As you've probably guessed, I had a hard time coming up with the Title.
In Java, when adding X to a JFrame, X has access to the JFrame it has been added to, through the "super" keyword.
So basically
JFrame jf;
Component comp;
Inside comp:
This code would add comp to jf and then comp would tell jf to remove itself from jf with the super and this keyword.
Is it somehow possible to get the super into C# code? Pointers, references???
The call
in Java means "call method remove() defined in the superclass, and pass this object as remove's parameter".
In C#, keyword base is used instead. Assuming that an identical method is defined in the base class, you call it like this:
What Java calls a super class is called a base class in C#. The base keyword functions like the super keyword in Java, referencing the base class.
In Java, when adding X to a JFrame, X has access to the JFrame it has been added to, through the "super" keyword.
The way you describe it would not work in C# and I have my doubts about Java. The functionality you describe does not sound like inheritance at all. Are you sure your example would work in Java?
I'm interested in defining and inheriting from interfaces in R. By interface, I mean OOP interfaces. I know R supports class extension. This link gives an example of extending a reference class in R. It defines a NoOverdraftAccount reference class that extends an Account reference class.
Instead of extending the Account reference class, I'd like to be able to define an account interface, IAccount. I would like I'd like NoOverDraftAccount to implement IAccount, such that:
NoOverDraftAccount must implement all methods in IAccount.
NoOverDraftAccount cannot declare any new public methods not already declared in IAccount.
NoOverDraftAccountcan declare private methods and properties.
What's the best way to achieve this?
The closest I've come to an answer was from the question Multiple inheritance for R6 classes. But, the question wasn't focused on interfaces.
Thanks for your time.
I don't think "declarations" make much sense in an interpreted language like R. As there's no compile step there's no way to test if something actually conforms to a declared interface without running a function on the class, something like does_class_follow(class,interface), at some point.
So I think you have to start from scratch - you need to define an interface specification class and write the does_class_follow function.
My first thought was that a class would have to know what interface(s) it conformed to so that the test could introspect this, but perhaps that's wrong and you should have a file of interface definitions and pseudo-declarations that tested everything.
For example, have some file interfaces.R that looks like:
IAccount = Interface(
public = list("deposit","withdraw")
Implements(Account, IAccount)
Implements(Account, NoOverDraftAccount)
Then when the package is loaded those Implements functions would run and test the classes against that specification of what an Account interface is. Whether its better to test at load time or to put these sort of things in the ./test/ folder and test them at test time using test_that or another test system is a question...
As you may be aware you'll have to implement this separately for all the OO systems in R that you want to use - S3, S4, R5, ReferenceClasses, R6, proto, R.oo and all the other ones I've forgotten...
I was reading about Java 8 features, which lead me to this article and I was wondering about the actual uses of constructor reference, I mean why not just use new Obj ?
P.S, I tried googling, but I failed to find something meaningful, if someone has a code example, link or tut it will be great
First of all, you should understand that constructor references are just a special form of method references. The point about method references is that they do not invoke the referenced method but provide a way to define a function which will invoke the method when being evaluated.
The linked article’s examples might not look that useful but that’s the general problem of short self-contained example code. It’s just the same as with the “hello world” program. It’s not more useful than typing the text “hello world” directly into the console but it’s not meant to be anyway. It’s purpose is to demonstrate the programming language.
As assylias has shown, there are use cases involving already existing functional interfaces using the JFC API.
Regarding the usefulness of a custom functional interface that’ll be used together with a constructor reference, you have to think about the reason to use (functional) interface in general: abstraction.
Since the purpose of an interface is to abstract the underlying operation, the use cases are the places where you do not want to perform an unconditional new SomeType(…) operation.
So one example is the commonly known Factory pattern where you define an interface to construct an object and implementing the factory via constructor reference is only one option out of the infinite possibilities.
Another important point are all kinds of Generic methods where the possibility to construct instances of the type, that is not known due to type erasure, is needed. They can be implemented via a function which is passed as parameter and whether one of the existing functional interfaces fits or a custom one is needed simply depends on the required number and types of parameters.
It's useful when you need to provide a constructor as a supplier or a function. Examples:
List<String> filtered =
.filter(s -> !s.isEmpty())
.collect(Collectors.toCollection(ArrayList::new)); //() -> new ArrayList<> ()
Map<String, BigDecimal> numbersMap = new HashMap<>();
numbersMap.computeIfAbsent("2", BigDecimal::new); // s -> new BigDecimal(s)
someStream.toArray(Object[]::new); // i -> new Object[i]
I've got a class called ArtificialIntelligenceBase from which you can create your own artificial intelligence configuration sending some variables to the constructor or you can make a class that inherits from ArtificialIntelligenceBase and in the constructor of this new class just call the function super() with the parameters of the configurations.
I've also created some examples of artificial intelligences in classes, AIPassive, AIAgressive and AIDefensive. Obviously all of them inherits from ArtificialIntelligenceBase.
The point is that there're only few public functions in the base class. The variables in the base class are read only and the non public functions are protected in case you need to apply some modifications on them when created another pre-defined AI.
You can also create another AI just calling the base class sending some parameters in the constructor like this: new ArtificialIntelligenceBase(param1, param2, param3, param4);
I've tought about make the classes as a singleton because the classes can never change and once setted, their variables never change.
The question is: Is the singleton the best pattern to do this? Because I'm not sure.
PD: You don't need to explain any patter, just mention the name and I'll search for how it works
PPD: I'm developing in AS3. Just in case it helps
In general, singletons are evil. I don't see any reason in your case to use a singleton, either. It sounds like you're using your own version of a factory method pattern (using a constructor somehow?) or maybe a prototype (I don't know AS3 one bit), but if you're looking for other patterns a couple of other ones are abstract factory and builder.
You don't need to use the singleton pattern to limit yourself to using only one instance per type of class, though. It doesn't help avoid redundancy.
Is there any way to 'dynamically'/reflectively/etc create a new instance of a class with arguments in Scala?
For example, something like:
class C(x: String)
But that compiles. (This is also, rest assured, being used in a context that makes much more sense than this simplified example!)
erasure is of type java.lang.Class, so you can use constructors (anyway you don't need manifest in this simple case - you can just use classOf[C]). Instead of calling newinstance directly, you can at first find correspondent constructor with getConstructor method (with correspondent argument types), and then just call newInstance on it:
Do anyone knows about the class which has the common function which we generally use while developing web application. I have no idea what you may call it, it may be the utility class or common function class. Just for reference, this class can have some common function like:
Generate Random number
Get the file path
Get the concatinated string
To check the string null or empty
Find controls
The idea is to have the collection of function which we generally use while developing application.
No idea what you are really asking, but there already are ready-made methods for the tasks you write in various library classes:
Random.Next() or RNGCryptoServiceProvider.GetBytes()
String.Concat() or simply x + y
Gotta love the intarwebs - An endless stream of people eager to criticize your style while completely failing to address the obvious "toy" question. ;)
Chris, you want to inherit all your individual page classes from a common base class, which itself inherits from Page. That will let you put all your shared functionality in a single place, without needing to duplicate it in every page.
In your example it looks like utility class - it is set of static functions.
But I think that you should group it in few different classes rather than put all methods in one class - you shouldn't mix UI functions(6) with string functions(3,4), IO functions (2) and math(1).
As Mormegil said - those functions exists in framework, but if you want to create your own implementations then I think that for part of your function the best solution is to create extension method.