So I am trying to add some graphs to my notes. I have created a simple interest function that will plot several simple interest functions using different rates and I would like to add a legend that would simple say...
"i =: 0%, x%, y%, z%" on one single line, where each 0,x,y,z is in the different color of the representative function using that interest rate.
I looked into the paste() function and attempted to make it one string but I am not sure exactly how to loop it into the int_seq and pull out each individual index and make it a different color then put it into a single string.
# indexs to be used
t = 0:50
int_seq = seq(0.025,0.10,by=0.025) # intere rate sequence
colors = c("red","blue","green","orange") #colors of interest rate seq
index = 1:length(int_seq)
# AV Simple Interest (all good)
avSimple = function(i,t){
av = (1 + (i * t))
# Plot range for y-axis (all good)
yrange = c(avSimple(min(int_seq),min(t)) * 0.95,
avSimple(max(int_seq),max(t)) * 1.05)
# Plots Simple Interest with different interest rates (all good)
plot(t,avSimple(0,t), type="l", main = "AV Simple Interest", xlab = "Time",
ylab = "AV", ylim = yrange)
# loops through the int_seq and plots line based on interest rate
# and specified color (all good)
for (i in index)
lines(t,avSimple(int_seq[i],t), col = colors[i])
# Adds legend to plot for different interest rates
# !!This is where I need the help, not sure best way to approach!!
legend(0,avSimple(0.075,50), c("i =: 0%", for (i in index) int_seq[i]),
col = colors)
Not sure what kind of legend you want. Since you say in one line, you might want to add horiz = TRUE, but here are some other options:
You can pass full vectors to legend so there is no need for a loop in this case. Just create a vector of labels but also use a vector of colors corresponding to each label (which you have already done).
# indexs to be used
t = 0:50
int_seq = seq(0.025,0.10,by=0.025) # intere rate sequence
colors = c("red","blue","green","orange") #colors of interest rate seq
index = 1:length(int_seq)
# AV Simple Interest (all good)
avSimple = function(i,t){
av = (1 + (i * t))
# Plot range for y-axis (all good)
yrange = c(avSimple(min(int_seq),min(t)) * 0.95,
avSimple(max(int_seq),max(t)) * 1.05)
plot(t, type="n", main = "AV Simple Interest", xlab = "Time",
ylab = "AV", ylim = yrange)
# for (i in index)
# lines(t,avSimple(int_seq[i],t), col = colors[i])
# Adds legend to plot for different interest rates
# !!This is where I need the help, not sure best way to approach!!
labs <- sprintf('i =: %s%%', c(0, int_seq))
labs2 <- paste0(c(0, int_seq), '%')
legend('topleft', legend = labs, col = colors, lty = 1, title = 'normal')
l <- legend('top', legend = rep('i =:', length(labs)), lty = 1,
col = colors, text.width = max(strwidth(labs)) + 1,
title = 'right-justified')
text(l$rect$left + l$rect$w, l$text$y, labs2, pos = 2)
legend('topright', legend = labs, text.col = colors, title = 'colored')
legend('bottom', legend = labs, col = colors, lty = 1, horiz = TRUE,
cex = .7, title = 'horizontal')
I'd like to replace the arrows on this RDA plot with centroids, something like what's pictured here.
This is the code I currently have which provides me arrows (I guess by default). I have shared our RDA code and I think this is where we might be able to change it from arrows to centroid:
# add arrows for effects of the expanatory variables
arrows(0,0, # start them from (0,0)
sc_bp[,1], sc_bp[,2], # end them at the score value
col = "red",
lwd = 1,
length = .1)
(but I share the entire code chunk (below), just in case.
Please note that my data is on fish community (species) and substrate types at 36 sites, I'd like to replace the arrows for substrates with centroids within my RDA.
##Now, the RDA
Y.mat<-Belt_2021_fish_transformed_forPCA #fish community
X.mat<-Reefcheck_2021_forPCA #substrate
###Community data has already been transformed with hellinger
##Now, try the RDA
## extract % explained by the first 2 axes
perc_b <- round(100*(summary(fish_substrate_rda)$cont$importance[2, 1:2]), 2)
## extract scores - these are coordinates in the RDA space
sc_si <- scores(fish_substrate_rda, display="sites", choices=c(1,2), scaling=1)
sc_sp <- scores(fish_substrate_rda, display="species", choices=c(1,2), scaling=1)
sc_sp <- sc_sp[c(2,7,8),]
sc_bp <- scores(fish_substrate_rda, display="bp", choices=c(1,2), scaling=1)
sc_bp <- sc_bp[c(2,5,6),]
# Set up a blank plot with scaling, axes, and labels
scaling = 1, # set scaling type
type = "none", # this excludes the plotting of any points from the results
frame = TRUE,
# set axis limits
ylim = c(-1.5,0.7),
xlim = c(-1.5,1.2),
# label the plot (title, and axes)
main = "Triplot RDA - scaling 1",
xlab = paste0("RDA1 (", perc_b[1], "%)"),
ylab = paste0("RDA2 (", perc_b[2], "%)")
# add points for site scores
pch = 21, # set shape (here, circle with a fill colour)
col = "black", # outline colour
bg = "steelblue", # fill colour
cex = 0.7) # size
# add points for species scores
pch = 22, # set shape (here, square with a fill colour)
col = "black",
bg = "#f2bd33",
cex = 0.7)
# add text labels for species abbreviations
text(sc_sp + c(-0.09, -0.09), # adjust text coordinates to avoid overlap with points
labels = rownames(sc_sp),
col = "grey40",
font = 2, # bold
cex = 0.6)
# add arrows for effects of the expanatory variables
arrows(0,0, # start them from (0,0)
sc_bp[,1], sc_bp[,2], # end them at the score value
col = "red",
lwd = 1,
length = .1)
# add text labels for arrows
text(x = sc_bp[,1] -0.01, # adjust text coordinate to avoid overlap with arrow tip
y = sc_bp[,2] - 0.09,
labels = rownames(sc_bp),
col = "red",
cex = .7,
font = 1)
I have not found anything online that might help me to accomplish this.
My current plot:
My desired plot (nevermind the variables s)
Specifically: explanatory variables on the bottom with an x-axis, response variables on the right, relative frequency and the y-axis on the left. I'll attach my R code below.
mosaictable <- matrix (c (3, 9, 22, 21), byrow = T, ncol = 2)
rownames (mosaictable) = c ("White", "Blue ")
colnames (mosaictable) = c ("Captured", "Not Captured")
mosaicplot ((mosaictable), sub = "Pigeon Color", ylab = "Relative frequency",
col = c ("firebrick", "goldenrod1"), font = 2, main = "Mosaic Plot of Pigeon Color and Their Capture Rate"
axis (1)
axis (4)
This particular flavor of mosaic display where you have a "dependent" variable on the y-axis and want to add corresponding annotation, is sometimes also called a "spine plot". R implements this in the spineplot() function. Also plot(y ~ x) internally calls spineplot() when both y and x are categorical.
In your case, spineplot() does almost everything you want automatically provided that you supply it with a nicely formatted "table" object:
tab <- as.table(matrix(c(3, 22, 9, 21), ncol = 2))
dimnames(tab) <- list(
"Pigeon Color" = c("White", "Blue"),
"Relative Frequency" = c("Captured", "Not Captured")
## Relative Frequency
## Pigeon Color Captured Not Captured
## White 3 9
## Blue 22 21
And then you get:
Personally, I would leave it at that. But if it is really important to switch the axis labels from left to right and vice versa, then you can do so by first suppressing axes = FALSE and then adding them manually afterwards. The coordinates for that need to be obtained from the marginal distribution of the first variable and the conditional distribution of the second variable given the first, respectively
x <- prop.table(margin.table(tab, 1))
y <- prop.table(tab, 1)[2, ]
spineplot(tab, col = c("firebrick", "goldenrod1"), axes = FALSE)
axis(1, at = c(0, x[1]) + x/2, labels = rownames(tab), tick = FALSE)
axis(4, at = c(0, y[1]) + y/2, labels = colnames(tab), tick = FALSE)
My current plot:
My desired plot (nevermind the variables s)
Specifically: explanatory variables on the bottom with an x-axis, response variables on the right, relative frequency and the y-axis on the left. I'll attach my R code below.
mosaictable <- matrix (c (3, 9, 22, 21), byrow = T, ncol = 2)
rownames (mosaictable) = c ("White", "Blue ")
colnames (mosaictable) = c ("Captured", "Not Captured")
mosaicplot ((mosaictable), sub = "Pigeon Color", ylab = "Relative frequency",
col = c ("firebrick", "goldenrod1"), font = 2, main = "Mosaic Plot of Pigeon Color and Their Capture Rate"
axis (1)
axis (4)
This particular flavor of mosaic display where you have a "dependent" variable on the y-axis and want to add corresponding annotation, is sometimes also called a "spine plot". R implements this in the spineplot() function. Also plot(y ~ x) internally calls spineplot() when both y and x are categorical.
In your case, spineplot() does almost everything you want automatically provided that you supply it with a nicely formatted "table" object:
tab <- as.table(matrix(c(3, 22, 9, 21), ncol = 2))
dimnames(tab) <- list(
"Pigeon Color" = c("White", "Blue"),
"Relative Frequency" = c("Captured", "Not Captured")
## Relative Frequency
## Pigeon Color Captured Not Captured
## White 3 9
## Blue 22 21
And then you get:
Personally, I would leave it at that. But if it is really important to switch the axis labels from left to right and vice versa, then you can do so by first suppressing axes = FALSE and then adding them manually afterwards. The coordinates for that need to be obtained from the marginal distribution of the first variable and the conditional distribution of the second variable given the first, respectively
x <- prop.table(margin.table(tab, 1))
y <- prop.table(tab, 1)[2, ]
spineplot(tab, col = c("firebrick", "goldenrod1"), axes = FALSE)
axis(1, at = c(0, x[1]) + x/2, labels = rownames(tab), tick = FALSE)
axis(4, at = c(0, y[1]) + y/2, labels = colnames(tab), tick = FALSE)
I'd like to make a histogram of my variable "sex" with the values 1 = male and 2 = female. My code works properly, but I'd like to have only the values 1 and 2 on the x-axis (at the moment R prints all values between 0 and 1 in steps which makes less sense in the case of sex).
main = "Häufigkeitsverteilung Geschlecht",
sub = "1 = männlich, 2 = weiblich",
xlab = "Geschlecht",
ylab ="Häufigkeit",
ylim = c(0,120),
col = "lightblue",
labels = TRUE,
I already tried to do it with
breaks = seq (1,2,1)
but this doesn't look nice too.
I would be very thankful for every hint of you!
Best wishes!
I think you really want barplot. See examples:
set.seed(0); x <- rbinom(500, 1, 0.3) ## generate toy 0-1 data
y <- table(x) ## make contingency table
names(y) <- c("male", "female")
ylim = c(0, 1.2 * max(y)) ## set plotting range
z <- barplot(y, space = 0, col = 5, main = "statistics", ylim = ylim)
text(z, y + 20, y, cex = 2, col = 5) ## add count number above each bar
I have also give solutions to add number above each bar, by setting extra space on the top using ylim, and use text to put texts.
Note that barplot also accepts main, etc, so you can add other annotations if you want.
So I am trying to add some graphs to my notes of different functions.
Below is a simple interest function that gives the accumulated value of 1$ at time t with interest rate i. When I plot it, the initial function avSimple(0.075,t) looks fine but the addition ploted lines from the lines command plots the lines red & blue lines one unit to the right.
But they should all have a common point at t = 0, AV = 1.
What is going on here? I'm fairly new to this so I hope this isn't a dumb question.
# AV Simple Interest
avSimple = function(i,t){
av = (1 + (i * t))
t = 0:50
plot(t,avSimple(0.075,t), type="l", main = "AV Simple Interest",
xlab = "Time", ylab = "AV") # This plots good
lines(avSimple(0.05,t), col = "red") #This is shifted to right
lines(avSimple(0.025,t), col = "blue") #This is also shifted right
When using lines you should specify both the x and y values. If you only specify one value, R will assume those are y values and will set x=seq_along(y) (which will start at 1). You should be doing
t = 0:50
plot(t,avSimple(0.075,t), type="l", main = "AV Simple Interest",
xlab = "Time", ylab = "AV") # This plots good
lines(t, avSimple(0.05,t), col = "red") #This is shifted to right
lines(t, avSimple(0.025,t), col = "blue")