Selenium IDE, identify row in table based on 3 columns - css

I am trying to find a row in a table which contains specific values on three columns.
I have tried methods in #paul trmbrth's answer to find XPath to identify cell in table based on other column. Worked fine for 2 columns, but didn't worked with 3. I didn't find any example for cases with more than 2 values.
A | Exteriors | Badges
A | Exteriors | Badges
A | Exteriors | Mirrors
A | Interiors | Wheels
A | Interiors | Rears
Want cell with the combination that contains:
A | Exteriors | Mirrors
I have tried but no success:
//tr[contains(td[1], 'A')]/td[2][contains(., 'Exterior')] td[3][contains(., 'Mirror')]
//tr[contains(td[1], 'A')]/td[2][contains(., 'Exterior')] /td[3][contains(., 'Mirror')]
Can anyone help?

I think you have a couple of typos:
//tr[contains(td[1], '1') and contains(td[2], 'Eve') and contains(td[3], 'Jackson')]
But I'm not 100% this is most efficient, but it will work.


R line break problem; uses commas as line breaks

I have used R to remove line breaks in a csv file containing text strings in one column. However, my problem is that some rows contain multiple columns when they should just have one. After a close inspection, I have found out that these columns appear when there are some types of commas in the text.
Please note that in my original dataset there are alot of break lines within a text. For example:
"I do not like apples.
Even so they are good for your eyes."
Here my aim is to remove and join them (for some reason I can't represent this example on the table below)
This is an example of the input:
| message |
| -------- |
| I love chocolate.|
| I dislike asparagus, they are not good for me.|
This is an example of the output:
| message | |
| -------- | -------------- |
| I love chocolate | |
| I dislike asparagus | they are not good for me |
I have used the str_replace_all(x, "[\r\n]" , "") function but it does not work. Can anyone help?

Join and merge are only working partially and completely in R

I am working with a dataset that was obtained from a global environment and loaded into R. It has been saved as a CSV and is being read in R as a data frame from that CSV. This dataset (survey_df) has almost 3 million entries, I am trying to join this dataset based on a column ID (repeated multiple times since there are multiple entries per id) to what originally was a shapefile and is now loaded in R as a data frame shapefile_df . This data frame has 60,000 unique entries, each representing a geometry in a country. We expect to have many entries per geometry in most cases. I am using a simple left_join which should in theory join these two datasets together. I am running into an issue where they are not fully joining together, only some entries are. I have tried inner,fully and right join as well as merge and I keep getting the same issue. I made a full_join and a copy of the id columns to compare the ones that are not joining and I do not see any patterns. They seem to be the same id, they are not joining for some reason. I tried formatting them as.character and as.factor and yet nothing. Below I pasted a sample of the join/unjoined df.
Matched ids
| survey_df_id | survey_id_copy | shapefile_df_id
-------------- | -------------- |--------------
0901200010229 | 0901200010229 | 0901200010229
0901500010729 | 0901500010729 | 0901500010729
090050001087A | 090050001087A | 090050001087A
0900600010467 | 0900600010467 | 0900600010467
0901400010897 | 0901400010897 | 0901400010897
0901200011960 | 0901200011960 | 0901200011960
Unmatched ids
| survey_df_id | survey_id_copy | shapefile_df_id
-------------- | -------------- |--------------
01903900010480 | 01903900010480 | NA
070470001010A | NA | 070470001010A
0704700010117 | NA | 0704700010117
0704700010140 | NA | 0704700010140
0705200010672 | NA | 0705200010672
0705200010742 | NA | 0705200010742
Most of the entries that are unmatched are like the first row where shapefile_df_id is NA. However, there are a few where survey_id_copy is NA. This field is simply a mutate of survey_df_id and in theory should not be any different yet they are. Any idea what could be causing this? I suspect this is a formatting issue but as a said, using as. hasn't fixed the issue. I am using tidyverse and read.csv. Any help?

DynamoDB Table/Index Modeling + Querying

Basic requirements:
I have a table with a bunch of attributes (20-30), but only 3 are used in querying: User, Category, and Date, and would be structured something like this...
User | Category | Date | ...
1 | Red | 5/15
1 | Green | 5/15
1 | Red | 5/16
1 | Green | 5/16
2 | Red | 5/18
2 | Green | 5/18
I want to be able to query this table in the following 2 ways:
Most recent rows (based on Date) by User. e.g., User=1 returns the 2 rows from 5/16 (3rd and 4th row)
Most recent rows (based on Date) by User and Category. e.g., User=1, Category=Red returns the 5/16 row only (the 3rd row).
Is the best way to model this with a HASH on User, RANGE on Date, and a GSI with HASH on User+Category and RANGE on Date? Is there anything else that might be more efficient? If that's the path of least resistance, I'd still need to know how many rows to return, which would require doing a count against distinct categories or something?
I've decided that it's going to be easier to just change the way I'm storing the documents. I'll move the category and other attributes into a sub-document so I can easily query against User+Date and I'll do any User+Category+Date querying with some client-side code against the User+Date result set.

Plotting mean-values of elements with same frequencies

I have two columns in my google sheet that corresponds to 1) the frequencies of the elements and 2) their respective 'values'.
What I want is a diagram that holds the different frequencies on the x-axis, and for each frequency I want the y-axis to hold that specific frequency's value (and if there are more than one element with that frequency I want it to plot their mean value).
Two elements can share the same frequency and/or the same score, and that's why I want the mean-functionality added aswell.
If the following data would be my values:
280 6
280 4
250 2
240 1
230 3
Forgive my ascii-skills, but I'd want the graph to plot the following in that case:
| |
| |
| | |
| | | |
| | | | |
I'm not entirely familiar with Google Sheets yet and I'm not really sure how to accomplish this.
I think a pivot table should serve. Your LH column in Rows, RH in Values, with Summarise by AVERAGE. Then chart the results (select what in the image is B14:B17, Insert..., Chart and accept the first recommendation):

Filter on a Query Item

I am creating a report and have a field that has multiple values representing different data values. i.e 4-Completeness 5-accuracy etc... What I need to do is make multiple columns where that field is filtered down to one value. The problem is I get the error if I try and edit the query item in the report of 'Boolen value expression as query item is not supported' How do I fix?
ID column | Data Value = 4 | Actual Data | Data Value = 5
I currently have a case when [Data value] = 4 then [percentage] for the different columns but I am still getting wrong output. I am getting
ID1 | 45% | | |
ID1 | | 35% | |
ID1 | | | 67% |
I need all of ID1 to be in one row.
You can fix this by totaling by ID which will combine all three rows in your example to one:
total([Measure] for [ID])
Change each of the three percentage columns to use this expression, substituting their respective data item for [Measure].
Normally, you don't want to total percentages, but this is an exception. Since only one row has actual data, the total will match that row and the other two null values will not be included in the total.
Simple way would be to do it for each data value in three queries and join them on ID1
