wordpress category page 404 - wordpress

I have updated a category slug and now my category page for that category is displaying a 404. I have tested doing this on a staging site and it works fine but when I do this on production for some reason I get a 404.
I have,
resaved permalinks hundreds of times
deactivated plugins
disabled all caching
restarted my server
I am completely confused and cannot understand why wordpress is so fragile around permalinks and urls.

I went to Settings > Permalink, I changed nothing, validated and... it worked. Perhaps a default setting was missing.


404 error after putting WordPress on my vps server but homepage does work

So my WordPress site worked perfectly on my localhost, until I transferred it to my Windows Server machine. Now, only the index still works; the other pages give me a 404 error.
I have already tried changing permalink options and other fixes, but nothing has worked.
How I can get my other pages online?
Its too easy
go to wp-admin in your WordPress.
in dashboard go to settings.
in settings go to Permalink Settings.
in Permalink Settings if your Common Settings set on Day and name or anything else change it to Plain.
save the setting and go to your web pages.
if every things work correctly back to Permalink Settings and change Common Settings on Day and name or anything you want.

Wordpress site - too many redirects when selecting link

I have looked at similar questions but still receive the redirect error.When landing on a homepage URL the site resolves and displays for example http://www.test.co.uk . When selecting any link ie. http://www.test.co.uk/products the browser throws a "Too many redirects" error and the site become unusable. The only way I can get it back up is by clearing cookies and cache and trying again. What I find really confusing is that copying the http://www.test.co.uk/products link or manually typing the URL in resolves the URL correctly and I don't get "too many redirects" error. It only happens when I select a link.
I have tried the following:
Renamed the "plugins" directory to "plugins1" to disable the plugins
Reverted to the default wordpress ".htaccess" file
Ensure the site settings URLS matched in wp-admin area
SSL is enabled on the site but not configured to be used anywhere, all links (that I'm aware of reference http://)
Checked any redirects on the hosting via CPANEL (none exist)
Added these to the wp-config file
define ('WP_HOME','http://www.test.co.uk');
I'm not sure whats changed in the last couple of days but we think a plugin got updated. Would disabling the plugins prove that its nothing to do with plugins?I'm new to WordPress so apologies if I got some terms wrong.
Any suggestions I could try looking at would be helpful.
try to set Home url and site url to http://www.test.co.uk from your WP admin panel

All pages and posts in Wordpress redirect to homepage

I've been having this problem a couple times now and I'm not sure what is causing it. I have tried disabling all plugins, resetting permalinks, and resetting to the default .htacccess file but this time I seem to not be able to fix this issue.
Whenever I try to visit any post or page, instead of displaying a post at /post-name/ it displays a list of my latest posts.
I thought I read about the publishing dates affecting this once but I'm not sure.
Any help you could provide would be awesome!
edit: I've installed and activated a different theme and it did not solve the problem. I still see a list of lastest posts on every page/post.
If you have the Yoast SEO plugin enabled, try deactivating it or making sure there are no links with permanent 301 redirects to Home

Specific WordPress permalinks link to wrong page

I have a somewhat strange issue with WordPress today. This behaviour has only begun in the last week or so as far as I can ascertain.
Any page with the slug "downloads" links to it's parent page instead of to it's own page.
I have tried the following:
Reset permalinks to default and then back to %postname%
Disabled all plugins
Physically cleared the cache
But none of the above fix the issue. The weird thing is that this behaviour is only happening for pages with the slug "downloads". For all other slugs it is fine.
For example there are multiple instances of the slug "get-involved" with different parents and all work fine. But when the same is done with "downloads" the links redirect to their parent. Is anyone else experiencing this issue?
I have also verified in fiddler that the pages are not redirecting, they are actually linking to the parent page with a response code of 200, there is no 301 or 302 thrown.
WordPress will automatically duplicate the same slug with a new name but you should check again, maybe you've re-writing slug manually before. And check your .htaccess.

404 on taxonomy links on Wordpress site

I've read a lot of different posts online on this, but nothing seems to be working.
I'm working on a Wordpress site. Despite individual post links working exactly as intended, (e.g. http://ubicomplab.org/people/jwu), the main taxonomy pages, http://ubicomplab.org/people, etc. redirect to 404.
I have tried modifying .htaccess, deleting .htaccess, disabling plugins, but nothing seems to work. I have also tried rolling back the contents of wp-content to way before this error started occurring, to no effect.
Upon trying to "Edit Page" the 404ing link above, I get an error about how "post 422" is in the trash. There are no posts in the trash, however. I'm not sure why it's specifically post 422.
Could there be something wrong on the server side? If so, what could I do? I have access to the kettle server, but I'm not sure where to begin looking.
Try savings your permalinks again, sometimes this works for me.
