GSM network network overhead issue - networking

I am try to learn GSM network issues. I would like to know more about in detail "Trade-off between network overhead and call setup time". why network overhead will occurs and how it reflect on call setup time

Seems an odd question (I am guessing it from some course etc?).
All networks will have an overhead to set up a call, so maybe this is referring to the extra work required to 'find' the terminating mobile device.
This requires a query to the GSM 'database' associated with the terminating subscriber, the HLR (Home Loctaion Register).
Call setup is generally prioritised over other traffic, including paging in the terminating cell to tell the terminating device there is a call - other than that there is not a lot of specific overhead. IN high congestion situations the terminating cell may not be able to page the device which can mean the call cannot be set up - maybe this is what the question was referring to.


How to acces the data from a website 50-100 times a second using raspberry Pi?

I want to fetch the data of a stock. Since the data changes very fast, is there any way to pull the data like 50-100 times a second from trading websites?
And can we implement that using a raspberry Pi 4 8gig model.
RasPi4 should be more than adequate for this task. Both the ethernet and WiFi hardware is capable of connections at these speeds. (Unless you’re running a bunch of other stuff on it.) Consider where your bottlenecks may be, likely ISP or other network traffic). Consider avoiding WiFi in favor of cat5e or cat6. Consider hanging this device off your router (edge) to keep lan traffic lower and consider QOS settings if you think this traffic may compete with other lan traffic.
This appears to be a general question with no specific platform in mind. For stocks, there are lots of platforms to choose from.
APIs for trading platforms often include a method to open a stream. Instead of a full TCP conversation for each price check, a stream tells the server to just keep on sending data. There are timeout mechanisms of course, but it is good to close that stream gracefully (It’s polite since you’re consuming server resources at a different scale. I’ve seen some financial APIs monitor and throttle stream subscribers who leave sessions open.).
For some APIs/languages you can find solid classes already built on GitHub. Although, if simply pulling and reading a stream then the platform API doc code snippets should be enough to get you going.
Be sure to find out what other overhead may be implicated. For example, if an account or API key is needed to open a stream then either a session must be opened first or the creds must be passed with the stream being opened. The API docs will say. If you’re new to this sort of thing, just be a detective and try to infer what is needed. API docs usually try to be precise and technically correct with the absolute minimum word count.
Simply checking the steam should be easy. Depending on how that steam can be handled by your code/script, it may be harder to perform logic on the stream while it is being updated. That’s usually a thread issue or a variable scope issue depending on the script/code. For what you’re doing I would consider Python or PowerShell depending on your skill-set and other design parameters.

Getting current transferred MPI network communication volume

I have a question related to MPI.
In order to keep track of the communication volume used by my implementation, I would like to get the currently-transferred data amount since the mpi-process' start until the current measure-point.
I checked the specification as well as the mpi.h header file of mpich and did not find a matching function to call or variable that keeps track of the network transfer costs. It would, of course, be possible to implement a small traffic registry or define a macro for tracking communication sizes, but maybe it can be read out from somewhere.
Do you know a method to gain the current transfer size, maybe it is also possible to get this number using a system call to get the network traffic size of the process?
Is it maybe possible to access the proc information of the current process, maybe the /proc/net is maintained per process as well, such as /proc/self/net?
Thank you in advance,

Limiting TCP sends with a "to-be-sent" queue and other design issues

This question is the result of two other questions I've asked in the last few days.
I'm creating a new question because I think it's related to the "next step" in my understanding of how to control the flow of my send/receive, something I didn't get a full answer to yet.
The other related questions are:
An IOCP documentation interpretation question - buffer ownership ambiguity
Non-blocking TCP buffer issues
In summary, I'm using Windows I/O Completion Ports.
I have several threads that process notifications from the completion port.
I believe the question is platform-independent and would have the same answer as if to do the same thing on a *nix, *BSD, Solaris system.
So, I need to have my own flow control system. Fine.
So I send send and send, a lot. How do I know when to start queueing the sends, as the receiver side is limited to X amount?
Let's take an example (closest thing to my question): FTP protocol.
I have two servers; One is on a 100Mb link and the other is on a 10Mb link.
I order the 100Mb one to send to the other one (the 10Mb linked one) a 1GB file. It finishes with an average transfer rate of 1.25MB/s.
How did the sender (the 100Mb linked one) knew when to hold the sending, so the slower one wouldn't be flooded? (In this case the "to-be-sent" queue is the actual file on the hard-disk).
Another way to ask this:
Can I get a "hold-your-sendings" notification from the remote side? Is it built-in in TCP or the so called "reliable network protocol" needs me to do so?
I could of course limit my sendings to a fixed number of bytes but that simply doesn't sound right to me.
Again, I have a loop with many sends to a remote server, and at some point, within that loop I'll have to determine if I should queue that send or I can pass it on to the transport layer (TCP).
How do I do that? What would you do? Of course that when I get a completion notification from IOCP that the send was done I'll issue other pending sends, that's clear.
Another design question related to this:
Since I am to use a custom buffers with a send queue, and these buffers are being freed to be reused (thus not using the "delete" keyword) when a "send-done" notification has been arrived, I'll have to use a mutual exlusion on that buffer pool.
Using a mutex slows things down, so I've been thinking; Why not have each thread have its own buffers pool, thus accessing it , at least when getting the required buffers for a send operation, will require no mutex, because it belongs to that thread only.
The buffers pool is located at the thread local storage (TLS) level.
No mutual pool implies no lock needed, implies faster operations BUT also implies more memory used by the app, because even if one thread already allocated 1000 buffers, the other one that is sending right now and need 1000 buffers to send something will need to allocated these to its own.
Another issue:
Say I have buffers A, B, C in the "to-be-sent" queue.
Then I get a completion notification that tells me that the receiver got 10 out of 15 bytes. Should I re-send from the relative offset of the buffer, or will TCP handle it for me, i.e complete the sending? And if I should, can I be assured that this buffer is the "next-to-be-sent" one in the queue or could it be buffer B for example?
This is a long question and I hope none got hurt (:
I'd loveeee to see someone takes the time to answer here. I promise I'll double-vote for him! (:
Thank you all!
Firstly: I'd ask this as separate questions. You're more likely to get answers that way.
I've spoken about most of this on my blog: but then since you've already emailed me to say that you read my blog you know that...
The TCP flow control issue is such that since you are posting asynchronous writes and these each use resources until they complete (see here). During the time that the write is pending there are various resource usage issues to be aware of and the use of your data buffer is the least important of them; you'll also use up some non-paged pool which is a finite resource (though there is much more available in Vista and later than previous operating systems), you'll also be locking pages in memory for the duration of the write and there's a limit to the total number of pages that the OS can lock. Note that both the non-paged pool usage and page locking issues aren't something that's documented very well anywhere, but you'll start seeing writes fail with ENOBUFS once you hit them.
Due to these issues it's not wise to have an uncontrolled number of writes pending. If you are sending a large amount of data and you have a no application level flow control then you need to be aware that if you send data faster than it can be processed by the other end of the connection, or faster than the link speed, then you will begin to use up lots and lots of the above resources as your writes take longer to complete due to TCP flow control and windowing issues. You don't get these problems with blocking socket code as the write calls simply block when the TCP stack can't write any more due to flow control issues; with async writes the writes complete and are then pending. With blocking code the blocking deals with your flow control for you; with async writes you could continue to loop and more and more data which is all just waiting to be sent by the TCP stack...
Anyway, because of this, with async I/O on Windows you should ALWAYS have some form of explicit flow control. So, you either add application level flow control to your protocol, using an ACK, perhaps, so that you know when the data has reached the other side and only allow a certain amount to be outstanding at any one time OR if you cant add to the application level protocol, you can drive things by using your write completions. The trick is to allow a certain number of outstanding write completions per connection and to queue the data (or just don't generate it) once you have reached your limit. Then as each write completes you can generate a new write....
Your question about pooling the data buffers is, IMHO, premature optimisation on your part right now. Get to the point where your system is working properly and you have profiled your system and found that the contention on your buffer pool is the most important hot spot and THEN address it. I found that per thread buffer pools didn't work so well as the distribution of allocations and frees across threads tends not to be as balanced as you'd need to that to work. I've spoken about this more on my blog:
Your question about partial write completions (you send 100 bytes and the completion comes back and says that you have only sent 95) isn't really a problem in practice IMHO. If you get to this position and have more than the one outstanding write then there's nothing you can do, the subsequent writes may well work and you'll have bytes missing from what you expected to send; BUT a) I've never seen this happen unless you have already hit the resource problems that I detail above and b) there's nothing you can do if you have already posted more writes on that connection so simply abort the connection - note that this is why I always profile my networking systems on the hardware that they will run on and I tend to place limits in MY code to prevent the OS resource limits ever being reached (bad drivers on pre Vista operating systems often blue screen the box if they can't get non paged pool so you can bring a box down if you don't pay careful attention to these details).
Separate questions next time, please.
Q1. Most APIs will give you "write is possible" event, after you last wrote and writing is available again (can happen immediately if you failed to fill major part of send buffer with the last send).
With completion port, it will arrive just as "new data" event. Think of new data as "read Ok", so there's also a "write ok" event. Names differ between the APIs.
Q2. If a kernel mode transition for mutex acquisition per chunk of data hurts you, I recommend rethinking what you are doing. It takes 3 microseconds at most, while your thread scheduler slice may be as big as 60 milliseconds on windows.
It may hurt in extreme cases. If you think you are programming extreme communications, please ask again, and I promise to tell you all about it.
To address your question about when it knew to slow down, you seem to lack an understanding of TCP congestion mechanisms. "Slow start" is what you're talking about, but it's not quite how you've worded it. Slow start is exactly that -- starts off slow, and gets faster, up to as fast as the other end is willing to go, wire line speed, whatever.
With respect to the rest of your question, Pavel's answer should suffice.

Serial Comms dies in WinXP

A bit of history: We have an application, which was originally written many years ago (1998 is the first date in PVCS but the app is about 5 years older than that as it originally was a DOS program). This application communicates with a piece of hardware via serial. When we got to Windows XP we started receiving reports of the app dying after a short time of running. It seems that the serial comms just 'died' and the app was left in a stuck state. The only way to recover from this situation was to restart the application.
The only information I can find regarding this problem was apparently the Windows Message system would miss that information was received, the buffer would fill and the system would get stuck. This snippet of information was left in a old word document, but there's no evidence to back this up. It also mentions that this is only prevalent at high baud rates (115200+).
The solution was to provide customers with USB->Serial converters along with the hardware.
Today: We are working on a new version of the hardware that will run across a network as well as serial ports. So to allow me to work on the network code, minus the actual hardware we are using a VSCOM NetCom113 device. It also installs a virtual comm port on the users (ie: mine) machine.
Now I have got the network code integrated with the app, it appears that the NetCom device exhibits the same behaviour as a physical commport. This is undesirable as I need the app to run longer than ~30 seconds.
Google turns up zero problems that we experience.
I was wondering:
Has anyone experienced this before? If so what did you do to fix/workaround the problem?
Does anyone have any suggestions as to whether the original author of the document is correct and what I can do to test the theory?
Unfortunately I can't post code as the serial code is tightly couple with the rest of the system, though if you have questions regarding it I can answer questions about it.
The code is written using Win32 Comm routines - so I am using CreateFile, ReadFile. There's also judicious calls to GetOverlappedResult.
It's not hanging per se, it's just that the comms stops. You can access the menus, click the buttons, but nothing can interact with the connected hardware. Using realterm you can see that no data is coming in or going out.
I think the reference to the windows message is that the problem is internal to windows. Data has arrived but the kernal has missed it and thus not told the rest of the system about it.
Flow control is not used.
Writing a 'simple' test is difficult due the the fact that the code is tightly coupled and the underlying protocol is quite complex and would require a lot of work.
Are you using DOS-style serial code, or the Win32 CreateFile approach?
If the former, be very suspicious: if at all possible I'd convert to the latter.
If the latter, do you know on what kind of system call it's hanging? Are you in a blocking read call? or an overlapped I/O call? or waiting on an event? (I'm not sure I have enough experience to help, but those are the kinds of questions that come to mind)
You might also check into the queue size, which you can set with the SetupComm function.
I don't buy the "Windows Message system" stuff -- it sounds fishy; you can write good Win32 serial i/o code that never uses Windows messages.
edit: does your Overlapped I/O use events? I seem to remember something about auto-reset events occasionally missing their trigger... check your overlapped I/O calls very carefully to see whether you're handling the possible outcomes properly. Perhaps there's a way to make your code more robust by automatically cancelling the overlapped i/o and restarting another read. (I assume the problem is in the read half, not the write half?)
edit 2: A suggestion: assuming the win32 side has missed a byte or packet, and your devices are in deadlock because they're both expecting each other to respond to something, can you tweak the other side of the serial I/O to regularly send some type of "ping" packet with an incrementing counter? (and log the ping packets on the PC side; that way you can see whether you've missed any)
Are you sure you have your flow control set up correctly? DTR, RTS, etc...
i have written apps that use usb / bluetooth serial ports and have never had an issue. with bluetooth i have seen bit rates (sustained) of 800,000 bps for long periods of time. most people don't properly implement the port.
My serial port
Not sure if this is a possibility for you, but if you could re-write the code using C#.NET you'd have access to the SerialPort class there. It might remedy your problem. I know a lot of legacy code based around the Win32 API for hardware I/O ports tended to fail in XP due to timing (had a small bit of experience with MIDI).
In addition, I don't know if you can use the Win32 method of Serial Port access in Vista, so that might shut out future MS OSes from being able to use your code.

Generic Architecture for a Network Server/Client using a State Machine

so, I inventedmade up a simple protocol that I want to use for a client to talk to a server. It's the typical (I think) three-phase layout:
Connection Establishment (will eventually include capability negotiation)
Actual Data Exchange - packets are happily travelling to and fro', get interpreted by the respective receiver which acts on them accordingly
Connection Teardown - one side says "don't wanna no more', other side says 'so be it' (will eventually allow the other side to send some data until it is done instead of simply closing the conversation)
The framework is a simple setup: The server does and starts a thread to handle the incoming connection by a client, which creates a to the host/port where the server is waiting. Both sides use the and and spew data at each other, assembling outgoing and parsing incoming messages. Fine, so far.
So far, the protocol is hard-coded. Connection Establishment and Teardown are pretty much ok, while the Data Exchange part - which I want to be full-duplex - is pretty much a mess.
So, thinks me, let's do this the good way and set up a state machine using, surprise, the design pattern of the same name. I'm pretty clear about what the states should be for the server and the client, respectively, and what kinds of events should happen for a transition to take place, and what actions should be undertaken when a transition does happen. That looks good - on paper, that is. In practice, I've stubmled over a couple of questions that I can't solve on paper.
In particular, the inputs of the state machine are ... a little diverse. How could I possibly be able to write data, read data and check the connection (it might have closed or may be broken) at the same time? Also, the 1st and 3rd phase should get timers to avoid potentially infinite waiting times for answers.
So, I'd be grateful for any help that bridges my gap between the theory state machine and the code state machine.
BTW, I can read C/C++/C# too - no need to translate to Java (which is what I'm using).
The state for your machine needs to be stored per "Connection"
Each client connecting might be in a different state. So if you had an object tracking your state, you would have an instance of that object for every connection.
I actually wrote a little library that abstracts out just about everything from the state machine if you're interested. There is some test code in there as well that should show you how to work it. State Machine Code
It does some stuff you might forget, like ensuring that state transitions that are not "valid" are actually an error rather than maybe being missed, and logging state transitions is free.
ps. (Anyone) If you look at it and don't like it--please let me know why. I'd like to make it usable for anyone.
