Bootstrap modal dialog center image in body - css

I am trying to center an image (both horizontally and vertically) in a modal dialog body. I have tried every permutation of everything I know. top / left = 50%, margin 0 auto, class=center-block... Read through the bootstrap documentation and I am stumped. Here is my html... Any help would be greatly appreciated
<div id="processing" class="modal fade">
<div class="modal-dialog" style="max-width: 350px">
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="panel-heading modal-header dialog-header">
<h4 class="modal-title">Please Wait...</h4>
<div class="modal-body" style="height: 230px;">
<img src="~/images/ajax-loader.gif" class="img-responsive" />
Thank you Chun for the response, but it did not achieve the desired results.
Here is a link to 2 images. One is the result from Chun's suggestion, the other is a manipulated image to exhibit my desired result.

This will center the image inside of the modal.
.modal-body > .img-responsive {
display: block;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;

It must be working by adding more class :
.img-center {
display: block;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;

========= Updated Answer ==========
I did see the image from your link going outside of your div container, here's what needs to be done in order to fix this problem. Forget all the code provided previously, let's start over. Giving a position:relative; to .modal-body will avoid the image of going outside of the container, here's an example:
.modal-body {
position:relative; /* This avoids whatever it's absolute inside of it to go off the container */
height: 250px; /* let's imagine that your login box height is 250px . This height needs to be added, otherwise .img-responsive will be like "Oh no, I need to be vertically aligned?! but from which value I need to be aligned??" */
Then, create your centered login image by styling the class .img-responsive
.img-responsive {
width:50px; /* This value will depend on what size you want for your loading image, let's say it's 50px */
height: 50px;
margin-top:-25px; /* This needs to be half of the height */
margin-left:-25px; /* This needs to be half of the width */
Here's an example


HTML/CSS Footer not sticking to bottom moving on screen resize

I have the following attempt, trying to make a simple sticky footer.
My problem is the footer is not sicking to the bottom, I suspect it might be a css problem.
Would greatly appreciate it if someone can give the following code a scan and provide some advise.
#footer { /* position must be absolute and bottom must be 0 */
height: 100px;
width: 100%;
background: red;
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
<footer class="footer" id="footer">
<div class="footLeft" style="width:75%; float:left;">
<div class="footerRight" style="width:25%; float:right; padding:25px;">
<button class="btn btn-danger" style="font-size:20px;">Sign Up</button>
The Problem Im having / Output
Add the following rules to body
body {
min-height:100%;/*or 100vh */
The min-height property will make sure that the body at least takes 100% of your viewport height. This way even if you have less content your footer will always stick to the bottom of viewport.
Position: relative rule is set so that the footer is positioned absolute relative to the body and not any other wrapper
You can just use this native class to achieve sticky footer in bootstrap--
<div class="footer navbar-fixed-bottom">
Another possibility is using position:fixed, without influencing the body css.
In that case the footer would be always at the bottom of the page event if a scrollbar is present
#footer { /* position must be absolute and bottom must be 0 */
height: 100px;
width: 100%;
background: red;
position: fixed;
bottom: 0;
See fiddle

How to reposition div on decrease in screen size with css?

I have been trying to build a website having a 3 column layout. All of the body is given a margin:0 auto to keep it at the centre, and has a minimum width of 1218px.
Now, what I want to do is reposition the right column in such a way the it goes below the left column without affecting the centre column. A live example would be twitter home page, where at the left I can see my profile and trends, the centre column features the tweets and the right column shows suggestions on a 1366x768 screen, now if I change the screen size to 1024x768, the column of suggestions at right goes down below the left column but the central timeline is unaffected.
The definition would be:
<div class="containter" style="margin:0px auto;">
<div class="left-col" style="width:290px; float:left;">Left Stuff goes here </div>
<div class="center-col" style="width:590px; float:right;"> Center body </div>
<div class="right-col" style="width:290px; float:right;">right Stuff goes here </div>
Now note that the central column has a right float, copied from twitter.
I can't use media queries for that since the website is going to deal with a lot of old browsers and also I would like to avoid JavaScript if possible.
Any help?
You can't do that with "min-width" of the main container. You must use "max-width" since you want to make sure something happens when the screen width gets more narrow. And the main column (in the center) has to be left-floated, not right. Here's a possible solution. However the whole questions seems weird to me since you want to make a responsive layout in an old browser that doesn't support responsive CSS.
.container {
max-width: 1218px;
.leftColumn {
float: left;
width: 300px;
height: 500px;
background-color: brown;
.mainColumn {
float: left;
width: 700px;
height: 500px;
background-color: darkgreen;
.suggestions {
float: left;
width: 218px;
height: 500px;
background-color: darkorange;
.cleaner {
clear: both;
<div class="container">
<div class="leftColumn">
<div class="mainColumn">
<div class="suggestions">
<div class="cleaner"></div>

CSS 100% div height with 960 grid

I have been banging my head against the wall trying to figure out this problem and I have looked high and low for the answer and came up with similar results.
The problem is that I am building a website using the 960 grid and have three columns that I want to stretch at 100% at all times. Here is a fiddle for your reference:
Essentially the html is like so:
<div class="contentWrapper">
<div class="container_12">
<div class="grid_2 leftSide clearfix">
Left sidebar content.
<div class="grid_7 content">
Lots of content loaded from the server.
<div class="grid_3 rightSide">
Right sidebar content.
with the CSS being like
html, body {
height: 100%;
.content {
height: 100%;
.leftSide {
height: 100%;
background-color: #000000;
.rightSide {
height: 100%;
background-color: #000000;
.contentWrapper {
height: 100%;
The fiddle isn't completely accurate to what I am seeing on my local version, but it's close. Seems like the left and right sidebars do not want to expand to 100% no matter what I do.
What I've Tried
Most of the answers I have found on SO have suggested to put height: 100% on the html, body elements and everything should work out fine. Adding this attribute and giving both sidebars height: 100% did work a little bit, but if the content in the middle column gets too big, it stops at a certain point and won't continue to stretch.
I have tried adding the clearfix class that comes with the 960 grid but it didn't seem to help at all.
How do I get the left and right side bars height in the fiddle to be 100% no matter what content is in the middle column?
If you add the following CSS to the sidebar elements it will fill the 100% of the height.
If you place the sidebar into a wrapper div with relative positioning, the content section will be again in it's right place...
I would also set padding and margin to 0 for the body.
If you add height: 100% to the .container_12 it will get a real height, and children elements can have a 100% height. Notice that the sidebars will be as height as the window itself, but your content at the middle can be taller than 100%... Fiddle
Dont know the 960 grid, the EDITED solution - using visibility: visible; -
<div id="box">
<div class="vision"> sdfsdfsd </div>
#box {
float: left;
border: 2px solid red;
.vision {
width: 300px;
height: 600px;
visibility: visible;

How to tell image to stay centered - CSS

I am building a website and I am using 2000px wide images. I want the images to be visible on wide screens (like mine - im using TV as monitor) but the smaller screens will only see the images size adequate to their size. (rest will be cropped). The problem is that the image must be centered no matter what size the viewport is. I have used text-align:center; to make the text responsive. I did read the similar topics but no matter what I do the image stays static and not centered. Please help.
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="header">
<img src="images/design/header.png">
<div class="nav-bar">
<div class="side-bar">
<h1>This is my side bar</h1>
<div class="content">
<h1>This is my content</h1>
<div class="footer">
<h1>This is my footer</h1>
#wrapper {
max-width: 2000px;
margin: -8px;
overflow: hidden;
text-align: center;
One way is to use a responsive layout. Twitter Bootstrap provides the same by default.
Another way is by using #media tags. Refer . Here, you will need to make a function like this: Get the screen size using mediacheck and then set up thresholds using #media.
Use the following css to make the image center. max-width:100% will fit the image if the container is smaller than the image width. the image width and height will be reduced to fit.
#wrapper > .header img
display: block;
height: auto;
max-width: 100%;
margin:0 auto; /* to make the image center of its container, if container is larger than image size */
If you know the exact height of the image, then please see this fiddle. Resize fullscreen to see the image cropping.
<div class="position-img-outer">
<div class="position-img-inner">
<img src="" class="position-img" alt="img" style=" height: 300px; " />
height: 300px;
margin: 0 auto;
overflow: hidden;
.position-img-outer .position-img-inner
display: inline-block;
position: relative;
right: -50%;
.position-img-outer .position-img-inner .position-img
position: relative;
left: -50%;
If you know the width of the images, you can use the following:
#wrapper .header img{
To avoid a horizontal Scrollbar, you can set the container element to width:100% and overflow:hidden
#wrapper .header {

Placing a div sidebar next to a centered div

I've found a lot of variations to this question within SO, but it seems no matter what I try I can't get this (seemingly very simple!) thing working!
What I'm trying to do is to keep the 'centered' div in the center of the viewport and to place the 'sidebar' div directly to its right (i.e. not right-aligned to the viewport) without affecting the centering of the 'centered' div.
Here's some test code on jsfiddle:
Everything I've read seems to imply that the float property is exactly what I'm looking for, but the results in the link show that I get weird results wherein the right sidebar is placed below the 'centered' div rather than beside it. That's what's shown in the link.
I've also seen a solution involving using a negative value for the right property, and setting the width of the sidebar exactly, but I couldn't get that one going either.
Hopefully this question is as easy to solve as I think it should be! Just can't seem to find the right set of div inside div and so forth. Hard to debug these alignment issues!
Live Demo
I moved div.sidebar inside div.centered.
I added position: relative to div.centered.
We're using this technique.
You don't have to declare a fixed width on div.sidebar.
div.centered {
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
border: dashed;
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
position: relative
div.sidebar {
border: dotted;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 100%
<div class="holder">
<div class="centered">
<div class="sidebar">
Try this.
.holder {
margin:0 auto;
.centered {
border: dashed;
height: 100px;
.sidebar {
border: dotted;
If you do not set a width to your holder and center it, the sidebar will float to the edge of the window.
Try this:
<div id="holder">
<div id="sidebar">Sidebar</div>
<div id="centered">Centered</div>
