How to make IE 11 wrap flexbox items when the flex container is inside a floating element? - css-float

I'm trying to add a flexbox element to the content area of a two column layout. The layout has a fixed width sidebar and fluid content. It uses float: left and negative margins to achieve this.
The goal is for the flex container to be 100% width of the parent. Flex items should be displayed in rows, with excess items wrapping to the next row.
The straight-forward approach works fine in Firefox and Chrome:
.flex-container {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
flex-wrap: wrap;
align-items: stretch;
.flex-item {
flex: 1 0 100px;
padding: 10px;
border: 1px solid gray;
<div class="flex-container">
<div class="flex-item">Item</div>
<!-- more items here -->
<div class="flex-item">Item</div>
Full example (works in FF and Chrome, but not IE 11):
The problem
In Internet Explorer 11, all items are displayed on a single row. They never wrap to the next row, even when there are lots of items. This causes the page to become much wider than the browser window.
After lots of experimentation, it appears that this is somehow related to the fact that the flex container is inside a float: left element. Removing the float allows items to wrap correctly, but breaks other parts of the layout. The content area can have other content in addition to the flexbox, and some of that content needs to use float: left and clear: both. Without a floating parent element, a clear: both would push everything below the sidebar. Giving .flex-container a fixed width also fixes the problem, but in this case we want it be 100% width.
Firefox screenshot:
IE 11 screenshot:
The question
Is there are way to make flex items wrap to the next row in IE 11 when the parent of the flexbox container has "float: left"?
Disclaimer: Please disregard, for the moment, the fact that this layout uses both floats and flexbox instead of just one or the other. In this case, flexbox is a nice-to-have enhancement for one part of the page, while the general layout must be more robust.

The underlying issue here actually has to do with the auto measurement of a container in a shrink-to-fit context. By making .content have a min-width of 100% you've left the max-width to auto so the browser needs to measure the content to know its max-width to shrink down around it.
In IE, complete layout will be done to get the exact result with no limitations if none were set (as is the case here, we actually have infinite space since we can scroll and you have limited the width anywhere within its ancestor tree). Webkit and Gecko had made some changes in the past to avoid having to actually do layout and do an approximation, even though the actual measurement results were incorrect since they didn't know how big other (shrink-to-fit containers were) they decided the perf benefits were worth the tradeoff. With Gecko, Webkit and Blink (due to forking from webkit) all using this same behavior we changed our implementation to match this in Microsoft Edge and so we render the same as Firefox, Chrome, Safari. To get the same result in IE11 you'll need to provide a maximum width constraint when in a shrink-to-fit context (floats, abspos, table cell, etc).
Ultimately I prefer the IE behavior because it actually makes sense and is consistent. If there is enough space to lay out the content, the layout shouldn't change (as is the case here). Here is a simpler example showing why this approximation can cause issues, there is still enough room in the viewport to render the same result in each case but because they can't determine the actual dimensions of the floated blocks you get different results in Chrome/Firefox/Safari/Edge; while in IE they produce the same consistent result.
Sorry for the long reply, but I wanted to provide the context for why IE seems incorrect here.
Let me know if you need any further clarification.


Is there a way to use the clearfix hack alongside flexbox?

I've been using flexbox for layouts, with CSS floats as a fallback for older browsers. On the whole this works well, since browsers that understand display: flex will ignore float on any flex items.
However, the one place that I've run into a problem with this approach is with clearfix. Clearfix is a widely-used hack that uses an invisible :after pseudo-element to make a container properly clear / contain any floated elements inside it. However, the problem is that this pseudo-element is treated as a flex item by browsers that support flexbox, which can lead to unexpected layout issues. For example, if you have two flex items and use justify-content: space-between, instead of being positioned at the start and end of the flex container, they will appear in the start and middle, with the invisible clearfix ::after pseudo-element taking the end position.
My question is: is there a way to use clearfix alongside a flexbox layout without causing these problems?
One way to handle this would be to consider alternative clearfix methods.
The ::after pseudo-element is one method but, as you noted, it becomes a flex item in a flex container. (See Box #81 in this answer for more details).
But there are various other ways to clear floats. For instance, you could use overflow: auto or overflow: hidden.
Check out some alternatives here:
What is a clearfix?
What methods of ‘clearfix’ can I use?
Clearing Floats: An Overview of Different clearfix Methods
Another way to solve your problem uses for feature detection.
From the website:
All web developers come up against differences between browsers and
devices. That’s largely due to different feature sets: the latest
versions of the popular browsers can do some awesome things which
older browsers can’t – but we still have to support the older ones.
Modernizr makes it easy to deliver tiered experiences: make use of the
latest and greatest features in browsers which support them, without
leaving less fortunate users high and dry.
Try this, it will deal with pseudo-elements in a flex container:
.clearfix::after {
flex-basis: 0;
order: 1;
I'm not sure if this is the same issue you were having, but I was using a fairly complicated flex setup:
display: flex;
align-items: center;
I ran into a similar issue where I wanted to use clearfix to make sure I could split the content at a certain point, in my case it was to make some data break on specific screen sizes. I was absoutely stumped until I found a solution through trial and error that worked for me:
<div class="clearflex"></div>
By adding an empty div with 100% width between flex content it seems to make that content break onto the new line exactly like clearfix did. You can also added a height to clearflex if you need some padding between the rows.
You can set flex-wrap to your flex container and width: 100% to after pseudo element so it will wrap and not mess with alignment.
One way to achieve that is to use overflow: hidden or overflow: auto on .clearfix & completely remove .clearfix::after.
.clearfix {
overflow: auto; /* or overflow: hidden; */
However, if you can't use overflow property on .clearfix for some reason, you can use margin-left: auto on the second div (considering your layout has only two column). That way the invisible ::after will be placed in between two layout divs.
.clearfix { ... }
.clearfix::after { .... }
.clearfix > div:last-of-type {
margin-left: auto;
/* for justify-content: space-between only.
* For other option, adjust accordingly */

Do vertical margins collapse reliably and consistently across all browsers?

I'm trying to understand the effect that margin has on two elements. I have the following HTML, see the dabblet:
<p>some text</p>
<pre>some code</pre>
I have the following CSS:
body { color: white; }
p { background: red; margin-bottom: 50px; padding: 20px; }
pre { background: purple; margin-top: 40px; padding: 20px; }
So I've given the paragraph tag a bottom margin of 50px, and I've given the pre tag a top margin 40px. I was expecting therefore to find 90px vertical distance between them, but only have 50px.
I understand that the margins are collapsing, and that if I want to fix this then I need to add display: inline-block to the pre tag. But that causes the width of the pre tag to collapse.
Again, I know that I can fix the width problem by adding width: 100% to my pre tag, but I've got padding on the pre tag (20px), so this causes my elements to be too wide. I know that I can use box-sizing to deal with that, but what an almightly pain in the crotch it is to have to mess about with width, display and box-sizing just to have the desired amount of vertical space between two elements. So I simply refuse to do any of that.
Instead, I've decided that I'm just going to add margin-top: 90px to my pre tag, which will guarantee that I've got the 90px space that I want.
My question is: Are there any browsers out there that don't collapse margins in the way the others do? Will I inadvertently end up with 140px space (90px from the top-margin of the pre tag + 50px from the bottom margin of the paragraph tag)? In other words, are margins collapsed reliably and consistently across all browsers, or is there a browser out there that does it's own thing?
It's hard to give a definitive answer to this question because it's very broad. "All browsers" is a lot of browsers. There could always be some fringe browsers you never heard of that handle this differently. It all depends on how the browser's CSS rendering engine was written.
That said, any browser that wants to be taken seriously will try to adhere the W3C specs, which have the following to say about margin collapsing:
In CSS, the adjoining margins of two or more boxes (which might or might not be siblings) can combine to form a single margin. Margins that combine this way are said to collapse, and the resulting combined margin is called a collapsed margin.
Adjoining vertical margins collapse, except:
Margins of the root element's box do not collapse.
If the top and bottom margins of an element with clearance are adjoining, its margins collapse with the adjoining margins of following siblings but that resulting margin does not collapse with the bottom margin of the parent block.
Horizontal margins never collapse.
Source: Box Model (
I figured it'd be a nice addition to just put your code to the test in as many browsers as possible. I made a test page page of your html (slightly modified), with an absolutely positioned 50px high block that should fit right in between the collapsed margin, to make it easier to spot a difference:
Then I ran this through to get screenshots of how browsers would display this piece of HTML:
(I have no idea how long this will stay cached, but I guess you could always just run it again)
Interestingly, the positioning of the blue block is a few pixels off in a bunch of the screenshots. You can still tell the margins are collapsed correctly, but I do wonder what exactly the problem is with the positioning.
The only browsers that don't seem to collapse the margin correctly are Dillo 3.0.2 and Links 2.7 on Debian 6.0, neither of which seem to listen to padding or margin properties at all (nor to the absolute positioning for that matter). They would mess up your layout no matter what, and you shouldn't worry about it. People use browsers like these for a specific reason, and seeing your page exactly as you intended it to be seen is not one of them.
TL;DR: Yes, it's safe to say that all browsers collapse these elements reliably and consistently.

How to get rid of unwanted space between inline-block columns? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to remove the space between inline/inline-block elements?
(41 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I'm attempting to use a css grid with widths set in % (so I can use it responsively) and without using floats (personal dislike!).
In this instance, I'm using csswizardry-grids with the appropriate variables added in. You can view the demo linked on the github page.
There is no mention of a "container" class to assign a width to the grid, so I added .container (which is also what the csswizardry-grids demo has) with a max-width (in prep for other breakpoints later). The container has left and right padding to allow for the padding:left on the .grid__item within.
.container {
margin: 0 auto;
padding: 0 $gutter;
max-width: 960px;
The scss:
.grid__item {
display: inline-block;
padding-left: 32px;
vertical-align: top;
width: 100%;
-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
box-sizing: border-box;
.desk--one-third { width: 33.333%; }
Also note that the box-sizing:border-box is not on any other element except that which is spec'd by the csswizardry-grids.scss.
My markup:
<div class="container">
<div class="grid">
<div class="grid__item desk--one-third">
<h1>Column 1</h1>
<div class="grid__item desk--one-third">
<h1>Column 2</h1>
<div class="grid__item desk--one-third">
<h1>Column 3</h1>
The problem: in firefox, safari & chrome, the last .grid__item falls away.
What I see: a mysterious gap between '.grid__item's of at least a few pixels. See attached screenshot:
Can anyone shed some light on this for me please?
Whitespace between inline-block elements
It sounds like you're using display: inline-block for the columns, rather than floating them.
The problem with using inline-block for layout is that if there's any whitespace in the HTML source code between the HTML tags (in this case, the grid__item divs), there will be 3-4 pixels of horizontal spacing added between the displayed elements.
inline-block was intended for adding block content to the flow of a paragraph. The reason this spacing occurs is the same reason that 3-4 px are added between 2 words in a paragraph: It gives a series of inline elements in a paragraph the amount of spacing they're usually expected to have.
There's no CSS solution for this that's truly cross-browser and safe (though negative left margins come the closest). There are ways to edit the HTML code to prevent this (removing the whitespace between the tags in the source code), but they present maintainability issues (with a high risk of difficult-to-identify issues turning up later on when someone else works on the code), and it significantly compromises the separation of content and presentation (given that changes to the formatting of the source code can affect the formatting of the displayed pages).
Comparison of inline-block and floats
Both floats and inline-block have the disadvantage of not having been intended for general layout (e.g., creating variable-height columns in the flow of a page). It could be argued that CSS positioning and HTML tables were not intended for general layout either (or at least are not well suited for it).
The natural uses for each:
Floats: Allowing a paragraph of text to flow around an element (usually an image)
inline-block: Adding block content inside a paragraph (like an image), as part of the paragraph
CSS positioning: Overlaying one element on top of another (usually a pop-up or dropdown)
HTML tables: Data grids
Historically, each of these has been forced into use for layout, due to the lack of other options. As Eric Meyer pointed out here and here, the reason floats wound up being used for layout was because of the ability to clear a float (which allows it to be used in a wider variety of ways).
Choosing the right tool
So if neither one was intended for general layout, how do you choose the best one to use?
The strongest argument against inline-block, on the whole, is that if it were truly suitable for general layout, there wouldn't be such a fundamental issue as the 3-4 px of horizontal spacing added between elements (which is almost never desired when laying out the main regions of a page -- columns shouldn't behave the same as words in a paragraph of text).
In specific situations, a simple rule can be applied: For cases where that 3-4 px creates a problem, that indicates that the use of inline-block is inappropriate. Likewise, for cases where the 3-4 px does not create a problem, that suggests that it may be a reasonable option.
In practice, I've found floats to be far more reliable and predictable than inline-block, especially on earlier versions of IE. The main hassle with floats is having to manually clear them. Adding a reliable clearfix to the CSS file makes doing so relatively manageable though. Even on modern CSS grid systems, the preferred layout mechanism for establishing columns is typically floats (based on what I've seen so far).
This was the first link when I searched "space between inline":
tl;dr remove any spaces between your columns.
This issue is caused by inline-block elements being considered as words - so it can be simulated by giving a negative word-spacing to the wrapping element. About word-spacing: -4px; worked for me Chrome/IE9/FF :) - However - remember - this is a workaround.
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="inliner">01</div>
<div class="inliner">01</div>
<div class="inliner">01</div>
.inliner{ display: inline-block; }
.wrapper{ word-spacing: -4px; }

Three Variable-Width, Equally-Spaced DIVs? What About Four?

I have some very simple sub-navigation that I'm trying to build across the top of the content area within my web site, but CSS doesn't seem to have any simple solutions for such a common problem: I want either 3 or 4 equally spaced DIVs across the top of the page.
1) e.g. 3 Variable-Width, Equally-Spaced DIVs
2) e.g. 4 Variable-Width, Equally-Spaced DIVs
My solution for the first problem with only 3 DIVs was to float the left and right DIVs, and then assign an arbitrary size to the middle DIV and give it "margin: 0 auto". That's not really a solution, but assuming there are no changes to the navigation, it gives a rough approximation of what I want the results to be.
The solution I have for the second problem with 4 DIVs is to simply center a DIV in the same way as before, but then float two DIVs within that, e.g.
But again, this requires applying an arbitrary size to the middle DIV for alignment, and if any language or image changes are made to the site, alignment values will have to be recalculated. As well, it's simply an over-complicated solution that requires merging structure with presentation.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
EDIT 07/20/2012 5:00PM
Alright, I put the "table-cell" solution into place using percents, but I encountered another issue within my slightly more complex implementation: the issue at hand is that each DIV I was referring to is actually a container for two more DIVs which are icon-label pairs, inlined either by float or by display:inline-block.
As you can see, the final element in the list is displayed improperly.
Any help is again greatly appreciated!
EDIT 07/20/2012 7:16PM
Final solution with arttronics' help:
Reference: jsFiddle Pure CSS Demo
The solution was to float the individual breadcrumbs while using a simple formula to determine the percentage of breadcrumb width based on the number total breadcrumbs.
You could use percentages, then it just comes down to simple math:
[[LEFT=22%]2% margin><2% margin[LEFT CENTER=22%]2% margin><2% margin[RIGHT CENTER=22%]2% margin><2% marginRIGHT=22%]]=100%/??px
You could then specify a width for its container and use
to keep them inline.
Note: If you use borders to see what the divs are doing that will add space unnaccounted for so you would need to reduce your elements width by 1% or so OR just change their background colors.
ol {
width: 400px;
/*width: 800px;*/
display: table;
table-layout: fixed; /* the magic dust that ensure equal width */
background: #ccc
ol > li {
display: table-cell;
border: 1px dashed red;
text-align: center
like here:
One way I've found to do it is using flex boxes (or inline-flex).
Here is a great explanation and example of how it can be done.
I think in the future, flex boxes will be the superior way of handling this sort of thing, but until other browsers catch up with Mozilla's way of thinking for how to use the flex-basis attribute (with min-content, max-content, fit-content, etc. as values), these flex boxes will continue to be problematic for responsive designs. For example, occasionally the inner content (a_really_really_long_word) can't fit in the allotted space when the window is squished down, and so sometimes some things might not be visible off to the right of the screen if you're not careful.
I think perhaps if you make use of the flex-wrap property, you might be able to ensure everything fits. Here is another example of how this might be done (in Mozilla browsers anyway).
I tend to use flex boxes for letterheads or tables where the width is fairly fixed (not too small) because they usually space themselves nicely; I tend to use nested float and inline-block objects for websites where the content must squish down very small (as suggested in some of the other answers here).

Which browser is right concerning css3 flex-box?

After experimenting with the css3 flex-box proporty, I quickly noticed some differences in Chrome and Firefox.
In particular: if you set a width on an element that should be flex,
firefox will flex the element according to what it needs, it takes the width style into account but its only a variable.
Chrome will respect the with style fully,
An example:
<div id="box">
<div class="flex-box">Test</div>
<div class="flex-box">Test Text</div>
If the 2 divs inside the box have the same width assigned, chrome will make them the same size. Firefox will reconize that the second div needs more space, and thus it gets more allocated.
who is right?
Remember the flex doesn't apply to the width, it applies to the free space after the minimum intrinsic width has been determined. This produces counter-intuitive results in several common cases, as has been pointed out on the www-style mailing list. I've found that, unless you want the CSS re-ordering or the multi-line (which isn't yet implemented in Firefox and Chrome), what you think you want to use display: box and box-flex for you really want to use display: table and display: table-cell.
But back to your actual question: I found Firefox and Chrome display identically if you set a width in pixels, but not if you set a width as a percentage. As far as which browser is doing it correctly at the moment, it's a fair bet Firefox is implementing what the spec originally intended as the original spec is describing what the XUL property does, and the XUL property is what this is all based on. As others have mentioned, whether or not the final spec ends up matching this original intention is unknown.
I don't think any browser is right or wrong as flexbox is still a working draft. At any time the spec could change and render another browser right or wrong.
I disagree with robertc's statement "But back to your actual question: I found Firefox and Chrome display identically if you set a width in pixels, but not if you set a width as a percentage."
I am currently using the flexbox in an attempt to show how simple it is to convert a rather heavy in JS and CSS site to a very simple HTML/CSS3 site. Once conclusion I have come to with regards to setting width in pixels:
#main {
display: box;
#main > section {
width: 120px;
padding: 10px;
border: 5px solid #000;
In chrome, the total width = 120 + 20 + 10 = 150px
In ff, total width = 120px (the 20px padding are inside the 120 and the 10px border is as well)
Another inconsistency I found, in chrome, #main IS greedy and takes up 100%, as you would likely expect. In Firefox, you need to set with to 100% on #main in order for it to act as you would expect.
I'm still working on ironing out all differences in all supported browsers, I will try to post when I have more to add to this. Sadly, as cool as he flexbox model is, and as easy as it makes a lot of shit, its far from consistent.
One more thing, using CSS transitions to change dimensions works well with explicitely defined dimensions (ie. pixels)... but if the dimension is defined by the box's flex, the animation simply jumps between the flex values... no where near as smooth (though, instead of heaving flex of 5 and 1, you could have flex of 500 and 100). In fact, chrome will not animate between flex values, just jumps. FF on the other hand does this nicely.
I'm just really hoping things progress to the way FF handles flexbox, while chrome is close, I just don't agree with how some things are handled, and the lack of animation between flex values just plain sucks.
