Eclipse Scout Tool button not show image on RAP - button

I see this tutorial, and create abstract form tool button. But in RAP I can't configure the icon image.
My tool button is like this :
public class TestPageTool extends AbstractFormToolButton {
protected String getConfiguredIconId() {
return Icons.EclipseScout;
protected String getConfiguredText() {
return TEXTS.get("TestPage");
and the result is :

A solution can be found in the widgets demo application (live demo, source, about)
The images are defined twice:
Client (used in the desktop client):
RAP Bundle (used for the RAP client):
In the RAP client, you also need to customize the CSS, to bind the icon defined in the RAP Bundle with the Tool Button. Check the content of application.css to have an example:


Image Button for Xamarin.MacOS

Is there an Image Button Renderer in Xamarin.MacOS?
I am using Xamarin.Forms and all my image buttons in the common code are not shown at all in Xamarin.MacOS. Is Image Button supported in Xamarin.MacOS?
Is there an Image Button Renderer in Xamarin.MacOS?
Unfortunately, after checking the source code of Xamarin.Forms.Platform.macOS, there is no ImageButtonRenderer there now. I guess the reason that there is no control is the similar with ImageButton. I'm not sure whehter designer will add this in the future. Whatever, now it not exists.
Is Image Button supported in Xamarin.MacOS?
From the above said, MacOS has no control like ImageButton of Forms. Therefore, if used ImageButton in Xamarin Froms, it will not show in Xamarin.MacOS.
However, there is a workaround. You could use Button in Forms, and add Image in ButtonRenderer in Xamarin.MacOS. Because NSButton has a Image property.
For example, the code of ButtonRenderer as follows:
[assembly: ExportRenderer (typeof(MyButton), typeof(MyButtonRenderer))]
namespace CustomRenderer.MacOS
public class MyButtonRenderer : ButtonRenderer
protected override void OnElementChanged (ElementChangedEventArgs<Button> e)
base.OnElementChanged (e);
if (Control != null) {
// do whatever you want to the UITextField here!
Control.Image= NSImage.ImageNamed("tree")
Control.ImageScaling = NSImageScale.AxesIndependently;
The image source (tree.png) is the same way with iOS to be added in Resource folder, and set Propertied : Build Action -> BundleResource.

Android TV: Disable collapsing on info_field on ImageCardView

I'm working with Android TV for the first time and I'm learning to use Leanback by modifying the example tv app that is provided.
The issue I'm having is that when I press left on the first item in the lists the navigation drawer opens and focus goes to the headers in the navigation drawer. When this happens, the info_field view in the ImageCardViews collapse behind the image.
What happens: The info field on the ImageCardView hides when I open the navigation drawer.
What I want to Happen: The info field remains visible when I open the navigation drawer.
I'm sure there's a way to do this because I've seen it in some Android TV apps, like Twitch. What's the best way to have the info_field visible when the navigation drawer is open?
I've worked out how to do it. In the CardPresenter, in onCreateViewHolder, when creating the ImageCardView I've overridden the BaseCardView method, setActivated(boolean activated) to always pass 'true' into it's super. And then call setActivated so that it's activated from the beginning. Like this:
public ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent) {
ImageCardView cardView = new ImageCardView(parent.getContext()) {
public void setActivated(boolean activated) {
public void setSelected(boolean selected) {
updateCardBackgroundColor(this, selected);
return new ViewHolder(cardView)
So that did the trick for me. The ImageCardView never collapses.
I think if you look at this SO post you'll get most of the way there. The info view hides due to what leanback calls "expanding".
Try just calling enableMainFragmentScaling(false); in your BrowseFragment and see if that does what you want. If it doesn't feel like exactly what you want, refer to the post I linked to.
Additionally, if you've tried what I recommend in the linked SO post, you could also call the API on the BaseCardView setInfoVisibility() and pass it CARD_REGION_VISIBLE_ALWAYS. This just requires calling on a reference to your card which shouldn't need an override of the Presenter or Card.

How to add JS and CSS to all content parts in an Orchard module

I am writing a module for Orchard CMS 1.8.1
I would like to add custom styles to all content parts that I have written for the module. I need these to work regardless of the theme chosen by the website admins. I could add links to the CSS and JS files in every view file for every content part - but that seems messy and prone to future bugs - what's the best way to have a single file that loads up the styles needed for all my content parts?
Should I provide a different Content.cshtml that includes the links? This also seems like it could be problematic if the admins need their own control over the main Content.cshtml
Many thanks
Handler should do the trick, I wrote this from the top of my head so not sure if it really works.
First create ResourceManifest.cs and define your stylesheets and scripts
public class ResourceManifest : IResourceManifestProvider
public void BuildManifests(ResourceManifestBuilder builder)
var manifest = builder.Add();
manifest.DefineStyle("MyStylesheet").SetUrl("mystylesheet.min.css", "mystylesheet.css").SetVersion("1.0.0");
manifest.DefineScript("MyScript").SetUrl("myscript.min.js", "myscript.js").SetVersion("1.0.0");
Then it should be enough to create content handler and override the BuildDisplayShape
public class MyResourceHandler : ContentHandler
private readonly Work<IResourceManager> _resourceManager;
public MyResourceHandler(Work<IResourceManager> resourceManager)
_resourceManager = resourceManager;
protected override void BuildDisplayShape(BuildDisplayContext context)
if (context.DisplayType == "Detail" && context.ContentItem.Has(typeof(MyPart)))
this._resourceManager.Value.Require("stylesheet", "MyStylesheet");
this._resourceManager.Value.Require("script", "MyScript");
Adjust the IF as necessary. And let me know if it works ;)
Beauty of using ResourceManifest with versioning is that anyone can replace your stylesheets/javascript with their own just by defining style in their own ResourceManifest (module/theme) with same name and higher version number and don't have to touch any original files.

Button in edit view in Unity

I'd like to know if there is a way to add a button in scene view when in edit mode in unity.
I'd like to choose an option from the gameobject menu and then deactivate it when the button on scene is clicked (before pressing run)
Is this possible please?
I think you are asking about Unity3D game engine. Well, by means of Editor scripts you can add a button in Editor mode. For example:
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections;
public class LevelChunksAnalyser : MonoBehaviour {
[MenuItem("Level Chunks/Update Metadata")]
public static void UpdateLevelChunksMetadata()

Change icon of codeActivities

I have some code activities.
public class baseAct: CodeActivity
public sealed class C1: baseAct
public sealed class C2: baseAct
public sealed class C3: baseAct
And i use a custom wf desinger.
I would like set same icon to activites C1,C2,C3 without define activity designer.
There are something (AttributeTableBuilder or similar) to set icon?.
Add the icon to your solution, set its Build Action to Resoruce
In your Activity, set the ActivityDesigner.Icon to this image
Hardest part about this is getting the Uri right. If you have problems, just dump the image into the same folder as the designer.
UriSource="RelativeUriToTheImage.bmp" />
I have a sample that illustrates exactly what you need to do. How to create a Custom Activity Designer with Windows Workflow Foundation (WF4)
