How do I delete environment domains and variables in Paw? - paw-app

I can add new environments, but sometimes I no longer want domains I previously thought I needed.
I can't work out how to delete a variable within the environments or to delete that entire domain. I can delete environments so long as they aren't the last remaining one, but the last one, in order to delete that domain can't be deleted. Is there a special trick I'm missing?

To delete an environment variable or domain in Paw (a quick screencast to explain better is available here):
Go to the environment panel (Window menu > Environments – shortcut: ⌥⌘1)
To delete a variable: hit the minus (-) button on the right side (only available if you have more than one variable)
To delete a domain: click on the domain name pop up button (a blue button on the right side), and pick "Delete Domain"
For previous versions of Paw: You need to select the environment domain first, and then hit the delete key on your keyboard.
Note: this is going to change in the upcoming Paw 2.2, another UI, much easier to understand.


firebase doesn't showing realtime data inserting and not able to remove data [duplicate]

Read-only & non-realtime mode activated to improve browser performance
Message pops up in my project and I'm unable to delete the nodes as well
Also I read this!topic/firebase-talk/qLxZCI8i47s
Which states :
If you have a lot of nodes in your Firebase (say thousands), we need to create a new element for each node and modern browsers simply have limitations of how many DOM elements you can add to a page
It says:
To resolve this problem, don't load your Firebase Dashboard at the root of your Firebase, but instead load it lower down in the hierarchy
I do not get what it means
How do I get back to my Realtime Dashboard?
If you want to delete a high level node when this is activated, I recommend doing this.
Open up a text editor and type in { }. Save this file as "blankJSON.json".
Go to high level node you want deleted and select it, once it opens up and shows you all the nodes that need to be removed, select the three bars at the top right and select "Import JSON", (It would be safe to first "Export JSON" If you don't have backups, in case you make a mistake here). Import the JSON file we created earlier titled "blankJSON".
This will delete all of the data inside.
Once again, I highly suggest you make a backup before doing this, It's extremely easy to make a backup and also it is much easier than you would think to upload this blankJSON to the wrong node and then erasing a bunch of important data.
When it detects that it's downloading too many nodes from your database, the Firebase Console stops using real-time mode and switches to read-only mode. In this mode it requires less work from the browser, so it is more likely that the browser will stay performant.
To get back to realtime mode, you have to go to a location that has fewer nodes. So say that you start loading the database at the root, that means that "pseudo address bar" at the top of the data tree will say:
And then will show the list of items. Now click on the URL in that pseudo address bar and change it to:
And hit enter. The data tree will reload with just the node from one-of-your-keys and down and will likely switch to realtime mode again.
Every node key in firebase is a link, you can open a sub-node in a new tab and then edit that sub-node and its children.
Right click on a sub-node you want to edit or delete
Select open link in a new tab
Edit the sub-node in the new tab
1) Click on the Node you want to mass delete
2) Import an empty .json file (just containing curly braces, {} )
3) The node value will be set to null, in other words it is deleted or rather overridden with an empty node!
What you can do is to have an OnClickListener and call the remove value method to your DatabaseReference, like this:
mCart.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
I have the same problem... I'm a bit surprised because I though Firebase could easily scale to support huge amount of data (example million users, etc.).
I have a node with 80000 sub-nodes (each object has his own push-id) and I cannot delete or perform any action on it because the real-time doesn't work in Firebase console.
I think the only way to udate or delete the data it's to do it via JAVA code :(
Multiple times trying to load the specific keys can be tiresome. There is a python library that could do this for you easily.
I needed to delete a lot of keys and this helped me do that in one go.
What I do is export the entire tree, edit/add the node I want using an editor, then import the JSON and overwrite the previous node/tree. Problem solved! Risky though 😁

Change URL in new Firebase (from May 2016)

Earlier when using Firebase, there was an option to use our own url like (including part). But from May 2016, when I create a project, it gets an auto-generated URL like, and I cannot find place to edit that (because 1c75b part in URL is not nice). I want to know is there any way to edit that like before?
Note - I don't want to use a paid domain like I just want to customize my Firebase URL as
When you create a project in the new Firebase console, it will indeed add a "random" code to the project name. There is currently no way to prevent this code in the new console.
When you upgrade an existing project from into the new console, the app name will remain unchanged. So if you already have on a project, you will keep that URL after importing/upgrading.
When creating a new project, you get an screen where you can enter the name.
In the textfield for project-id ou can enter a project-id.
your project-id needs to include a dash
when it doesn't, it will say something like, it is already used or it places the dash itself, with some custom characters.
The project-id itself is fixed, so you should create a new project and copy everything.
When you create your project the url is based on the project name you give. If your project name is "Foo Bar", your url will be (assuming it isn't already taken).
Last week Create Project window was showing possible subdomain that will be assigned while you were typing project name. It's first come - first served basis so if you type a name already taken it automatically adds some character-number combination at the end.
Today same window doesn't show that while typing, you can only see it after you create your project and go to settings dashboard, there is no way to change given subdomain on the same dashboard.
Update 10.07.2017
I'm getting random hex number added from time to time, I can't always get plain name even if name is supposedly original one.
If you choose a name unique enough within Firebase, they will give you a domain for your app as in
I tried several times, sometimes it gives something like https://project-(long-random-number-sequence) and other times something like what you've encountered. My personal experience shows if you give your app a name suffixed with "app" then you have a higher chance of being unique and getting the "nice" URL.
Scroll down in 'Manage Site' and create a new site, then deploy there.
You can't change your domain, but you can change the host! You can make as many sites as you want.

User edits only its own post.Using Plone permisisons

I have a Plone website and create a menu item.
In the sharing tab I add each user that can post a topic.
How can I prevent that user1 edits posts owned by user2? Currently user1 can edit user2 posts.
Previously I try creating a group, assign each user to this group and add the group using the sharing tab, but in this way one user edit posts from another user.
Just subtract (uncheck) the 'Can edit'-permission of the sharing-tab.
The creator of an item is by default also owner, owners have edit-permission, thus users can edit their own items but not the ones of others.
Update (according to the new comment):
To inhibit the add-privilege on subfolders you'll need to break the inheritage of the Contributors-role, to which the 'Can add'-permission is assigned to.
However this seems not to be possible, yet. Quoting Martin Aspeli from his article "Understanding permissions and roles":
"Currently (until Plone 2.1, most likely), local roles can be added at a lower level in the acqusition tree, but not taken away".
So you need to look for another approach and, as Martijn already suggested, you'll most likely want to go with a custom workflow for your - assumingly folderish - contenttype and to all types that should be allowed to add in it (fortunately by default, Images and Files inherit the state of its parent, otherwise you probably have to think of a multi-chained workflow, but that's worth a new post even, or - ugly - create copies of contenttypes only to give them another workflow).
In that case, do as follows:
Create a workflow as adviced in (I updated it lately, please let us know, if you have suggestions for improvements or contribute yourself).
Add the 'Add portal content'-permission to your workflow (in ZMI clickon your workflowname andhit the permissions-tab, select it from the dropdown).
For each state in your workflow (click on the state's name), uncheck 'Aquire permission settings', this way you break the inheritage of the Contibutors-role. Then check the 'Add portal content'-permission for each role you want to grant it, which would be at least the Owner-role in your case, and you might also Managers be able to access everything.
Another, more challenging but IMHO much better, approach could be:
On your contenttype's inititialization (=your ct's class is called) trigger a script (f.e. with a contentrule/eventhandler/subscriber or in you ct's class-definition, itself), which looks up the inherited sharing-permissions on the parent, blocks them (__ac_local_roles_block__ = True) and reassign all roles again, but the Contributor's one, for the new born object (your folderish contenttype).
This would avoid creating a whole new workflow just to solve this case.
To do this, please read the docs (just updated, comments always welcome), to see how an event-handler is registrated:
The executed python-script could contain like:
from Acquisition import aq_parent
def inhibit_parent_inherited_contributor_role(self, event):
""" Blocks local-roles on freshly created children in our
contenttype and re-assigns all its parent's local-roles but
'Contributor' to the child.
# Block all inherited local-permissions, also of grand-parents:
self.__ac_local_roles_block__ = True
# Get local-roles assigned to parent and only to parent:
parent_roles = self.aq_parent.get_local_roles()
# Iterate over each assigned user and group to get their roles:
for userid, roles in parent_roles:
# Provide a list variable, to collect the new roles:
# of a group or user:
new_roles = []
# Iterate over the user's, respectively group's, roles:
for role in roles:
# Exclude 'Contributor' of new role-list:
if role != u'Contributor':
# Add all other roles to list of new roles:
# Finally assign new roles to the child for each found user and group:
self.manage_setLocalRoles(userid, new_roles)
I have tested this with IObjectEditedEvent, which works fine. Whereas the IObjectAddedEvent is fired four times (why?) and I wasn't able to tame that quickly, but, does :) Have a closer look at it, maybe including a contentrule in the solution can be even better.
For an in-depth code-example about roles, see Andreas Jung's lovely zopyx.plone.cassandra and its .
And I haven't looked at collective.subtractiveworkflow, yet. In case you do, please tell us about it :)
You need to restrict editing to the Owner role if you only want to have users edit their own content.

Run solution exe after installtion using installshield

I want to run my exe after installation using InstallShield.
InstallShield completes the setup correctly but do not run the exe.
I found another way to add an exe in startup but it runs after restart.
I would like it to run without restart.
Is it possible ?
What version and edition of InstallShield are you using? Also what project type are you using? (InstallScript, InstallScript MSI, Basic MSI? )
Assuming Basic MSI, InstallShield has a built-in pattern to support this story:
1) Click on the Project Assistant Tab
2) Click on the Installation Interview Icon (Page)
3) Click Yes for "Do you want to give the users the option to launch your application when the installation completes?
4) Click the browse button to select the EXE that should be the target of the operation.
By default the checkbox (launch program) on the setup complete dialog will not be selected. To select it automatically add the property LAUNCHPROGRAM to the property table and set it to a value of '1'.
Christopher Painter's answer will work for you most of the time. Those are the initial steps to take, but there are some additional details if you find that isn't enough. For instance, skb reported that this didn't work for him. I found that I was in the same boat (even though I've built a dozen other installers which had this work!).
Follow Christopher Painter's instructions.
Click on the "Installation Designer" tab. Within "User Interface" select "Dialogs".
Within "All Dialogs", expand "SetupCompleteSuccess", and select "Behavior".
Select the "Ok" push button control. Then, select "Events". (look to the bottom of the screen where it says Events/Subscriptions/Conditions)
You should have a "DoAction" event, with an "argument" equal to "IS_LAUNCH_MY_PROGRAM_PLEASE" and a "condition" of "LAUNCHPROGRAM". If not - add that. "LAUNCHPROGRAM" refers to the property of that name. It will have a value of 1 if the launch checkbox is selected, and thus meet this condition. IS_LAUNCH_MY_PROGRAM_PLEASE refers to the Custom Action which is launched. If you want, you can change that CA here to make any custom action fire instead. I opted to leave this alone, but replace the CA with one of my own.
Open your list of Custom Actions (Behavior and logic... Custom actions and sequences). You should find a CA there named IS_LAUNCH_MY_PROGRAM_PLEASE. Delete it!
Add your own IS_LAUNCH_MY_PROGRAM_PLEASE CA. Right-click "Custom Action" (the list header) and select the type of CA you want - or launch the wizard. Just be sure to name it "IS_LAUNCH_MY_PROGRAM_PLEASE" if you left the dialog behavior as it defaults.
To launch an exe - with the WORKING DIRECTORY changed (which was the reason my app wouldn't appear, and apparently skb's as well based on the comments) Select "New EXE"..."Path referencing a directory". Change "Return processing" to "Asynchronous (no wait for completion)". Note the "MSI type number" becomes 226. Set the "Working directory" to INSTALLDIR(assuming the program you want to launch should be found in your new program's directory). Set "Filename & command line" to [INSTALLDIR]YourApp.exe.

Xcode4 target labelled as missing, but cannot delete it

I want to delete this red-marked target, but am unable to.
The "minus" button in the dialogue remains greyed-out, it doesn't respond to backspace or delete keys and right-clicking just brings up help options. I can drag the missing-red-marked target above or below the working black target, but it doesn't let me delete it.
This missing red target only seems to appear in this edit schemes dialogue.
In my main project/target window, I just have the one good target there.
Any ideas how to clean this up and delete this missing target?
What worked for me was to designate another executable (or none) in the existing scheme's various actions (run, test, etc.). It's the fact it's in use in the scheme's actions that prevents its deletion. I discovered this during my research for Mastering Xcode 4 (yes, shameless plug). :-)
Try creating a brand new scheme (via "New Scheme" or "Manage Schemes...") and start using that.
Once your new scheme is building properly and is set as a default, you should be able to delete the old scheme with the bogus "missing" target.
The real issue here is explained by Joar Wingfors in the Xcode-users mailing list (emphasis mine):
In the scheme sheet you cannot delete things from one tab that some
other tab depend on. In this case you probably have to delete the
target from the test tab before you can delete it from the build tab.
Or something along those lines.
I had the exact same problem. Solved by closing the xCode and externally editing the schema file to delete the bundlableResource section for the missing library. Not the safest of all methods but it works.
First delete all schemes and then generate the schemes again. Work for me .
What Joshua said, a bit tailored. Go through all various actions and change the missing executable to an existing one.
In your case, go to 'Profile' and switch to the new app. Same if you encounter this in 'Test' tab.
