How to disable GSM Modem unsolicited SMS arrival message? - gsm

I would like to process sms messages from my GSM modem (SIM900, but have few others also) but without +CMTI notification.
Code would run in a look and execute various commands, and one of them would be to check if message arrived and then act upon that.
Currently if modem received sms it outpus +CMTI message which get somewhere in the buffer.
Would disabling of that be better approach or should I parse the structure?

Please run
This command silences all SMS URC notifications.

There are pro's and con's with both ways of dealing with receiving and handling SMS messages.
1) Storing on SIM card
There are a couple of downsides with this option. You have to extract the SMS messages from the SIM card which costs time on the one hand. On the other hand it degrades the SIM card itself. Depending on how many SMS's you are receiving this could cause the SIM card to stop working aka no longer able to do read and writes.
2) Handling unsolicited
Here the downside is that you have to be permanently connected to the modem and collect the messages as they come. So if there are USB connection issues it could occur that you lose messages. There are ways of coping with this, for example by configuring the modem so that you manually acknowledge SMS messages received (AT+NACK). This means that the mobile operator network will resend the messages at a later point in time.
When you have modems from different manufacturers then configuration is sometimes a little tricky regarding unsolicited messages. Watch out there if you choose this route. Via AT+CNMI (parameters are different depending on manufacturer/model) you can configure how the modem deals with unsolicited messages. This also involves how the modem handles messages when no "host" is connected to the modem etc... I really recommend finding the AT Command manuals for your modems and seeing what is possible there.
To summarise I personally recommend the unsolicited approach as it's a lot more comfortable handling messages rather than accessing the SIM card to grab and delete received messages.


SIM800L incoming sms stuck in memory

I hit a deadened trying to receive sms on the SIM800L module with Arduino Uno.
I'm using the Receive sms sketch on the IDE, the module does not receive incoming messages and just keeps displaying one sms over and over, this message is the first one I sent to the module, and somehow it's stuck in memory. the sms.flush() method does't erase the message, how do I go about clearing memory to create space for incoming messages ? Thanks
The SIM800L has a vendor specific command to delete all messages, this may clear up enough space for it to receive additional messages.
Run AT+CMGDA=? to find out which mode you need to use. The modem responds with (1-6) or lists the responses in text mode.
Then run AT+CMGDA=6 if the modem responded with numbers, or AT+CMGDA="DEL ALL".
To avoid overflowing the storage, using AT+CNMI=2,2 you can tell the modem to always forward incoming messages to the terminal and avoid storing them in the SIM card or modem memory.

Arduino & ESP8266 - strange characters in response

I'm working on an Arduino Uno + ESP8266 project.
I try to use them as a web server on Wi-Fi network to control a motor that connects to Arduino - basically a trigger system that receives signals via Wi-Fi. Currently, I've successfully connected ESP8266 to my access point by sending AT commands from Arduino. Another client on the same network can statically access ESP8266's assigned IP address.
However, when I try to catch some HTTP queries (I want to use them as conditions to control the motor) I occasionally encountered the non-ASCII characters in HTTP request. I use serial comm to debug, please look at the screenshot in the link below:
Arduino - Computer serial communication for debugging
The line ",519:POST ..." should contain a complete number following "/?", but there's some strange characters instead. So I cannot determine the input data to control motor. Once in a blue moon, the expected format of request shows up as follows:
The correct data received
There's no issue with the HTTP response part, even though I got the uninterpretable request, I can still send the JSON error message back to client.
Attempt Note:
The Arduino uses different serial ports to talk to computer and ESP8266. Since the connection can be established, and the data being sent, I believe that the baud rate is simply correct on both side. (115200 for ESP8266, 9600 for computer - also tried 115200 for both and got the same result)
I use V3.3 from Arduino as power source for ESP8266. But I also use voltage regulator to smooth out the current as many people suggest that. The problem still remains.
I'm struggled with this issue for a few days, just want to know if anybody had the similar experience, or could give some clue for the next step.
After a considerable effort to stabilize the circuit, I switched to NodeMCU and got the system working perfectly. I assume that ESP8266 alone is somehow not robust enough without other components, which I unfortunately have no knowledge on.
So I'd like to close this thread with a short recommendation for anybody struggling with the same issue to switch to NodeMCU (which would replace both Arduino and ESP8266); if that could support the requirement.


I was wondering if it is possible to send via GSM protocol and appropriate AT commands, few data through a simple GSM call (witout using data traffic).
For example my system is a PIC + GSM Module and it monitors and processes a string of data.
When the user wishes, he makes a voice call in order to interacts with the GSM module via DTMF commands for example via an APP.
My dubt is if the GSM module is able to send the data to thesmartphone in order to monitor the status of the system. The module is a Quectel M95.
During some investigation, I saw that the module can send USSD codes but I don't know if it's possible to customize the USSD and read it from the smartphone as I wish.
Or maybe is it possible to use the FAX for data exchange?
Thanks everybody in advance
There are a couple of alternatives if you want to avoid using data traffic. But they all require either a connection to a service that is capable of receiving SMS's for example Twilio. Or you can of course have a GSM Module connected to your server which could do the receiving.
You could then send your data and requests for data within an standard SMS body. Or alternatively you could send binary SMS's where you are not limited to the 7 bit character set.
USSD would only work if you have a USSD service provider (I think Twilio has this now). Because the USSD service must initiate a USSD session for your target GSM Module to respond to. USSD code sending for GSM Modules is operator specific and therefore you are limited to what they have implemented (usually for prepaid users and the topping up of accounts).

Check for Serial Port GSM Modem Connection status

I have a GSM ModeM connected to a serial port, and I use it so send SMS upon certain events.
Since it is not Plug-and-Play, I am confused as to how I'll detect its connection status. Win APIs like GetCommState will obviously not work.
I could periodically send packets of data and check whether the data is being consumed or not, but I'm wary about the risks of polling over performance and clogging up the buffers which might be in use.
So, is there any other method, or some interrupt based thing, which I could use to check whether is still connected, via a serial port, to my system?
I'd be grateful for any help on this.
From Windows 7 onwards, use Windows Mobile Broadband API to get information about a GSM modem.
Serial ports are very primitive communication devices, they date from the very early days of computing. It is what you plugged your ASR-33 teletype into to start banging in your Fortran program. The only reason they are still around is because they are simple, hardware vendors like them because they don't have to spend money developing and supporting a custom api to use their device.
Still, even back in the sixties did a computer have a need to find out if a teletype was attached. Which is done through the hardware handshake signals. The DSR signal, Data Set Ready, is turned on by the device when it is powered up. If you use the .NET SerialPort class then you can check that signal with the SerialPort.DsrHolding property. If you use the winapi then use GetCommModemStatus(), MS_DSR_ON flag.
That still only tells you that some device is attached. If you want to find out that it is the modem that you wrote your program for then you can interrogate it with AT commands, a protocol that's specific to modems. No vendor implements this exactly the same way but you can usually count on an identification from the modem with the ATI command. Check the programming manual for the modem for details.

Access COMPORT 1 through three different applications

I have an SMS Appliaction, which receives the messages through GPS Modem and revert back through GPS Modem. The Modem is using COM1.
Now, i need two more appliactions which can send messages through the same GPS Modem. I tried making a webservice which can access the COM1 to send data, but when i try to connect through webService, it throw an error saying, 'COM1 is already occupied, Access denied.'.
Can anybody help me to connect through the modem in above scenario.
You have to make sure only 1 connection is made.
Easiest (and most low-tech, but probably most flexible) is having a script checking a directory for files regularly and sending the messages in the file to the modem. The webservice then just writes a file for every SMS it received. (this can be trivially extended to accept emails, web requests, etc, ...)
A bit more sophistacated is to start a thread to do the communication and push the messages on a FIFO like datastructure provided by your favorite programming platform. A BlockinQueue would be perfect. The thread reads the messages from the queue and sends them to the GSM modem.
If you want to have confirmation the SMS is sent (which in my experience does not mean anything and certainly not that the recipient actually received it) you'll need to find a way to return feedback to the caller. This can be as simple a setting a boolean flag in the message to sending another message or performing a callback. But I would not bother. I had situations where 30% of messages dissapeared even when we had confirmation of the message central.
