SQLite : Pragma cache_spill = false not working - sqlite

I was getting a "database locked" error while reading as I was executing long transaction. Since Cache_Spill is the reason for this exclusive lock, I wanted to avoid exclusive lock on the database . So I needed to set cache_spill = false.
But the following code seems not to be working.
iretval = sqlite3_exec(pSqlHandle,
"PRAGMA cache_spill=false",ZERO,ZERO,ZERO);
if(iretval != SQLITE_OK)
iretval = DB_QUERY_FAILED;
goto db_close;
I am not getting any error.But I am still getting the lock at the same position while reading.
Just to check, I intentionally mistyped as PRAGMA cahe_spill=false and I didn't get any error. So the first question is, am I executing the pragma correctly?
I am executing it after opening the database.

Unknown PRAGMAs are ignored.
(PRAGMA cache_spill was introduced in SQLite 3.8.0.)
You cannot prevent writing to disk when SQLite runs out of memory in its page cache; PRAGMA cache_spill prevents only write before that.
You also have to increate the page cache size.


How can my Flask app check whether a SQLite3 transaction is in progress?

I am trying to build some smart error messages using the #app.errorhandler (500) feature. For example, my route includes an INSERT command to the database:
if request.method == "POST":
userID = int(request.form.get("userID"))
topicID = int(request.form.get("topicID"))
db.execute("INSERT INTO UserToTopic (userID,topicID) VALUES (?,?)", userID, topicID)
If that transaction violates a constraint, such as UNIQUE or FOREIGN_KEY, I want to catch the error and display a user-friendly message. To do this, I'm using the Flask #app.errorhandler as follows:
def internal_error(error):
return render_template('500.html'), 500
The "ROLLBACK" command works fine if I'm in the middle of a database transaction. But sometimes the 500 error is not related to the db, and in those cases the ROLLBACK statement itself causes an error, because you can't rollback a transaction that never started. So I'm looking for a method that returns a Boolean value that would be true if a db transaction is under way, and false if not, so I can use it to make the ROLLBACK conditional. The only one I can find in the SQLite3 documentation is for a C interface, and I can't get it to work with my Python code. Any suggestions?
I know that if I'm careful enough with my forms and routes, I can prevent 99% of potential violations of db rules. But I would still like a smart error catcher to protect me for the other 1%.
I don't know how transaction works in sqlite but what you are trying to do, you can achieve it by try/except statements
use try/except within the function
return render_template('500.html'), 500
Use try/except when inserting data.
from flask import abort
userID = int(request.form.get("userID"))
I am not familiar with sqlite errors, if you know what specific error occurs except for that specific error.

Why doesn't my SQLite database add data until I close my application?

My Delphi application is using FireDac and an SQLite database. I've noticed that updates are being saved in a journal file and the database file is not actually updated until I close my application.
The application is making lots of 'batch updates' to the database. Each individual update is inside a TFDQuery.StartTransaction ... TFDQuery.Commit pair. Despite this, it seems all updates are held in the journal file until the application ends.
How can I force SQLite to update the database after each batch of updates rather than when my application finishes?
I've tried changing the SQLite db to WAL but the same thing happens.
Despite using 'StartTransaction' and 'Commit' the data stays in the journal until the application ends.
Query.Connection := FDConnection1;
Query.SQL.Text := 'select 1 from t_Manufacturers where m_Name = ' + QuotedStr(ManString);
if Query.RecordCount = 0 then begin
{ not found, so add }
Query.SQL.Text := 'insert into t_Manufacturers (m_Name, m_ManUID) values (:Name, null)';
Query.ParamByName('Name').AsString := ManString;
{ save m_ManUID for logging }
Query.SQL.Text := 'select m_ManUID from t_Manufacturers where m_Name = ' + QuotedStr(ManString);
Result := Query.FieldByName(m_ManUID).AsInteger;
on E : EDatabaseError do begin
MessageDlg('Database error adding manufacturer: ' + E.Message, mtError, [mbOk], 0);
No error messages or issues. Providing the application finishes OK, the database is updated as expected, so I'm happy that my programming and SQL is doing exactly what I need in that respect.
It is very dubious that "it seems all updates are held in the journal file until the application ends". SQLite3 is very serious about writing data - more serious than most DB engines I know. Just check https://www.sqlite.org/atomiccommit.html
I suspect you are somewhat confused by the presence of the journal file. After a transaction, the journal file is still kept there on disk, ready for any new write operation. But the data is actually written in the main file.
Just write some data, then kill the application before closing it (using the task manager). Then re-open the file (re-start the app): I am almost sure you will see the data properly stored.
FireDAC is "cheating" with the default journalization mode, for best performance. It uses some default values which may be confusing. As stated by FireDAC documentation: Set LockingMode to Normal to enable shared DB access. Set Synchronous to Normal or Full to make committed data visible to others.
You are using FDConnection1.StartTransaction; In this state condition, the transaction is still on the memory (cache) without any end. Therefore, you need to end your transaction with commit command such like FDConnection1.Commit;
OK, I went back to basics and wrote a test application with all the database activity confined to a single procedure fired by a button click. In that procedure I added multiple rows to a table using a for loop.
The for loop is surrounded by StartTransaction and Commit calls. Running through the code in the debugger, the journal file is created on the first call to ExecSQL. However, the file remains there after the loop has completed and Commit has been called.
The database is only updated and the journal file deleted when Close is called at the end of the procedure.
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
Query : TFDQuery;
Index : Integer;
FDConnection1.DriverName := 'SQLite';
FDConnection1.Params.Values['Database'] := 'C:\Testing\test.db';
Query := TFDQuery.Create(nil);
Query.Connection := FDConnection1;
for Index := 1 to 10 do begin
Query.SQL.Text := 'insert into Table1 (Name, IDNum) values (:Name, :IDNum)';
Query.ParamByName('Name').AsString := 'Test_Manufacturer_' + IntToStr(Index);
Query.ParamByName('IDNum').AsInteger := Index;
on E : EDatabaseError do begin
MessageDlg('Database error adding manufacturer: ' + E.Message, mtError, [mbOk], 0);
I'm suspecting that I have another connection to the database open within my application and that might be stopping the update until the application closes. However, I'm still not understanding why the call to Commit isn't updating the database at the end of the transaction block.

How can I log sql execution results in airflow?

I use airflow python operators to execute sql queries against a redshift/postgres database. In order to debug, I'd like the DAG to return the results of the sql execution, similar to what you would see if executing locally in a console:
I'm using psycop2 to create a connection/cursor and execute the sql. Having this logged would be extremely helpful to confirm the parsed parameterized sql, and confirm that data was actually inserted (I have painfully experiences issues where differences in environments caused unexpected behavior)
I do not have deep knowledge of airflow or the low level workings of the python DBAPI, but the pscyopg2 documentation does seem to refer to some methods and connection configurations that may allow this.
I find it very perplexing that this is difficult to do, as I'd imagine it would be a primary use case of running ETLs on this platform. I've heard suggestions to simply create additional tasks that query the table before and after, but this seems clunky and ineffective.
Could anyone please explain how this may be possible, and if not, explain why? Alternate methods of achieving similar results welcome. Thanks!
So far I have tried the connection.status_message() method, but it only seems to return the first line of the sql and not the results. I have also attempted to create a logging cursor, which produces the sql, but not the console results
import logging
import psycopg2 as pg
from psycopg2.extras import LoggingConnection
conn = pg.connect(
conn.autocommit = True
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
cur = conn.cursor()
sql = """
INSERT INTO mytable (
FROM other_table
I'd like the logger to return something like:
sql> INSERT INTO mytable (
[2019-07-25 23:00:54] 912 rows affected in 4 s 442 ms
Let's assume you are writing an operator that uses postgres hook to do something in sql.
Anything printed inside an operator is logged.
So, if you want to log the statement, just print the statement in your operator.
If you want to log the result, fetch the result and print the result.
result = cur.fetchall()
for row in result:
Alternatively you can use self.log.info in place of print, where self refers to the operator instance.
Ok, so after some trial and error I've found a method that works for my setup and objective. To recap, my goal is to run ETL's via python scripts, orchestrated in Airflow. Referring to the documentation for statusmessage:
Read-only attribute containing the message returned by the last command:
The key is to manage logging in context with transactions executed on the server. In order for me to do this, I had to specifically set con.autocommit = False, and wrap SQL blocks with BEGIN TRANSACTION; and END TRANSACTION;. If you insert cur.statusmessage directly following a statement that deletes or inserts, you will get a response such as 'INSERT 0 92380'.
This still isn't as verbose as I would prefer, but it is a much better than nothing, and is very useful for troubleshooting ETL issues within Airflow logs.
Side notes:
- When autocommit is set to False, you must explicitly commit transactions.
- It may not be necessary to state transaction begin/end in your SQL. It may depend on your DB version.
con = psy.connect(...)
con.autocommit = False
cur = con.cursor()
logging.info(f"Cursor statusmessage: {cur.statusmessage})
There is some buried functionality within psycopg2 that I'm sure can be utilized, but the documentation is pretty thin and there are no clear examples. If anyone has suggestions on how to utilize things such as logobjects, or returning join PID to somehow retrieve additional information.

How to set journal-mode of Sqlite3 in ruby-on-rails

I try to set journal-mode of Sqlite3 in my Ruby-on-Rails project.
It seems that ruby-on-rails uses default journal-mode of sqlite, i.e. 'delete', as i saw a journal file in folder 'db' when I updated database and it was deleted when update was done. I hope to set jouranl-mode to be "WAL" or "memory".
I tried Sqlite command line
PRAGMA main.journal_mode=WAL
but it does not affect application in ruby-on-rails.
Finally I made it by changing source code of sqlite3_adapter.rb
I changed a function in file : activerecord-5.1.4/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/sqlite3_adapter.rb
def configure_connection
# here are original codes
execute("PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL", "SCHEMA")
Because configure_connection is called by initialize of SQLite3Adapter
It does not sound nice solution although it works.
Is there any nicer way to set journal-mode of Sqlite3 in Ruby-on-Rails(version is 5.1.4)? For example configuration options
It has been a while since I've had to do this, but you should be able to use an initializer so you don't need to patch the source.
Putting something like this in config/initializers/configure_sqlite_journal.rb
if c = ::ActiveRecord::Base.connection
c.execute 'PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL'
Should do what you want
I found a better answer in here: Speed up your Rails sqlite database for large dataset, more performance and configure:
The code( I put this into config/initializers/speedup_sqlite3.rb ):
if ::ActiveRecord::Base.connection_config[:adapter] == 'sqlite3'
if c = ::ActiveRecord::Base.connection
# see http://www.sqlite.org/pragma.html for details
# Page size of the database. The page size must be a power of two between 512 and 65536 inclusive
c.execute 'PRAGMA main.page_size=4096;'
# Suggested maximum number of database disk pages that SQLite will hold in memory at once per open database file
c.execute 'PRAGMA main.cache_size=10000;'
# Database connection locking-mode. The locking-mode is either NORMAL or EXCLUSIVE
c.execute 'PRAGMA main.locking_mode=EXCLUSIVE;'
# Setting of the "synchronous" flag, "NORMAL" means sync less often but still more than none
c.execute 'PRAGMA main.synchronous=NORMAL;'
# Journal mode for database, WAL=write-ahead log
c.execute 'PRAGMA main.journal_mode=WAL;'
# Storage location for temporary tables, indices, views, triggers
c.execute 'PRAGMA main.temp_store = MEMORY;'

simple way to output messages from a stored procedure in Teradata

Using SQL*Assistant:
DECLARE l_msg varchar(128);
set l_msg = 'test';
-- PRINT is not supported
--print l_msg;
-- debug is recognized as a special token, but doesn't work
--debug l_msg;
-- this does nothing
Is there a simple way to output a text during a procedure execution, aside writing to a log table?
TD 14.xx
Not trying to handle exceptions, but rather send text messages to the client, as the procedure progresses, regardless of the state/condition, similar to PRINT (Sybase), DMBS_OUTPUT(Oracle), DEBUG(SQL Server).
