Meteor: How to use object names including dashes in Spacebars - meteor

Didn't find the answer anywhere, but maybe one of you knows it.
I'm getting back data from'GET'), I can use the data correctly in
Spacebars like
but have no chance to use data w/ object names containing dashes like
I tried
, but this does not work either.
As I'm retrieving a lot of different data I would like to avoid to create helpers for every field containing dashes.
Does anyone know how I could handle something like
Thanks for any answer that helps.
Have Fun!

I found the answer on a meteor form:
I ran into a similar problem. I had a json object with a dash in a the variable name. In order to call an object with a dash, the following is done:
Note the . before the open bracket and no quotes (single or double) around the dash named item.

on the HTTP success callback map the data object properties from dash to camelcase, then use your new object.

Some days offline behind...
I did not find a nice solution (due to the unexpectable combination of arrays and objects in the htpp result) but a working one:
I use EJSON.stringify() to stringify the http-result and replace the dashes in the object keys using a regular expression, then use EJSON.parse() to make it an object again. Done.
Not very elegant but working fine and fast.
Have Fun!


Variables containing "." character in Handlebars?

I am using Handlebars templates. If I want to insert a variable in an hbs file, I add it as {{var_name}}.
The issue is, I have a large object with its keys taking formats similar to:
"company":"My LLC"
If I try to add these to the Handlebars file as {{company}}, {{}}, {{}}, {{stats.performance.month}} then only the {{company}} will be displayed. All other values come out blank, I assume because "." is a special character in Handlebars.
My question is, is there a way to override this, or do I actually need to iterate through this object and change every "." to a "_" or something before passing it to Handlebars to make it work?
I would recommend renaming your properties. Dot Notation is one of the two ways to access object properties in JavaScript. Typical code would look like: obj.prop. If your object's keys are not valid identifiers, then you must use Bracket Notation: obj['my-prop']. Since a dot is a property accessor, it is very unusual to see one in a property name. If I were to come across code written as obj[''], I would assume it was a mistake and that was intended.
With that said, Handlebars does support referencing properties that are not valid identifiers. This is called "segment-literal-notation", and it is as simple as wrapping square brackets around your identifier:
The documentation also states that:
JavaScript-style strings, " and ', may also be used vs. [ pairs.
So the following alternatives are valid:

Using U-SQL MultiLevelJsonExtractor gives Error: Path returned multiple tokens

I am using the MultiLevelJsonExtractor forked on Git by kotvisbj, When I put a Path that contains an array (body.header.items[*] or body.header.items) into the JsonPaths parameter string, I get a "Error: Path returned multiple tokens". Is there a way to extract the paths in code so I can get an array like when using the Root? I tried to explain this the best way I could, I don't have excellent c# skills, it's been a few years.
I think it would be best to ask the owner of the branch to see if he can advise you. I assume that his code expects a single token only and not an array of tokens.
You can probably achieve what you need by using code similar to this: U-SQL - Extract data from json-array

I am trying to enter a formatted chunk of code as a custom field but it never makes it to the database

I am trying to pass this into a custom field called "_vtprd_includeOrExclude"
I am using WPAllImport to get the data out of an XML package and into the field.
I know that the function works because if I put "bob" in the custom field it goes in without any issue.
What is wrong with this string that is causing it to come up empty?
As always, your feedback and help is greatly appreciated.
The problem was that the data within the string would fail if turned into an array because the string count was incorrect for one of the fields.
The part to look at is at the end.
... a:2:{i:0;s:2:"1856";i:1;s:4:"1857";}}
The offender is i:0;s:2:"1856"
"1856" is 4 string characters long, not to.
So it SHOULD look like this.
When I made that change I silenced the custom function and it worked just fine.
Perfect example of not knowing enough about how this structure works. So I guess knowing is half the battle.
go joe.

HTTPModule filter questions

I have one issues I'm struggling with with regards to my HTTPModule filter:
1) I notice that the module gets it's data in chunks. This is problematic for me because I'm using a regex to find and replace. If I get a partial match in one chunk and the rest of the match in the second, it will not work. Is there any way to get the entire response before I do my thing to it? I have seen code where it appends data to a string builder until it uses a matches on an "" end tag but my code must work for more that just (xml, custom tags, etc). I don't know how to detect the End Of Stream or if that is even possible.
I am attaching the filter in the BeginRequest.
Have a look at this example. It looks for "" in the stream of the page.
Here's a sample project which performs buffered search and replace in an HttpModule using a Request.Filter and Response.Filter. You should be able to adapt this technique to perform a Regex easily.

How should I encode dictionaries into HTTP GET query strings?

An HTTP GET query string is a ordered sequence of key/value pairs:
Is, with certain semantics, equivalent to the following dictionary:
{'spam': ['eggs', 'ham'], 'foo': bar}
This happens to work well for boolean properties of that page being requested:
{'expand': [1, 2], 'highlight': [7, 9]}
If you want to stop expanding the element with id 2, just pop it out of the expand value and urlencode the query string again. However, if you've got a more modal property (with 3+ choices), you really want to represent a structure like so:
{'highlight_mode': {7: 'blue', 9: 'yellow'}}
Where the values to the corresponding id keys are part of a known enumeration. What's the best way to encode this into a query string? I'm thinking of using a sequence of two-tuples like so:
Edit: It would also be nice to know any names that associate with the conventions. I know that there may not be any, but it's nice to be able to talk about something specific using a name instead of examples. Thanks!
The usual way is to do it like this:
AFAIR, quite a few server-side languages actually support this out of the box and will produce a nice dictionary for these values.
I've also seen people JSON-encode the nested dictionary, then further encode it with BASE64 (or something similar), then pass the whole resulting mess as a single query string parameter.
Pretty ugly.
On the other hand, if you can get away with using POST, JSON is a really good way to pass this kind of information back and forth.
In many Web frameworks it's encoded differently from what you say.
{'foo': [1], 'bar': [2, 3], 'fred': 4}
would be:
The reason array answers should be different from plain answers is so the decoding layer can automatically tell the less common foo case (array which just happens to have a single element) from extremely common fred case (single element).
This notation can be extrapolated to:
when you have a hash, not just an array.
I think this is pretty much what Rails and most frameworks which copy from Rails do.
Empty arrays, empty hashes, and lack of scalar value look identical in this encoding, but there's not much you can do about it.
This [] seems to be causing just a few flamewars. Some view it as unnecessary, because the browser, transport layer, and query string encoder don't care. The only thing that cares is automatic query string decoder. I support the Rails way of using []. The alternative would be having separate methods for extracting a scalar and extracting an array from querystring, as there's no automatic way to tell when program wants [1] when it wants 4.
This piece of code works for me with Python Backend-
import json, base64
{"lk1":"", "lk2":""},
{"lk1":"", "lk2":""}
#In JS
var decoded_params = atob(decodeURI(encoded_param_ready));
