How to uniquely identify user processes which have opened handle to my kmdf driver? - kmdf

In my KMDF driver, i want to uniquely identify which process has opened a handle to the driver using CreateFile. Is there a way to do this using any WdfXXX() call?


Pentaho Driver Class could not be found, make sure the Generic Database Driver (Jar File) is installed

Pentaho Driver Class could not be found, make sure the Generic
Database Driver (Jar File) is installed
Where can I get a generic database driver? Nothing comes up when I do a Google search.
This wasn't very helpful. Anyone have any advice?
There is no such thing as a generic jdbc driver.
The difference between generic jdbc connection and others is the following:
for specific connections the user sets the hostname, port, username&password and eventually some other optional fields (such as instance for mssql); In generic connection user must specify the full url and the driver class.
Specific connections sometimes have some extra intelligence embedded (e.g. getName vs getAlias in MySQL); generic connections don’t do that type of post-processing, whatever comes from the jdbc driver is added to the stream.
So, to set up a generic connection (for sake of argument, let’s say postgres), you need the full postgres jdbc url, the driver class name and credentials. If you need to switch to a different type of database (say Oracle) you can use variables for the driver class name and url. But the driver is still a specific one.
When should you use a generic connection?
if you need to switch target db types in runtime (though beware that SQL syntax may vary)
If the database you want to connect to isn’t in the list of supported databases
If you need a different driver class than the one set up in the specific connection (e.g, MySQL 5.x vs MySQL 8)
If your connection requires some tweaks to the url from what the default url provided by the jdbc driver says
But if you want to connect to MySQL 8 using a generic connection you still need a MySQL 8 JDBC driver.

Get all open connections in Swift

Is it possible to receive a list of all established connections in Swift like when using the "lsof" command?
I just saw that system calls (using Process) are not allowed in the Sandbox (which makes sense...).

LoadRunner recording on ODBC protocol for sybase?

I am trying to record datasource for sybase server, I am using ODBC protocol but the problem is once VuGen launch the application for recording nothing is coming up I mean VuGen is not able to record. I am selecting Rapid SQL.exe file. For ODBC do I need to select any other file??
Architecturally, how do you know that the application is using ODBC for connectivity and it's using the "right version" of ODBC? You may need another method.

Implementing asynchronous read/write support in linux device driver

I need to implement asynchronous read/write support in my linux device driver.
The user space program should get a asynchronous signal from device driver, indicating that the driver has data and the user space program can read it.
Below are the options i found by googling and from LDD book.
[1] Implement poll-read. The driver returns status of read/write queue. The user space program can then decide whether to perform read/write on the device.
[2] Implement async notifications. The device driver is able to send a signal to user space when data is ready on driver side. The user space program can then read the data.
However i have seen developers using select_read call with tty driver. Not sure what support should be added to my existing device driver for using select_read from user space.
Need your advice on the most efficient methods from the above.
Asynchronouse notifications (signals) are harder to use, so it is usually recommended to use poll() instead.
You do not need to separately implement select(), both poll() and select() are user-space interfaces that map to your driver's .poll callback in the kernel.

Generating A Consistent ID For A Given Computer In Flex/Air

In C++ I Can Read The MAC Address Of The NIC and Use It To Generate A Unique Identifier For Each Computer That Interacts With My Web Service. Even If The User Deletes Their Cookies, And Temporary Internet Files, Reformats Their HardDrive And Installs A Different Version Of Windows, That Computer Still Generates The Same Unique ID.
How Can I Create Such A Unique Key Using Flex Or Air? The Number Has To Be Either Hardware Based Or Similarly Tamper Resistant.
Thanks In Advance.
In Air 2 you can spawn a native process and get a result back. You'll need to use that to get access to low level info like this.
