Retun 1 when requiring a files on wordpress - wordpress

I just want to ask a simple but really bugging problem, let's get tot the point
Why when I writing a require in an add_filter() it returning unwanted 1 integer in the end of the text? This is the code
function satufu_template( $satufu_content ){
if ( is_singular( 'satufu_projects' ) ){
$located = locate_template('satufu-template.php');
if ( !empty($located) ){
} else {
echo require plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . 'template.php';
} else {
return $satufu_content;
This is the template file that I am requiring
echo $satufu_content;
this is the output
this is the output with var_dump() wrapper
This is a simple 1 integer that ruin my life (well, I tried 2 days just for debugging this until I give up.
So thank you for the attention and really hope this awesome forum gonna kill this tiny bug :)

You don't have to use echo when you use require.
Simply change:
echo require plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . 'template.php';
require plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . 'template.php';
Currently the "1" appears because you are echo-ing the result of the require, which is successful
(1 - true, 0 = false).


wpallimport, run function 'dont_create_terms' only for specidied taxonomies

So, prefix that my coding level is practically equal to zero...
I'm using Wordpress with Wp All Import plugin, and i have this code to prevent wpallimport to create new categories/taxonomies etc.
function dont_create_terms( $term_into, $tx_name ) {
// Check if term exists, checking both top-level and child
// taxonomy terms.
$term = empty($term_into['parent']) ? term_exists( $term_into['name'], $tx_name, 0 ) : term_exists( $term_into['name'], $tx_name, $term_into['parent'] );
// Don't allow WP All Import to create the term if it doesn't
// already exist.
if ( empty($term) and !is_wp_error($term) ) {
return false;
// If the term already exists assign it.
return $term_into;
add_filter( 'pmxi_single_category', 'dont_create_terms', 10, 2 );
Now, as specified in the title, i have to run this code only for certain taxonomies...
I have tried multiple solutions, for last i tried to add this line
if ($tx_name == 'taxonomyname') {
like here
function dont_create_terms( $term_into, $tx_name ) {
// Check if term exists, checking both top-level and child
// taxonomy terms.
$term = empty($term_into['parent']) ? term_exists( $term_into['name'], $tx_name, 0 ) : term_exists( $term_into['name'], $tx_name, $term_into['parent'] );
if ($tx_name == 'taxonomyname') {
// Don't allow WP All Import to create the term if it doesn't
// already exist.
if ( empty($term) and !is_wp_error($term) ) {
return false;
// If the term already exists assign it.
return $term_into;
add_filter( 'pmxi_single_category', 'dont_create_terms', 10, 2 );
but everytime nothing appens.
Any help is really appreciated, thanks to everyone in advance
Solution found
function dont_create_terms( $term_into ) {
// Check if term exists, checking both top-level and child
// taxonomy terms.
$term = empty($term_into['parent']) ? term_exists( $term_into['name'], $tx_name, 0 ) : term_exists( $term_into['name'], $tx_name, $term_into['parent'] );
if ( $tx_name == 'taxonomy_name' ){
// Don't allow WP All Import to create the term if it doesn't
// already exist.
if ( empty($term) and !is_wp_error($term) ) {
return false;
// If the term already exists assign it.
return $term_into;
add_filter( 'pmxi_single_category', 'dont_create_terms', 10, 2 );
And than call the function:
Edit 2
It only works with single taxonomies, if the taxonomies contain multiple values it will not work
So again, if you have any suggestions you are welcome
The right way to do this would be writing your our custom function as shown here:
However, although it is not elegant at all, I have found a different solution that could work for some, which involves wp-all-import's [foreach()] function.
It is not flexible as it requires that you add the max amount of values possible in your file (e.g 6 values tops in this example):
[foreach( {ParentNode/CategoryNode} )] {#id} > {Value1} |
{#id} > {Value[2]} | {#id} > {Value[3]} | {#id} > {Value[4]} |
{#id} > {Value[5]} | {#id} > {Value[6]} | [endforeach]
Where {ParentNode/CategoryNode} + #id + Value represent this portion of the xml file:
<CategoryNode id="this-cat-id">
<Value>Your value here</Value>
Important: This will generate this error log while importing, every time it tries to import a value that does not exist, but the import will still work:
WARNING: It is necessary to assign a name to this term.
(1) In the import settings, you will need to go to 'Taxonomies, Categories, Tags', and select 'An element in my file contains the entire hierarchy...'.
(2) Then, check 'Separate hierarchy groups via symbol'.
(3) Do not check 'Only assign Your-cat-name-goes-here to the bottom level term in the hierarchy'
Here is how I set it up....
Screenshot WPAllImport
Hope this helps newcomers!

TYPO3 Extbase FE-Extension plugin failing with: PHP Warning: rawurlencode() expects parameter 1 to be string, object given

This question is based on my previous one where my entire TYPO3 website didn't work.
Now, after adjusting the php-version (5.6.17) the website itself works, but one fe-plugin of my extbase extension doesn't work - even though it's identical to the one on a copy of the website where everything works. The other fe-plugin from the same extension directly worked out of the box.
I get the following error in the frontend whenever I call a page that contains this plugin and I don't know where to start searching for the cause.
(I changed my domain to <mydomain> and my plugin name to tx_myfeplugin_nameexte in the following error snippet):
#1: PHP Warning: rawurlencode() expects parameter 1 to be string, object given in /var/www/vhosts/<my-domain>/typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Utility/GeneralUtility.php line 1641 (More information)
TYPO3\CMS\Core\Error\Exception thrown in file
/var/www/vhosts/<my-domain>/typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Error/ErrorHandler.php in line 101.
49 TYPO3\CMS\Core\Error\ErrorHandler::handleError(2, "rawurlencode() expects parameter 1 to be string, object given", "/var/www/vhosts/<my-domain>…po3/sysext/core/Classes/Utility/GeneralUtility.php", 1641, array)
48 rawurlencode(TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\QueryResult)
01639: } else {
01640: if (!$skipBlank || (string)$AVal !== '') {
01641: $str .= '&' . ($rawurlencodeParamName ? rawurlencode($thisKeyName) : $thisKeyName) . '=' . rawurlencode($AVal);
01642: }
01643: }
47 TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::implodeArrayForUrl("tx_myfeplugin_nameexte", array, "", boolean, boolean)
01636: $thisKeyName = $name ? $name . '[' . $Akey . ']' : $Akey;
01637: if (is_array($AVal)) {
01638: $str = self::implodeArrayForUrl($thisKeyName, $AVal, $str, $skipBlank, $rawurlencodeParamName);
01639: } else {
01640: if (!$skipBlank || (string)$AVal !== '') {
Did someone have the same error before or has an idea what I should try to do to fix this?
Thanks to the answer I guess I fixed it, because the error is not appearing any longer, by adding the following lines at line 1707 in file GeneralUtility.php:
if ($AVal instanceof \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\QueryResult) {
$AVal = $AVal->toArray();
lets have a look to the source:
foreach ($theArray as $Akey => $AVal) {
$thisKeyName = $name ? $name . '[' . $Akey . ']' : $Akey;
if (is_array($AVal)) {
$str = self::implodeArrayForUrl($thisKeyName, $AVal, $str, $skipBlank, $rawurlencodeParamName);
} else {
if (!$skipBlank || (string)$AVal !== '') {
$str .= '&' . ($rawurlencodeParamName ? rawurlencode($thisKeyName) : $thisKeyName . '=' . rawurlencode($AVal);
The array you give has to be a multidimensional array as it represents the parts of the url. Every element is testet being an array, so you could debug $AVal being an object but an array.
I guess that there could be an stdObject from any conversion you made before. Debugging will help you.
Second, what is the reporting you set in the install tool. Set it to production, will ist work then?

Prevent WordPress from escaping shortcode attributes

at the moment I'm developing a plugin, which hooks up to the content editor. My callback receives the post content after editing and calls do_shortcode(), but there is a problem and i don't know how to fix it.
add_filter('wp_insert_post_data', 'prepareContentSaving', 99, 2);
add_filter('wp_update_post_data', 'prepareContentSaving', 99, 2);
For instance if my post looks like (which obviously looks like valid shortcode syntax):
[foo bar="two words"]
my callback receives:
[foo bar=\"two words\"]
Looks right, right? But now whenever the shortcode is parsed via do_shortcode() the arguments are parsed like
[tag argument1=value1 argument2]
instead of
[tag argument="Foo bar"]
which then looks something like this in PHP:
[0]=> string "bar=\"two"
[1]=> string "words\""
So how can I prevent the quotes inside the shortcode from being escaped? Is there something wrong with the post data hook? Changing the priority from 99 to 0 doesn't change something either. Am I using the right filter?
You can try to modify your code like this:
$post = array_map('stripslashes_deep', $_POST);
More info link:
WordPress actually doesn't feature any option for preventing shortcodes to be escaped. The only way is to undo it is to convert all '\"' back to '"' (same for single quotes) inside the function 'prepareContentSaving':
add_filter('wp_insert_post_data', 'prepareContentSaving', 99, 2);
add_filter('wp_update_post_data', 'prepareContentSaving', 99, 2);
function prepareContentSaving($data, $post) {
$content = $post['post_content'];
$content = correctShortcodeSlashes($content);
... any further processing ...
$data['post_content'] = $content;
return $data;
After saving a post wordpress not only escapes quotes but also escapes backslashes. So '"' becomes '\"' and '\"' (if the editor wants to escape a quote) becomes '\\"'.
The first given PCRE converts all single escaped quotes inside shortcode brackets back to normal quotes, the second one converts all the double escaped ones inside brackets. This way the content stays the same which reduces the chances of code injection.
PHP Manual on preg_replace
function correct_shortcode_slashes($text) {
$attribute_escaped_slashes_pattern = '/(\[)((.|\s)*?)([^\\\\])\\\\("|\')(.*?)(\])/';
$attribute_escaped_slashes_replacement = '$1$2$4"$6$7';
$attribute_double_slashes_pattern = '/(\[)((.|\s)*?)\\\\+("|\')(.*?)(\])/';
$attribute_double_slashes_replacement = '$1$2"$5$6';
$result = $text;
$counter = 0;
while(true) {
$result = preg_replace($attribute_escaped_slashes_pattern, $attribute_escaped_slashes_replacement, $result, -1, $counter);
if($counter === 0) {
while(true) {
$result = preg_replace($attribute_double_slashes_pattern, $attribute_double_slashes_replacement, $result, -1, $counter);
if($counter === 0) {
return $result;
Please feel free to enhance this answer.

Rename files during upload within Wordpress

I am trying to rename upload filenames match the Post Title.
This other thread shows how to rename to hash:
Rename files during upload within Wordpress backend
Using this code:
function make_filename_hash($filename) {
$info = pathinfo($filename);
$ext = empty($info['extension']) ? '' : '.' . $info['extension'];
$name = basename($filename, $ext);
return md5($name) . $ext;
add_filter('sanitize_file_name', 'make_filename_hash', 10);
Does anyone know the code to rename the file to match Post Title.extension?
barakadam's answer is almost correct, just a little correction based on the comment I left below his answer.
function new_filename($filename, $filename_raw) {
global $post;
$info = pathinfo($filename);
$ext = empty($info['extension']) ? '' : '.' . $info['extension'];
$new = $post->post_title . $ext;
// the if is to make sure the script goes into an indefinate loop
if( $new != $filename_raw ) {
$new = sanitize_file_name( $new );
return $new;
add_filter('sanitize_file_name', 'new_filename', 10, 2);
Explanation of code:
Lets assume you upload a file with the original filename called picture one.jpg to a post called "My Holiday in Paris/London".
When you upload a file, WordPress removes special characters from the original filename using the sanitize_file_name() function.
Right at the bottom of the function is where the filter is.
// line 854 of wp-includes/formatting.php
return apply_filters('sanitize_file_name', $filename, $filename_raw);
At this point, $filename would be picture-one.jpg. Because we used add_filter(), our new_filename() function will be called with $filename as picture-one.jpg and $filename_raw as picture one.jpg.
Our new_filename() function then replaces the filename with the post title with the original extension appended. If we stop here, the new filename $new would end up being My Holiday in Paris/London.jpg which all of us know is an invalid filename.
Here is when we call the sanitize_file_name function again. Note the conditional statement there. Since $new != $filename_raw at this point, it tries to sanitize the filename again.
sanitize_file_name() will be called and at the end of the function, $filename would be My-Holiday-in-Paris-London.jpg while $filename_raw would still be My Holiday in Paris/London.jpg. Because of the apply_filters(), our new_filename() function runs again. But this time, because $new == $filename_raw, thats where it ends.
And My-Holiday-in-Paris-London.jpg is finally returned.
Something like this? (considering $post is your post variable, make it global):
function new_filename($filename) {
global $post;
$info = pathinfo($filename);
$ext = empty($info['extension']) ? '' : '.' . $info['extension'];
return $post->post_title . $ext;
add_filter('sanitize_file_name', 'new_filename', 10);
Did I understand you?

Drupal module_invoke() and i18n

I am tasked with i18n-ing our current CMS setup in Drupal.
The problem that I am facing is with use of module_invoke() to place blocks within nodes.
I have managed to string translate blocks, and that is working when a block is placed in a region (block content is successfully translated) using the UI.
However, when a block is injected into a node like such:
$block = module_invoke('block', 'block', 'view', 22); print $block['content'];
It is not getting translated, or even worse, not showing at all.
I have also tried this variation using t(). e.g.:
$block = module_invoke('block', 'block', 'view', 22); print t($block['content']);
to no avail.
Generally speaking I've having a bit of trouble with blocks for i18n. Does anyone have a recommended approach for dealing with blocks in drupal with regards to translating them? I would prefer not to create different blocks for each language.
So .. After digging around in the bowels of Drupal - and much hair pulling .. I've come up with an almost decent solution.
Basically, with this function, I can extract a translated version of a block:
function render_i18n_block($block_id, $region = "hidden"){
if ($list = block_list($region)) {
foreach ($list as $key => $block) {
// $key == <i>module</i>_<i>delta</i>
$key_str = "block_".$block_id;
if ($key_str == $key){
return theme('block', $block);
Then, in my node, I simple call:
<?php echo render_i18n_block(<block_id>,<region>); ?>
There can be some issues where your blocks might not be displaying in a region (and therefore you can't pass a region into block_list). For this case, I simply created a region called "hidden" which is not rendered anywhere in my template, but can be used to call block_list.
Finally (and this is the part that I still need to find a good solution for), I discovered that block_list() in: includes/blocks/ has a bit of an issue.
It appears that $theme_key is not reliably set unless block_list() is being called from the theme() function (in includes/ .. this causes the SQL to return an empty results set. The SQL looks like this:
$result = db_query(db_rewrite_sql("SELECT DISTINCT b.* FROM {blocks} b LEFT JOIN {blocks_roles} r ON b.module = r.module AND = WHERE b.theme = '%s' AND b.status = 1 AND (r.rid IN (". db_placeholders($rids) .") OR r.rid IS NULL) ORDER BY b.region, b.weight, b.module", 'b', 'bid'), array_merge(array($theme_key), $rids));
As you can see, if theme_key is not set, then it will just return an empty result.
For now I am bypassing this by simply adding:
if (!isset($theme_key)){$theme_key="<my_theme_name>";}
in modules/blocks/ around line 429 .. I still need to work out a better way to do this.
10 for anyone with suggestions on how I could ensure that $theme_key is set before calling block_list :)
I had exactly the same problem as you, since I was using
$block = module_invoke('block', 'block_view', 'block_id');
print render($block['content']);
to inject the block into my nodes. However, looking up module_invoke in the Drupal reference, I found a comment titled "to render blocks in Drupal 7 better to use Block API", with this code:
function block_render($module, $block_id) {
$block = block_load($module, $block_id);
$block_content = _block_render_blocks(array($block));
$build = _block_get_renderable_array($block_content);
$block_rendered = drupal_render($build);
return $block_rendered;
I just un-functioned it to use directly, like so:
$block = block_load('block', 'block_id');
$block_content = _block_render_blocks(array($block));
$build = _block_get_renderable_array($block_content);
print render($build);
And for me it works like a charm. Be aware however that this method prints the block title as well, so maybe you'll want to set it to 'none' in the original language.
Create a function like this
function stg_allcontent2($allC, $level
= "1") {
global $language; $lang = $language->language;
foreach ($allC as $acKey => $ac) {
== $lang){ if ($level == "1")
$toR .= "";
if (is_array($ac['below']))
$class="expanded"; else
$toR .= "<li class=\"".$class."\">" . l($ac['link']['link_title'], $ac['link']['link_path']) . "</li>";
if ($level != "1") $toR .= ""; if (is_array($ac['below'])) $toR .= "<ul class=\"menu\">".stg_allcontent2($ac['below'], "2")."</ul>"; if ($level == "1") $toR .= ""; }
return $toR; } ?>
call like this
<?php echo '<ul class="menu">'; echo stg_allcontent2(menu_tree_all_data($menu_name
= 'menu-header', $item = NULL)); echo '</ul>'; ?>
This may help you:
UPDATE: the t() function allows you to pass in the language code to use.
