WooCommerce - Redirecting a User after They've Reset Their Password - wordpress

I'm setting up a WooCommerce shop for a client and he has requested that the user be redirected back to the login form after the reset password form has been submitted.
Is this possible? Which function controls this?
Thanks in advance.

A much cleaner solution is to redirect using the woocommerce_customer_reset_password action:
function woocommerce_new_pass_redirect( $user ) {
wp_redirect( get_permalink(woocommerce_get_page_id('myaccount')));
add_action( 'woocommerce_customer_reset_password', 'woocommerce_new_pass_redirect' );
This code can be placed in functions.php.

Someone asked me about doing this and I think I'm going to talk them out of it, but here's what I came up with so that you could see the message and then be redirected in 5 seconds. Add a message/link to let them know you'll be redirecting. Plus, this will last through a WooCommerce upgrade if you add the template file to your theme
Add the form-lost-password.php template file to your theme and add the following code:
if ( $_GET[reset] = true && ( 'lost_password' == $args['form']) ) {
$my_account_url = get_site_url() . '/my-account';
echo "<script>window.setTimeout(function(){window.location.replace('$my_account_url')}, 5000)</script>";
If you dont want the time delay get rid of the window.setTimeout() and just use window.location.replace('$my_account_url').

I'm just facing the same question. I think the function that controls this is in the file woocommerce/includes/class-wc-form-handler.php. I changed the following line:
wp_redirect( add_query_arg( 'reset', 'true', remove_query_arg( array( 'key', 'login' ) ) ) );
wp_redirect( get_permalink( get_option('woocommerce_myaccount_page_id') ) );
With that change, you get redirected to the my-account page, where the customer can log in, but of course there are two problems doing that:
The customer gets no message the the password recovery was successful
Doing a WooCommerce update, the file gets overwritten with the original file
Would be great, if someone could come up with a "update-secure" solution.
Best regards


WooCommerce check and redirect to login before checkout

The default Woocommerce checkout behavior breaks a lot of web conventions by showing the "Create Account" boxes on the checkout page if it detects the user is not logged in. New users may not know what to do without any added instructions.
My desired sequence would be:
User Checkout > Check login >
Proceed to checkout if logged in.
Redirect to login/register page if not logged in > proceed to the checkout page.
This is EXACTLY the case in WooCommerce login redirect based on cart
However, what I feel uncomfortable is that, in the above case, once the user logged in, he/she will be redirected to the checkout page if the cart is not empty. If the user's cart is not empty, he/she will not be able to go to MyAccount at all even though he/she does not want to checkout yet.
Any idea on this one?
Try this no need to change core code
function check_if_logged_in()
$pageid = get_option( 'woocommerce_checkout_page_id' );
if(!is_user_logged_in() && is_page($pageid))
$url = add_query_arg(
site_url('/my-account/') // your my account url
if(is_page(get_option( 'woocommerce_myaccount_page_id' )))
$redirect = $_GET['redirect_to'];
if (isset($redirect)) {
echo '<script>window.location.href = "'.$redirect.'";</script>';
In the second answer there is a problem, after loging in the user always redirects checkout page, it does not stand on my-account page until the cart become empty!!
This code redirects the user to my-account page for login instead of checkout if the user is not logged in, then after loging in it automatically redirects to checkout page.
Add this code in function.php
function check_if_logged_in()
$pageid = get_option( 'woocommerce_checkout_page_id' );// your checkout page id
if(!is_user_logged_in() && is_page($pageid))
$url = add_query_arg(
site_url('/my-account/') // your my acount url
Add this code at the end of /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/templates/myaccount/my-account.php
$quark_web_solution_redirect = $_GET['redirect_to'];
if (isset($quark_web_solution_redirect)) {
echo '<script>
window.location.href = "'.$quark_web_solution_redirect.'";
after reading this post and others in Stackoverflow, i came up with a simple solution (more than i thought at first) that is working for me... Maybe theres something i have missed up in the process, but i have tested several combinations and it works for me. So we want to:
Customer goes to checkout
If Logged In, continue to checkout. If not logged in, go to a page with login and register forms.
Once in this page, if customer logs in or register, continue to Checkout.
First, i created a custom page with [woocommerce_my_account] shortcode. Here i customized the texts etc... in the forms, so its a little bit different that my account page. URL path of this page is -> /iniciar-sesion-registrarse.
Then, i put this code in functions.php of my child theme:
function custom_woocommerce_login_redirect_to_checkout_page() {
// Caso 1: Usuario no identificado intenta acceder a Finalizar Compra
if ( !is_user_logged_in() && is_checkout() )
wp_redirect( get_permalink( get_page_by_path('iniciar-sesion-registrarse') ) );
// Caso 2: Si en la página de identificarse, el cliente ha accedido o se ha registrado, o tiene el carrito vacío, continuar a Finalizar Compra.
if ( is_page('iniciar-sesion-registrarse') ) {
if( is_user_logged_in() || WC()->cart->is_empty() ) {
wp_redirect( get_permalink( get_page_by_path('finalizar-comprar') ) );
add_action( 'template_redirect', 'custom_woocommerce_login_redirect_to_checkout_page' );
So in Case 1: If user is not logged in and tries to go to checkout, it redirects to my custom login page 'iniciar-sesion-registrarse'.
Then in Case 2: If user loggin or register in this page, normal my account page would be displayed in this page, then i redirect users who are logged in and are in this page to checkout. I also redirect them to checkout if someones access this custom page directly and has nothing in their carts (so woocommerce message: u cant checkout without items in ur cart is displayed).
This way, while loggin in or registering in this custom page, error messages will display normally as if it was real 'my-account' page, but once logged in, it will redirect to checkout.
I hope someone can tell me if i have missed something in the process. Thx
Actually had this problem today & now have a solution.
Context: our site has a separate user registration system than WooCommerce, so we didn't want a duplicative process prompting users to signup twice.
First I'll give the brief solution then list the full steps for my situation.
Brief solution: enable guest checkout, (trust me) enable account creation during checkout, automatically generate username and password (most important). Then disable in email settings the "New Account" message. Now "users" can checkout with account details auto-generated, but they never know about it and that information is essentially dumped.
Screenshot of my Accounts & Privacy settings. Please note I also disabled the "New Account" message triggered in the Email settings for WC.
Add this code in function.php
function check_if_logged_in()
$pageid = get_option( 'woocommerce_checkout_page_id' );
if(!is_user_logged_in() && is_page($pageid))
$url = add_query_arg(
site_url('/my-account/') // your my acount url

WordPress admin redirect conundrum

I feel stupid for trying this and not realising what would happen.
Using the wp_redirect function...
if( current_user_can('administrator') ) {
$url = "https://example.com";
wp_redirect( $url );
...I want anyone with the role of 'administrator' to be redirected to the homepage when they login. Seems easy enough.
But the problem is that any consequent attempt to go to WP admin (not just after they login, but any time) will result in the administrator being redirected to the homepage effectively 'locking' them out of WP admin.
So I guess my question is, is it possible to redirect an administrator to the homepage when they login, but only immediately after they login? And any consequent attempt to go to /wp-admin/ would let them in?
This code should solve your problem.You can add this code in functions.php.I tested and confirmed its working for me.
function admin_redirection_page() {
return 'https://example.com';
add_filter('login_redirect', 'admin_redirection_page');
I think you have to fire the above code in hook wp_login.
function your_function() {
$url = "https://example.com";
wp_redirect( $url );
add_action('wp_login', 'your_function');
Also we have use die() whenever we want to redirect.
Thank You

Remove wp-login completely

First of, I'm new to using Wordpress so please excuse me if I ask something really stupid.
I want to completely remove wp-login and the register function, I don't want users to be able to register and don't want to show the option on my blog.
I did some research on this and all i get are results that explain how to hide the wp-login or change the url, which is not what i want.
Is there a function within wordpress to completly remove this from my blog? Or do i have to remove these pages from my source code?
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.
Untick "Anyone Can Register" in "Settings" > "General" - I think that will take care of it. If you insist on taking the form down completely then this function would completely remove the login form, and yet still provide emergency access:
add_filter( 'wp_login_errors', 'my_login_lock_down', 90, 2 );
function my_login_lock_down( $errors, $redirect_to ){
// Get to the login form using: http://example.com/wp-login.php?secretform=secretcode
$secret_key = "secretform";
$secret_password = "secretcode";
if ( !isset( $_GET[ $secret_key ] ) || $_GET[ $secret_key ] != $secret_password ) {
login_header(__('Log In'), '', $errors);
echo "</div>";
do_action( 'login_footer' );
echo "</body></html>";
return $errors;

Redirect wordpress user to another page based on assigned role

Does anyone know a way (or plugin) that would allow me to automatically redirect users to another page, based on their assigned user role, if they try accessing the main /wp-admin page?
The tricky part is (I guess), is that I still need them to be able to access sub-admin pages (ie. mysite.com/wp-admin/edit.php) -- it would only redirect them if they tried going to the main/dashboard page, mysite.com/wp-admin
I've recently had the problem where I needed to redirect multiple pages. The following code will check the roles you want to redirect ($valid-roles) and if not valid redirect to a given URL... in this case its /access-denied/.
Note: The page ID's in the array list of pages to re-direct.
add_action( 'template_redirect', 'role_based_redirect' );
function role_based_redirect() {
if( is_page( array( 1488, 2413, 2379, 2265, 2396, 2370, 2366, 4600 ) ) ) { //check the list of "corporate" pages
$user = wp_get_current_user();
$valid_roles = [ 'administrator', 'corporate', 'editor' ];
$the_roles = array_intersect( $valid_roles, $user->roles );
// The current user does not have any of the 'valid' roles.
if ( empty( $the_roles ) ) {
wp_redirect( home_url( '/access-denied/' ) );
There are many ways you can set the URL redirect to a different link by role on your WordPress page, you may use a plugin or you can also build a plugin to customize it specifically on your own way follow this link for that instruction but I believe as a second and better option this plugin right here might be easy for you might help you as well.
Good luck

"login" in permalink redirects to wp-login.php wp3.6

I'm trying to create a custom login page for a custom user page, but I can't get wordpress to stop redirecting the word login to wp-login.php.
Setup is pretty simple, I'm adding a rule that looks like this. account/login/?$ that yields to index.php?account=login. I also setup my rewrite tag for that custom query var. I have a couple other rules setup and they all work properly.
When I use monkey man's rewrite analyzer everything points properly, but on the front end any time I enter login into the url it redirects me to wp-login.php. It doesn't matter what segment it is entered at. so /login, /account/login, /dogs/bulldogs/login.... all redirect to wp-login.php
As far as I can tell there aren't any other rewrite rules containing login. So i'm at a loss.
As a last piece of info, i'm working in wp 3.6
Any advise or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
I'm facing the exact same problem. Google wasn't being very helpful, so I had the need to dig in. :)
Right on top of the wp-includes/template-loader.php file, you find this little snippet of code:
if ( defined('WP_USE_THEMES') && WP_USE_THEMES )
If you inspect what functions are hooked to that action at that time, you'll find a reference to the wp_redirect_admin_locations function (both the hook and the function are declared on the /wp-includes/canonical.php file - line 526).
Within the wp_redirect_admin_locations function, you'll find this:
$logins = array(
home_url( 'wp-login.php', 'relative' ),
home_url( 'login', 'relative' ),
site_url( 'login', 'relative' ),
if ( in_array( untrailingslashit( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ), $logins ) ) {
wp_redirect( site_url( 'wp-login.php', 'login' ) );
An easy solution for the problem, would be to hook a function of yours to the *wp_redirect* filter. Something like this (within your functions.php):
add_filter('wp_redirect', 'yourprefix_filter_login_redirect', 10, 2);
function yourprefix_filter_login_redirect($location, $status)
$uri = trim($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/');
if ($uri === 'login') {
return false;
return $location;
So... The *wp_redirect_admin_locations* terminates the script after trying to preform the redirect, so the solution above won't work.
The only other solution I'm seeing right now is to bypass the function all together which kind of sucks. All the other redirects defined within that function, will be lost all together...
Anyway, what I've ended up using:
function() {
remove_action('template_redirect', 'wp_redirect_admin_locations', 1000);
Building on top of Diogos great answer, you can even disable the /login redirect without losing the other redirects. I just posted this solution on WPSE: Disable "/login" redirect
