow(data)),nrow(data)/2,replace=FALSE)
train2 = data[m,]
train3 = data[o,]
#random forest implementation
fit.rf <- randomForest(train2[,66] ~., data=train2, importance=TRUE, ntree=10000)
Prediction.rf <- predict(fit.rf, test) #to see if the predictions are accurate -- but it errors out unless I give it all data[1:66]
#cforest implementation <- cforest(train3[,66]~., data=train3, controls=cforest_unbiased(ntree=10000, mtry=10)) <- predict(, test, OOB=TRUE) #to see if the predictions are accurate -- but it errors out unless I give it all data[1:66]
Data[,66] is the is the target factor I'm trying to predict, but it seems that by using "~ ." to solve for it is causing the formula to use the factor in the prediction model itself.
How do I solve for the dimension I want on high-ish dimensionality data, without having to spell out exactly which dimensions to use in the formula (so I don't end up with some sort of cforest(data[,66] ~ data[,1] + data[,2] + data[,3}... etc.?
On a high level, I believe one basically
loads full data
breaks it down to several subsets to prevent overfitting
trains via subset data
generates a fitting formula so one can predict values of target (in my case data[,66]) given data[1:65].
so my PROBLEM is now if I give it a new set of test data, let’s say test = data{1:65], it now says “Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) :” where it is expecting data[,66]. I want to basically predict data[,66] given the rest of the data!
I think that if the response is in train3 then it will be used as a feature.
I believe this is more like what you want:
crtl <- cforest_unbiased(ntree=1000, mtry=3)
mod <- cforest(iris[,5] ~ ., data = iris[,-5], controls=crtl)

How to perform 10 fold cross validation with LibSVM in R?

I know that in MatLab this is really easy ('-v 10').
But I need to do it in R. I did find one comment about adding cross = 10 as parameter would do it. But this is not confirmed in the help file so I am sceptical about it.
svm(Outcome ~. , data= source, cost = 100, gamma =1, cross=10)
Any examples of a successful SVM script for R would also be appreciated as I am still running into some dead ends?
Edit: I forgot to mention outside of the tags that I use the libsvm package for this.
I am also trying to perform a 10 fold cross validation. I think that using tune is not the right way in order to perform it, since this function is used to optimize the parameters, but not to train and test the model.
I have the following code to perform a Leave-One-Out cross validation. Suppose that dataset is a data.frame with your data stored. In each LOO step, the observed vs. predicted matrix is added, so that at the end, result contains the global observed vs. predicted matrix.
for (i in 1:length(dataset)){
fit = svm(classes ~ ., data=dataset[-i,], type='C-classification', kernel='linear')
pred = predict(fit, dataset[i,])
result <- result + table(true=dataset[i,]$classes, pred=pred);
So in order to perform a 10-fold cross validation, I guess we should manually partition the dataset, and use the folds to train and test the model.
for (i in 1:10)
train <- getFoldTrainSet(dataset, i)
test <- getFoldTestSet(dataset,i)
fit = svm(classes ~ ., train, type='C-classification', kernel='linear')
pred = predict(fit, test)
results <- c(results,table(true=test$classes, pred=pred));
# compute mean accuracies and kappas ussing results, which store the result of each fold
I hope this help you.
Here is a simple way to create 10 test and training folds using no packages:
#Randomly shuffle the data
#Create 10 equally size folds
folds <- cut(seq(1,nrow(yourData)),breaks=10,labels=FALSE)
#Perform 10 fold cross validation
for(i in 1:10){
#Segement your data by fold using the which() function
testIndexes <- which(folds==i,arr.ind=TRUE)
testData <- yourData[testIndexes, ]
trainData <- yourData[-testIndexes, ]
#Use test and train data howeever you desire...
Here is my generic code to run a k-fold cross validation aided by cvsegments to generate the index folds.
# k fold-cross validation
k <- 80;
result <- 0;
folds <- cvsegments(nrow(imDF), k);
for (fold in 1:k){
currentFold <- folds[fold][[1]];
fit = svm(classes ~ ., data=imDF[-currentFold,], type='C-classification', kernel='linear')
pred = predict(fit, imDF[currentFold,])
result <- result + table(true=imDF[currentFold,]$classes, pred=pred);
