iterate over data from a route in a template - meteor

I have a cursor returned from a route, how can I use the data as context in a template?
this will return a cursor with all documents where parent is equal to the params_id
this.route('my route', {
path: '/myroute:_id',
data: function(){
return MyCollection.find({parent: this.params._id});
how should my template look like to "iterate" over the cursor? normally if I use MyCollection.find({}) I iterate with #each and give the context a name via a TemplateHelper. I guess
{{#each data}}....{{/each}}
should be right but it doesn´t work.

Setting data in the route sets the context for the template. In the template, the context is accessed via this:
{{#each this}}...{{/each}}
Alternatively, if you prefer to assign a name to your data, can return an object from the route:
data: function(){
return {posts: Posts.find({parent: this.params._id})};
And then you can iterate over the documents like so:
{{#each posts}}...{{/each}}


passing a variable inside helper funtion

I am using a helper inside another helper. I am trying to pass a value ‘post_id’, that i am getting dynamically from ‘show_post’ helper.I want to pass it and then use it inside the query that is returning a set of result back to helper. for some reason , app is crashing. Can someone guide me through this.
{{#each show_post}}
{{#each show_comment({{post_id}}) }}
//<--- i am passing the value to helper like this.
<span> <p>{{postedBy}}: <h5>{{commenttext}}</h5>{{createdAt}}</p></span>
return PostComment.find({parent: 0},{sort: {createdAt: -1}});
var t1 = e;
var now = PostComment.find({post_id:{$regex:new RegExp(’^’ + t1)}});
return now;
The first helper generates a array(Mongo Db result).I want to use this array’s elements(that are dynamic) in next helper. So i want to use a variable that can hold the value of array element of first helper and then pass it to next helper. In second helper, i want to pass this variable and use this variable to sort a result in Mongo query. I am new to this so i am unable to understand how this instance
Firstly you don't need to wrap helper arguments in double curly braces or parens.
{{#each show_comment post_id}}
Will do what you need.
You're also making life a bit more complicated for yourself than necessary. You can use the current data context through this in your code. Also unclear why you're using a regex unless you're concatenating something to the post _id.
This allows you to simplify down to:
{{#each show_post}}
{{#each show_comment}}
<span><p>{{postedBy}}: <h5>{{commenttext}}</h5>{{createdAt}}</p></span>
return PostComment.find({post_id: this._id);

How to modify object property before insertion into Blaze template

Let's say I have the following Blaze template helper that fetches some objects from a collection:
PackageInCart: function() {
PackageIds = Carts.findOne({SessionId: SessionID}).Packages;
var PackageObjects = Packages.find({ _id: { $in : PackageIds } } ).fetch();
return PackageObjects;
The PackageObjects variable contains objects that have a 'priceperday' property with a certain price value. In the Blaze template, I can easily print this value using:
{{#each PackageInCart}}
<div class="price">{{priceperday}}</div>
However, what if I want to modify the 'priceperday' value from the Helper function before it gets printed in the template? What would be the correct way to do this?
One solution that came to mind was to make a for loop that iterates over the objects and does something like Object.defineProperty() to change the priceperday property into the new value.
I want to know if there's an easier or quicker way using Blaze methods to modify the object property that gets printed with the curly braces.
If you want to do this using blaze you could do this using another helper.
weeklyPrice: function(priceperday){
return priceperday * 7;
Which would be called like this
{{#each PackageInCart}}
<div class="price">{{weeklyPrice priceperday}}</div>
More info about spacebars helper arguments in the docs

Parameters to helpers used in inclusion template tags?

I'd like to be able to call (global) template helpers from inclusion template tags.
So this works;
Static version:
{{>volcanoTable pagination=5)}}
But i'd like to get the value of pagination per user by using Template helper function named getPref(key,defaultvalue).
"Dynamic version":
{{>volcanoTable pagination=getPref("pagination",5) }}
which gives error:
Expected space
...ue pagination=getPref('a',5) )}}
Also tried different versions, but they didn't work either;
like {{>volcanoTable pagination=getPref "pagination" "5" }}
Or is there another way to get the same desired results?
You can just create a helper which returns a context object. For example:
myPagination: function(n) {
// extract the default pagination for the user
var pagination = Meteor.user().profile.pagination;
if (pagination) {
return {pagination: pagination};
} else {
return {pagination: n};
Which you can use like this:
<template name='myTemplate'>
{{> volcanoTable myPagination 6}}
In this case, the volcanoTable would get a context of {pagination: 6} only if there was no default pagination property for the user. Of course you could make myPagination a global helper if it's useful outside of this template.

Why this works: Meteor-Blaze #with and data context?

I wonder why the following thing outputs 'hello' instead of 'bye'???
<template name="example">
{{#with dataContext}}
Template Helper:
dataContext: function() {
return {
say: 'bye'
say: function() {
return 'hello';
The shortest answer to this is the helpers have a preference over the data context.
If you rename one of them to something else it should solve your problem.
The order the lookup goes is:
The data context (if it contains a .). {{say}} does not.
The template's helper. {{say}} has a helper for say.
A template
A global helper such as those defined with Template.registerHelper.
The data context
So if the first isn't found, it goes down the list until it finds something

IronController Helpers not working

i am farely new to meteor, so it might be obvious.
I am trying to define some routes:
Router.route('/translations', {name:'translation.index'});
Router.route('/translations/:_id', {name:''});
I also have defined a Controller which should define how to get the Data:
TranslationIndexController = RouteController.extend({
template: 'TranslationIndex',
data: function () {
return Translations.find();
sayHello: function(){
return 'hello';
I have some Collection that is just fetched and some random tempalte helper. My template looks like this:
<template name="TranslationIndex">
{{#each data}}
But neither my hello nor my collection is shown. PS: I have checked if my collection contains data by using Translations.find().count() in the console.
You need to call the controller in your route, e.g.,
Router.route('/translations', {
controller: TranslationIndexController
The data should then be available.
