Error: Unclassifiable statement at (1) in Fortran - vector

i'm not very good at programming but unfortunately it'a compulsory i learn it, moving on i have been asked to do an assignment on programming for vectors.
i have to work out the dot product and the dot product
i got this far:
REAL :: x , y , z
END TYPE myvector
TYPE ( myvector ) FUNCTION vect_add (a , b )
TYPE ( myvector ) , INTENT (IN) :: a , b
vect_add % x = a % x + b % x
vect_add % y = a % y + b % y
vect_add % z = a % z + b % z
TYPE ( myvector ) FUNCTION vect_scale ( vector , scalar )
TYPE ( myvector ) , INTENT (IN) :: vector
REAL , INTENT (IN) :: scalar
vect_scale % x = vector % x * scalar
vect_scale % y = vector % y * scalar
vect_scale % z = vector % z * scalar
END FUNCTION vect_scale
TYPE ( myvector ) FUNCTION vect_sub (a , b )
TYPE ( myvector ) , INTENT (IN) :: a , b
vect_sub % x = a % x - b % x
vect_sub % y = a % y - b % y
vect_sub % z = a % z - b % z
REAL FUNCTION vect_dot (a , b )
REAL, INTENT(IN) :: a, b
vect_dot % x = a % x * b % x
vect_dot % y = a % y * b % y
vect_dot % z = a % z * b % z
TYPE ( myvector ) FUNCTION vect_cross (a , b )
TYPE ( myvector ) , INTENT (IN) :: a , b
vect_cross % x = (a % x * b % y) - (b % x * a % y)
vect_cross % y = (a % y * b % z) - (b % y * a % z)
vect_cross % z = (a % z + b % x) - (a % x * b % z)
END FUNCTION vect_cross
end program assign_9_2
when i compile it, i get an error message saying: Error:
vect_dot % x = (a % x * b % x)
Error: Unclassifiable statement at (1)
vect_dot % y = (a % y * b % y)
Error: Unclassifiable statement at (1)
vect_dot % z = (a % z * b % z)
Error: Unclassifiable statement at (1)
can someone please help me know where i've gone wrong thank you.

Your function vect_dot is REAL and not TYPE(my_vect) and the arguments a and b are too.


What is causing an infinite recursion? (Prolog)

I'm trying to approach a problem in which given M and N integers, returns in res a list with the powers of M that are less than or equal to N, in descending order.
example: powers(3,9,res).
res = [9,3,1]
My approach is as follows:
power(X,Y,Z) :- X>0,
Yminus1 is Y - 1,
Z is X*Z1.
increment(X,newX) :- newX is X + 1.
powers(M,N,res) :- integer(M), integer(N),
powersAux(M,N,E,res) :- power(M,E,Z),
res1 = [Z|res],
I'm getting my memory stack filled so I understand that the recursion never ends.
You need to handle special cases:
0n is always 0
1n is always 1
And Prolog has an in-built exponiation function: **/2.
A common Prolog idiom is to have a public predicate that does little outside of constraint validation, that invokes an "internal" helper predicate that does the work. The helper predicate often takes additional parameters that maintain state needed for computation.
That leads to this:
powers( X , L, Ps ) :-
non_negative_integer(X) :- integer(X), X >= 0 .
% ---------------------------------------------------------------
% powers( +Base, +Exponent, +Limit, +Accumulator, ?Results )
% where Base and Radix are guaranteed to be non-negative integers
% ---------------------------------------------------------------
powers( 0 , _ , _ , _ , [0] ) :- ! . % 0^n is always 0
powers( 1 , _ , 0 , _ , [] ) :- ! . % 1^n is always 1
powers( 1 , _ , L , _ , [1] ) :- L >= 1 , !. % 1^n is always 1
powers( X , Y , L , Ps , Ps ) :- X**Y > L , !. % when x^y exceeds the limit, we're done, and
powers( X , Y , L , Ts , Ps ) :- % otherrwise...
T is X**Y , % - compute T as x^y
Y1 is Y+1, % - increment Y
powers(X,Y1,L,[T|Ts],Ps) % - recurse down, prepending T to the accumulator list.
. % Easy!
Which gives us
?- powers(2,1024,Ps).
Ps = [1024, 512, 256, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1]

Prolog predicate without using lists

I am required to write a prolog predicate count(X,Y,D,N) without using lists that should count the number of elements between two integers X and Y inclusive. However, it should only count those values that are divisible by D.
For example, count(3,6,2,N) should return N = 2 because 4 and 6 are divisible by 2, but 3 and 5 are not.
Recursion is your friend here (as is the case with most things Prolog).
A helper predicate that takes an additional parameter that acts as an accumulator is useful here:
Something like this should do you:
count( X, Y, D, N ) :- count( X, Y, D, 0, N ) .
count( X , Y , D , T , N ) :- X =< Y, % If X <= Y ...
( X rem D =:= 0 % - and X is divisible by D
-> T1 is T+1 % - then increment T
; T1 = T % - otherwise don't
), % and
X1 is X+1, % - increment X
count( X1, Y, D, T1, N ). % - recurse down
count( X , Y , _ , N , N ) :- X > Y. % IF X > Y, we're done: unify the accumulator with the result.
The above is tail-recursive and is for all intents and purposes optimized into iteration. The more classic recursive solution is something like this:
count( X, Y, _, 0 ) :- X > Y .
count( X, Y, D, N ) :- X =< Y ,
X1 is X+1,
count( X1, Y, D, T ),
( 0 =:= X rem D -> N is T+1 ; N = T )

Can't get performant Julia Turing model

I've tried to reproduce the model from a PYMC3 and Stan comparison. But it seems to run slowly and when I look at #code_warntype there are some things -- K and N I think -- which the compiler seemingly calls Any.
I've tried adding types -- though I can't add types to turing_model's arguments and things are complicated within turing_model because it's using autodiff variables and not the usuals. I put all the code into the function do_it to avoid globals, because they say that globals can slow things down. (It actually seems slower, though.)
Any suggestions as to what's causing the problem? The turing_model code is what's iterating, so that should make the most difference.
using Turing, StatsPlots, Random
sigmoid(x) = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-x))
function scale(w0::Float64, w1::Array{Float64,1})
scale = √(w0^2 + sum(w1 .^ 2))
return w0 / scale, w1 ./ scale
function do_it(iterations::Int64)::Chains
K = 10 # predictor dimension
N = 1000 # number of data samples
X = rand(N, K) # predictors (1000, 10)
w1 = rand(K) # weights (10,)
w0 = -median(X * w1) # 50% of elements for each class (number)
w0, w1 = scale(w0, w1) # unit length (euclidean)
w_true = [w0, w1...]
y = (w0 .+ (X * w1)) .> 0.0 # labels
y = [Float64(x) for x in y]
σ = 5.0
σm = [x == y ? σ : 0.0 for x in 1:K, y in 1:K]
#model turing_model(X, y, σ, σm) = begin
w0_pred ~ Normal(0.0, σ)
w1_pred ~ MvNormal(σm)
p = sigmoid.(w0_pred .+ (X * w1_pred))
#inbounds for n in 1:length(y)
y[n] ~ Bernoulli(p[n])
#time chain = sample(turing_model(X, y, σ, σm), NUTS(iterations, 200, 0.65));
# ϵ = 0.5
# τ = 10
# #time chain = sample(turing_model(X, y, σ), HMC(iterations, ϵ, τ));
return (w_true=w_true, chains=chain::Chains)
chain = do_it(1000)

Gamma function implementation not producing correct values

Function programmed in Fortran 95 to compute values of the Gamma function from mathematics is not producing the correct values.
I am trying to implement a recursive function in Fortran 95 that computes values of the Gamma function using the Lanczos approximation (yes I know that there is an intrinsic function for this in the 2003 standard and later). I've followed the standard formula very closely so I'm not certain what is wrong. Correct values for the Gamma function are crucial for some other numerical computations I am doing involving the numerical computation of the Jacobi polynomials by means of a recursion relation.
program testGam
implicit none
integer, parameter :: dp = selected_real_kind(15,307)
real(dp), parameter :: pi = 3.14159265358979324
real(dp), dimension(10) :: xGam, Gam
integer :: n
xGam = (/ -3.5, -2.5, -1.5, -0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5 /)
do n = 1,10
Gam(n) = GammaFun(xGam(n))
end do
do n = 1,10
write(*,*) xGam(n), Gam(n)
end do
recursive function GammaFun(x) result(G)
real(dp), intent(in) :: x
real(dp) :: G
real(dp), dimension(0:8), parameter :: q = &
(/ 0.99999999999980993, 676.5203681218851, -1259.1392167224028, &
771.32342877765313, -176.61502916214059, 12.507343278686905, &
-0.13857109526572012, 9.9843695780195716e-6, 1.5056327351493116e-7 /)
real(dp) :: t, w, xx
integer :: n
xx = x
if ( xx < 0.5_dp ) then
G = pi / ( sin(pi*xx)*GammaFun(1.0_dp - xx) )
xx = xx - 1.0_dp
t = q(0)
do n = 1,9
t = t + q(n) / (xx + real(n, dp))
end do
w = xx + 7.5_dp
G = sqrt(2.0_dp*pi)*(w**(xx + 0.5_dp))*exp(-w)*t
end if
end function GammaFun
end program testGam
Whereas this code should be producing correct values for the Gamma function over the whole real line, it seems only to produce a constant value close to 122 regardless of the input. I suspect that there is some weird floating point arithmetic issue that I am not seeing.
There are two obvious issues with your code
Most seriously the code accesses an array out of bounds at line 42, i.e. in the loop
do n = 1,9
t = t + q(n) / (xx + real(n, dp))
end do
You have mixed up your precision somewhat, with some of the constants being of kind dp, other being of default kind
Making what I believe are the appropriate fixes to these your program compiles, links and runs correctly, at least as far as I can see. See below:
ian#eris:~/work/stackoverflow$ cat g.f90
program testGam
implicit none
integer, parameter :: dp = selected_real_kind(15,307)
real(dp), parameter :: pi = 3.14159265358979324_dp
real(dp), dimension(10) :: xGam, Gam
integer :: n
xGam = (/ -3.5_dp, -2.5_dp, -1.5_dp, -0.5_dp, 0.5_dp, 1.5_dp, 2.5_dp, 3.5_dp, 4.5_dp, 5.5_dp /)
do n = 1,10
Gam(n) = GammaFun(xGam(n))
end do
do n = 1,10
write(*,*) xGam(n), Gam(n), gamma( xGam( n ) ), Abs( Gam( n ) - gamma( xGam( n ) ) )
end do
recursive function GammaFun(x) result(G)
real(dp), intent(in) :: x
real(dp) :: G
real(dp), dimension(0:8), parameter :: q = &
(/ 0.99999999999980993_dp, 676.5203681218851_dp, -1259.1392167224028_dp, &
771.32342877765313_dp, -176.61502916214059_dp, 12.507343278686905_dp, &
-0.13857109526572012_dp, 9.9843695780195716e-6_dp, 1.5056327351493116e-7_dp /)
real(dp) :: t, w, xx
integer :: n
xx = x
if ( xx < 0.5_dp ) then
G = pi / ( sin(pi*xx)*GammaFun(1.0_dp - xx) )
xx = xx - 1.0_dp
t = q(0)
do n = 1,8
t = t + q(n) / (xx + real(n, dp))
end do
w = xx + 7.5_dp
G = sqrt(2.0_dp*pi)*(w**(xx + 0.5_dp))*exp(-w)*t
end if
end function GammaFun
end program testGam
ian#eris:~/work/stackoverflow$ gfortran -O -std=f2008 -Wall -Wextra -fcheck=all g.f90
ian#eris:~/work/stackoverflow$ ./a.out
-3.5000000000000000 0.27008820585226917 0.27008820585226906 1.1102230246251565E-016
-2.5000000000000000 -0.94530872048294168 -0.94530872048294179 1.1102230246251565E-016
-1.5000000000000000 2.3632718012073521 2.3632718012073548 2.6645352591003757E-015
-0.50000000000000000 -3.5449077018110295 -3.5449077018110318 2.2204460492503131E-015
0.50000000000000000 1.7724538509055159 1.7724538509055161 2.2204460492503131E-016
1.5000000000000000 0.88622692545275861 0.88622692545275805 5.5511151231257827E-016
2.5000000000000000 1.3293403881791384 1.3293403881791370 1.3322676295501878E-015
3.5000000000000000 3.3233509704478430 3.3233509704478426 4.4408920985006262E-016
4.5000000000000000 11.631728396567446 11.631728396567450 3.5527136788005009E-015
5.5000000000000000 52.342777784553583 52.342777784553519 6.3948846218409017E-014

why 1 is subtracted from mod where mod =1000000007 in calculation

link of question
link of solution is
In below code i am not able to understand why 1 is subtracted from mod
where mod=1000000007
ll d = 1;
ll ans = 1;
for (auto x : cnt) {
ll cnt =;
ll p =;
ll fp = binPow(p, (cnt + 1) * cnt / 2, MOD);
ans = binPow(ans, (cnt + 1), MOD) * binPow(fp, d, MOD) % MOD;
d = d * ( + 1) % (MOD - 1);//why ??
Apart from the fact that there is the code does not make much sense as out of context as it is, there is the little theorem of Fermat:
Whenever MOD is a prime number, as 10^9+7 is, one can reduce exponents by multiples of (MOD-1) as for any a not a multiple of MOD
a ^ (MOD-1) == 1 mod MOD.
Which means that
a^b == a ^ (b mod (MOD-1)) mod MOD.
As to the code, which is efficient for its task, consider n=m*p^e where m is composed of primes smaller than p.
Then for each factor f of m there are factors 1*f, p*f, p^2*f,...,p^e*f of n. The product over all factors of n thus is the product over
p^(0+1+2+...+e) * f^(e+1) = p^( e*(e+1)/2 ) * f^(e+1)
over all factors f of m. Putting the numbers of factors as d and the product of factors of m as ans results in the combined formula
ans = ans^( e+1 ) * p^( d*e*(e+1)/2 )
d = d*(e+1)
which can now be recursively applied to the list of prime factors and their multiplicities.
