deploying VISUAL STUDIO 2010 web application to azure cloud services -

I have a Web application in Visual Studio 2010 in 4.0 Framework.I want to deploy this app to azure cloud services.The application contains a local sql database as well as session variables.Can anyone please guide me on the steps to follow regarding the same.Do I have to create another database or the local database will do?

You can use a local database for an Azure web application.
However, as mentioned in this article, if you want to reduce the impact that latency will have on your application, you should use an Azure SQL Database.
If you need to migrate your local database to an Azure SQL Database you can look at some of Azure SQL's migration options.
Hope this helps!


Migrating webform based websites to Microsoft Azure

I have to migrate webform & MVC websites to Microsoft Azure and most of the webform based website have been created as "website project" in visual studio. and all website use MS SQL Server 2008 R2 as database plus all website use either .net Framework 4.0/4.5.
I confused by reading article regarding migrating webform based website to Azure not working and need code changes and if we use Azure database then we cant use stored procedures etc... this has confused me alot.
So i have few question regarding this.
Can i move webform 4.0 based website directly to Azure without making any code changes assuming we are connecting to external SQL SERVER 2008.
For first step can which MS SQL Server database i need to choose on Azure so that i can easily restore database in Azure and connect to this database from my local machine using MS Management Studio..
I have heard lot about Azure store files as blob and we need to make change to code to point to new path. What is this Azure blob and why do we need to change code for pointing them blob.
What i have to do keep allowing users from uploading images & document without making any changes in the code..
Does Azure website have always 1 instance running or multiple instance running, i am asking this as our website use InProc session state will i lose session if it is ruuning on multiple instance. or should we prefer SQL Session state in Azure enviroment.
What i should take into consideration for migration current website to Azure.
Will copy pasting all the files in Azure work. Please advise
Depending on how old the ASP.NET webforms projects are, you are going to need to bring them up to date with current security, and anti forgery tokens, etc.
Also if the project was previously a "Website" and not a "Web Application", this is also something that you will need to take into consideration!
I am currently working on upgrading a website to a web application.
This might be a useful website to look through
Migrating to Azure is easy ,
create a Azure account and create the web app which you want to host or create.
you can deploy using FTP or use the build and deploy feature in TFS account.
You need to create web app in your account.
create a DB in azure manually or export your DB to azure from Management studio if you have an existing DB
get the Connection string from the Publish profile from Azure.
Setup the storage account if you want to store files ,images etc.

Azure PaaS Compatibility Check

I have a client willing to move to Azure PaaS with their ASP.NET web service layer. We are likely to move as Azure Web App with some jobs as Web Jobs. Is there any tool that I can run to check whether the code is compatible with PaaS Web App?
I heard a tool called xRay but not able to find it out. Would love to get your suggestions on this?
What about SQL Server On Prem to Azure SQL - is there any similar tool to check compatibility?
Azure App Service Migration Assistant
The Azure App Service Migration site and the tool can be utilized to migrate sites from Windows and Linux web servers to Azure App Service. As part of the migration the tool will create Web Apps and databases on Azure if needs be, publish content and publish your database.
SQL Database Migration Wizard
The SQL Database Migration Wizard can be used to migrate an on-premises SQL Server database to the latest Azure SQL Database Update (V12).
Azure App Service Migration Assistant
Azure App Service Migration Assistant Compatibility Analysis
Migrate an enterprise web app to Azure App Service
SQL Database Migration Wizard
Fix SQL Server database compatibility issues using SQL Azure Migration Wizard before migration to Azure SQL Database

Add azure db to mvc5 project

I have a MVC 5 project using visual studio 2013.
How can I add/create a database in azure from visual studio so that EF6 code first can just use and create the models?
I've been browsing server explorer but there is nothing there related to azure.
I think that you need to create the DB in Azure from the Azure control panel. Once it is there, EF can use the connection string for Azure to add tables/data to an existing DB.
Due to the configuration requirements of Azure DB, I haven't found any option but the control panel to do this.
You should create your DB on Azure first then fetch data from Azure SQL same as you access from normal SQL server.
Same process to follow to create models from DB.

Using Azure SQL for

I've designed a website in Visual Studio and I'm starting on the database aspect of the site now. I'm using Azure to host the site at the moment and I was wondering is it best to create the database on Azure and then connect it to or design it in Visual Studio and then connect to Azure so I can store it there?
I also run the website locally a lot when I am testing it for design purposes so would building it in Azure affect this?
Im also using visual studio ultimate 2013 but its a pre release version and I can't use the azure sdk with it. Will it work on the full version of 2013?
Azure SQL Database at its core is essentially compatible with standard SQL Server. There is a published guide on what the limitations are ( that you should understand first but I'd recommend that you work locally and then push your changes to Azure SQL Database. Note that like any changes to schemas / databases in SQL Server you'll still need to manage those transitions appropriately as part of your deployment process. HTH.

Deploying .NET application in azure

I have this .NET web forms application which uses SQl server database, It runs fine on local server but as soon as I add windows azure deployment project to it, it is not able to access the database. what should I do ?
To answer your broad question with a broad answer: have you tried to troubleshoot using the Guidelines for Connecting to SQL Azure Database (
