How to create an offline form for submitting WP posts - wordpress

You may have seen WP plugins that allow guests to submit posts. Those submissions proceed to the WP posts area where the admin can edit/publish them.
I want to create a form like this that I can install on my (and other people's) computers, so they can fill out the form fields for a WP post, save offline, then send to my WP site when ready.
Can anyone tell me the steps involved, and, if there is a description for what type of thing this is, please let me know to aid my search.
I am learning code at present and want to learn while building tools.

Hi hope I can give you some hints with this answer.
I don't know what programming language you would like to use, but for the communication with your Wordpress blog you could use the WP API to create a post over REST API. It offers a API to create and edit your Wordpress Posts over HTTP.
Your programm just have to check if an connection is possible and then execute the API calls.
You could use an database to store all created post and then call the Create Post Task with the POST Method over HTTP for each post saved offline.
When the creation was successful you could update your offline database, so that the post is marked as already created.


Separate plugins or one giant plugin on WP

I’m building a WP plugin to enhance a website, and come to an interrogation with the workflow.
Basically, I have to create a custom post type, assorted with several custom taxonomies, which will be used/displayed on the frontend and backend, and create a backend section in order to interact with our CRM, and Supabase via their respective APIs (service centralisation).
All of the second part is only intended to be used/displayed on the admin section, to logged users.
However, when creating/saving a custom post type, or when viewing it from the frontend, I have to make a GET request to the CRM to fetch some data and store it in JSON somewhere (24h cache).
That I can do.
At the moment, I worked on the CPT part, and made a class to interact with the CRM, with credentials stored in wp_options. I now have to work on the backend part.
My question is: what are the best practices here? Keep it in a single plugin or divide into several plugins?
And if I divide, how should I turn it? 2 plugins, one for the CPT and one for the backend? Or go even deeper, and get the CRM and Supabase their own simple plugin, and call their methods to make my requests?
I am short of ideas here, so if you encountered this situation, could you enlighten me?

Can we use a webservice with Wordpress?

I change the details with the new information.
Here is the situation: Our customers have Wordpress sites, they can customize it as they wish with the theme of their choice. Our customers were originally on another CMS with some features provided by an external webservice. My question at the beginning was, can we use an external webservice with Wordpress? The answer is yes, I know it. I even discovered through other forums and research the wp_remote functions. (request, post, get)
I made a Wordpress plugin, in order to have a solution whatever the theme chosen by the user. It is a search widget that will communicate with a specific function of the external webservice to receive the information that the client wants.
My question is now this: Once my plugin has communicated with my external webservice and retrieved the necessary information from the client. What do you advise me to do to integrate this data into the site? (To have a correct display on a page)
At first, I used the wp_insert_post function to add my search content as a post to the site. The display was fine, which is what I wanted, but the method of getting this result.... is confusing to me.
Thanks for your answers.

I'm trying to implement external REST APIs in my wordpress website. Can anybody have idea how to do it (whether with a plugin or with programming)

I tried to use one plugin called "WP Data Sync". I am also going through its documentation/ support for the same. I am also having wpbakery page builder in my website. So is there any way that we sync with that also?
Note - We have to sync data in the form of images, image gallery, events listing, and the blog posts.
Did you check out WP Data Syncs website at and create an account to check out an API key?
I'm not sure about all APIs, but the ones I've used in the past would require me to register with the API's website, get issued an API key and maybe even designate the key to a specific website (your WordPress site in this case) for security reasons. After that, you would then go to your WP site and setup the API there via WP DataSyncs plugin.
I hope I understood your question and that this helps.

Wordpress plugin service page

have spent hours of researching understanding the correct approach for developing plugin for wordpress which does have custom "service" URL.
So far done:
plugin registers custom capabilities and role
inits the db and entries using $wpdb
create rest-api hook that could be used with JS
Should do:
Only the users with custom role "service" shall have access to a service dashboard.
the service dashboard shall make use of $wpdb to query data from the db.
I am looking badly for a simple example to learn from which shows a custom page that isn't integrated into WP posts or the admin panel.
Something that does check current user and allow access for given role to e.g. "" and load some further data later as e.g. ""
Originally I wanted WP to query the data via its own custom restapi, but also did not find any examples that query rest-api within WP (providing nonce etc) as simple example.
I found a lot examples for admin panels, adding links to post etc, but to my surprise not really some examples which do load simple (form) page or do a quick custom DB query and show the results on a static link.
Any help is appreciated

Wordpress Update through email

I have a blog, that is update pretty often. I like, while on the road to be able to use my blackberry or any eepc to prepare my post, review it, and send and email to somewhere that will be able to update my blog
three solution come to my mind
offline blog, edit and resync when return (not super good)
send email, update blog with blackberry
write text doc, send it by email and manually copy-paste in new post after return
I like not to have a list of all the possible solution, but the best working solution that you have use/try and like...
I use wp 2.6
Note just as boj note, I discover the already there feature included in wordpress... but I like my post to be in a Drafts state, because some photos and later editing will be done, but most of the post will already there
I have found that list. Just as Weblog Client said, there is a tons of software to do that, i just like THE BEST ONE !
Post to your blog using email.
WordPress can be configured to use e-mail to post to a blog. To enable this functionality, you need to:
Create a dedicated e-mail account to be used solely for posting to your blog,
Configure WordPress to access that account, and
Configure WordPress to publish messages from the e-mail account
