Document term matrix in R - r

I have the following code:
rm(list=ls(all=TRUE)) #clear data
setwd("~/UCSB/14 Win 15/Issy/text.fwt") #set working directory
files <- list.files(); head(files) #load & check working directory
fw1 <- scan(what="c", sep="\n",file="fw_chp01.fwt")
skipWords<-(function(x) removeWords(x, stopwords("english")))
#remove punc, numbers, stopwords, etc
funcs<-list(content_transformer(tolower), removePunctuation, removeNumbers, stripWhitespace, skipWords)
corpus2.proc<-tm_map(corpus2, FUN = tm_reduce, tmFuns = funcs)
corpus2a.dtm <- DocumentTermMatrix(corpus2.proc, control = list(wordLengths = c(1,110))) #create document term matrix
I'm trying use some of the operations detailed in the tm reference manual ( with little success. For example, when I try to use the findFreqTerms, I get the following error:
Error: inherits(x, c("DocumentTermMatrix", "TermDocumentMatrix")) is not TRUE
Can anyone clue me in as to why this isn't working and what I can do to fix it?
Edited for #lawyeR:
head(fw1) produces the first six lines of the text (Episode 1 of Finnegans Wake by James Joyce):
[1] "003.01 riverrun, past Eve and Adam's, from swerve of shore to bend"
[2] "003.02 of bay, brings us by a commodius vicus of recirculation back to"
[3] "003.03 Howth Castle and Environs."
[4] "003.04 Sir Tristram, violer d'amores, fr'over the short sea, had passen-"
[5] "003.05 core rearrived from North Armorica on this side the scraggy"
[6] "003.06 isthmus of Europe Minor to wielderfight his penisolate war: nor"
inspect(corpus2) outputs each line of the text in the following format (this is the final line of the text):
<<PlainTextDocument (metadata: 7)>>
029.36 borough. #this part differs by line of course
inspect(corpus2a.dtm) returns a table of all the types (there are 4163 in total( in the text in the following format:
Docs youths yoxen yu yurap yutah zee zephiroth zine zingzang zmorde zoom
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Here is a simplified form of what you provided and did, and tm does its job. It may be that one or more of your cleaning steps caused a problem.
> library(tm)
> fw1 <- c("riverrun, past Eve and Adam's, from swerve of shore to bend
+ of bay, brings us by a commodius vicus of recirculation back to
+ Howth Castle and Environs.
+ Sir Tristram, violer d'amores, fr'over the short sea, had passen-
+ core rearrived from North Armorica on this side the scraggy
+ isthmus of Europe Minor to wielderfight his penisolate war: nor")
> corpus<-Corpus(VectorSource(c(fw1)))
> inspect(corpus)
<<VCorpus (documents: 1, metadata (corpus/indexed): 0/0)>>
<<PlainTextDocument (metadata: 7)>>
riverrun, past Eve and Adam's, from swerve of shore to bend
of bay, brings us by a commodius vicus of recirculation back to
Howth Castle and Environs.
Sir Tristram, violer d'amores, fr'over the short sea, had passen-
core rearrived from North Armorica on this side the scraggy
isthmus of Europe Minor to wielderfight his penisolate war: nor
> dtm <- DocumentTermMatrix(corpus)
> findFreqTerms(dtm)
[1] "adam's," "and" "armorica" "back" "bay," "bend"
[7] "brings" "castle" "commodius" "core" "d'amores," "environs."
[13] "europe" "eve" "fr'over" "from" "had" "his"
[19] "howth" "isthmus" "minor" "nor" "north" "passen-"
[25] "past" "penisolate" "rearrived" "recirculation" "riverrun," "scraggy"
[31] "sea," "shore" "short" "side" "sir" "swerve"
[37] "the" "this" "tristram," "vicus" "violer" "war:"
[43] "wielderfight"
As another point, I find it useful at the start to load a few other complementary packages to tm.
library(SnowballC); library(RWeka); library(rJava); library(RWekajars)
For what its worth, as compared to your somewhat complicated cleaning steps, I usually trudge along like this (replace comments$comment with your text vector):
comments$comment <- tolower(comments$comment)
comments$comment <- removeNumbers(comments$comment)
comments$comment <- stripWhitespace(comments$comment)
comments$comment <- str_replace_all(comments$comment, " ", " ")
# replace all double spaces internally with single space
# better to remove punctuation with str_ because the tm function doesn't insert a space
comments$comment <- str_replace_all(comments$comment, pattern = "[[:punct:]]", " ")
comments$comment <- removeWords(comments$comment, stopwords(kind = "english"))

From another ticket this should help tm 0.6.0 has a bug and it can be addressed with this statement.
corpus_clean <- tm_map( corp_stemmed, PlainTextDocument)
Hope this helps.


Extract a 100-Character Window around Keywords in Text Data with R (Quanteda or Tidytext Packages)

This is my first time asking a question on here so I hope I don't miss any crucial parts. I want to perform sentiment analysis on windows of speeches around certain keywords. My dataset is a large csv file containing a number of speeches, but I'm only interest in the sentiment of the words immediately surrounding certain key words.
I was told that the quanteda package in R would likely be my best bet for finding such a function, but I've been unsuccessful in locating it so far. If anyone knows how to do such a task it would be greatly appreciated !!!
Reprex (I hope?) below:
speech = c("This is the first speech. Many words are in this speech, but only few are relevant for my research question. One relevant word, for example, is the word stackoverflow. However there are so many more words that I am not interested in assessing the sentiment of", "This is a second speech, much shorter than the first one. It still includes the word of interest, but at the very end. stackoverflow.", "this is the third speech, and this speech does not include the word of interest so I'm not interested in assessing this speech.")
data <- data.frame(id=1:3,
speechContent = speech)
I'd suggest using tokens_select() with the window argument set to a range of tokens surrounding your target terms.
To take your example, if "stackoverflow" is the target term, and you want to measure sentiment in the +/- 10 tokens around that, then this would work:
## Package version: 3.2.1
## Unicode version: 13.0
## ICU version: 69.1
## Parallel computing: 8 of 8 threads used.
## See for tutorials and examples.
corp <- corpus(data, text_field = "speechContent")
toks <- tokens(corp) %>%
tokens_select("stackoverflow", window = 10)
## Tokens consisting of 3 documents and 1 docvar.
## text1 :
## [1] "One" "relevant" "word" ","
## [5] "for" "example" "," "is"
## [9] "the" "word" "stackoverflow" "."
## [ ... and 9 more ]
## text2 :
## [1] "word" "of" "interest" ","
## [5] "but" "at" "the" "very"
## [9] "end" "." "stackoverflow" "."
## text3 :
## character(0)
There are many ways to compute sentiment from this point. An easy one is to apply a sentiment dictionary, e.g.
tokens_lookup(toks, data_dictionary_LSD2015) %>%
## Document-feature matrix of: 3 documents, 4 features (91.67% sparse) and 1 docvar.
## features
## docs negative positive neg_positive neg_negative
## text1 0 1 0 0
## text2 0 0 0 0
## text3 0 0 0 0
Using quanteda:
corp <- corpus(data, docid_field = "id", text_field = "speechContent")
x <- kwic(tokens(corp, remove_punct = TRUE),
pattern = "stackoverflow",
window = 3
Keyword-in-context with 2 matches.
[1, 29] is the word | stackoverflow | However there are
[2, 24] the very end | stackoverflow |
docname from to pre keyword post pattern
1 1 29 29 is the word stackoverflow However there are stackoverflow
2 2 24 24 the very end stackoverflow stackoverflow
Now read the help for kwic (use ?kwic in console) to see what kind of patterns you can use. With tokens you can specify which data cleaning you want to use before using kwic. In my example I removed the punctuation.
The end result is a data frame with the window before and after the keyword(s). In this example a window of length 3. After that you can do some form of sentiment analyses on the pre and post results (or paste them together first).

how to extract ngrams from a text in R (newspaper articles)

I am new to R and used the quanteda package in R to create a corpus of newspaper articles. From this I have created a dfm:
dfmatrix <- dfm(corpus, remove = stopwords("english"),stem = TRUE, remove_punct=TRUE, remove_numbers = FALSE)
I am trying to extract bigrams (e.g. "climate change", "global warming") but keep getting an error message when I type the following, saying the ngrams argument is not used.
dfmatrix <- dfm(corpus, remove = stopwords("english"),stem = TRUE, remove_punct=TRUE, remove_numbers = FALSE, ngrams = 2)
I have installed the tokenizer, tidyverse, dplyr, ngram, readtext, quanteda and stm libraries.
Below is a screenshot of my corpus.
Doc_iD is the article titles. I need the bigrams to be extracted from the "texts" column.
Do I need to extract the ngrams from the corpus first or can I do it from the dfm? Am I missing some piece of code that allows me to extract the bigrams?
Strictly speaking, if ngrams are what you want, then you can use tokens_ngrams() to form them. But sounds like you rather get more interesting multi-word expressions than "of the" etc. For that, I would use textstat_collocations(). You will want to do this on tokens, not on a dfm - the dfm will have already split your tokens into bag of words features, from which ngrams or MWEs can no longer be formed.
Here's an example from the built-in inaugural corpus. It removes stopwords but leaves a "pad" so that words that were not adjacent before the stopword removal will not appear as adjacent after their removal.
## Package version: 2.0.1
toks <- tokens(data_corpus_inaugural) %>%
tokens_remove(stopwords("en"), padding = TRUE)
colls <- textstat_collocations(toks)
## collocation count count_nested length lambda z
## 1 united states 157 0 2 7.893348 41.19480
## 2 let us 97 0 2 6.291169 36.15544
## 3 fellow citizens 78 0 2 7.963377 32.93830
## 4 american people 40 0 2 4.426593 23.45074
## 5 years ago 26 0 2 7.896667 23.26947
## 6 federal government 32 0 2 5.312744 21.80345
These are by default scored and sorted in order of descending score.
To "extract" them, just take the collocation column:
head(colls$collocation, 50)
## [1] "united states" "let us" "fellow citizens"
## [4] "american people" "years ago" "federal government"
## [7] "almighty god" "general government" "fellow americans"
## [10] "go forward" "every citizen" "chief justice"
## [13] "four years" "god bless" "one another"
## [16] "state governments" "political parties" "foreign nations"
## [19] "solemn oath" "public debt" "religious liberty"
## [22] "public money" "domestic concerns" "national life"
## [25] "future generations" "two centuries" "social order"
## [28] "passed away" "good faith" "move forward"
## [31] "earnest desire" "naval force" "executive department"
## [34] "best interests" "human dignity" "public expenditures"
## [37] "public officers" "domestic institutions" "tariff bill"
## [40] "first time" "race feeling" "western hemisphere"
## [43] "upon us" "civil service" "nuclear weapons"
## [46] "foreign affairs" "executive branch" "may well"
## [49] "state authorities" "highest degree"
I think you need to create the ngram directly from the corpus. This is an example adapted from the quanteda tutorial website:
corp <- corpus(data_corpus_inaugural)
toks <- tokens(corp)
tokens_ngrams(toks, n = 2)
Tokens consisting of 58 documents and 4 docvars.
1789-Washington :
[1] "Fellow-Citizens_of" "of_the" "the_Senate" "Senate_and" "and_of" "of_the" "the_House"
[8] "House_of" "of_Representatives" "Representatives_:" ":_Among" "Among_the"
[ ... and 1,524 more ]
EDITED Hi this example from the help dfm may be useful
# You say you're already creating the corpus?
# where it says "data_corpus_inaugaral" put your corpus name
# Where is says "the_senate" put "climate change"
# where is says "the_house" put "global_warming"
tokens(data_corpus_inaugural) %>%
tokens_ngrams(n = 2) %>%
dfm(stem = TRUE, select = c("the_senate", "the_house"))
#> Document-feature matrix of: 58 documents, 2 features (89.7% sparse) and 4 docvars.
#> features
#> docs the_senat the_hous
#> 1789-Washington 1 2
#> 1793-Washington 0 0
#> 1797-Adams 0 0
#> 1801-Jefferson 0 0
#> 1805-Jefferson 0 0
#> 1809-Madison 0 0
#> [ reached max_ndoc ... 52 more documents ]

pattern matching with sub(), unable to catch and replace first occurrence

The followings are the results I expect
> title = "La La Land (2016/I)"
[1]"(2016" #result
> title = "_The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross with Henry Louis Gates, Jr._ (2013) _The Black Atlantic (1500-1800) (#1.1)_"
[1]"(2013" #result
> title = "dfajfj(2015)asdfjuwer f(2017)fa.erewr6"
[1]"(2015" #result
The followings are what I got by applying codesub(pattern=".*(\\(\\d{4}.*\\)).*", title, replacement="\\1")
> title = "_The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross with Henry Louis Gates, Jr._ (2013) _The Black Atlantic (1500-1800) (#1.1)_"
> sub(pattern=".*(\\(\\d{4}.*\\)).*", title, replacement="\\1")
[1] "(1500-1800) (#1.1)" #result. However, I expected it to be "(2013)"
> title = "La La Land (2016/I)"
> sub(pattern=".*(\\(\\d{4}.*\\)).*", title, replacement="\\1")
[1] "(2016/I)" #result as I expect
> title = "dfajfj(2015)asdfjuwer f(2017)fa.erewr6"
> sub(pattern=".*(\\(\\d{4}.*\\)).*", title, replacement="\\1")
[1]"(2017)" # result. However, I expect it to be "(2015)"
The followings are what I GOT by applying codesub(pattern=".*(\\(\\d{4}\\)).*", title, replacement="\\1")
> title = "La La Land (2016/I)"
> sub(pattern=".*(\\(\\d{4}\\)).*", title, replacement="\\1")
[1] "La La Land (2016/I)" #result. However, I expect it to be "(2016)"
> title = "dfajfj(2015)asdfjuwer f(2017)fa.erewr6"
> sub(pattern=".*(\\(\\d{4}\\)).*", title, replacement="\\1")
[1] "(2017)" #result. However, I expect it to be "(2015)"
> title = "_The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross with Henry Louis Gates, Jr._ (2013) _The Black Atlantic (1500-1800) (#1.1)_"
> sub(pattern=".*(\\(\\d{4}\\)).*", title, replacement="\\1")
[1] "(2013)" #result as I expect
I checked the description of sub, it says "sub performs replacement of the first match. In this case, the first match should be (2013).
In a word, I try to write a sub()command to return the first occurrence of a year in a string.
I guess there is something wrong with my code but couldn't find it, appreciate if anyone could help me.
In fact, my ultimate goal is to extract the year of all movies. However, I don't know how to do it in one step. Therefore, I decide to first find the year in (dddd format, then use code sub(pattern="\\((\\d{4}).*", a, replacement="\\1") to find the pure number of the year.
for example:
> a= "(2015"
> sub(pattern="\\((\\d{4}).*", a, replacement="\\1")
[1] "2015"
> a= "(2015)"
> sub(pattern="\\((\\d{4}).*", a, replacement="\\1")
[1] "2015"
=================updated 05/29/2017 22:51PM=======================
the str_extract in akrun's answer works well with my dataset.
However, the sub() doesn't work for all data. The following are what I did. However, my code doesn't work with all 500 records. I would really appreciate if anyone could point out the mistakes on my codes. I really cannot figure it out myself. Thank you very much.
> t1
[1] "Man Who Fell to Earth (Remix) (2010) (TV)"
> t2
[1] "Manual pr\u0087ctico del amigo imaginario (abreviado) (2008)"
> title = c(t1,t2)
> x=gsub(pattern=".*(\\(\\d{4}.*\\)).*", title, replacement="\\1")
> x
[1] "(2010) (TV)" "(2008)"
> sub(pattern="\\((.*)\\).*", x, replacement="\\1")
[1] "2010) (TV" "2008"
However, my goal is to get 2010 and 2008. My code works with t2 but fails with t1
We can match 0 or more characters that are not a ( ([^(]*) from the start (^) of the string, followed by a ( and four digits (\\([0-9]{4}) which we capture as a group ((...)) followed by other characters (.*) and replace with the backreference (\\1) of the captured group
sub("^[^(]*(\\([0-9]{4}).*", "\\1", title)
#[1] "(2016" "(2013" "(2015"
If we need to remove the (, then capture only the numbers that follows the \\( as a group
sub("^[^(]*\\(([0-9]{4}).*", "\\1", title)
#[1] "2016" "2013" "2015"
Or with str_extract, we use a regex lookaround to extract the 4 digit numbers that follows the (
str_extract(title, "(?<=\\()[0-9]{4}")
#[1] "2016" "2013" "2015"
Or with regmatches/regexpr
regmatches(title, regexpr("(?<=\\()([0-9]{4})", title, perl = TRUE))
#[1] "2016" "2013" "2015"
title <- c("La La Land (2016/I)",
"_The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross with Henry Louis Gates, Jr._ (2013) _The Black Atlantic (1500-1800) (#1.1)_",
"dfajfj(2015)asdfjuwer f(2017)fa.erewr6")

Extracting NLP part-of-speech labels of customers' review in R

I have the following dataframe which contains reviews that customer have left on a restaurant website:
review<- c("the food was very delicious and hearty - perfect to warm up during a freezing winters day", "Excellent service as usual","Love this place!", "Service and quality of food first class"," Customer services was exceptional by all staff","excellent services")
df<-data.frame(id, review)
Now I am looking for a way (preferably without using a for loop) to find the part-of-speech labels in each customer's review in R.
This is a pretty straightforward adaption of the example on the Maxent_POS_Tag_Annotator help page.
df<-data.frame(id, review, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
review.pos <-
sapply(df$review, function(ii) {
a2 <- Annotation(1L, "sentence", 1L, nchar(ii))
a2 <- annotate(ii, Maxent_Word_Token_Annotator(), a2)
a3 <- annotate(ii, Maxent_POS_Tag_Annotator(), a2)
a3w <- subset(a3, type == "word")
tags <- sapply(a3w$features, `[[`, "POS")
sprintf("%s/%s", as.String(ii)[a3w], tags)
Which results in this output:
# [1] "the/DT" "food/NN" "was/VBD" "very/RB" "delicious/JJ"
# [6] "and/CC" "hearty/NN" "-/:" "perfect/JJ" "to/TO"
#[11] "warm/VB" "up/RP" "during/IN" "a/DT" "freezing/JJ"
#[16] "winters/NNS" "day/NN"
#[1] "Excellent/JJ" "service/NN" "as/IN" "usual/JJ"
#[1] "Love/VB" "this/DT" "place/NN" "!/."
#[1] "Service/NNP" "and/CC" "quality/NN" "of/IN" "food/NN"
#[6] "first/JJ" "class/NN"
#[1] "Customer/NN" "services/NNS" "was/VBD" "exceptional/JJ"
#[5] "by/IN" "all/DT" "staff/NN"
#[1] "excellent/JJ" "services/NNS"
It should be relatively straightforward to adapt this to whatever format you want.
Considerig in your example the id column is simply the row index, I believe you can obtain your desired output with the pos() function from the qdap package.
If you do need grouping because of multiple reviews per customer, you can use
If you don't mind trying a GitHub package I have the tagger package to wrap NLP/openNLP to do a number of tasks quickly in the way Python users manipulate pos tags. Note that the output prints in the traditional word/tag format but in reality the object is actually a list of named vectors. This makes working with the words and tags easier. Here I demo how to get the tags and a few manipulations that tagger makes easy:
# First load your data and get the tagger package for those playing along at home
review<- c("the food was very delicious and hearty - perfect to warm up during a freezing winters day", "Excellent service as usual","Love this place!", "Service and quality of food first class"," Customer services was exceptional by all staff","excellent services")
df<-data.frame(id, review)
if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman")
# Now tag and manipulate
(out <- tag_pos(as.character(df[["review"]])))
## [1] "the/DT food/NN was/VBD very/RB delicious/JJ and/CC hearty/NN -/: perfect/JJ to/TO warm/VB up/RP during/IN a/DT freezing/JJ winters/NNS day/NN"
## [2] "Excellent/JJ service/NN as/IN usual/JJ"
## [3] "Love/VB this/DT place/NN !/."
## [4] "Service/NNP and/CC quality/NN of/IN food/NN first/JJ class/NN"
## [5] "Customer/NN services/NNS was/VBD exceptional/JJ by/IN all/DT staff/NN"
## [6] "excellent/JJ services/NNS"
c(out) ## True structure: list of named vectors
as_word_tag(out) ## Match the print method (less mutable)
count_tags(out, df[["id"]]) ## Get counts by row
plot(out) ## tag distribution (plot at end)
as_basic(out) ## basic pos tags
## [1] "the/article food/noun was/verb very/adverb delicious/adjective and/conjunction hearty/noun -/. perfect/adjective to/preposition warm/verb up/preposition during/preposition a/article freezing/adjective winters/noun day/noun"
## [2] "Excellent/adjective service/noun as/preposition usual/adjective"
## [3] "Love/verb this/adjective place/noun !/."
## [4] "Service/noun and/conjunction quality/noun of/preposition food/noun first/adjective class/noun"
## [5] "Customer/noun services/noun was/verb exceptional/adjective by/preposition all/adjective staff/noun"
## [6] "excellent/adjective services/noun"
select_tags(out, c("NN", "NNP", "NNPS", "NNS"))
## [1] "food/NN hearty/NN winters/NNS day/NN"
## [2] "service/NN"
## [3] "place/NN"
## [4] "Service/NNP quality/NN food/NN class/NN"
## [5] "Customer/NN services/NNS staff/NN"
## [6] "services/NNS"
Everything works pretty nicely within a magrittr pipeline as well, which is my preference. The Examples Section of the README has a nice overview of the package's usage.

Extracting hashtags from twitter - string in R error

I have twitter data. Using library(stringr) i have extracted all the weblinks. However, when I try to do the same I am getting error. The same code had worked some days ago. The following is the code:
hash <- "#[a-zA-Z0-9]{1, }"
hashtag <- str_extract_all(travel$texts, hash)
The following is the error:
Error in stri_extract_all_regex(string, pattern, simplify = simplify, :
Error in {min,max} interval. (U_REGEX_BAD_INTERVAL)
I have re-installed stringr package....but doesn't help.
The code that I used for weblink is:
pat1 <- "[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,}"
twitlink <- str_extract_all(travel$texts, pat1)
The reproduceable example is as follows:
rtt <- structure(data.frame(texts = c("Review Anthem of the Seas Anthems maiden voyage httptcoLPihj2sNEP #stevenewman", "#Job #Canada #Marlin Travel Agentagente de voyages Full Time in #St Catharines ON httptconMHNlDqv69", "Experience #Fiji amp #NewZealand like never before on a great 10night voyage 4033 pp departing Vancouver httptcolMvChSpaBT"), source = c("Twitter Web Client", "Catch a Job Canada", "Hootsuite"), tweet_time = c("2015-05-07 19:32:58", "2015-05-07 19:37:03", "2015-05-07 20:45:36")))
Your problem comes from the whitespace in the hash:
#Not working (look the whitespace after the comma)
str_extract_all(rtt$texts,"#[a-zA-Z0-9]{1, }")
You may want to consider usig the qdapRegex package that I maintain for this task. It makes extracting urls and hash tags easy. qdapRegex is a package that contains a bunch of canned regex and the uses the amazing stringi package as a backend to do the regex task.
rtt <- structure(data.frame(texts = c("Review Anthem of the Seas Anthems maiden voyage httptcoLPihj2sNEP #stevenewman", "#Job #Canada #Marlin Travel Agentagente de voyages Full Time in #St Catharines ON httptconMHNlDqv69", "Experience #Fiji amp #NewZealand like never before on a great 10night voyage 4033 pp departing Vancouver httptcolMvChSpaBT"), source = c("Twitter Web Client", "Catch a Job Canada", "Hootsuite"), tweet_time = c("2015-05-07 19:32:58", "2015-05-07 19:37:03", "2015-05-07 20:45:36")))
## first combine the built in url + twitter regexes into a function
rm_twitter_n_url <- rm_(pattern=pastex("#rm_twitter_url", "#rm_url"), extract=TRUE)
rm_hash(rtt$texts, extract=TRUE)
Giving the following output:
## > rm_twitter_n_url(rtt$texts)
## [[1]]
## [1] "httptcoLPihj2sNEP"
## [[2]]
## [1] "httptconMHNlDqv69"
## [[3]]
## [1] "httptcolMvChSpaBT"
## > rm_hash(rtt$texts, extract=TRUE)
## [[1]]
## [1] "#stevenewman"
## [[2]]
## [1] "#Job" "#Canada" "#Marlin" "#St"
## [[3]]
## [1] "#Fiji" "#NewZealand"
