alamofire how to use taskWillPerformHTTPRedirection - http

i use alamofire to handle http request but receive nil
and the url has a server http redirect , how can i use taskWillPerformHTTPRedirection to allow perform http redirection .
then i can receive the result.

This is not something that is currently possible. Here's a detailed issue on the Github project site that walks through the problem. There are also two open pull requests, PR1 and PR2, that attempt to address this problem if you wish to work off a fork temporarily.


Building URLs in Go including server scheme

I am creating a REST API in Go, and I want to build URLs to other resources in my replies.
Based on the http.Response I can get the Host and URL.
However, how would I go about getting the transport scheme used by the server? http or https?
I attemped to check if server.TLSConfig is nil and then assuming it is using http since it says this in the documentation for http.Server:
TLSConfig *tls.Config // optional TLS config, used by ListenAndServeTLS
But it turns out this exists even when I do not run the server with ListenAndServeTLS.
Or is this way of building my URLs the wrong way of doing things? Is there some other normal way of doing this?
My preferred solution when running http and https is just to run a simple listener on :80 that redirects all traffic to https. Then any real traffic can be assumed to be https.
Alternately I believe you can access a request's URL at req.URL.Scheme to see the protocol.
Or do you mean for the entire application? If you accept configuration to switch between http and https, then can't you look at that and see which they chose? I guess I'm missing some context maybe.
It is also common practice for apps to take a baseURL via flag or config to generate external urls with.

Woocommerce REST API connection refused

I've been trying to connect to the REST API of Woocommerce (using HTTP Basic Auth) but fail to do so.
I'm probably doing stuff wrong (first timer # REST API's), but here is what I've been doing:
I'm using a GET with an url consisting of:
I'm using an Authorization header with the consumer key and secret base64 encoded
I've enabled the REST Api in the Woocommerce setting and enabled secure checkout. Also I've put some product in the shop. But whenever I try to run the URL as described above; the connection is just being refused.
I do not receive an error, but it looks like the page cannot even be reached. Can someone help me out?
I've followed the docs ( up to the Authentication-section, but that's where I've been stuck up till now.
The complete url I'm using is:
With the HTTP-header looking like:
GET /wc-api/v2/ HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic [BASE64 encoded_key:BASE64 encoded_secret]
Connection: close
User-Agent: Paw/2.1.1 (Macintosh; OS X/10.10.2) GCDHTTPRequest
Then after I run the request I'm getting:
Given the screenshot that you posted, it seems that the server is not responding on HTTPS. So you'll need to configure your webserver to respond to HTTPS requests, and to do that you'll need to install an SSL certificate.
You can either generate one yourself, which is free, but won't work for the general public. Or you can buy one - most domain registrars and hosts will let you buy a certificate, and they usually start at around $50 per year.
I'm using a GET with an url consisting of:
In this example, you're using HTTPS. Is that where you're trying to connect?
I highly recommend going straight to HTTPS connection. It's a thousand times easier to accomplish. Documentation for over HTTPS can be found here. Follow directions for "OVER HTTPS". From there you can use something like Postman to test if you'd like.

How do I tell my service (all calls REST/JSON) to handle OPTIONS requests?

I have written a WCF service to return JSON on REST requests. Works great with a browser hitting it. But when my JavaScript hits it, the first request is an OPTIONS request for the url with "Access-Control-Request-Method: GET".
I think I need to handle CORS as documented here. However the suggested code won't compile and the suggested web.config is illegal in places.
What do I need to do so the service will respond appropriately when asked if a GET can be requested on a url?
You may have to enable it in IIS as well:

Replacing http responses from a specific URL in Windows

I have some software which makes a request to a specific URL in internet and I want it to receive my custom response. Is there any software tool for that on Windows? Also it would be nice if I could map a regexp instead of specific URL
Found the solution myself:
Set the domain of the URL to point to in windows hosts file
Install nginx and set it up to show your file for the request response to which you're willing to modify and proxy all other requests to the original server
You could consider writing a test and mocking out the http response with your custom response.
I could give an example using C# and rhino mocks but it's not clear which platform you are working with.
You can:
Try to enject your dll into the process and replace functions like (HttpSendRequest, HttpQueryInfo,...) with your oun versions.
Try to use something like WinPCap (
Fiddler ( has an AutoResponder feature which does exactly that.

Tamper with first line of URL request, in Firefox

I want to change first line of the HTTP header of my request, modifying the method and/or URL.
The (excellent) Tamperdata firefox plugin allows a developer to modify the headers of a request, but not the URL itself. This latter part is what I want to be able to do.
So something like...
... could become ...
For context, I need to tamper with (make correct) an erroneous request from Flash, to see if an error can be corrected by fixing the url.
Any ideas? Sounds like something that may need to be done on a proxy level. In which case, suggestions?
Check out Charles Proxy (multiplatform) and/or Fiddler2 (Windows only) for more client-side solutions - both of these run as a proxy and can modify requests before they get sent out to the server.
If you have access to the webserver and it's running Apache, you can set up some rewrite rules that will modify the URL before it gets processed by the main HTTP engine.
For those coming to this page from a search engine, I would also recommend the Burp Proxy suite:
Although more specifically targeted towards security testing, it's still an invaluable tool.
If you're trying to intercept the HTTP packets and modify them on the way out, then Tamperdata may be route you want to take.
However, if you want minute control over these things, you'd be much better off simulating the entire browser session using a utility such as curl
