How to find where an equation equals zero - r

Say I have a function and I find the second derivative like so:
xyr <- D(expression(14252/(1+exp((-1/274.5315)*(x-893)))), 'x')
D2 <- D(xyr, 'x')
it gives me back as, typeof 'language':
-(14252 * (exp((-1/274.5315) * (x - 893)) * (-1/274.5315) * (-1/274.5315))/(1 +
exp((-1/274.5315) * (x - 893)))^2 - 14252 * (exp((-1/274.5315) *
(x - 893)) * (-1/274.5315)) * (2 * (exp((-1/274.5315) * (x -
893)) * (-1/274.5315) * (1 + exp((-1/274.5315) * (x - 893)))))/((1 +
exp((-1/274.5315) * (x - 893)))^2)^2)
how do I find where this is equal to 0?

A little bit clumsy to use a graph/solver for this, since your initial function as the form:
f(x) = c / ( 1 + exp(ax+b) )
You derive twice and solve for f''(x) = 0 :
f''(x) = c * a^2 * exp(ax+b) * (1+exp(ax+b)) * [-1 + exp(ax+b)] / ((1+exp(ax+b))^3)
Which is equivalent that the numerator equals 0 - since a, c, exp() and 1+exp() are always positive the only term which can be equal to zero is:
exp(ax+b) - 1 = 0
x = -b/a
Here a =-1/274.5315, b=a*(-893). So x=893.
Just maths ;)
from applied mathematician point of view, it's always better to have closed form/semi-closed form solution than using solver or optimization. You gain in speed and in accuracy.
from pur mathematician point of view, it's more elegant!

You can use uniroot after having created a function from your derivative expression:
f = function(x) eval(D2)
uniroot(f,c(0,1000)) # The second argument is the interval over which you want to search roots.
#[1] 893
#[1] -2.203307e-13
#[1] 7
#[1] NA
#[1] 6.103516e-05


R correct location of parentheses in calculating power values

The formula for viscosity1 is something from another script. I was concerned about what was in the exponent of the power so I tried adding some parentheses. viscosity2 and viscosity3 are two possibilities. But the results for the three viscosity formulas are all different. What am I missing?
Tk_test <- c(292.55, 292.75, 290.95, 290.75, 292.25, 293.85, 295.75, 295.95, 294.95)
omega <- (Tk_test / 97 - 2.9) / 0.4 * (-0.034) + 1.048
viscosity1 <- 0.0000026693 * (28.97 * Tk_test) ^ 0.5 / (3.617 ^ 2 * omega)
viscosity2 <- 0.0000026693 * (28.97 * Tk_test) ^ 0.5 / (3.617 ^ (2 * omega))
viscosity3 <- 0.0000026693 * (28.97 * Tk_test) ^ 0.5 / (3.617 ^ 2) * omega
viscosity1 == viscosity2
viscosity2 == viscosity3
The precedence for ^ is higher than * and /, so the parentheses are mostly changing the order of multiplication and division.
Assuming the viscosity1 formula is the correct one, viscosity2 is different because it does the (2 * omega) before raising 3.617 to a higher power. viscosity3 is different because it multiplies by omega last, so it wouldn't be a part of the denominator (3.617 ^ 2 * omega) as it is in viscosity1.

How to compute this double integral in r?

I'm wanting to compute an integral of the following density function :
Using the packages "rmutil" and "psych" in R , i tried :
bvtnorm <- function(x, y, mu_x = mean(X), mu_y = mean(Y), sigma_x = SD(X), sigma_y = SD(Y), rho = correlation) {
function(x, y)
1 / (2 * pi * sigma_x * sigma_y * sqrt(1 - rho ^ 2)) *
exp(- 1 / (2 * (1 - rho ^ 2)) * ((x - mu_x) / sigma_x) ^ 2 +
((y - mu_y) / sigma_y) ^ 2 - 2 * rho * (x - mu_x) * (y - mu_y) /
(sigma_x * sigma_y))
f2 <- bvtnorm(x, y)
print("sum_double_integral :")
integral_1=int2(f2, a=c(-Inf,-Inf), b=c(Inf,Inf)) # should normaly give 1
print(integral_1) # gives Nan
The problem :
This integral should give 1 , but it gives Nan ??
I don't know how can i fix the problem , i tried to force() x and y variables without success.
You were missing a pair of parentheses. The corrected code looks like:
bvtnorm <- function(x, y, mu_x = mean(X), mu_y = mean(Y), sigma_x = sd(X), sigma_y = sd(Y), rho = correlation) {
function(x, y)
1 / (2 * pi * sigma_x * sigma_y * sqrt(1 - rho ^ 2)) *
exp(- 1 / (2 * (1 - rho ^ 2)) * (((x - mu_x) / sigma_x) ^ 2 +
((y - mu_y) / sigma_y) ^ 2 - 2 * rho * (x - mu_x) * (y - mu_y) /
(sigma_x * sigma_y)))
f2 <- bvtnorm(x, y)
print("sum_double_integral :")
integral_1=int2(f2, a=c(-Inf,-Inf), b=c(Inf,Inf)) # should normaly give 1
print(integral_1) # prints 1.000047
This was hard to spot. From a debugging point of view, I found it helpful to first integrate over a finite domain. Trying it with things like first [-1,1] and then [-2,2] (on both axes) showed that the integrals were blowing up rather than converging. After that, I looked at the grouping even more carefully.
I also cleaned up the code a bit. I dropped SD in favor of sd since I don't see the motivation in importing the package psych just to make the code less readable (less flippantly, dropping psych from the question makes it easier for others to reproduce. There is no good reason to include a package which isn't be used in any essential way). I also dropped the force() which was doing nothing and used the built-in function cor for calculating the correlation.

How to solve set of equations for two unknowns using R?

I have two equations. They are as follows:
( 1 - 0.25 ^ {1/alpha} ) * lambda = 85
( 1 - 0.75 ^ {1/alpha} ) * lambda = 11
I would like to compute the values of alpha and lambda by solving the above two equations. How do I do this using R?
One approach is to translate it into an optimization problem by introducing an loss function:
loss <- function(X) {
L = X[1]
a = X[2]
(1 - 0.25^(1/a))*L - 85,
(1 - 0.75^(1/a))*L - 11
nlm(loss, c(-1,-1))
If the result returned from nlm() has a minimum near zero, then estimate will be a vector containing lambda and alpha. When I tried this, I got an answer that passed the sniff test:
> a = -1.28799
> L = -43.95321
> (1 - 0.25^(1/a))*L
[1] 84.99999
> (1 - 0.75^(1/a))*L
[1] 11.00005
#olooney's answer is best.
Another way to solve these equations is to use uniroot function. We can cancel the lambda values and can use the uniroot to find the value of alpha. Then substitute back to find lambda.
f <- function(x) {
(11/85) - ((1 - (0.75) ^ (1/x)) / (1 - (0.25) ^ (1/x)) )
f_alpha <- uniroot(f, lower = -10, upper = -1, extendInt = "yes")
f_lambda <- function(x) {
11 - ((1 - (0.75) ^ (1/f_alpha$root)) * x)
lambda = uniroot(f_lambda, lower = -10, upper = -2, extendInt = "yes")$root
sprintf("Alpha equals %f", f_alpha$root)
sprintf("Lambda equals %f", lambda)
results in
[1] "Alpha equals -1.287978"
[1] "Lambda equals -43.952544"

How to implement exponentiation of a rational number without nth root?

Its available for me only log(base "e"), sin, tan and sqrt (only square root) functions and the basic arithmetical operators (+ - * / mod). I have also the "e" constant.
I'm experimenting several problems with Deluge ( for these restrictions. I must implement exponentiation of rational (fraction) bases and exponents.
Say you want to calculate pow(A, B)
Consider the representation of B in base 2:
B = b[n] * pow(2, n ) +
b[n-1] * pow(2, n - 1) +
b[2] * pow(2, 2 ) +
b[1] * pow(2, 1 ) +
b[0] * pow(2, 0 ) +
b[-1] * pow(2, -1 ) +
b[-2] * pow(2, -2 ) +
= sum(b[i] * pow(2, i))
where b[x] can be 0 or 1 and pow(2, y) is an integer power of two (i.e., 1, 2, 4, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8).
pow(A, B) = pow(A, sum(b[i] * pow(2, i)) = mul(pow(A, b[i] * pow(2, i)))
And so pow(A, B) can be calculated using only multiplications and square root operations
If you have a function F() that does e^x, where e is the constant, and x is any number, then you can do this: (a is base, b is exponent, ln is log-e)
a^b = F(b * ln(a))
If you don't have F() that does e^x, then it gets trickier. If your exponent (b) is rational, then you should be able to find integers m and n so that b = m/n, using a loop of some sort. Once you have m and n, you make another loop which multiples a by itself m times to get a^m, then multiples a by itself n times to get a^n, then divide a^m/a^n to get a^(m/n), which is a^b.

Which method of matrix determinant calculation is this?

This is the approach John Carmack uses to calculate the determinant of a 4x4 matrix. From my investigations i have determined that it starts out like the laplace expansion theorem but then goes on to calculate 3x3 determinants which doesn't seem to agree with any papers i've read.
// 2x2 sub-determinants
float det2_01_01 = mat[0][0] * mat[1][1] - mat[0][1] * mat[1][0];
float det2_01_02 = mat[0][0] * mat[1][2] - mat[0][2] * mat[1][0];
float det2_01_03 = mat[0][0] * mat[1][3] - mat[0][3] * mat[1][0];
float det2_01_12 = mat[0][1] * mat[1][2] - mat[0][2] * mat[1][1];
float det2_01_13 = mat[0][1] * mat[1][3] - mat[0][3] * mat[1][1];
float det2_01_23 = mat[0][2] * mat[1][3] - mat[0][3] * mat[1][2];
// 3x3 sub-determinants
float det3_201_012 = mat[2][0] * det2_01_12 - mat[2][1] * det2_01_02 + mat[2][2] * det2_01_01;
float det3_201_013 = mat[2][0] * det2_01_13 - mat[2][1] * det2_01_03 + mat[2][3] * det2_01_01;
float det3_201_023 = mat[2][0] * det2_01_23 - mat[2][2] * det2_01_03 + mat[2][3] * det2_01_02;
float det3_201_123 = mat[2][1] * det2_01_23 - mat[2][2] * det2_01_13 + mat[2][3] * det2_01_12;
return ( - det3_201_123 * mat[3][0] + det3_201_023 * mat[3][1] - det3_201_013 * mat[3][2] + det3_201_012 * mat[3][3] );
Could someone explain to me how this approach works or point me to a good write up which uses the same approach?
If it matters this matrix is row major.
It seems to be the method that involves using minors. The mathematical aspect can be found on wikipedia at
Basically you reduce the matrix to something smaller and easier to compute, and sum those results up (it involves some (-1) factors which should be described on the page i linked to).
He uses the standard formula where you can compute, in pseudocode,
det(M) = sum(M[0, i] * det(M.minor[0, i]) * (-1)^i)
Here minor[0, i] is a matrix you obtain by crossing out 0-th row and i-th column from your original matrix and (-1)*i stands for i-th power of -1.
The same (up to an overall sign) formula will work if you take a different row or if you make a loop over a column. If you think about how det is defined, it's pretty self-explanatory. Note how for 2-matrix this becomes:
det(M) = M[0, 0] * M[1, 1] * (+1) + M[0, 1] * M[1, 0] * (-1)
or, by row 1 rather then 0,
-det(M) = M[1, 0] * M[0, 1] * (+1) + M[1, 1] * M[0, 0] * (-1)
– you should recognize the standard formula for determinant of 2x2 matrix.
Similarly, for a 3-matrix composed as N = [[a, b, c], [d, e, f], [g, h, i]] this leads to the formula
det(N) = a * det([[e, f], [h, i]]) - b * det([[d, f], [g, i]]) + c * det([[d, e], [g, h]])
which of course becomes the textbook formula
a*e*i + b*f*g + c*d*h - c*e*g - a*f*h - b*d*i
once you expand each of 2x2 determinants.
Now if you take a 4-matrix X, you will see that to compute det(X) you need to compute determinants of 4 minors, each minor being a 3x3 matrix; but you can also expand them further so you'll have the determinants of 6 2x2 matrices with some coefficients. You should really try it yourself similarly to what is above for 3x3 matrices.
