"unmanaged" generic parameter constraint in IL - reflection

When I compile the following code:
type Class1<'T when 'T : unmanaged> =
class end
type Class2<'T> =
class end
in IL it looks like this:
.class auto ansi serializable nested public Class1`1<T> extends [mscorlib]System.Object
.class auto ansi serializable nested public Class2`1<T> extends [mscorlib]System.Object
Is the unmanaged constraint saved somewhere? If so, where and how can I programatically obtain it?
In this question, I read it is somewhere in the "emdbedded signature file". What is that?

These constraint are located in the entity data stored in FSharpSignatureData managed resource. It is possible to browse them using F# Metadata Reader from F# PowerPack:
public static IList<FSharpGenericParameterConstraint> GetFSharpGenericParameterConstraints(Type genericType, int position)
return GetFSharpGenericParameterConstraints(genericType.GetGenericArguments()[position]);
public static IList<FSharpGenericParameterConstraint> GetFSharpGenericParameterConstraints(Type genericParameter)
var declMethod = genericParameter.DeclaringMethod;
var declType = genericParameter.DeclaringType;
var fsAsm = FSharpAssembly.FromAssembly(genericParameter.Assembly);
int pos = genericParameter.GenericParameterPosition;
var entities = AllEntities(fsAsm.Entities);
if(declMethod != null)
var member = entities.SelectMany(e => e.MembersOrValues).First(m => m.ReflectionMemberInfo == declMethod);
return member.GenericParameters[pos].Constraints;
}else if(declType != null)
var entity = entities.First(e => e.ReflectionType == declType);
return entity.GenericParameters[pos].Constraints;
return null;
private static IEnumerable<FSharpEntity> AllEntities(IEnumerable<FSharpEntity> entities)
return entities.Concat(entities.SelectMany(e => AllEntities(e.NestedEntities)));
bool unmanaged = GetFSharpGenericParameterConstraints(typeof(MyModule.Class1<>), 0).Any(c => c.IsUnmanagedConstraint);


is it a good idea to do transformation in a database model with ASP.Net

we are a small development team.
We develop in ASP.NET and we are starting to use generic controllers and services.
The goal is to have solid methods for things that are repetitive.
What we ask ourselves is if it is a good idea to do some transformation in the data models to allow us to reuse our functions that we know are working?
Exemple: we have a combobox and we want to manage the display and search. It's always the same and redundant.
This is my class
public partial class Test : IBaseEntity, ICombobox
public virtual Product Product { get; set; }
public string nom { get; set; }
public string prenom { get; set; }
public string title { get; set; }
public virtual string AffichageCombobox => nom + prenom;
public virtual string TexteRecherche => Product.Gabarit.Description;
as you can see i have two columns with the tag [NotMapped]. These are the columns in the interface ICombobox
public interface ICombobox
string AffichageCombobox { get;}
string TexteRecherche { get; }
this is the first service where I use one of my two columns which redirects to other columns. [We use the column "AffichageCombobox" from the model]
public List<ComboboxViewModel> GetComboboxViewModel(int? id, bool actifseulement, string text)
var query = _requestDatabaseService.GetComboboxQuery<T>(id, actifseulement, text);
var list = query.Select(table => new ComboboxViewModel
Id = table.Id,
AffichageCombobox = table.DateHFin == null ? table.AffichageCombobox : table.AffichageCombobox + " (inactif)"
return list;
This is the RequestDatabaseService [We use the column "TexteRecherche" from the model]
public List<T> GetComboboxQuery<T>(int? id, bool actifseulement, string text) where T : class, IBaseEntity, ICombobox
text = text.ToLower();
var list = _dbContext.Set<T>()
q => q.Where(x => x.Id == id))
q => q.Where(x => x.DateHFin == null))
.If(text != "",
q => q.Where(x => x.TexteRecherche.ToLower() == text))
return list;
As you can see, I am using an interface to add columns to redirect to the correct columns to my data model to avoid overriding my methods for two column.
Is it a good idea, a good practice ?
What do you think is the best practice if we want to do generic functions, but the columns are not called the same way?
Thank you!
Your solution has a lot of weaknesses
You have extended Model to handle specific UI cases. In my opinion it is bad practice.
Your virtual properties will not work in LINQ query. EF translates only Expression because it canot look into compiled property body.
What we can do here is simplifying of building such comboboxes. I have defind set fo extensions which can be reused for such scenarios. Sorry if there some mistakes, written from memory.
How it can be used:
Assuming that GetComboboxViewModel is not in generic class
public List<ComboboxViewModel> GetComboboxViewModel(int? id, bool actifseulement, string text)
// uncover DbContext. All that we need is IQueryable<Test>
var ctx = _requestDatabaseService.GetContext();
var query = ctx.Test.AsQueryable();
var comboItems = query
.FilterItems(id, actifseulement)
.GetComboboxQuery(text, e => e.Product.Gabarit.Description, e => e.nom + e.prenom)
return comboItems;
Think about this solution and yes, we can register somewhere pair of Lmbdas Dictionary<Type, (LambdaExpression: searchProp, LambdaExpression: displayProp)> and dynamically build call above.
public static class QueryableExtensions
// more simlified version for filtering
public static IQueryable<T> WhereIf(this IQueryable<T> query, bool condition, Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate)
return condition ? query.Where(predicate) : query;
// handy function for filtering
public static IQueryable<T> FilterItems<T>(this IQueryable<T> query, int? id, bool onlyActive)
where T : IBaseEntity
query = query
.WhereIf(id.HasValue, x => x.Id == id)
.WhereIf(onlyActive, x => x.DateHFin == null)
return query;
// dynamic generation of filtering and projection
public static IQueryable<ComboboxViewModel> GetComboboxQuery<T>(this IQueryable<T> query, string text, Expression<Func<T, string>> searchProp, Expression<Func<T, string>> dsiplayProp)
where T : IBaseEntity
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
text = text.ToLower();
// defining search pattern
// this also extension point, you may use here `Contains` or FullText search functions
Expression<Func<string, string, bool>> filterFunc = (s, t) => s.ToLower() == t;
// reusing parameter from searchProp lambda
var param = searchProp.Parameters[0];
// applying pattern to searchprop
var filterBody = ExpressionReplacer.GetBody(filterFunc, searchProp.Body, Expression.Constant(text));
// applying generated filter
var filterPredicate = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(filterBody, param);
query = query.Where(filterPredicate);
// defining template for Select
Expression<Func<T, string, ComboboxViewModel>> createTemplate = (entity, dp) => new ComboboxViewModel
Id = entity.Id,
AffichageCombobox = entity.DateHFin == null ? dp : dp + " (inactif)"
// reusing parameter from dsiplayProp lambda
var entityParam = dsiplayProp.Parameters[0];
// injecting dsiplayProp into createTemplate
var selectBody = ExpressionReplacer.GetBody(createTemplate, entityParam, dsiplayProp.Body);
var selectLambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, ComboboxViewModel>>(selectBody, entityParam);
// applying projection
var comboQuery = query.Select(selectLambda);
return comboQuery;
// helper class for correcting expressions
class ExpressionReplacer : ExpressionVisitor
readonly IDictionary<Expression, Expression> _replaceMap;
public ExpressionReplacer(IDictionary<Expression, Expression> replaceMap)
_replaceMap = replaceMap ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(replaceMap));
public override Expression Visit(Expression exp)
if (exp != null && _replaceMap.TryGetValue(exp, out var replacement))
return replacement;
return base.Visit(exp);
public static Expression Replace(Expression expr, Expression toReplace, Expression toExpr)
return new ExpressionReplacer(new Dictionary<Expression, Expression> { { toReplace, toExpr } }).Visit(expr);
public static Expression Replace(Expression expr, IDictionary<Expression, Expression> replaceMap)
return new ExpressionReplacer(replaceMap).Visit(expr);
public static Expression GetBody(LambdaExpression lambda, params Expression[] toReplace)
if (lambda.Parameters.Count != toReplace.Length)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
return new ExpressionReplacer(Enumerable.Range(0, lambda.Parameters.Count)
.ToDictionary(i => (Expression) lambda.Parameters[i], i => toReplace[i])).Visit(lambda.Body);
Well, after writing this sample, I think, it can be cardinally simplified by using LINQKit. Will post another answer with LINQKit usage if you are interested,

UNITY v.3 - BehaviorInterception using namespace matching

How can I apply a behavior to all interface in a specific namespace?
I know how to apply a behavior to a concrete interface like IMyBlFacade,
but I don't want to do that for all interfaces separately, but in one shot.
Is implementing a ICallHandler obsolete when using custom IInterfaceBehaviors?
As I understand both build up a pipeline for interception.
What is the benefit of using ootb callhandlers and custom callhandlers over IInterfacebehaviors?
I don't want it to be like this:
unity.RegisterType<IMyService, MyService>(
new ContainerControlledLifetimeManager(),
new Interceptor<InterfaceInterceptor>(),
new InterceptionBehavior<OutputInterceptionBehavior>());
rather like this (pseudo code):
So it is partly possible using Unity's RegistrationByConvention.
As far as I have understood, you can only do simple mappings.
For more complex mappings, for example using various InjectionMembers, you have to map them manually.
You have to inherit from RegistrationConvention to build your own convention implementation.
public class UnityRegistrationByConventions : RegistrationConvention
private readonly IUnityContainer _container;
List<string> _assemblyNameFilter;
List<string> _namespaceFilterForClasses;
public UnityRegistrationByConventions(IUnityContainer container, List<string> assemblyNameFilter = null, List<string> namespaceFilterForClasses = null)
_container = container;
_assemblyNameFilter = assemblyNameFilter;
_namespaceFilterForClasses = namespaceFilterForClasses;
public override Func<Type, IEnumerable<Type>> GetFromTypes()
return WithMappings.FromMatchingInterface;
public override Func<Type, IEnumerable<InjectionMember>> GetInjectionMembers()
return (t => new List<InjectionMember>(){
new Interceptor<InterfaceInterceptor>(),
new InterceptionBehavior<LoggingInterceptionBehavior>(), // 1
new InterceptionBehavior<ExceptionInterceptionBehavior>(), // 2
new InterceptionBehavior<CachingInterceptionBehavior>(), // 3
new InterceptionBehavior<ValidationInterceptionBehavior>()} as IEnumerable<InjectionMember>);
public override Func<Type, LifetimeManager> GetLifetimeManager()
return t => WithLifetime.Transient(t);
public override Func<Type, string> GetName()
return (type => (this._container.Registrations.Select(x => x.RegisteredType)
.Any(r => type.GetInterfaces().Contains(r) == true) == true) ? WithName.TypeName(type) : WithName.Default(type));
public override IEnumerable<Type> GetTypes()
var allAssemblies = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().Where(a => _assemblyNameFilter.Contains(a.FullName.Split(',')[0]));
List<Type> allClasses = new List<Type>();
foreach (var assembly in allAssemblies)
var classArray = assembly.GetTypes().Where(t => t.IsPublic &&
!t.IsAbstract &&
t.IsClass == true &&
if (classArray != null && classArray.Count() > 0)
return allClasses;
and apply the convention like this
var rby = new UnityRegistrationByConventions(unityContainer, assFilter, classNamespaceFilter);

Using one session per request, how to handle updating child objects

I'm having some serious issues with Fluent Nhibernate in my ASP.NET WebForms app when trying to modify a child object and then saving the parent object.
My solution is currently made of 2 projects :
Core : A class library where all entities & repositories classes are located
Website : The ASP.NET 4.5 WebForms application
Here is my simple mapping for my Employee object:
public class EmployeeMap : ClassMap<Employee>
public EmployeeMap()
Id(x => x.Id).GeneratedBy.Identity();
Map(x => x.DateCreated);
Map(x => x.Username);
Map(x => x.FirstName);
Map(x => x.LastName);
HasMany(x => x.TimeEntries).Inverse().Cascade.All().KeyColumn("Employee_id");
Here is my my mapping for the TimeEntry object:
public class TimeEntryMap : ClassMap<TimeEntry>
public TimeEntryMap()
Id(x => x.Id).GeneratedBy.Identity();
Map(x => x.DateCreated);
Map(x => x.Date);
Map(x => x.Length);
References(x => x.Employee).Column("Employee_id").Not.Nullable();
As stated in the title, i'm using one session per request in my web app, using this code in Gobal.asax:
public static ISessionFactory SessionFactory = Core.SessionFactoryManager.CreateSessionFactory();
public static ISession CurrentSession
get { return (ISession)HttpContext.Current.Items["current.session"]; }
set { HttpContext.Current.Items["current.session"] = value; }
protected Global()
BeginRequest += delegate
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("New Session");
CurrentSession = SessionFactory.OpenSession();
EndRequest += delegate
if (CurrentSession != null)
Also, here is my SessionFactoryManager class:
public class SessionFactoryManager
public static ISession CurrentSession;
public static ISessionFactory CreateSessionFactory()
return Fluently.Configure()
.Database(MsSqlConfiguration.MsSql2008.ConnectionString(c => c.FromConnectionStringWithKey("Website.Properties.Settings.WebSiteConnString")))
.Mappings(m => m
.ExposeConfiguration(cfg => new SchemaUpdate(cfg).Execute(false, true))
public static ISession GetSession()
return (ISession)HttpContext.Current.Items["current.session"];
Here is one of my repository class, the one i use to handle the Employee's object data operations:
public class EmployeeRepository<T> : IRepository<T> where T : Employee
private readonly ISession _session;
public EmployeeRepository(ISession session)
_session = session;
public T GetById(int id)
T result = null;
using (ITransaction tx = _session.BeginTransaction())
result = _session.Get<T>(id);
return result;
public IList<T> GetAll()
IList<T> result = null;
using (ITransaction tx = _session.BeginTransaction())
result = _session.Query<T>().ToList();
return result;
public bool Save(T item)
var result = false;
using (ITransaction tx = _session.BeginTransaction())
result = true;
return result;
public bool Delete(T item)
var result = false;
using (ITransaction tx = _session.BeginTransaction())
_session.Delete(_session.Load(typeof (T), item.Id));
result = true;
return result;
public int Count()
var result = 0;
using (ITransaction tx = _session.BeginTransaction())
result = _session.Query<T>().Count();
return result;
Now, here is my problem. When i'm trying to insert Employee(s), everything is fine. Updating is also perfect... well, as long as i'm not updating one of the TimeEntry object referenced in the "TimeEntries" property of Employee...
Here is where an exception is raised (in a ASPX file of the web project):
var emp = new Employee(1);
foreach (var timeEntry in emp.TimeEntries)
timeEntry.Length += 1;
Here is the exception that is raised:
[NonUniqueObjectException: a different object with the same identifier
value was already associated with the session: 1, of entity:
Basically, whenever I try to
Load an employee and
Modify one of the saved TimeEntry, I get that exception.
FYI, I tried replacing the SaveOrUpdate() in the repository for Merge(). It did an excellent job, but when creating an object using Merge(), my object never gets it's Id set.
I also tried creating and flushing the ISession in each function of my repository. It made no sense because as soon as i was trying to load the TimeEntries property of an Employee, an exception was raised, saying the object could not be lazy-loaded as the ISession was closed...
I'm at lost and would appreciate some help. Any suggestion for my repository is also welcome, as i'm quite new to this.
Thanks you guys!
This code
var emp = new Employee(1);
foreach (var timeEntry in emp.TimeEntries)
timeEntry.Length += 1;
is creating a new Employee object, presumable with an ID of 1 passed through the constructor. You should be loading the Employee from the database, and your Employee object should not allow the ID to be set since you are using an identity column. Also, a new Employee would not have any TimeEntries and the error message clearly points to an Employee instance as the problem.
I'm not a fan of transactions inside repositories and I'm really not a fan of generic repositories. Why is your EmployeeRepository a generic? Shouldn't it be
public class EmployeeRepository : IRepository<Employee>
I think your code should look something like:
var repository = new EmployeeRepository(session);
var emp = repository.GetById(1);
foreach (var timeEntry in emp.TimeEntries)
timeEntry.Length += 1;
Personally I prefer to work directly with the ISession:
using (var txn = _session.BeginTransaction())
var emp = _session.Get<Employee>(1);
foreach (var timeEntry in emp.TimeEntries)
timeEntry.Length += 1;
This StackOverflow Answer gives an excellent description of using merge.
I believe that you are facing issues with setting up a correct session pattern for your application.
I you suggest to take a look at session-per-request pattern
where in you create a single NHibernate session object per request. the session is opened when the request is received and closed/flushed on generating a response.
Also make sure that instead of using SessionFactory.OpenSession() to get a session try using SessionFactory.GetCurrentSession() which puts the onus on NHibernate to return you the current correct session.
I hope this pushes you in the right direction.

How to map lists with ValueInjector

I am using ASP.NET MVC 3.
Can someone please help me clarify what's happening here:
var person = new PersonRepository().Get();
var personViewModel = new PersonViewModel();
I have a grid on my Index view. Each row is an instance of a CategoryViewModel. So what I do is to get a list of all the categories and then map each Category to a CategoryViewModel, and then pass this list of CategoryViewModels to the view. Hou would I do a mapping like that?
IEnumerable<Category> categoryList = categoryService.GetAll();
I thought the following would work but it doesn't:
// Mapping
IList<CategoryViewModel> viewModelList = new List<CategoryViewModel>();
AFAIK value injecter doesn't support automatic collection mapping like AutoMapper but you could use a simple LINQ expression and operate on each element:
IEnumerable<Category> categoryList = categoryService.GetAll();
IList<CategoryViewModel> viewModelList = categoryList
.Select(x => new CategoryViewModel().InjectFrom(x)).Cast<CategoryViewModel>()
//source list
IEnumerable<string> items = new string[] { "1", "2" };
// target list
List<int> converted = new List<int>();
// inject all
And the extension method:
public static ICollection<TTo> InjectFrom<TFrom, TTo>(this ICollection<TTo> to, IEnumerable<TFrom> from) where TTo : new()
foreach (var source in from)
var target = new TTo();
return to;
ICollection<T> is the interface that got least features but a Add method.
An example using more proper models:
var persons = new PersonRepository().GetAll();
var personViewModels = new List<PersonViewModel>();
Update - Inject from different sources
public static ICollection<TTo> InjectFrom<TFrom, TTo>(this ICollection<TTo> to, params IEnumerable<TFrom>[] sources) where TTo : new()
foreach (var from in sources)
foreach (var source in from)
var target = new TTo();
return to;
var activeUsers = new PersonRepository().GetActive();
var lockedUsers = new PersonRepository().GetLocked();
var personViewModels = new List<PersonViewModel>();
personViewModels.InjectFrom(activeUsers, lockedUsers);
Use this function definition
public static object InjectCompleteFrom(this object target, object source)
if (target.GetType().IsGenericType &&
target.GetType().GetGenericTypeDefinition() != null &&
target.GetType().GetGenericTypeDefinition().GetInterfaces() != null &&
.Contains(typeof(IEnumerable)) &&
source.GetType().IsGenericType &&
source.GetType().GetGenericTypeDefinition() != null &&
source.GetType().GetGenericTypeDefinition().GetInterfaces() != null &&
var t = target.GetType().GetGenericArguments()[0];
var tlist = typeof(List<>).MakeGenericType(t);
var addMethod = tlist.GetMethod("Add");
foreach (var sourceItem in source as IEnumerable)
var e = Activator.CreateInstance(t).InjectFrom<CloneInjection>(sourceItem);
addMethod.Invoke(target, new[] { e });
return target;
return target.InjectFrom(source);
For those like me who prefer shortest notations possible
public static ICollection<TTarget> InjectFromList<TTarget, TOrig>(this ICollection<TTarget> target, ICollection<TOrig> source) where TTarget : new()
source.Select(r => new TTarget().InjectFrom(r))
.Cast<TTarget>().ToList().ForEach(e => target.Add(e));
return target;
public static ICollection<TTarget> InjectFromList<TTarget, TOrig>(this ICollection<TTarget> target, params ICollection<TOrig>[] sources) where TTarget : new()
sources.ToList().ForEach(s => s.ToList().Select(r => new TTarget().InjectFrom(r))
.Cast<TTarget>().ToList().ForEach(e => target.Add(e)));
return target;
Create a generic list mapper:
public class ValueMapper
public static TResult Map<TResult>(object item) where TResult : class
return item == null ? null : Mapper.Map<TResult>(item);
public static IEnumerable<TResult> MapList<TResult>(IEnumerable<object> items) where TResult : class
return items?.Select(i => Mapper.Map<TResult>(i));
Now you can reference the ValueMapper class wherever you want, and call both Map and MapList
var mydtos = ValueMapper.MapList<MyDto>(dtos);
var mydto = ValueMapper.Map<MyDto>(dto);

How can I get parameters values from a lamba expression for my nifty cache extension?

First of all it might be worth looking at this question:
How can I cache objects in ASP.NET MVC?
There some pseudo code that almost does what i want:
public class CacheExtensions
public static T GetOrStore<T>(this Cache cache, string key, Func<T> generator)
var result = cache[key];
if(result == null)
result = generator();
cache[key] = result;
return (T)result;
However, what I'd really like to do, is auto-generate the "key" from the generator. I figure i need to change the method signature to:
public static T GetOrStore<T>(this Cache cache,
System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<Func<T>> generator)
I want to use the method name, but also any parameters and their values to generate the key. I can get the method body from the expression, and the paramter names (sort of), but I have no idea how to get the paramter values...?
Or am I going about this the wrong way? Any ideas much appreciated.
Here's how I did it:
public static class ICacheExtensions
public static T GetOrAdd<T>(this ICache cache, Expression<Func<T>> getterExp)
var key = BuildCacheKey<T>(getterExp);
return cache.GetOrAdd(key, () => getterExp.Compile().Invoke());
private static string BuildCacheKey<T>(Expression<Func<T>> getterExp)
var body = getterExp.Body;
var methodCall = body as MethodCallExpression;
if (methodCall == null)
throw new NotSupportedException("The getterExp must be a MethodCallExpression");
var typeName = methodCall.Method.DeclaringType.FullName;
var methodName = methodCall.Method.Name;
var arguments = methodCall.Arguments
.Select(a => ExpressionHelper.Evaluate(a))
return String.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}",
String.Join("|", arguments));
with this helper to evaluate nodes of an expression tree:
internal static class ExpressionHelper
public static object Evaluate(Expression e)
Type type = e.Type;
if (e.NodeType == ExpressionType.Convert)
var u = (UnaryExpression)e;
if (TypeHelper.GetNonNullableType(u.Operand.Type) == TypeHelper.GetNonNullableType(type))
e = ((UnaryExpression)e).Operand;
if (e.NodeType == ExpressionType.Constant)
if (e.Type == type)
return ((ConstantExpression)e).Value;
else if (TypeHelper.GetNonNullableType(e.Type) == TypeHelper.GetNonNullableType(type))
return ((ConstantExpression)e).Value;
var me = e as MemberExpression;
if (me != null)
var ce = me.Expression as ConstantExpression;
if (ce != null)
return me.Member.GetValue(ce.Value);
if (type.IsValueType)
e = Expression.Convert(e, typeof(object));
Expression<Func<object>> lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<object>>(e);
Func<object> fn = lambda.Compile();
return fn();
When calling a function that produces a collection i want to cache i pass all my function's parameters and function name to the cache function which creates a key from it.
All my classes implement an interface that has and ID field so i can use it in my cache keys.
I'm sure there's a nicer way but somehow i gotta sleep at times too.
I also pass 1 or more keywords that i can use to invalidate related collections.
