How to enable and accept HTTPS connections and setup SSL certificates on GCE - wordpress

I am using Google Compute Engine, I have a VM instance with wordpress installed.
I want to enable HTTPS, I have cloudflare ssl for the domain, but as soon as I turned on ssl in wordpress (setting siteurl to it fudges up and wont load any longer.
Ive tried looking very hard through Google cloud documentation, cant find anything that helps.
All I want is to install an SSL cert on my instance, allow https connection through and get on with setting up the rest of my site!
But it seems there is no way to do this?
ANy help will be greatly appreciated,

I think you should set "Allow HTTPS traffic" on VM Instance's settings page


WP site accessible at subpath of domain used by Squarespace site

Alright this is a super weird request and it's just a stopgap measure until the client cleans up their many web properties, so no need to tell me that it's a convoluted way to do things. Current setup: is registered with GoDaddy but points to a Squarespace
site (CNAME & A records, etc) is a Wordpress site on Godaddy hosting
Question: Can I make the WP site at instead appear as If so, how?
I can set the site_url and home_url in WP, and I can set up a forwarding rule from Squarespace to the IP of the GoDaddy shared hosting account. Would that be enough?
I had thought I would need to set an A record with the host as, but slashes aren't allowed. Any insight greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading!
the only way to get this done that I am aware, is to use some form of land balancer, e.g.:
AWS Elastic Load balancer
Nginx / apache proxy
AWS CloudFormation custom backends
last option will also speed up your site.
Unless your DNS provider have some custom option, DNS alone can't do that.

I have WP multisite, ACM Issued SSL, Load Balancer Setup, how to provide HTTPS access to users?

Has anyone with a WP multisite been through this process? I have created the Load Balancer and have a domain (one of the multisite sites) on an EC2 instance.
My load balancer setup looks like this:
Going to just times out and going to just ignores the SSL request. Is there a step I'm missing? Maybe something in httpd.conf or wp-config?
I'm sure someone has gone through something similar, it would help us all dealing with such an issue. I feel like going with WPEngine would've made much more sense than AWS for an simple WP site :(
Looks like you load balancer is setup with SSL termination as I can see you're forwarding the traffic to http target group, not https, do you have self-certified SSL.
you wanna make sure in your wp-config.php to detect SSL :
// Update 8-April-2018: I moved https redirection from the Apache virtual
server config to wp-config.php using this snippet.
if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'], 'https') !== false)
for more details, check the link :

SSL certificate issue on Cloudways WP Installation

I have setup a managed WP install on Google Cloud using Cloudways. I am having issues with my SSL certificate appearing in web browsers. Using SSL checker I can see the SSL is installed
I am using a custom SSL certificate rather than using Let's Encrypt SSL which is integrated into Cloudways. However, even when I use Let's Encrypt I run into the same issue.
Cloudways support put the issue down to cache but that isn't the issue.
I have tried re-doing everything from scratch, cleared caches in different browsers, and tried LetsEncrypt over my custom SSL certificate.
According to SSL checker everything is okay.
if you are using cloudflare for DNS hosting, you need to switch off the proxy (click on the orange cloud at your DNS), apply again the LetsEncrypt from Cloudways, and after activation of SSL, you can again switch on the cloudflare proxy.
The thing is your IP must directly point to your cloudways server to get your SSL Activated. After activation you can activate your Cloudflare Proxy.

Https with custom domain in Heroku

Hi I recently learned that Heroku has piggyback SSL. However when I configured my site to a custom domain, suddenly it only goes to http. Changing the forwarding in my domain manager (GoDaddy) to Https does not work. However the default url of Heroku goes to https. Is there a way to configure my domain in such a way to make use of the piggyback SSL?
Heroku provides SSL by default on all * domains - they also have free SSL available for paid apps using SNI based SSL and LetsEncrypt. See for info that. You can't change a default URL, you'd have to handle the redirect in your application to force SSL.

Can not access the website via SSL

We have deployed our website to the live webserver, Windows Server, IIS 7.5. Website, .NET 4.5
I have configured the website bindings to allow https requests for this website.
Asked the hosting provider to open up the port 443.
I can access the website over internet with port 80, no issues at all. (
But I can not access via https, (
But I can access the site via SSL from the server itself, that means SSL configurations are fine.(https - localhost)
But I can telnet (telnet 443), it responds to GET request via telnet.
I have rechecked the certificate and changed it to a self-signed certificate, issue is still there.
These requests not being tracked in IIS logs as well, seems like the request is not reaching IIS. Hopefully something goes wrong before it reaches the server.
But, when I access the website as, it works.
I m bit confused with this behaviour. Obviously the port 443 is open by the hosting company. But something is wrong with requests over HTTPS, which is supposed to send a request to port 443. Please help.
Because your site is working when you access, I am almost sure that you created wrong binding on IIS. Instead of selecting https from combo box you selected default http.
There is a tutorial on how to do this on youtube: Changing IIS 7.5 Bindings by David Johnson
You've establish that the port is open and the hostname binding is there, otherwise would not work. Its the SSL part that's not working, hence you can connect directly by port and telnet (port 443 but not SSL) but not a browser via https. It's only a browser connecting to a https url that will expect SSL.. I'm pretty sure I've had the same issue, but cannot recall the exact cause but it was definitely related to an invalid SSL configuration or SSL binding.. The behaviour was like there is no connection, nothing, which is unusual, its the bad config causes the browser to abort the connection. If I remember what, I'll update or comment below.
So you can access the site using https://localhost? Your question is not quite clear on this point... what is the exact URL you are using? If it's https://localhost, that is actually an indication that your certificate is configured incorrectly. You seem to be interpreting this as an indicator that it's working OK and that is not the case. The domain name is tied to the certificate and SSL will work only when accessing the site using that domain name. So if it works for "localhost", something is wrong.
Finally I found the solution. Issue was a setting in the load balancer of the hosting provider. I have asked the question from them and they have figured out the issue. Anyways it was a good learning curve for me. And this knowledge is going to help others.
The firewall was already allowing both HTTP/HTTPS, which is why we could telnet through and run a GET / and still pull down content from the 404 page of the IP address.
It appears there was a certain profile applied to the HTTPS configuration in the load balancer which would only work for HTTP, so they have disabled that.
When they set this up for HTTP and HTTPS they were not able to test HTTPS, because to do so would require an SSL certificate in IIS - which it appears we have already provided.
Thanks everyone for your help on this!
