Turning a string into a function line in R - r

I am relatively new to R and I would like to do the following:
if I write a simple function as
fn<-function(K) K^2
and then compute fn(10), I get 100.
Now if K^2 is created somewhere as a string, t1="K^2", then obviously my function does not work anymore since it does not take K as a variable.
How can I turn a string, a sequence of characters into a line in my function?
I don't want to use eval(parse(text=t1)), because I would like to use my function later in another function, say to find the gradient using n1.grad(x0,fn).

You don't need to use eval ( parse()) but you do need to use parse, since translating text to syntactically acceptable (but unevaluated) parse trees is what parsing does. There are three components of a function that can be modified: arglist, body, and environment, and they each have an assignment function. Here we are only modifying the body with body<-:
fn <- function(K) {}
body(fn) <- parse(text=t1)
function (K)
And there is always:


Why the code only works with numbers and not letters?

I have to use the code bellow but I don't completely understand how it works. Why it won't work if I change du.4 by du.f and then use the f when calling the function? For some reason it only works with numbers and I do not undarstand why.
This is the error that it is giving in the case of du.f
Error in paste("Meth1=", nr, ".ps", sep = "") : object 'f' not found
du.4 <- function(u,v,a){(exp(a)*(-1+exp(a*v)))/(-exp(a)+exp(a+a*u)-exp(a*(u+v))+exp(a+a*v))}
plotmeth1 <- function(data1,data2,alpha,nr) {
psfile <-paste("Meth1=",nr,".ps",sep="")
diffmethod <-paste("du.",nr,sep="")
alphavalue <-paste("alpha=",round(alpha,digits=3),sep="")
#message=c("no message")
diffdata <-data3[!is.na(data3)]
#{message=paste("Family ",nr,"contains NA!")}
tq <-((1:length(diffdata))/(length(diffdata)+1))
In R, a dot is used as just another character in identifiers. It is often used for clarity but doesn't have a formal function in defining the part after the dot as being in a name-space given by the part of the identifier before the dot. In something like du.f you can't refer to the function by f alone, even if your computation is inside of an environment named du. You can of course define a function named du.4 and then use 4 all by itself, but when you do so you are using the number 4 as just a number and not as a reference to the function. For example, if
du.4 <- function(u,v,a){(exp(a)*(-1+exp(a*v)))/(-exp(a)+exp(a+a*u)-exp(a*(u+v))+exp(a+a*v))}
Then du.4(1,2,3) evaluates to 21.08554 but attempting to use 4(1,2,3) throws the error
Error: attempt to apply non-function
In the case of your code, you are using paste to assemble the function name as a string to be passed to eval. It makes sense to paste the literal number 4 onto the string 'du.' (since the paste will convert 4 to the string '4') but it doesn't make sense to paste an undefined f onto 'du.'. It does, however, make sense to paste the literal string 'f' onto 'du.', so that the function call plotmeth1 (data1, data2, alpha, 'f') will work even though plotmeth1 (data1, data2, alpha, f) will fail.
See this question for more about the use of the dot in R identifiers.

julia to regex match lines in a file like grep

I would like to see a code snippet of julia that will read a file and return lines (string type) that match a regular expression.
I welcome multiple techniques, but output should be equivalent to the following:
$> grep -E ^AB[AJ].*TO' 'webster-unabridged-dictionary-1913.txt'
I'm using GNU grep 3.1 here, and the first line of each entry in the file is the all caps word on its own.
You could also use the filter function to do this in one line.
filter(line -> ismatch(r"^AB[AJ].*TO",line),readlines(open("webster-unabridged-dictionary-1913.txt")))
filter applies a function returning a Boolean to an array, and only returns those elements of the array which are true. The function in this case is an anonymous function line -> ismatch(r"^AB[AJ].*TO",line)", which basically says to call each element of the array being filtered (each line, in this case) line.
I think this might not be the best solution for very large files as the entire file needs to be loaded into memory before filtering, but for this example it seems to be just as fast as the for loop using eachline. Another difference is that this solution returns the results as an array rather than printing each of them, which depending on what you want to do with the matches might be a good or bad thing.
My favored solution uses a simple loop and is very easy to understand.
julia> open("webster-unabridged-dictionary-1913.txt") do f
for i in eachline(f)
if ismatch(r"^AB[AJ].*TO", i) println(i) end
Lines with tab separations have the tabs preserved (no literal output of '\t')
my source file in this example has the dictionary words in all caps alone on one line above the definition; the complete line is returned.
the file I/O operation is wrapped in a do block syntax structure, which expresses an anonymous function more conveniently than lamba x -> f(x) syntax for multi-line functions. This is particularly expressive with the file open() command, defined with a try-finally-close operation when called with a function as an argument.
Julia docs: Strings/Regular Expressions
regex objects take the form r"<regex_literal_here>"
the regex itself is a string
based on perl PCRE library
matches become regex match objects
julia> reg = r"^AB[AJ].*TO";
julia> typeof(reg)
julia> test = match(reg, "ABJURATORY")
julia> typeof(test)
Just putting ; in front is Julia's way to using commandline commands so this works in Julia's REPL
;grep -E ^AB[AJ].*TO' 'webster-unabridged-dictionary-1913.txt'

How one can delete % from the name of an infix function?

Is it possible to define (+) function by R, s.t. able to work between its two arguments?
In other words, I'd like to delete % from the following infix function (but I can not and I don't know how this problem can be solved):
`%(+)%` <- function(x,y) { x+(2*y) }
2 %(+)% 3
User-defined infix operators must be surrounded by percent signs in R. So the answer to your question is, "you can't". Sorry.
From the R language definition:
R allows user-defined infix operators. These have the form of a string of characters delimited by the ‘%’ character. The string can contain any printable character except ‘%’. The escape sequences for strings do not apply here.
The only alternatives I can think of, both rather desperate:
if x and y are defined as members of an S4 class then you can overload dispatch for the + symbol
you could hack the R parser (not recommended!), as in this example, where someone forked a read-only Github mirror of R to modify the parser (described here).
I agree with Ben Bolker that you cannot define (+) without the %. However, if you are looking to create a function as per above why not use the following:
`&`<- function(x, y) { x+(2*y) }
#Use rm to remove the defined function

Pass non-string argument to r function and use it inside this function as is

I am a bit confused with the way arguments are transmitted to r function, and the associated syntax (quoting, substituting, evaluating, calling, expressions, "...", ...) .
Basically, what I need to do is to pass arguments in a function using only their name, but without using the type "character".
This is a (not working) illustration of what I would like to do
test <- function(x) select(iris, DesiredFunction(x))
I am also interested in general resources about the possibilities to pass arguments to functions.
Thank you,
The following is working
test <- function(x) select_(iris, substitute(x))
Is there a way to do this but with "select" instead of "select_" ?
Or in other words, what is the inverse operation for quoting ?

Convert string argument to regular expression

Trying to get into Julia after learning python, and I'm stumbling over some seemingly easy things. I'd like to have a function that takes strings as arguments, but uses one of those arguments as a regular expression to go searching for something. So:
function patterncount(string::ASCIIString, kmer::ASCIIString)
numpatterns = eachmatch(kmer, string, true)
There are a couple of problems with this. First, eachmatch expects a Regex object as the first argument and I can't seem to figure out how to convert a string. In python I'd do r"{0}".format(kmer) - is there something similar?
Second, I clearly don't understand how the count function works (from the docs):
count(p, itr) → Integer
Count the number of elements in itr for which predicate p returns true.
But I can't seem to figure out what the predicate is for just counting how many things are in an iterator. I can make a simple counter loop, but I figure that has to be built in. I just can't find it (tried the docs, tried searching SO... no luck).
Edit: I also tried numpatterns = eachmatch(r"$kmer", string, true) - no go.
To convert a string to a regex, call the Regex function on the string.
Typically, to get the length of an iterator you an use the length function. However, in this case that won't really work. The eachmatch function returns an object of type Base.RegexMatchIterator, which doesn't have a length method. So, you can use count, as you thought. The first argument (the predicate) should be a one argument function that returns true or false depending on whether you would like to count a particular item in your iterator. In this case that function can simply be the anonymous function x->true, because for all x in the RegexMatchIterator, we want to count it.
So, given that info, I would write your function like this:
patterncount(s::ASCIIString, kmer::ASCIIString) =
count(x->true, eachmatch(Regex(kmer), s, true))
EDIT: I also changed the name of the first argument to be s instead of string, because string is a Julia function. Nothing terrible would have happened if we would have left that argument name the same in this example, but it is usually good practice not to give variable names the same as a built-in function name.
