Mounting two locations with html5fs and different PERSISTENT and TEMPORARY types - google-nativeclient

I am using nacl_io library in my project. Is it possible to mount two locations with html5fs file system but different type PERSISTENT and TEMPORARY at the same time?

This is supported.
The nacl-spawn library in the naclports repo, which is used to build command line tools, does this by default. It mounts a temporary html5fs at /tmp and persistent ones at /mnt/html5 and /home/user.


How to change Airflow's tmp data directory?

I'm currently running some disk-hungry tasks in Airflow 1.10.5, which are adding some large files (i.e. tmpnhre0_s8.__wz_cache) to the /tmp directory. As the root partition / is almost full, I would like to make Airflow use different directory, that lives in a larger partition, to store those temporary files.
How can I configure Airflow to use a different directory for the temporary files?
Same here, I'd like switch cache to redis backend. But it is still hardcoded
You can monkey patch it or, fork and contribute to the airflow.

rdiff-backup-like storage on Artifactory

I am looking for a way to store files in Artifactory repository in a storage efficient way and upload/download difference between local version and remote in order to save disk space, bandwidth and time.
There are two good utilities which works in this way rsync and rdiff-backup. Sure there are others.
Is there a way to organize something similar with Artifactory stack?
What is rsync:
Rsync is a fast and extraordinarily versatile file copying tool. It can copy locally,
to/from another host over any remote shell, or to/from a remote rsync daemon. It offers
a large number of options that control every aspect of its behavior and permit very
flexible specification of the set of files to be copied. It is famous for its
delta-transfer algorithm, which reduces the amount of data sent over the network by
sending only the differences between the source files and the existing files in the des-
tination. Rsync is widely used for backups and mirroring and as an improved copy com-
mand for everyday use.
JFrog CLI includes a functionality called "Sync Deletes", allowing to sync files between the local file system and Artifactory.
This functionality is supported by both the "jfrog rt upload" and "jfrog rt download" commands. Both commands accept the optional --sync-deletes flag.
When uploading, the value of this flag specofies a path in Artifactory, under which to sync the files after the upload. After the upload, this path will include only the files uploaded during this upload operation. The other files under this path will be deleted.
The same goes for downloading, but this time, the value of the --sync-deletes flag specifies a path in the local file system, under which files which had not been downloaded from Artifactory are deleted.
Read more this in the following link:

Docker layer reuse

Artifactory at the moment stores multiple duplicate docker image layers. If image A and image B both depend on layer SHA__12345 then artifactory will store both layer copies. Which is not a problem unless the layer SHA__12345 is a a gigabyte in size. In that case you can really quickly run out of space.
Is there a way in artifactory to deduplicate overlapping layers for storage reasons?
Artifactory uses checksum-based storage:
A file that is uploaded to Artifactory, first has its SHA1 checksum calculated, and is then renamed to its checksum. It is then hosted in the configured filestore in a directory structure made up of the first two characters of the checksum. For example, a file whose checksum is "ac3f5e56..." would be stored in directory "ac"; a file whose checksum is "dfe12a4b..." would be stored in directory "df" and so forth.
In parallel, Artifactory's creates a database entry mapping the file's checksum to the path it was uploaded to in a repository. This way of storing binaries optimizes many operations in Artifactory since they are implemented through simple database transactions rather than actually manipulating files.
One implication of this is that artifacts are deduplicated in general. Any two artifacts with the same checksum will point to the same file in storage, even if they're in different repositories. This applies to docker layers, as well as all other artifacts. So you shouldn't be having any issues with this.

Use Fossil for system files?

As a new user of Fossil, I'm curious if there are any negative implications with using Fossil to store things like /etc/, /usr/local/etc files from Unix like systems like FreeBSD & OpenBSD. If I'm doing this for multiple systems, I think I'd create a branch with each hostname to track those files.
Q1: Have you done this? Do you prefer a different VCS to handle the system files?
Q2: Lots of changes have happened in Fossil over the years and I'm curious if it's possible to restrict who can merge branches with trunk. From reading earlier threads it wasn't possible but there are two workarounds:
a) tell people not to merge to trunk
b) have people clone and trunk maintainer pick up changes from their repo
System configuration files stored in /etc, /var or /usr/local/etc can generally only edited by the root user. But since root has complete access to the whole system, a mistaken command there can have dire consequences.
For that reason I generally use another location to keep edited configuration files, a directory in my home-directory that I call setup, which is under control of git. Since I have multiple machines running FreeBSD, each machine gets its own subdirectory. There is a special subdirectory of setup called shared for those configuration files that are used on multiple machines. Maintaining multiple copies of identical files in separate repositories or even branches can be a lot of extra work.
My workflow is the following;
Edit a configuration file in my repository.
Copy it to its proper location.
Test the changes. If problems occur, go back to step 1.
Commit the changes to the revision control system. Copy the
committed files to their proper location.
Initially I had a shell script (basically a list of install commands) to install the files for me. But I also wanted to see the differences between the working tree and the installed files.
So for my convenience, I wrote a script called deploy to help me with this. It can tell me which files in the repo are different from the installed files and can show me the differences. It can also install files to their proper locations.

Keeping dot files synched across machines?

Like most *nix people, I tend to play with my tools and get them configured just the way that I like them. This was all well and good until recently. As I do more and more work, I tend to log onto more and more machines, and have more and more stuff that's configured great on my home machine, but not necessarily on my work machine, or my web server, or any of my work servers...
How do you keep these config files updated? Do you just manually copy them over? Do you have them stored somewhere public?
I've had pretty good luck keeping my files under a revision control system. It's not for everyone, but most programmers should be able to appreciate the benefits.
Keeping Your Life in Subversion
for an excellent description, including how to handle non-dotfile configuration (like cron jobs via the svnfix script) on multiple machines.
I also use subversion to manage my dotfiles. When I login to a box my confs are automagically updated for me. I also use github to store my confs publicly. I use git-svn to keep the two in sync.
Getting up and running on a new server is just a matter of running a few commands. The create_links script just creates the symlinks from the .dotfiles folder items into my $HOME, and also touches some files that don't need to be checked in.
$ cd
# checkout the files
$ svn co https://path/to/my/dotfiles/trunk .dotfiles
# remove any files that might be in the way
$ .dotfiles/ unlink
# create the symlinks and other random tasks needed for setup
$ .dotfiles/
It seems like everywhere I look these days I find a new thing that makes me say "Hey, that'd be a good thing to use DropBox for"
Rsync is about your best solution. Examples can be found here:
I use git for this.
There is a wiki/mailing list dedicated to the topic.
I would definetly recommend homesick. It uses git and automatically symlinks your files. homesick track tracks a new dotfile, while homesick symlink symlinks new dotfiles from the repository into your homefolder. This way you can even have more than one repository.
You could use rsync. It works through ssh which I've found useful since I only setup new servers with ssh access.
Or, create a tar file that you move around everywhere and unpack.
I store them in my version control system.
i use svn ... having a public and a private repository ... so as soon as i get on a server i just
svn co http://my.rep/home/public
and have all my dot files ...
I store mine in a git repository, which allows me to easily merge beyond system dependent changes, yet share changes that I want as well.
I keep master versions of the files under CM control on my main machine, and where I need to, arrange to copy the updates around. Fortunately, we have NFS mounts for home directories on most of our machines, so I actually don't have to copy all that often. My profile, on the other hand, is rather complex - and has provision for different PATH settings, etc, on different machines. Roughly, the machines I have administrative control over tend to have more open source software installed than machines I use occasionally without administrative control.
So, I have a random mix of manual and semi-automatic process.
There is netskel where you put your common files on a web server, and then the client program maintains the dot-files on any number of client machines. It's designed to run on any level of client machine, so the shell scripts are proper sh scripts and have a minimal amount of dependencies.
Svn here, too. Rsync or unison would be a good idea, except that sometimes stuff stops working and i wonder what was in my .bashrc file last week. Svn is a life saver in that case.
Now I use Live Mesh which keeps all my files synchronized across multiple machines.
I put all my dotfiles in to a folder on Dropbox and then symlink them to each machine. Changes made on one machine are available to all the others almost immediately. It just works.
Depending on your environment you can also use (fully backupped) NFS shares ...
Speaking about storing dot files in public there are
But it would be really painful to manually update your files as (AFAIK) none of these services provide any API.
The latter is really minimalistic (no contact form, no information about who made/owns it etc.)
briefcase is a tool to facilitate keeping dotfiles in git, including those with private information (such as .gitconfig).
By keeping your configuration files in a git public git repository, you can share your settings with others. Any secret information is kept in a single file outside the repository (it’s up to you to backup and transport this file).
Ira/mackup is a utility for Linux & Mac systems that will sync application preferences using almost any popular shared storage provider (dropbox, icloud, google drive). It works by replacing the dot files with symlinks.
It also has a large library of hundreds of applications that are supported
