How to change Doxygen to not use ANY file extension? - uri

Doxygen's html file extensions default to .html. I'm not so concerned about what the filenames are on disk--but the internal links in the pages will still have the extension. This runs counter to the recommendations of Cool URIs Don't Change.
I did discover that there is a HTML_FILE_EXTENSION, which theoretically lets you change the extension to anything you want. You can get it as far down as .--but you can't give them no extension. Leaving it blank causes it to default back to .html. :-/
It's of course easy that when you get ready to publish, you can switch the extension to .strip-me-from-docs-for-publication. Then do a search/replace of that with nothing (or / if you believe in trailing slashes in URLs, which I think I do). In the meantime you'll be able to take advantage of browsing the generated docs locally without pushing them to the server.
I'm wondering if there's any kind of smoother way to approach the problem, skipping the search/replace step?

I guess using a script to rename doxygen output files and then search and replace the links within these files is the straight forward option.
Another way could be to use mod_proxy_html and its ProxyHTMLURLMap feature.
Maybe it has to be used in combination with mod_rewrite. See and


Adding d3.js charts to Wordpress

I'm looking for some advice for adding d3.js charts to Wordpress.
My client has commissioned a forceSimulation - still in progress. It is currently organised as follows:
I'm totally clueless as to whether it is possible to add the chart to her Wordpress blog and if so how to do it.... Any advice would be much appreciated.
Many thanks.
For reference, here are the WordPress docs on Using JavaScript.
Making it easy for them
From past experience (though not in WordPress), I'd try to simplify the steps your client has to take to get the visualisation working well, just in case the person doing them has little technical skill.
Hence, as far as possible, I'd combine your files into one force-viz.js:
CSS rules can be inlined by using in JS on the appropriate elements.
CSV can be inlined as a JavaScript string, parsed with d3.csvParse.
global_properties.js can just be in the same JS file.
index.html is unnecessary if you use to construct the DOM tree you want, and instruct your client to write—
<div id="force-viz"></div>
—where they want the chart to appear, then that in your script.
This would mean all your client has to do is:
Place force-viz.js in a scripts/ directory.
<div id="force-viz"></div>
<script src="scripts/force-viz.js"></script>
—into the text of any page, wherever they want the chart to appear.
Making it easy for you
If being forced to program into a single file is annoying, I recommend Browserify. It's a tool that can process a set of JavaScript files with require('whatever.js')-calls to each other, combining them appropriately into one file. With a plugin, it can even turn fs.readSync('data.csv') calls into strings containing that file's contents, which you could use with that CSV file.
That way, you could continue programming the thing as separate files, then run browserify to bundle them up for your client.
Or just do it manually, if this is a one-off project. Your call.

Coding with Sublime Text - having trouble with filepath's in css

So I code in Sublime Text 2 combining HTML, CSS, and jQuery to make web designs.
For some reason, when I am trying to specify a location of a file, say Pic01.jpg in the folder images, you would suspect typing in /images/Pic01.jpg should be enough to tell the browser where the picture is located.
But this is not the case. I find myself needing to specify the exact location of the file before the browser will render it. Like; User/Desktop/siteOne/images/Pic01.jpg
This path system is very inconvenient, as I would like to say - export my sites to different computers, but now the code is bound to that specific location on that specific computer.
How can I set it up to make /images/Pic01.jpg sufficient coding for the browser (or Sublime?) to understand what needs to be rendered?
Prepending the path by / means that it will start it search at the root, which can change depending on your server configuration.
With WAMP/MAMP, I have to prepend my URLs by / and then the name of the folder they are in, if they are not at the absolute root of the server. It depends on your setup.
If you want paths that will work regardless of the server root, it's best to use a relative path or use a constant that can easily be changed depending on the configuration.
Example :
define("PATH", "/");
Link that always work
You will only have one line to change to make your paths work all the time with a different configuration - relative paths can be tricky to deal with when working in deep sub-folders.
Furthermore, if you want to see where it's actually looking for the file, open the Console in your web browser of choice, they should display the error (404 most likely) and the path it's looking at.

How to turn on auto-complete in Bracket 31 in *.less file?

I started to use Bracket as my IDE. I like it...
When I edit a CSS file there is great auto-complete, but when I edit less file there is no CSS auto-complete and it would be very useful.
Is there a way to turn CSS auto-complete for less files?
For some reason there isn't any built-in support for this yet but it can easily be hacked in and works quite well.
Open C:\Program Files (x86)\Brackets Sprint 32\www\language\languages.json (or whatever path you have it installed to) and scroll down to the CSS-key. Then just add "less" to the fileExtensions-array, save it and reload Brackets.
"css": {
"name": "CSS",
"mode": "css",
"fileExtensions": ["css", "less"],
"blockComment": ["/*", "*/"]
For some reason this isn't enabled by default but I haven't discovered any problems with it this far. Works fine with nested declarations which I initially thought would be a problem.
Updated answer:
Autocomplete in LESS files is now enabled automatically in Brackets Sprint 36 and newer (along with the Quick Docs command). The workaround in the answer above is no longer needed.
Original answer:
There's not a way to do it yet. Brackets has a public backlog, which
includes a user story for LESS code hinting
You can upvote the user story if you sign in with a (free) Trello
Brackets recently added
support for CSS-like code hinting in SCSS files, but that was much
easier to do. Because the SCSS tokenizer in
CodeMirror shares code the CSS one, the two
produce very similar streams of tokens, allowing much of Brackets'
existing CSS-analysis logic to be reused. The LESS tokenizer, on the
other hand, produces different token information that would require
larger code changes to support.
But it's certainly doable -- just a matter of prioritization. That's
where backlog upvoting and/or pull requests come in :-)

Is there a tool to check CSS url files exist?

I've just been tasked with migrating a website from a Windows server to a Linux server.
One of the issues I've noticed straight away is that there are a number of CSS url() definitions that don't work because the case in the CSS is not the same as the actual file.
background: url(myFile.jpg);
while on the server the file is actually MyFile.jpg.
Does anyone know of a simple tool or browser plugin I can use just to scan the CSS file and verify that the url() declarations exist so that I can easily find and fix them?
The site is quite large, so I don't want to have to navigate through the pages to find 404 errors if I can avoid it.
Use Developer Tools in Google Chrome or Firebug in Firefox.
When you load HTML page with that CSS, it will show any missing resources in Network tab.
I guess there is no any tool that will
Scan through CSS file for all the URLs
Check whether each URL exists or not.
But you can try following two links for these two tasks.
RegEx to get the URLs from CSS : With this you will have all list of URLs used in CSS
Check if a URL exists or not with cURL : An example in PHP was given.
You can still search for these two items separately and try fixing the issues.
Let me know if this helps.
What, if you simply write a http request into browser's URL bar pointing directly to the image and/or css?
How about firebug in firefox? It would give you all 404 in its console.
You can install Firebug if you're using Firefox or you can press F12 if you're using Chrome.. i think that goes the same with IE.. From there you will be able to check the URL and even view it in a new tab.
Turns out that the W3c Link Checker also scans CSS files which is very handy.
Had this have not worked I would have had to put together something like Vanga's solution.
Here's how I would approach this.
Make sure all image requests are handled by a (PHP) script, by adding the following to my .htaccess
RewriteRule .(?:jpe?g|gif|png|bmp)$ /images.php [NC,L]
Use file_exists() to check if the file exists, maybe even try if a lowercase version of the file exists.
Log missing files into a database table or text file.
Use a script to loop through the website's sitemap with curl to get a complete list of requested filenames that resulted in a 404.

Tool for get image sources parsed from css

Task is simple. Have a tool which will parse CSS on network website, read the links to images from there and download all of them to structured folders to local disc.
The important is that tool should ready to use, and designer should be able to use. Answer "you can write the tool itself is OK", but not acceptible for ready tool .
You can get urls from css manually with regular expressions.
To accompany Roman's answer:
will match as $1 almost all images (almost all meaning, that the central part ['"\)] is a bit too strict and will not match URLs with either of these characters in it).
Note that you might get external stylesheets ('#import'), too, with this regexp.
