Visio 2010 opens web link read only on some PCs...other open Read Write - webdav

We are using the itHit Server and Ajax WebDAV Library to edit documents with our web application. We have two client PCs. Both have the same OS (W7 sp1 64bit) and Visio 2010 (14.0.7145.5000 32-bit). One has IE9 and the other has IE11. The IE9 PC opens the Visio document read-only after prompting for user credentials. The IE11 PC open the Visio document read-write after prompting for the user credentials. We noticed in Fiddler that the IE9 log never gets to the Lock command but the IE11 does. The IE11 log shows a number of commands (options/propfind/head) that are not in the IE9 log.
What could be causing this? Since Visio has started (and prompts for the user credentials), IE should not be involved but that is a difference in the two PCs

I set HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\WebClient\Parameters\BasicAuthLevel=dword:00000002 and both PCs that did not work now opened the document RW and allowed to save back to the server…

Possibly MS Visio has cached information about the previous unsuccessful WebDAV connection somewhere. Please try the following on the computer where you have this issue:
Unmount WebDAV connections executing following console command:
net use * /DELETE
This will unmount all network connections including WebDAV. With 'net use' command you can also list connections first and unmount only specific WebDAV connections if you do not want to unmount all connections.
Delete cached credentials if any. You can do this executing the following command:
rundll32.exe keymgr.dll, KRShowKeyMgr
Clear MS Office WebDAV connections cache. It is stored under the key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\\Common\Internet\Server Cache\
To clear cache just delete all keys under this key.
Also make sure you have all Windows and Visio updates installed.


"The WS-Management service cannot process the request. The service is configured to not accept any remote shell requests" when managing server

I can't do anything in server manager. I have tried enabling "Allow Remote Shell Access" in GPO. This is ridiculous how this just doesn't work for software costing OVER A THOUSAND DOLLARS!
UPDATE: Microsoft just doesn't know what the hell they're doing, they make an operating system for "datacenters" and yet their bulls****y OSes come broken. Now, if their OS was working, when the value found at "WSMAN:\localhost\Shell\AllowRemoteShellAccess" says "True", you'd think that it really is true, but it just isn't. Microsoft is a billion dollar company built on broken software and utterly horrible customer support.
Have you tried installing the required features from a different server's Server Manager by adding this server as a remote server ?
This is how I worked around the issue. It seemed the local server manager on the specific server had issues.
I tried all the recommended stuff - Allow Remote Shell Access; gpupdate /force in an admin window; WM service restart. All to no avail. BUT simple Windows restart fixed it. OMG!

Getting Windows to detect IBM AS400 provider

I am trying to get a connection to work on my machine to an AS400 database as per this link.
I have confirmed that there is no firewall blocking the machine I am working on. I have confirmed that the connection info works on a different machine with a .UDL file. I have installed the requisite C++ runtime libraries onto the machine and confirmed it has the appropriate .NET framework (it has 4.7.2). When I try to run the UDL file with the same connection information, I get "Provider cannot be found. Ensure that the provider has been installed properly." As far as I can tell I did, but it is not detecting that?
Can someone help me understand how to get it set up so that the UDL file will indicate if the connection was successful or not? I'm not really sure what is at issue at this point.
edit: I got lucky on more searching and so on further inspection, I can see that it is not in the registry editor. Could that be the issue? How would I add it there properly so that it shows up as a Data Link so that I can configure it correctly?
go here to download and install access client solutions
after installing the base package, navigate in the install folder and find the Windows_Application folder. In that folder, double click on install_acs_64.js. That will install the ODBC drivers.
run the ODBC Data Source Adminstrator app on the windows PC. Click the Add button. Select the IBM i Access ODBC Driver. Make sure to click the Server tab and set the default schema and library list.
Once the ODBC driver is installed you can test the connection by opening Excel and use the Data tab to config a connection to the IBM i database.

Windows Explorer not refreshing after CreateFolder (new folder)

We have built a WebDav Service with your Engine and have a one problem when we create a new Folder or File:
The new folder / file is created successfully, but not showing in the Windows Explorer. Only if you press F5, the new folder / file is showing (and the name is already selected to be edited).
This behavior is reproducible even with a blank WebDav Solution.
We can reproduce this on Windows 7 and Windows 8 (8.1) using WebDav .NET Server 3.8 and the latest 3.9.
Is there a way to get around this “refresh-problem”?
I solved this issue but clicking in the folder explorer at view > options > then i restored to default and everything is back to normal.
I assume this issue is in Windows Explorer on a single computer. Most likely the WebDAV server-side code is failing with with some exception. Here are some ideas how to detect what is wrong:
Unmount network connections executing 'net use * /DELETE' in a command prompt, this will unmount WebDAV connections too and simulate 'clean' environment.
Retry reproducing the issue and examine your WebDAV logfile. By default it is located in /App_Data/WebDAV/Logs/ folder. Are there any exceptions in it?
Use Fiddler tool or any other debugging proxy to capture and examine HTTP requests. Are there any failed requests?
In case you are creating a folder/file on one computer using Windows Explorer (Microsoft Mini-redirector driver) or IT Hit Ajax File Browser and expect the files list to refresh automatically on another computer this would not work. Mini-redirector does not support any notifications from server and WebDAV does not submit any notifications, you need to refresh the files list manually to see the new items created.
I found this video on Youtube that explains in very much detail how to fix this problem:
It is a bit lengthy, so I'll just quickly sum it up here:
The reason for these problems are one or more (broken) Shell Extensions that prevent the refresh of the Windows Explorer
To fix it, open up regedit.exe (requires admin privileges), do a search for the Registry Key "DontRefresh". If it is "1", set it to "0". There might be multiple matches for that Key, so repeat until all Keys have the value "0".
This might not work immediately, you may have to kill and restart your explorer.exe process (easiest to do with the Task Manager). Or you can simply reboot your computer. In my case, it worked immediately.
According to the video, the Keys should only be located under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/CLSID, but in my case I could only find such Keys in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Classes/Wow6432Node/CLSID.
I figured it makes most sense to simply search the complete Registry, it does not take very long.
I tred a lot of hacks, from scanning the system, to recreating the profile to hacking Registry keys and hives.
Finally what worked for me -
Right click on desktop
Select Personalize
Click Themes
Click Change desktop icons
Click Restore default & OK
And instantly it began to auto refresh with a new folder, rename, delete, copy, etc.

How do I get the Emulator on the same network as my PC?

I've created some Web API methods in .NET 4 / Visual Studio 2010 (and have now ported it to VS 2013 RC).
I want to consume them from a Windows CE / Compact Framework app using RestSharp.
Regardless of how I call these methods, though, I need to know the IP Address to use for the app running the Web API methods. I can access it from a browser using "localhost" and the port number Visual Studio displays when running the View for the Web API project in the browser (works fine, returns XML in Chrome).
But: how can I call it from my Windows CE / Compact Framework app? The emulator in which I run it doesn't believe that it and localhost are really on the same machine, so I can't use that, nor the machine's actual IP address as, again, it is delusional about who/where it is.
So: what is the workaround? How can I test this?
More details about this can be seen here: RFC on HttpWebRequest vs RESTSharp from Windows CE / Compact Framework 3.5
Vasily, my guess was that you meant for me to do this:
...but that led to this:
Note: I get the same when I choose the other option from the dropdown asociated with the "Enable NE2000 PCMCIA network adapter and bind to:" czechbox, namely "Intel(R) 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection".
And trying to install (both the 64-bit and the 32-bit flavors) slapped me with:
So tell me, I implore: Is there balm in Gilead, so that there may be joy in Mudville tonight?
In step 6 (bullet 6), I did this:
...which got me first a message that the software didn't install correctly, with the option to retry or assert that, no, everything is really fine (I chose the latter), but then this:
...IOW, I don't make it to step/bullet point 7
Then again, this Peek cat did warn, "Note that this is very much a “works on my machine” experience. If it burns your house down, don’t hold me responsible."
My house didn't burn down (I don't think - I'm not there right now), but the process to extract the file did fail ignominiously.
You can use workstation network card by the emulator. Todo it you have to select "Use installed network card" checkbox and select the card from the list. after that you can use the workstation ip.
This was helpful for me:
Windows Virtual PC and the Microsoft Device Emulator
I've had to use it more than a couple of times.
I saved the file as a PDF to my network folder, so it took me a while to find the link.

Flash SWF On Solaris Won't Load When Also Loading Apache APR Library in JBoss

UPDATE + SOLUTION ===============================
Sorry to be posting the solution here instead of in a comment, but something about my work's filtering doesn't allow the comment functionality to work for me.
I ended up using the -b property in jboss to bind to all addresses, so I could try accessing machine A's server with machine B as the client, and vice-versa. I found that it always failed to load when running on machine B, whether or not I was connecting from A or B.
I started wireshark on a windows machine on the same network, and observed the TCP connection that was loading the webpage. I saw that the request for the .swf in the cases where it failed had a content length of 2 million or so, and when I right clicked the wireshark logs and selected "view conversation" or something like that, the size of the total conversation to get the .swf file was only 130,000. Looking at about:cache, that was about equal to what it ended up caching before saying "Done" on the page.
I ended up finding that there is a bug with the useSendFile property. ( This causes it to only send part of the file if you are running low on kernel memory. Using useSendFile="false" in our server.xml has seemed to resolve the problem.
Original Problem
I have a JBoss (5.1.0.GA) application server. I am using GraniteDS to connect between the application server and the client. The client side is flash-based.
Granite DS requires the use of the APR library (apache native library), so I am loading it. I see in the JBoss logs that it says it loaded the apache native library just fine (version 1.18, though I've also tried 1.20).
The issue is that when I have it so the APR library loads successfully, then the Flash side of the application does not usually load. I'll have to hit refresh a bunch of times and eventually it will usually load, but normally I'll see either a black webpage that says "Done" or the loading progress bar never move. Only by repeatedly hitting refresh will the page load. It will load eventually by hitting refresh enough, but it is not consistent and this obviously will not work for our clients who have to clear their browser's cache every time.
This problem only exists on Solaris, our application works fine on Windows. We've tried multiple patch-levels of solaris, and have verified with the "ldd" command that the library that needs to be loaded has all its dependencies there.
We've verified it isn't our swf file's size by testing:
1) Our regular SWF (1660 kb).
2) A random large-ish SWF (950 kb).
3) A small SWF with one label component that says "Test" (277 kb).
All 3 were unable to load when JBoss was also loading the native library, and loaded just fine without it. We need the native library to load successfully for Granite to connect between the client and server though, so not loading it isn't an option (unless there's some way to use the NIO connector with JBoss, but it appears unsupported).... if there is a way to use the NIO connector then we shouldn't need the APR library.
Has anybody run into this before? Anybody have any ideas or recommendations?
Have you tried the jboss native libraries for Solaris ?
