R - getting box plot to work - r

I have a data set max_urkoma[[2]] that I'd like to put into a box plot, but it won't show at all unless I give it the formula max_urkoma[[1]]~max_urkoma[[2]], and then it'll basically just become a set of points on a plot. What am I doing wrong? The plot is acting like every item in the data set is a separate object, I want them grouped together like in this one:
THis is how mine looks like http://imgur.com/F2fYPMY

To get a single boxplot, you can do boxplot(mtcars$mpg), or with your data it looks like you need boxplot(max_urkoma[[2]]).


Split x axis for every value in graph, in Power BI

I have the following graph in Power BI:
and I'm trying to recreate the below graph from Excel (note the X axis with the months February and January, with the Operation Text:
As you can see, my attempt only displays the Operation Text rather than the month and Operation Text).
Here is what my current axis looks like:
Changing the axis to have Actual Start Date on top, rather than the Operation Text:
Makes my graph look like this:
Is it possible to achieve the same outcome as in Excel, with the values in my graph showing the two months side by side, for each operation text? If so, how can I do this?
I've tried looking into the X axis 'format' settings and wasn't able to see anything obvious to help achieve this. In addition, unfortunately the graph I'm looking to recreate is only a screenshot so I am unable to see how it achieves that outcome.
As suggested, I attempted to place Operation Text into the Legend field in my Visualisations section but I am unable to, due to the fact that I have two Value fields (the two columns Actual Hours and Estimated Hours).
#CR7SMS is correct. You just need to expand down to the next level using that split arrow in the upper right of the visual so that this:
Becomes this:
Note that to get the axis to look like this, you'll need to sort on month rather than one of the measures.
You'll also want to turn off 'Concatenate labels' toggle in the 'Format > X axis' section of the visual settings.
You would have to drill down one level, using the arrows seen at the top right of your first screenshot. For your specific purposes, the split arrow should do the trick. Hope this helps.
Have you tried moving your date or operation text column in legend section ?..not 100% but something close to your requirement you can achieve

Use R to impose bubble data on an image

I want to take an image, like this:
And I want to superimpose data bubbles on it, so it would look like this:
I want to do this in R (because I know R)
Let's imagine the bubbles represent IQ (or whatever) and I have the relevant numbers in a spreadsheet next to the species. How do I get ggplot (let's say) to know where on the image to put the bubbles?
Thank you!

How to edit legend labels in google spreadsheet plots?

I'm trying to plot some data in Google spreadsheet:
And as you may see all of the series are in a same column and I can't use the any of the rows as headers. My plot looks like this:
I would appreciate if you could help me know how I can edit/add legend labels.
Unfortunately I don't think the graphs were intended for your data format.
The only way I've been able to work out how to add a header is by reformatting my data so I have the header at the top of my ranges.
So I suggest you split your data into separate columns so you have;
D2:D4, E2:E4, F2:F4 etc with D1, E1, and F1 as your header and then selecting "Use row 1 as your headers." From the data menu.
Alternatively, you could add labels to the series themselves. Although not ideal, it could be quicker than reformatting your data. On the data menu, click on the three dots of a data series to bring up a menu that allows you to add a label. Unfortunately this needs to be a cell so you'll have to have that header on your sheet some where.
I had the same question this year (2021), and it looks like there's support for it now. In short, you just have to double-click on the empty legend item for the series, and it'll give you a place to put text, directly in the chart.
Here's what my chart looked like (with no series titles):
If you double-click on one, you'll get a small text input area.
Type in your series name and then press enter or click outside of the input area.
Repeat this for each series, and you should be good to go.
I had the same problem because I was selecting only the data I wanted to include in the chart and not the entire table, headers and all. When you create a chart in Google Sheets and you want to use a row or column (or both) as strings that are included in the chart's labeling, you must select the entire table before choosing the Chart command from the Insert menu.
After doing so, you may need to do all or some of the following:
Switch rows/columns if your axes are not correct
Eliminate any rows/columns that you don't want represented by editing the Data Range field in the chart editor
Select Use column A as headers or Use row 1 as headers
You could also potentially use the add labels option when clicking on the 3 dots in the series section:
Double-click on the symbols in your legend, then double-click on the symbol for the series you would like to label; you should be able to directly enter your legend label now. You can do further text formatting using the chart editor on the right.
I took them to a new sheet. first selected only the X-axis and one of the columns that will appear as one. label. In this sheet, I made all the "labels" as a header of the sheet. and added them one by one as a series. and this time it. add them as a label.
obviously this is a workaround and the bug should be fixed :) hopefully.

LocusZoom standalone change x-axis and use the plots in a script

I am using the standalone LocusZoom software,but I am having two problems:
I have to create a plot showing only position on the x-axis (not showing the genes). If I just use showGenes=FALSE with nothing else the genes still appear, but if I use rfrows=0 then the genes are not shown, but the problem is that also the x-axis label with the positions disappears. Is there a way to only show the position label? It looks like the only way to do this is to modify the original script...
Is there a way to use several plots created using LocusZoom in an R script to position many plots into one unique figure? (output is a pdf for now) There is an option listed in the LocusZoom webpage (http://genome.sph.umich.edu/wiki/LocusZoom_Standalone) called "prelude" but I cannot get more info on how to use it.
If you have any suggestions for either of these two issues it would be very helpful! Thanks!!

How to specify titles for tableGrobs in grid.arrange (from gridExtra)?

It looks like grid.arrange() ignores the name attribute of tableGrob. Let's say I want to plot tables with titles...
This plots them but without titles: do.call(grid.arrange,c(baz,nrow=1))
It seems like overkill to screw around with creating lists of textGrobs, calculating their height, etc. I just want to force there to be an extra line above the header of each table, displaying the name I gave to that table. Or some built-in argument to do so.
