I have below code in Matlab:
alpha=5.5; beta=3.1; a=0; b=1; c=2.5;
X=0; Y=c; % Initial values
while Y > gamma(alpha+beta)/gamma(alpha)/gamma(beta)...
* X.^(alpha-1).* (1-X).^(beta-1);
U=rand; V=rand; X=a+(b-a)*U; Y=c*V;
and I want to convert to R. This is my attempt (something is wrong in operators):
alpha <- 5.5
beta <- 3 .1
a <- 0
b <- 1
c <- 2.5
X <- 0
Y <- c
while(Y > gamma(alpha+beta)/gamma(alpha)/gamma(beta))
*X.^(alpha-1).*(1-X).^(beta-1) # incorrect line
U=runif(1, 0, 1)
V=runif(1, 0, 1)
print (X)
The beta had an invalid assignment and you needed the { on the same line as the while:
alpha <- 5.5
beta <- 3.1
a <- 0
b <- 1
c <- 2.5
X <- 0
Y <- c
while (Y > gamma(alpha + beta)/gamma(alpha)/gamma(beta) * X^(alpha - 1) * (1 - X)^(beta - 1)) {
U <- runif(1, 0, 1)
V <- runif(1, 0, 1)
X <- a + (b - a) * U
Y <- c * V
Check your code to make sure you are doing what you think you are doing, no assignment is being done on the line after the while, the loop kept exiting immediately for me (but running without error) and printing 0 for X.
Runs correctly now thanks to the nice spot by #Khashaa
Is it possible to solve the following problem in R?
In particular, I want to find the values of a1 and a2 minimizing the loss below:
> n <- 1000
> x <- rnorm(n, 1, 1)
> e <- rnorm(n, 0, 1)
> d <- a1+a2*x+e < 0
> loss <- (mean(d) - 0.5) + (mean((a1 + a2*x + e)[d=0]) - 2)
That is, I want to find the values of a1 and a2 that make mean(d) and mean((a1+a2*x+e)[d=0]) as close as possible to 0.5 and 2, respectively.
(the chosen values 0.5 and 2 are just temporal values)
Using optim with a function f that computes the defined loss. p is a vector of parameters, i.e. p[1] is your a1, and p[2] your a2. Use reasonable starting values when calling optim with your function.
f <- \(p) {
d <- p[1] + p[2]*x + e < 0
(mean(d) - 0.5) + (mean((p[1] + p[2]*x + e)[d]) - 2)
res <- optim(c(0, 0), f)
# [1] 4.393432e+53 1.010012e+55 ## a1 and a2
Note that d is already boolean.
In case you get different results with different starting values, your distribution might be multi-modal.
n <- 1e3; set.seed(42); x <- rnorm(n, 1, 1); e <- rnorm(n, 0, 1)
I'm given a question in R language to find the 30th term of the recurrence relation x(n) = 2*x(n-1) - x(n-2), where x(1) = 0 and x(2) = 1. I know the answer is 29 from mathematical deduction. But as a newbie to R, I'm slightly confused by how to make things work here. The following is my code:
loop <- function(n){
a <- 0
b <- 1
for (i in 1:30){
a <- b
b <- 2*b - a
I'm returned 1 as a result, which is way off.
In case you're wondering why this looks Python-ish, I've mostly only been exposed to Python programming thus far (I'm new to programming in general). I've tried to check out all the syntax in R, but I suppose my logic is quite fixed by Python. Can someone help me out in this case? In addition, does R have any resources like PythonTutor to help visualise the code execution logic?
Thank you!
I guess what you need might be something like below
loop <- function(n){
if (n<=2) return(n-1)
a <- 0
b <- 1
for (i in 3:n){
a_new <- b
b <- 2*b - a
a <- a_new
> loop(30)
[1] 29
If you need a recursion version, below is one realization
loop <- function(n) {
if (n<=2) return(n-1)
which also gives
> loop(30)
[1] 29
You can solve it another couple of ways.
Solve the linear homogeneous recurrence relation, let
x(n) = r^n
plugging into the recurrence relation, you get the quadratic
r^n-2*r^(n-1)+r^(n-2) = 0
, i.e.,
, i.e.,
r = 1, 1
leading to general solution
x(n) = c1 * 1^n + c2 * n * 1^n = c1 + n * c2
and with x(1) = 0 and x(2) = 1, you get c2 = 1, c1 = -1, s.t.,
x(n) = n - 1
=> x(30) = 29
Hence, R code to compute x(n) as a function of n is trivial, as shown below:
x <- function(n) {
return (n-1)
Use matrix powers (first find the following matrix A from the recurrence relation):
(The matrix A has algebraic / geometric multiplicity, its corresponding eigenvectors matrix is singular, otherwise you could use spectral decomposition yourself for fast computation of matrix powers, here we shall use the library expm as shown below)
A <- matrix(c(2,1,-1,0), nrow=2)
A %^% 29 %*% c(1,0) # [x(31) x(30)]T = A^29.[x(2) x(1)]T
# [,1]
# [1,] 30 # x(31)
# [2,] 29 # x(30)
# compute x(n)
x <- function(n) {
(A %^% (n-1) %*% c(1,0))[2]
# 29
You're not using the variable you're iterating on in the loop, so nothing is updating.
loop <- function(n){
a <- 0
b <- 1
for (i in 1:30){
a <- b
b <- 2*i - a
You could define a recursive function.
f <- function(x, n) {
n <- 1:n
r <- function(n) {
if (length(n) == 2) x[2]
else r({
x <<- c(x[2], 2*x[2] - x[1])
x <- c(0, 1)
f(x, 30)
# [1] 29
I need help with a code to generate random numbers according to constraints.
Specifically, I am trying to simulate random numbers ALFA and BETA from, respectively, a Normal and a Gamma distribution such that ALFA - BETA < 1.
Here is what I have written but it does not work at all.
n <- 0
repeat {
n <- n + 1
a <- rnorm(1, 10, 2)
b <- rgamma(1, 8, 1)
d <- a - b
if (d < 1)
alfa[n] <- a
beta[n] <- b
l = length(alfa)
if (l == 10000) break
Due to vectorization, it will be faster to generate the numbers "all at once" rather than in a loop:
N = 1e5
a = rnorm(N, 10, 2)
b = rgamma(N, 8, 1)
d = a - b
alfa = a[d < 1]
beta = b[d < 1]
# [1] 36436
This generated 100,000 candidates, 36,436 of which met your criteria. If you want to generate n samples, try setting N = 4 * n and you'll probably generate more than enough, keep the first n.
Your loop has 2 problems: (a) you need curly braces to enclose multiple lines after an if statement. (b) you are using n as an attempt counter, but it should be a success counter. As written, your loop will only stop if the 10000th attempt is a success. Move n <- n + 1 inside the if statement to fix:
n <- 0
alfa = numeric(0)
beta = numeric(0)
repeat {
a <- rnorm(1, 10, 2)
b <- rgamma(1, 8, 1)
d <- a - b
if (d < 1) {
n <- n + 1
alfa[n] <- a
beta[n] <- b
l = length(alfa)
if (l == 500) break
But the first way is better... due to "growing" alfa and beta in the loop, and generating numbers one at a time, this method takes longer to generate 500 numbers than the code above takes to generate 30,000.
As commented by #Gregor Thomas, the failure of your attempt is due to the missing of curly braces to enclose the if statement. If you would like to skip {} for if control, maybe you can try the code below
r <- list()
repeat {
a <- rnorm(1, 10, 2)
b <- rgamma(1, 8, 1)
d <- a - b
if (d < 1) r[[length(r)+1]] <- cbind(alfa = a, beta = b)
if (length(r) == 100000) break
r <- do.call(rbind,r)
such that
> head(r)
alfa beta
[1,] 9.787751 12.210648
[2,] 9.810682 14.046190
[3,] 9.874572 11.499204
[4,] 6.473674 8.812951
[5,] 8.720010 8.799160
[6,] 11.409675 10.602608
I generated a 600 length sample using:
x <- rnorm(600, mean = 30, sd = 10)
and then made another 600 length list using:
y = ((x-30)/10)
and my plan is to have if statements that test whether y is bigger than 1.96 and if -y is smaller than 1.96 and if this happens then increment a variable a by 1 and if this doesn't happen then increment a variable b by 1.
I have tried the following things:
a = 0
b = 0
ifelse(y > 1.96, inc(a) <- 1, inc(b) <- 1)
ifelse(-y < -1.96, inc(a) <- 1, inc(b) <- 1)
Error in inc(a) <- 1 : could not find function "inc<-"
Error in inc(b) <- 1 : could not find function "inc<-"
ifelse(y > 1.96, '+'(a) <- 1, '+'(b) <- 1)
ifelse(-y < -1.96, '+'(a) <- 1, '+'(b) <- 1)
Error in +a <- 1 : could not find function "+<-"
Error in +b <- 1 : could not find function "+<-"
if (y > 1.96) {
a = a + 1
if (-y < -1.96) {
a = a + 1
} else{
b = b + 1
Warning message:
In if (y > 1.96) { :
the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
ifelse(y > 1.96, a <- a + 1, b <- b + 1)
ifelse(-y < -1.96, a <- a + 1, b <- b + 1)
This almost worked but it gave me an output of all 1's and:
# [1] 1
# [1] 1
So how else would I increment the variables or what am I doing wrong?
Avoid using an ifelse() for this kind of computation. In this case, it's better to use R's vectorization properties (e.g. there is no "scalar" in R only vectors) by obtaining a vector of TRUE/FALSE values and then sum over the TRUE values.
# Make the data
x = rnorm(600, mean = 30, sd = 10)
y = ((x-30)/10)
# Get Indicators (T/F)
v1 = y > 1.96
v2 = y < -1.96
# Sum over w.r.t to true cases
a = sum(v1) + sum(v2)
# Handle the false cases without resumming.
b = 2*length(y) - a
Also, here we opt to use y < -1.96 to get an appropriate two-side count.
I have some trouble in order to solve my set of linear equations.
I have three 3D points (A, B, C) in my example and I want to automate the solving of my system. I want to create a plane with these 3 points.
It's very simple manually (mathematically) but I don't see why I don't solve my problem when I code...
I have a system of cartesian equation which is the equation of a plane : ax+by+cz+d=0
xAx + yAy + zA*z +d = 0 #point A
xBx + yBy + zB*z +d = 0 #point B
I use a matrix, for example A=(0,0,1) ; B=(4,2,3) and C=(-3,1,0).
With manual solving, I have for this example this solution : x+3y-5z+5=0.
For resolving it in R : I wanted to use solve().
A <- c(0,0,1)
B <- c(4,2,3)
C <- c(-3,1,0)
res0 <- c(-d,-d,-d) #I don't know how having it so I tried c(0,0,0) cause each equation = 0. But I really don't know for that !
#' #param A vector 3x1 with the 3d coordinates of the point A
carteq <- function(A, B, C, res0) {
matrixtest0 <- matrix(c(A[1], A[2], A[3], B[1], B[2], B[3],C[1], C[2], C[3]), ncol=3) #I tried to add the 4th column for solving "d" but that doesn't work.
#checking the invertibility of my matrix
out <- tryCatch(determinant(matrixtest0)$modulus<threshold, error = function(e) e)#or out <- tryCatch(solve(X) %*% X, error = function(e) e)
abcd <- solve(matrixtest0, res0) #returns just 3 values
abcd <- qr.solve(matrixtest0, res0) #returns just 3 values
That's not the good method... But I don't know how I can add the "d" in my problem.
The return that I need is : return(a, b, c, d)
I thing that my problem is classical and easy, but I don't find a function like solve() or qr.solve() which can solve my problem...
Your solution is actually wrong:
A <- c(0,0,1)
B <- c(4,2,3)
C <- c(-3,1,0)
CrossProduct3D <- function(x, y, i=1:3) {
To3D <- function(x) head(c(x, rep(0, 3)), 3)
x <- To3D(x)
y <- To3D(y)
Index3D <- function(i) (i - 1) %% 3 + 1
return (x[Index3D(i + 1)] * y[Index3D(i + 2)] -
x[Index3D(i + 2)] * y[Index3D(i + 1)])
N <- CrossProduct3D(A - B, C - B)
#[1] 4 2 -10
d <- -sum(N * B)
#[1] 10
#test it:
crossprod(A, N) + d
# [,1]
#[1,] 0
crossprod(B, N) + d
# [,1]
#[1,] 0
crossprod(C, N) + d
# [,1]
#[1,] 0