Formula Issue when Predicting using LMER - r

I get the following error when I try to predict using lmer
> predict(mm1, newdata = TEST)
Error in terms.formula(formula(x, fixed.only = TRUE)) :
'.' in formula and no 'data' argument
This is what my formula looks like
> formula(mm1)
log_bid_price ~ . - zip_cbsa_name + (1 | zip_cbsa_name)
I'm able to summarize the model, but I can't pass it to the predict function.
I would like to be able to automatically generate a formula given the columns of the predictor matrix and then pass that to lmer. How would I do that?

You might have more success building formula objects like so:
resp <- "log_bid_price"
reserve.coef <- c("zip_cbsa_name")
RHS <- names(data)[-(which(names(data) %in% c(resp, reserve.coef))]
f <- paste0(paste(resp, paste(RHS, collapse="+"), sep= "~"), " + (1 | zip_cbsa_name)")
mm1 <- lmer(f, data= data)
paste0(paste("Y", paste(c("a", "b", "c"), collapse= "+"), sep="~"), "+ (1 | zip_cbsa_name)")
[1] "Y~a+b+c+ (1 | zip_cbsa_name)"
If you wish to do variable selection as you do model selection, you can iterate on this to produce your RHS object


Passing variable names as strings into the contrasts() argument in lm

I am trying to create a function that allows me to pass outcome and predictor variable names as strings into the lm() regression function. I have actually asked this before here, but I learned a new technique here and would like to try and apply the same idea in this new format.
Here is the process
# toy data
df <- tibble(f1 = factor(rep(letters[1:3],5)),
c1 = rnorm(15),
out1 = rnorm(15))
# pass the relevant inputs into new objects like in a function
d <- df
outcome <- "out1"
predictors <- c("f1", "c1")
# now create the model formula to be entered into the model
form <- as.formula(
paste(predictors, collapse = " + "),
sep = " ~ "))
# now pass the formula into the model
model <- eval(bquote( lm(.(form),
data = d) ))
# Call:
# lm(formula = out1 ~ f1 + c1, data = d)
# Coefficients:
# (Intercept) f1b f1c c1
# 0.16304 -0.01790 -0.32620 -0.07239
So this all works nicely, an adaptable way of passing variables into lm(). But what if we want to apply special contrast coding to the factorial variable? I tried
model <- eval(bquote( lm(.(form),
data = d,
contrasts = list(predictors[1] = contr.treatment(3)) %>% setNames(predictors[1])) ))
But got this error
Error: unexpected '=' in:
" data = d,
contrasts = list(predictors[1] ="
Any help much appreciated.
Reducing this to the command generating the error:
list(predictors[1] = contr.treatment(3))
Results in:
Error: unexpected '=' in "list(predictors[1] ="
list() seems to choke when the left-hand side naming is a variable that needs to be evaluated.
Your approach of using setNames() works, but needs to be wrapped around the list construction step itself.
setNames(list(contr.treatment(3)), predictors[1])
Output is a named list containing a contrast matrix:
2 3
1 0 0
2 1 0
3 0 1

Is there a function for substituting (or removing at all) explaining variables in a linear model (lm)?

I have a linear model with lots of explaining variables (independent variables)
model <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + ... + x100)
some of which are linear depended on each other (multicollinearity).
I want the machine to search for the name of the explaining variable which has the highest VIF coefficient (x2 for example), delete it from the formula and then run the old lm function with the new formula
model <- lm(y ~ x1 + x3 + ... + x100)
I already learned how to retrieve the name of the explaining variable which has the highest VIF coefficient:
max_vif <- function(x) {
vifac <- data.frame(vif(x))
nameofmax <- rownames(which(vifac == max(vifac), arr.ind = TRUE))
But I still don't understand how to search the needed explaining variable, delete it from the formula and run the function again.
We can use the update function and paste in the column that needs to be removed. We first can fit a model, and then use update to change that model's formula. The model formula can be expressed as a character string, which allows you to concatenate the general formula .~. and whatever variable(s) you'd like removed (using the minus sign -).
Here is an example:
fit1 <- lm(wt ~ mpg + cyl + am, data = mtcars)
# (Intercept) mpg cyl am
# 4.83597190 -0.09470611 0.08015745 -0.52182463
rm_var <- "am"
fit2 <- update(fit1, paste0(".~. - ", rm_var))
# (Intercept) mpg cyl
# 5.07595833 -0.11908115 0.08625557
Using max_vif we can wrap this into a function:
rm_max_vif <- function(x){
# find variable(s) needing to be removed
rm_var <- max_vif(x)
# concatenate with "-" to remove variable(s) from formula
rm_var <- paste(paste0("-", rm_var), collapse = " ")
# update model
update(x, paste0(".~.", rm_var))
Problem solved!
I created a list containing all variables for lm model:
Price <- list(y,x1,...,x100)
Then I used different way for setting lm model:
model <- lm(y ~ ., data = Price)
So we can just delete variable with the highest VIF from Price list.
With the function i already came up the code will be:
Price <- list(y,x1,x2,...,x100)
model <- lm(y ~ ., data = Price)
max_vif <- function(x) { # Function for finding name of variable with the highest VIF
vifac <- data.frame(vif(x))
nameofmax <- rownames(which(vifac == max(vifac), arr.ind = TRUE))
n <- max(data.frame(vif(model)))
while(n >= 5) { # Loop for deleting variable with the highest VIF from `Price` list one after another, untill there is no VIF equal or higher then 5
Price[[m]] <- NULL
model_auto <- lm(y ~ ., data = Price)
m <- max_vif(model)
n <- max(data.frame(vif(model)))

R summary output not printing formula, but only its variable

I my R code, I have the folllowing:
input.formula = 'some_valid_formula'
glm.model <- glm(inp.formula,data=data, family='quasipoisson')
summary <- capture.output(summary(glm.model))
The problem is that the summary prints:
Call: [INFO] - model coefficients: glm(formula = input.formula, family =
Note that the formula is printed as the formula variable name and not the formula itself. What am I missing here?
One option is to use to construct and execute the glm call. This will return the evaluated glm call with the formula displayed. For example:
data <- data.frame(group = gl(3,3), type = gl(3,1,9), counts = rpois(9, 2))
input.formula = "counts ~ group + type"
glm.model <-"glm", list(input.formula, 'quasipoisson', data))

update on merMod object gives different fit

I am trying to refit a full model of class merMod with just the intercept (the null model). However, refitting using update.merMod gives a different answer than fitting the null model by hand, e.g.:
# Generate random data
dat <- data.frame(
x =, lapply(1:5, function(x) rnorm(100, x))),
random = letters[1:5]
dat$y = rnbinom(500, mu = exp(dat$x), size = 1)
# Get full model
full <- glmer.nb(y ~ x + (1 | random), dat)
# Write out intercept-only model by hand
null <- glmer.nb(y ~ 1 + (1 | random), dat)
# Update
null2 <- update(full, . ~ 1 -. + (1 | random))
Any idea why this is an how I can use update to get the same vcov matrix?

Use all variables in a model with {plm} in R

Using different sources, I wrote a little function that creates a table with standard errors, t statistics and standard errors that are clustered according to a group variable "cluster" after a linear regression model. The code is as follows
cl1 <- function(modl,clust) {
# model is the regression model
# clust is the clustervariable
# id is a unique identifier in ids
# Get Formula
form <- formula(modl$call)
# Get Data frame
dat <- eval(modl$call$data)
dat$row <- rownames(dat)
dat$id <- ave(dat$row, dat[[deparse(substitute(clust))]], FUN =seq_along)
pdat <- pdata.frame(dat,
index=c("id", deparse(substitute(clust)))
, drop.index= F, row.names= T)
# # Regression
reg <- plm(form, data=pdat, model="pooling")
# # Adjustments
G <- length(unique(dat[, deparse(substitute(clust))]))
N <- length(dat[,deparse(substitute(clust))])
# # Resid degrees of freedom, adjusted
dfa <- (G/(G-1))*(N-1)/reg$df.residual
d.vcov <- dfa* vcovHC(reg, type="HC0", cluster="group", adjust=T)
table <- coeftest(reg, vcov=d.vcov)
# # Output: se, t-stat and p-val
cl1out <- data.frame(table[, 2:4])
names(cl1out) <- c("se", "tstat", "pval")
# # Cluster VCE
For a regression like reg1 <- lm (y ~ x1 + x2 , data= df), calling the function cl1(reg1, cluster) will work just fine.
However, if I use a model like reg2 <- lm(y ~ . , data=df), I will get the error message:
Error in terms.formula(object) : '.' in formula and no 'data' argument
After some tests, I am guessing that I can't use "." to signal "use all variables in the data frame" for {plm}. Is there a way I can do this with {plm}? Otherwise, any ideas on how I could improve my function in a way that does not use {plm} and that accepts all possible specifications of a linear model?
Indeed you can't use . notation for formula within plm pacakge.
data("Produc", package = "plm")
plm(gsp ~ .,data=Produc)
Error in terms.formula(object) : '.' in formula and no 'data' argument
One idea is to expand the formula when you have a .. Here is a custom function that does the job (surely is done within other packages):
expand_formula <-
function(form="A ~.",varNames=c("A","B","C")){
has_dot <- any(grepl('.',form,fixed=TRUE))
ii <- intersect(as.character(as.formula(form)),
varNames <- varNames[!grepl(paste0(ii,collapse='|'),varNames)]
exp <- paste0(varNames,collapse='+')
else as.formula(form)
Now test it :
(eform = expand_formula("gsp ~ .",names(Produc)))
# gsp ~ state + year + pcap + hwy + water + util + pc + emp + unemp
# Model Formula: gsp ~ state + year + pcap + hwy + water + util + pc + emp + unemp
# <environment: 0x0000000014c3f3c0>
