User Authentication over multiple Webservers in azure -

I have an ASP.NET Application which runs an multiple Web Servers in Azure (these are all virtual machines and not Azure Websites).
If a user logs himself in (currently forms authentication) everything is fine but if he clicks on a link he might get redirected to another server in the server group where the session cookie is not set.
How could that be solved in azure so that a user is logged in on all machines or is there a way to "bind" a user to a specific server so that he won't jump between the servers?
Thanks for your help!

You have to change the session state to be saved in an external persistence solution, like SQL Server or Redis, instead of InProc (which means in memory) which is the setting you have now. The steps to do that are described here for SQL Server. Then if someone ends up in a different server, he'll still be authenticated as the session will be loaded from the persistence solution.


.Net Session for load balanced Servers

I have LoadBalanced WebServers in .Net. When a user logs in into the website, we are not sure if his next request goes to the same webserver. So will storing session in SqlServer DB solve the issue of recognizing the user when request switches between servers .
As per below link, OutProc session is suitable for Load balanced servers.

DB connection string between two servers by Windows Authentication

I have two servers, let's say they are APPSVR (ASP.NET) and DBSVR (SQL Server). Currently, the application running smoothly with database connection using SQL Server authentication with User Id and Password.
In the future, it must be changed with Windows Authentication Integrated Security=True. I have tried to change this but can't worked (DB connection failure).
We have domain controller also and both server in the same domain. I am not sure which one that must be configured in our environment (Domain/SQL Server/IIS Manager). What's the right procedure to do this?
Is your application already running with domain user authentication?
Do you need per user login for SQL server because you set up the
access right on domain user rather than create your own access right
system on your application?
Why i am asking you this? Because You need to consider the differences between web application and desktop application. In web application, the web server contact the sql server not the user pc.
So this complicate the setup if you want the web server to use the windows authentication to login to sql server then you need to set up the web server to somehow masquerade as the domain users. You also need to consider the scenario if user are accessing the web application from the internet.
I suggest using strong application only password for sql server connection using local user rather than domain Users. For access right you can simply create a new table to store domain user login id and their access right. This set up still allow login to web application using the domain Users but the database connection is not. The Advantage is you can minimize the access to simply few or even one user application only user you need to maintain in sql server rather than every domain Users that need to be registered on sql server if you use windows authentication.
If you still need the Windows Authentication set up than you can see the info here.
We recently had to change over to using Windows Auth instead of a SQL Account to access the DB from our ASP site. The trick is to have the application pool start up with the same domain account you use to access the SQL Server and then you can just change your connection string to use Integrated Security.
The process is shown here: windows authentication against domain - use local (cached) credentials when offline

I have ASP.NET MVC application that uses windows authentication against remote active directory server. The computer where the app runs is connected via VPN to the AD server. The problem is that after user logs into the PC with domain user and logs into the application it needs to run even while offline as well, but it throws this error:
The trust relationship between workstation and domain failed.
From what I understood there is no cookie and the authorization works on per-request basis. Is there any way to authorize the user name/password against the locally cached credentials? The connection often drops and the application needs to keep running.
Also I can't turn on Anonymous Authentication as we want to sign in users without providing credentials.
Any suggestions appreciated.
Thank you
It was due to calling (while off the network)
We have custom role management, so removing base.IsInRole on our custom WindowsPrincipal solved this issue.
After doing research I thought that it actually has to be on the network, but to keep using cached credentials you don't have to be, just do not try to fetch any user related information.

How to get ASPNET to be recognized as a Trusted Connection by SQL Server 2005

Here's the situaiton. I'm working on developing a new website to access an old database. This is a DoD installation so there's lots of security around.
The current application is written in classic ASP, VBScript and some javascript. The new systems is ASP.NET.
Accessing the database in the old system meant hitting the server with your own credentials (domainname\username). Now I'm trying to test some of the early development I've done. When I used Cassini (under VS2008), I had no trouble getting to the database because ourdomain\myusername registered with the SQL Server instance as a trusted connection. Due to security aspects that I have to write, Cassini can't serve as a test server anymore - I have to use IIS (we have security card readers here). Cassini can't handle them.
So when I went through all the problems of getting the appropriate accounts added to Administrators on my local pc so that I could debug in VS2008 while using IIS, I tried to connect to the database and I was rejected because MYPC\ASPNET was not a trusted connection.
Altering the existing database is out of the question. Hard coding usernames and passwords for access to the database is out of the question.
I asked the DBA if he could add MYPC\ASPNET to of the domain groups so that SQL Server could see it as a trusted connection (since MYDOMAIN\MYNAME was in a group that was seen as a trusted connection). He tells me that is not technically possible.
In the end there are going to be three or four machines (mine, another developer, the eventual live web server and a future test web server) who's ASPNET accounts are going to be hitting our two SQL servers (live and test).
What do I have to do to make the existing SQL server see me as Friend and not Foe? I looked at impersonation but I get the impression it's not compatible with our system - the business rules make a call to a common routine to create a SqlConnection object and open it (maybe even a SqlTransaction object to go with it) and this object is used for the rest of the business rules and data-access layer until it's done. It didn't look like impersonation would persist once the SqlConnection was opened (and passed, ByRef back to the calling routine)
Thanks in advance for any advice.
You have two options:
Run your web application in an application pool configured to run in the context of a domain account
Use impersonation and configure your web application to use windows authentication only
Use Impersonation
As has already been suggested you should use impersonation.
However if your SQL Server is running on a different machine than your web server then impersonation will not suffice as the credentials of the user will not be delegated to the SQL Server (server hop). In that case you will have to either enable delegation in the AD or create a non-Windows login on your SQL Server and use that instead (this will not work if your SQL Server actually uses the Windows login for access control to tables etc.).
Sounds like you want to impersonate the client who is accessing your web site correct? Have you tried to use impersonation or are you assuming it won't work?
As Albert points out, impersonation requires the user to be authenticated using Windows authentication. You will want to disable Anonymous Access, and enable Windows Authentication in IIS Management tool.

ASP.NET Single Login - Is distributing session the answer

We have 5 balanced web servers with various websites.
What I am trying to achieve is to ensure a single login.
i.e. the same user account cannot login to the same website more than once at any given time.
The method i'm considering for solving this, is to share session amongst the servers so I can control which session is assigned to which account. I can then have control over my logins. If a user logs in and there is already a session assigned to their user account, I can just expire the first session or reject the login.
I don't want to lose the benefit of the balanced servers, so using a single Sql Server as my session state server, or a single server to handle login is not an option.
Is distributed session (something like Scaleout Sofware) the correct approach to achieve this?
Or is there another mechanism to handle single login that i'm blissfully unaware of?
You have two set of problems here:
1) Allowing just one connected user in a web farm scenario
2) Detecting user logoff
To solve the first the only solution is a central storage for some kind of user state, using a central server to store the ASP.Net session or some other kind of centralized user state. This central storage can be SQL Server using the native management of session state (btw also Oracle, from Oracle 11, can support session storage), the AspState service or an external solution, like ScaleOut (as you said) or its open source alternative memcached (see Or you can design a simple centralized web service that check active logins against a SQL Server database, this way you can also quickly create reporting tools about logged on users and so on.
Real problem, in my opinion, lies in the second part, that you need to maintain the different "wrong logoff" scenarios that are available in a web world (like closing the browser due to a crash or shutting down applications without logging off), giving you application some way to gracefully work with user that has an old session enabled (as you said simply expiring the first session can work).
Keep also in mind that using a state server like SQL server will not make you loose the balanced servers, if's the way of working to have a web farm environmet and sharing session, only problem lies in performance (if session state become large) and the cost involved in using SQL Server if you do not already have the proper license.
