Integrating a ASP.NET (.aspx) page into a existing Lightswitch project -

I have a aspx page developed in Visual Studio ASP and I want to integrate it into a Visual Studio LightSwitch existing project. Can anyone tell me how can I do that?

I've not tried to integrate it into Lightswitch, because if any changes were required I found it easier to leave it in its own Visual Studio project. I simply created a button and added a link to it (after I had uploaded it onto the IIS, for example:"IIS URL");
OR"IIS URL/Document.xls");
so if you don't find a way to do this, then hopefully this will help :)


How to develop an aspx webpart for my SharePoint?

I´ve got a question!
I want to develop an aspx site for an sharepoint. I have Visual Studio and i cant find a way to develop an aspx page, only an core solution. Is this the same? Or what do i have to do, to get myself an aspx webpart i can upload to my sharepoint site?
Thanks for your help!
Aspx files are part of ASP.NET Web Application (.NET Framework) - Web Forms project type. So you must install .NetFramework if it doesn't show in project templates list.
Here is how to create a project.
Here is how to install .NetFramework in Visual Studio.

how do I find out if I have CORE

I have been asked to update my Visual Studio with core. But the update told me I already have this component. However when I look in the list for New Project I can find nothing which includes the word CORE.
How do I work this out?
I'm not talking about a single Visual Studio Project or File. I'm talking about the whole program. I have to update the program.
You need to download Tooling Preview 2 to get the core templates. That is a bug in the visual studio 2015. Please follow the following steps to resolve this issue
This is what your add new project dialog will look like once you have .net core installed correctly. Were you able to resolve this?
Is it a console app or a web app? If you have a .xproj file in your Visual Studio project, then you have ASP.NET Core web application. Probably the same for an ASP.NET Core console application.

ASP.NET Web Application template missing in Visual Studio 2012

has anyone else dealt with this? My ultimate goal is to create a new empty web api project. I've been following tutorials and I've encountered the following issue:
My issue is that when I try to create a ASP.NET Web Application project in Visual Studio Pro 2012 I do not see that template as an option. I go to Installed --> Templates --> Visual C# --> Web
All I see is ASP.NET Empty Web Application. So I selected that and then expected the ASP.Net project window to pop up so that I could select "Web Api". However, that dialog never opened.
Does anyone know how/where I can get the ASP.NET Web Application template?
I came across your question as I had the same problem. When I first installed Visual Studio I didn't tick the box to install the Web Components. Here is how I solved the issue:
Close all your instances of Visual Studio.
Run the Visual Studio Installer (I found mine in the Downloads folder still and was named "vs_professional.exe").
For VS 2013 a grey window appears similar to when first installing VS.
When prompted select "Modify" from the list of options.
Tick the list item which I think was named "Web Development" or something similar.
Click update.
Once the installer has finished running launch Visual Studio.
When selecting New Project in Visual Studio I can now see the required templates.
Try to select Framework 4.5.
The Framework 4.0 don't have :)
Jorge Rocha
If you have ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Application as an option under Web when you select it as a new project the project window pops up and you will be able to select Web API.
kale909's solution worked for me. I just added pics here to make it more clear:
then here:

ASP.NET Add Razor page in Web Application not Web Site, NO MVC

I just found a strange thing in Visual Studio 2010.
I can add a Razor page into a Web Site project, but I cannot do it in a Web Application project.
I do know I can create a ASP.NET MVC(1-4) project which allows me to add a Razor page into it.
After I checked the differences between Web Site(WS) project and Web Application(WA) project, it seems to me that WA is to trend to be in most cases and has more features than WS.
So my question is:
Visual Studio 2010 allows us to add a Razor page into a WS project(you can find it when adding a new page in the list of templates), but why it does not provide the Razor page in the template in the WA project?
I'm curious about it. Waiting for your answers :)
I had the same problem when creating a new, Empty web application. I wanted to use MVC. Despite adding the references required, it still won't let me create files by right clicking on a folder.
However, if you have SP1 installed on Visual Studio 2010, you can:
Right Click > Add > New from Template> Razor MVC View
Hope this helps.

cant add Web User Control (vs 2010)

In my project, solution explorer I click on the folder and -> add new Item. I would like to add web user control but I cant see it. In previous versions of visual studio I didnt have such a problem,
any idead on how can I add this template ?
thanks for any help,
this is how it looks:
in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\ItemTemplates\CSharp\1033
I dont have any web zip files :/
But when I create new WebSite or Web Application tempaltes are available.
Project Im working on is converted from vs2008
Is your project set for Client Profile in your project's properties? If so, change it not to.
Is Web selected in the tree to the right?
