R strucchange bootstrap test statistic due to nonspherical disturbances - r

I am trying to find a structural break in the mean of a time-series that is skewed, fat-tailed, and heteroskedastic. I apply the Andrews(1993) supF-test via the strucchange package. My understanding is that this is valid even with my nonspherical disturbances. But I would like to confirm this via bootstrapping. I would like to estimate the max t-stat from a difference in mean test at each possible breakpoint (just like the Andrews F-stat) and then bootstrap the critical value. In other words, I want to find my max t-stat in the time-ordered data. Then scramble the data and find the max t-stat in the scrambled data, 10,000 times. Then compare the max t-stat from the time-ordered data to a critical value given by the rank 9,500 max t-stat from the unordered data. Below I generate example data and apply the Andrews supF-test. Is there any way to "correct" the Andrews test for nonspherical disturbances? Is there any way to do the bootstrap I am trying to do?
Thames <- ts(matrix(c(rlnorm(120, 0, 1), rlnorm(120, 2, 2), rlnorm(120, 4, 1)), ncol = 1), frequency = 12, start = c(1985, 1))
fs.thames <- Fstats(Thames ~ 1)

I'm adding a second answer to analyze the simulated Thames data provided.
Regarding the points from my first general methodological answer: (1) In this case, a log() transformation is clearly appropriate to deal with the extreme skewness of the observations. (2) As the data are heteroscedastic, the inference should be based on HC or HAC covariances. Below I employ the Newey-West HAC estimator, although the data are just heteroscedastic but not autocorrelated. The HAC-corrected inference affects the supF test and the confidence intervals for the breakpoint estimates. The breakpoints themselves and the corresponding segment-specific intercepts are estimated by OLS, i.e., treating the heteroscedasticity as a nuisance term. (3) I did not add any bootstrap or permutation inference as the asymptotic inference appears to be convincing enough in this case.
First, we simulate the data using a particular seed. (Note that other seeds may not lead to such clear-cut breakpoint estimates when analyzing the series in levels.)
Thames <- ts(c(rlnorm(120, 0, 1), rlnorm(120, 2, 2), rlnorm(120, 4, 1)),
frequency = 12, start = c(1985, 1))
Then we compute the sequence of HAC-corrected Wald/F statistics and estimate the optimal breakpoints (for m = 1, 2, 3, ... breaks) via OLS. To illustrate how much better this works for the series in logs rather than in levels, both versions are shown.
fs_lev <- Fstats(Thames ~ 1, vcov = NeweyWest)
fs_log <- Fstats(log(Thames) ~ 1, vcov = NeweyWest)
bp_lev <- breakpoints(Thames ~ 1)
bp_log <- breakpoints(log(Thames) ~ 1)
The visualization below shows the time series with the fitted intercepts in the first row, the sequence of Wald/F statistics with the 5% critical value of the supF test in the second row, and the residual sum of squares and BIC for the selection of the number of breakpoints in the last row. The code to replicate the graphic is at the end of this answer.
Both supF tests are clearly significant but in levels (sctest(fs_lev)) the test statistic is "only" 82.79 while in logs (sctest(fs_log)) it is 282.46. Also, the two peaks pertaining to the two breakpoints can be seen much better when analyzing the data in logs.
Similarly, the breakpoint estimates are somewhat better and the confidence intervals much narrower for the log-transformed data. In levels, we get:
confint(bp_lev, breaks = 2, vcov = NeweyWest)
## Confidence intervals for breakpoints
## of optimal 3-segment partition:
## Call:
## confint.breakpointsfull(object = bp_lev, breaks = 2, vcov. = NeweyWest)
## Breakpoints at observation number:
## 2.5 % breakpoints 97.5 %
## 1 NA 125 NA
## 2 202 242 263
plus an error message and warnings which all reflect that the asymptotic inference is not a useful approximation here. In contrast, the confidence intervals are quite reasonable for the analysis in logs. Due to the increased variance in the middle segment, its start and end are somewhat more uncertain than for the first and last segment:
confint(bp_log, breaks = 2, vcov = NeweyWest)
## Confidence intervals for breakpoints
## of optimal 3-segment partition:
## Call:
## confint.breakpointsfull(object = bp_log, breaks = 2, vcov. = NeweyWest)
## Breakpoints at observation number:
## 2.5 % breakpoints 97.5 %
## 1 107 119 121
## 2 238 240 250
## Corresponding to breakdates:
## 2.5 % breakpoints 97.5 %
## 1 1993(11) 1994(11) 1995(1)
## 2 2004(10) 2004(12) 2005(10)
Finally, the replication code for the figure above is included here. The confidence intervals for the breakpoints in levels are cannot added in the graphic due to the error mentioned above. Hence, only the log-transformed series also has the confidence intervals.
par(mfrow = c(3, 2))
plot(Thames, main = "Thames")
lines(fitted(bp_lev, breaks = 2), col = 4, lwd = 2)
plot(log(Thames), main = "log(Thames)")
lines(fitted(bp_log, breaks = 2), col = 4, lwd = 2)
lines(confint(bp_log, breaks = 2, vcov = NeweyWest))
plot(fs_lev, main = "supF test")
plot(fs_log, main = "supF test")

(1) Skewness and heavy tails. As usual in linear regression models, the asymptotic justification for the inference does not depend on normality and also holds for any other error distribution given zero expectation, homoscedasticity, and lack of correlation (the usual Gauss-Markov assumptions). However, if you have a well-fitting skewed distribution for your data of interest, then you might be able to increase efficiency by basing your inference on the corresponding model. For example, the glogis package provides some functions for structural change testing and dating based on a generalized logistic distribution that allows for heavy tails and skewness. Windberger & Zeileis (2014, Eastern European Economics, 52, 66–88, doi:10.2753/EEE0012-8775520304) used this to track changes in skewness of inflation dynamics over time. (See ?breakpoints.glogisfit for a worked example.) Furthermore, if the skewness itself is not really of interest then a log or sqrt transformation might also be good enough to make the data more "normal".
(2) Heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation. As usual in linear regression models, the standard errors (or more broadly the covariance matrix) is not consistent in the presence of heteroscedasticity and/or autocorrelation. One can either try to include this explicitly in the model (e.g., an AR model) or treat it as a nuisance term and employ heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation consistent (HAC) covariance matrices (e.g., Newey-West or Andrews' quadratic spectral kernal HAC). The function Fstats() in strucchange allows to plug in such estimators, e.g., from the sandwich package. See ?durab for an example using vcovHC().
(3) Bootstrap and permutation p-values. The "scrambling" of the time series you describe above sounds more like applying permutations (i.e., sampling without replacement) rather than bootstrap (i.e., sampling with replacement). The former is feasible if the errors are uncorrelated or exchangeable. If you are regressing just on a constant, then you can employ the function maxstat_test() from the coin package to carry out the supF test. The test statistic is computed in a somewhat different way, however, this can be shown to be equivalent to the supF test in the constant-only case (see Zeileis & Hothorn, 2013, Statistical Papers, 54, 931–954, doi:10.1007/s00362-013-0503-4). If you want to perform the permutation test in a more general model, then you would have to do the permutations "by hand" and simply store the test statistic from each permutation. Alternatively, the bootstrap can be applied, e.g., via the boot package (where you would still need to write your own small function that computes the test statistic from a given bootstrap sample). There are also some R packages (e.g., tseries) that implement bootstrap schemes for dependent series.


DHARMa outlier test is significant, what are my next steps?

I'm looking for information and guidance to help me understand the outlier test in DHARMa for negative binomial regression. Here is the diagnostic plot from DHARMa using the function simulateResiduals().
First off, The dispersion test is significant in the plot. Using testDispersion() on the model and on the residuals, I get the results of 2.495. Visually, the dots seem to aline pretty well on the QQ line. The developer stated ' If you see a dispersion parameter of 1.01, I would not worry, even if the test is significant. A significant value of 5, however, is clearly a reason to move to a model that accounts for overdispersion.' here I conclude that the deviation is within the acceptable range for the NB regression.
Second, the Outlier test is also significant. I never had this before, and I can't find much information regarding how many outliers is okay vs not okay to have. Following the recommendation of DHARMa's developer, I looked at the magnitude of the outlier to investigate this. reference. Here is the code and output:
ModelNB <- glm.nb(BUD ~ Treatment*YEAR, data=Data_Bud) simulationOutput <- simulateResiduals(fittedModel = ModelNB, plot = T) testOutliers(simulationOutput, type = "binomial")
DHARMa outlier test based on exact binomial test with
approximate expectations
data: simulationOutput
outliers at both margin(s) = 12, observations = 576, p-value =
alternative hypothesis: true probability of success is not equal to 0.007968127
95 percent confidence interval:
0.01081011 0.03610864
sample estimates:
frequency of outliers (expected: 0.00796812749003984 )
**Can someone help me understand this output? ** Is having 12 outliers per 576 observations okay? In statistics classes, I was told that taking out outliers was a big No-No. What does "true probability of success is not equal to 0.007968127" mean? I can't accept H1 and need to accept H0 for the outlier???
Information on my model:
ModelNB <- glm.nb(BUD ~ Treatment*YEAR, data=Data_Bud)
BUD = The number of floral buds on a twig
Treatment = 5 different fertiliser treatment
YEAR = 2 different years (2020 and 2021)

Gamma Likelihood in R

I want to plot the posterior distribution for data sampled from gamma(2,3) with a prior distribution of gamma(3,3). I am assuming alpha=2 is known. But a graph of my posterior for different values of the rate parameter centers around 4. It should be 3. I even tried with a uniform prior to make things simpler. Can you please spot what's wrong? Thank you.
dat <- rgamma(100,shape=2,rate=3)
alpha <- 3
n <- 100
post <- function(beta_1) {
posterior<- (((beta_1^alpha)^n)/gamma(alpha)^n)*
vlogl <- Vectorize(post)
A tricky question and possibly more related to statistics than to programming =). I initially made the same reasoning mistake as you, but subsequently realised to be more careful with the posterior and the roles of alpha and beta_1.
The prior is uniform (or flat) so the posterior distribution is proportional (not equal) to the likelihood.
The quantity you have assigned to the posterior is indeed the likelihood. Plugging in alpha=3, this evaluates to
(prod(dat^2)/(gamma(alpha)^n)) * beta_1^(3*n)*exp(-beta_1*sum(dat)).
This is the crucial step. The last two terms in the product depend on beta_1 only, so these two parts determine the shape of the posterior. The posterior distribution is thus gamma distributed with shape parameter 3*n+1 and rate parameter sum(dat). As the mode of the gamma distribution is the ratio of these two and sum(dat) is about 66 for this seed, we get a mode of 301/66 (about 4.55). This coincides perfectly with the ``posterior plot'' (again you plotted the likelihood which is not properly scaled, i.e. not properly integrating to 1) produced by your code (attached below).
I hope LifeisBetter now =).
But a graph of my posterior for different values of the rate parameter
centers around 4. It should be 3.
The mean of your data is 0.659 (~2/3). Given a gamma distribution with a shape parameter alpha = 3, we are trying to find likely values of the rate parameter, beta, that gave rise to the observed data (subject to our prior information). The mean of a gamma distribution is the shape parameter divided by the rate parameter. 100 observations should be enough to mostly overcome the somewhat informative prior (which had a mean of 1), so we should expect beta to take values somewhere in the region alpha/mean(dat), not 3.
#> [1] 4.54915
I'm not going to show the derivation of the posterior distribution for beta without TeX, but it is a gamma distribution that includes the rate parameter from the prior distribution of beta (betaPrior = 3):
n <- 100
dat <- rgamma(n, 2, 3)
alpha <- 3
betaPrior <- 3
post <- function(x) dgamma(x, alpha*(n + 1), sum(dat) + betaPrior)
curve(post, 2, 6)
Notice that the mean of beta is at ~4.39 rather than ~4.55 because of the informative prior that had a mean of 1.

GAM smooths interaction differences - calculate p value using mgcv and gratia 0.6

I am using the useful gratia package by Gavin Simpson to extract the difference in two smooths for two different levels of a factor variable. The smooths are generated by the wonderful mgcv package. For example
m1 <- gam(outcome ~ s(dep_var, by = fact_var) + fact_var, data = my.data)
diff1 <- difference_smooths(m1, smooth = "s(dep_var)")
This give me a graph of the difference between the two smooths for each level of the "by" variable in the gam() call. The graph has a shaded 95% credible interval (CI) for the difference.
Statistical significance, or areas of statistical significance at the 0.05 level, is assessed by whether or where the y = 0 line crosses the CI, where the y axis represents the difference between the smooths.
Here is an example from Gavin's site where the "by" factor variable had 3 levels.
The differences are clearly statistically significant (at 0.05) over nearly all of the graphs.
Here is another example I have generated using a "by" variable with 2 levels.
The difference in my example is clearly not statistically significant anywhere.
In the mgcv package, an approximate p value is outputted for a smooth fit that tests the null hypothesis that the coefficients are all = 0, based on a chi square test.
My question is, can anyone suggest a way of calculating a p value that similarly assesses the difference between the two smooths instead of solely relying on graphical evidence?
The output from difference_smooths() is a data frame with differences between the smooth functions at 100 points in the range of the smoothed variable, the standard error for the difference and the upper and lower limits of the CI.
Here is a link to the release of gratia 0.4 that explains the difference_smooths() function
enter link description here
but gratia is now at version 0.6
enter link description here
Thanks in advance for taking the time to consider this.
One way of getting a p value for the interaction between the by factor variables is to manipulate the difference_smooths() function by activating the ci_level option. Default is 0.95. The ci_level can be manipulated to find a level where the y = 0 is no longer within the CI bands. If for example this occurred when ci_level = my_level, the p value for testing the hypothesis that the difference is zero everywhere would be 1 - my_level.
This is not totally satisfactory. For example, it would take a little manual experimentation and it may be difficult to discern accurately when zero drops out of the CI. Although, a function could be written to search the accompanying data frame that is outputted with difference_smooths() as the ci_level is varied. This is not totally satisfactory either because the detection of a non-zero CI would be dependent on the 100 points chosen by difference_smooths() to assess the difference between the two curves. Then again, the standard errors are approximate for a GAM using mgcv, so that shouldn't be too much of a problem.
Here is a graph where the zero first drops out of the CI.
Zero dropped out at ci_level = 0.88 and was still in the interval at ci_level = 0.89. So an approxiamte p value would be 1 - 0.88 = 0.12.
Can anyone think of a better way?
Reply to Gavin Simpson's comments Feb 19
Thanks very much Gavin for taking the time to make your comments.
I am not sure if using the criterion, >= 0 (for negative diffs), is a good way to go. Because of the draws from the posterior, there is likely to be many diffs that meet this criterion. I am interpreting your criterion as sample the posterior distribution and count how many differences meet the criterion, calculate the percentage and that is the p value. Correct me if I have misunderstood. Using this approach, I consistently got p values at around 0.45 - 0.5 for different gam models, even when it was clear the difference in the smooths should be statistically significant, at least at p = 0.05, because the confidence band around the smooth did not contain zero at a number of points.
Instead, I was thinking perhaps it would be better to compare the means of the posterior distribution of each of the diffs. For example
# get coefficients for the by smooths
coeff.level1 <- coef(gam.model1)[31:38]
coeff.level0 <- coef(gam.model1)[23:30]
# these indices are specific to my multi-variable gam.model1
# in my case 8 coefficients per smooth
# get posterior coefficients variances for the by smooths' coefficients
vp_level1 <- gam.model1$Vp[31:38, 31:38]
vp_level0 <- gam.model1$Vp[23:30, 23:30]
#run the simulation to get the distribution of each
#difference coefficient using the joint variance
no.draws = 1000
sim <- mvrnorm(n = no.draws, (coeff.level1 - coeff.level0),
(vp_level1 + vp_level0))
# sim is a no.draws X no. of coefficients (8 in my case) matrix
# put the results into a data.frame.
y.group <- data.frame(y = as.vector(sim),
group = c(rep(1,no.draws), rep(2,no.draws),
rep(3,no.draws), rep(4,no.draws),
rep(5,no.draws), rep(6,no.draws),
rep(7,no.draws), rep(8,no.draws)) )
# y has the differences sampled from their posterior distributions.
# group is just a grouping name for the 8 sets of differences,
# (one set for each difference in coefficients)
# compare means with a linear regression
lm.test <- lm(y ~ as.factor(group), data = y.group)
# The p value for the F statistic tells you how
# compatible the data are with the null hypothesis that
# all the group means are equal to each other.
# Same F statistic and p value from
One could argue that if all coefficients are not equal to each other then they all can't be equal to zero but that isn't what we want here.
The basis of the smooth tests of fit given by summary(mgcv::gam.model1)
is a joint test of all coefficients == 0. This would be from a type of likelihood ratio test where model fit with and without a term are compared.
I would appreciate some ideas how to do this with the difference between two smooths.
Now that I got this far, I had a rethink of your original suggestion of using the criterion, >= 0 (for negative diffs). I reinterpreted this as meaning for each simulated coefficient difference distribution (in my case 8), count when this occurs and make a table where each row (my case, 8) is for one of these distributions with two columns holding this count and (number of simulation draws minus count), Then on this table run a chi square test. When I did this, I got a very low p value when I believe I shouldn't have as 0 was well within the smooth difference CI across almost all the levels of the exposure. Maybe I am still misunderstanding your suggestion.
Follow up thought Feb 24
In a follow up thought, we could create a variable that represents the interaction between the by factor and continuous variable
my.dat <- my.dat %>% mutate(interact.var =
ifelse(factor.2levels == "yes", 1, 0)*cont.var)
Here I am assuming that factor.2levels has the levels ("no", "yes"), and "no" is the reference level. The ifelse function creates a dummy variable which is multiplied by the continuous variable to generate the interactive variable.
Then we place this interactive variable in the GAM and get the usual statistical test for fit, that is, testing all the coefficients == 0.
#GavinSimpson actually posted a method of how to get the difference between two smooths and assess its statistical significance here in 2017. Thanks to Matteo Fasiolo for pointing me in that direction.
In that approach, the by variable is converted to an ordered categorical variable which causes mgcv::gam to produce difference smooths in comparison to the reference level. Statistical significance for the difference smooths is then tested in the usual way with the summary command for the gam model.
However, and correct me if I have misunderstood, the ordered factor approach causes the smooth for the main effect to now be the smooth for the reference level of the ordered factor.
The approach I suggested, see the main post under the heading, Follow up thought Feb 24, where the interaction variable is created, gives an almost identical result for the p value for the difference smooth but does not change the smooth for the main effect. It also does not change the intercept and the linear term for the by categorical variable which also both changed with the ordered variable approach.

Calculating standard deviation in with svyfgt (R)

I am using t-tests in R to test the significance of the difference in means that arises when adding weights, stratification, and clustering (respectively) to the survey design when utilizing the FGT measure of poverty, which I calculate using the svyfgt function in the convey package. I am running the t-tests by creating vectors for each survey design which include the mean, standard deviation, and sample size, hence, I need to obtain the standard deviation for the svyfgt mean.
In the survey package, there is a svysd function, which is used to calculate the standard deviation when complex survey designs are applied. This value is quite different from the value obtained by simply multiplying the SE by sqrt(n), as shown below:
wel <- c(68008.19, 128504.61, 21347.69,
33272.95, 61828.96, 32764.44,
92545.62, 58431.89, 95596.82,
rmul <- c(16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16,
20, 20, 20)
splin <- c(23149.64, 23149.64, 23149.64, 23149.64, 23149.64,
21322.23, 21322.23, 21322.23, 21322.23, 21322.23)
survey.data <- data.frame(wel, rmul, splin)
survey_weighted <- svydesign(data = survey.data,
ids = ~wel,
weights = ~rmul,
nest = TRUE)
svymean(~wel, survey_weighted)
svysd(~wel, survey_weighted)
In the convey package, there is no equivalent "svyfgtsd" function, and simply multiplying the SE by sqrt(n) would seem to yield the wrong answer (based on the previously shown difference in results between svysd and that expression). Therefore, I am not sure how I might obtain the standard deviation for FGT_0_weighted. Is there a function I am not aware of, or a stats concept that might aid me here?
fgtsurvey_weighted <- convey_prep(survey_weighted)
FGT_0_weighted <- svyfgt(~wel,
abs_thresh = survey.data$splin)
For reference, I will be using the sd values in t-tests like so (disregard sd values):
FGT_0_unweighted_vector <- c(rnorm(9710, mean = 0.28919, sd = sd_FGT_0))
FGT_0_cluster_vector <- c(rnorm(9710, mean = 0.33259, sd = sd_FGT_0_cluster))
t.test(FGT_0_cluster_vector, FGT_0_unweighted_vector, var.equal = FALSE)
When the poverty threshold is absolute, the FGT is the mean of a binary variable (poor/non-poor); i.e., a proportion. The standard deviation of a binary variable is sqrt( p*(1-p) ).
However, you are probably looking for the standard error (a measure of the sampling error of the FGT estimate), just do SE( FGT_0_weighted ). That's what is used in t-tests.
Taking stratification and clustering into account will alter standard error estimates, while weighting will affect the mean (and all point estimates, like FGT) as well. Using t-tests to test whether mean estimates change makes sense for comparing weighted and unweighted estimates.
Working with sqrt(n) is misleading under complex sampling. The usual n is what is called nominal sample size, but the effective sample size is usually smaller than that (because of cluster sampling.).
A concept related to what you are tying to do is the design effect, but that is not yet implemented for svyfgt (although, for absolute thresholds, you can still get it using svymean).

Auto.arima() function does not result in white noise. How else should I go about modeling data

Here is the plot of the initial data (after performing a log transformation).
It is evident there is both a linear trend as well as a seasonal trend. I can address both of these by taking the first and twelfth (seasonal) difference: diff(diff(data), 12). After doing so, here is the plot of the resulting data
This data does not look great. While the mean in constant, we see a funneling effect as time progresses. Here are the ACF/PACF:.
Any suggestions for possible fits to try. I used the auto.arima() function which suggested an ARIMA(2,0,2)xARIMA(1,0,2)(12) model. However, once I took the residuals from the fit, it was clear there was still some sort of structure in them. Here is the plot of the residuals from the fit as well as the ACF/PACF of the residuals.
There does not appear to be a seasonal pattern regarding which lags have spikes in the ACF/PACF of residuals. However, this is still something not captured by the previous steps. What do you suggest I do? How could I go about building a better model that has better model diagnostics (which at this point is just a better looking ACF and PACF)?
Here is my simplified code thus far:
beer <- read.csv('beer.csv', header = TRUE)
beer <- ts(beer$Production, start = c(1956, 1), frequency = 12)
# transform data
boxcox <- BoxCox.ar(beer) # 0 in confidence interval
beer.log <- log(beer)
firstDifference <- diff(diff(beer.log), 12) # get rid of linear and
# seasonal trend
plot(armasubsets(firstDifference, nar=12, nma=12))
# fitting the model
auto.arima(firstDifference, ic = 'bic') # from forecasting package
modelFit <- arima(firstDifference, order=c(1,0,0),seasonal
=list(order=c(2, 0, 0), period = 12))
# assessing model
resid <- modelFit$residuals
acf(resid, lag.max = 15)
pacf(resid, lag.max = 15)
Here is the data, if interested (I think you can use an html to csv converter if you would like): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1S8BbNBdQFpQAiCA4J18bf7PITb8kfThorMENW-FRvW4/pubhtml
There are a few things going on here.
Instead of logs, we used the tsay variance test which shows that the variance increased after period 118. Weighted least squares deals with it.
March becomes higher beginning at period 111. An alternative to an ar12 or seasonal differencing is to identify seasonal dummies. We found that 7 of the 12 months were unusual with a couple level shifts, an AR2 with 2 outliers.
Here is the fit and forecasts.
Here are the residuals.
ACF of residuals
Note: I am a developer of the software Autobox. All models are wrong. Some are useful.
Here is Tsay's paper
