css ignores "display: inline" on zoom - css

When I zoom, css ignores "display: inline"
problem2 http://screenshu.com/static/uploads/temporary/bc/r3/cf/ae0b2a.jpg
problem3 http://screenshu.com/static/uploads/temporary/91/ll/n6/w2zxbe.jpg

The property you have assigned is not being ignored. That is the correct behaviour for display: inline. The reason this is happening is because upon zooming, the parent container is shrinking relative to its children and the child items do not have a constraint which disallows them to break to a new line. In order to continue being displayed without overflow, one of them displays itself on a new line.
In my opinion, the best option for achieving what you are trying to do is the flex box module. It is a module that was introduced with CSS3 and provides a solution for situations like this one. How to use the flex box module is explained very well here: https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/a-guide-to-flexbox/. The property you would need to apply to the children in the parent container is:
flex-wrap: nowrap;
This allows for the items to all be displayed on a single line.
This is, of course, not the only solution.
You could also set the parent container's minimum width to be greater than or equal to the sum of the widths of the children it is containing. Yet another option would be be to set the children's widths equal to a percent of their parent container. There are probably even more methods but again, flex box was designed for this sort of situation and offers a very clean and clear solution for not only this specific case, but for a vast number of display problems that have plagued web page styling in the past.


How does intrinsic work?

I have never heard of this intrinsic value before until I come across this page on MDN.
From what I know intrinsic means natural. So how does this work out in CSS. I thought that auto would have been natural. I've searched around a bit but can't find anything on it.
What does it do different than auto?
The example I saw was max-width: intrinsic;
It looks like the intrinsic value is part of the newer CSS3 sizing module:
I have not used it yet but perhaps the reference will provide you with more information.
Based on a quick review, this module would make it easier to specify how content fills the width and height of a parent containing block.
At the moment, JavaScript functions are often used to compute widths and heights of container blocks based on % values for variable child elements content.
It allows you to set the width of an element to stretch wide enough to accommodate its children. So, if a div element contained a wide image and some text, the div would stretch wide enough to accommodate the image, and the text would begin breaking at that threshold.
Definitely experimental and not widely supported: http://caniuse.com/intrinsic-width
Intrinsic sizing determines sizes based on the contents of an element,
without regard for its context.
I have found that in iOS8, flexbox children may not always try to contain all their children and instead max their height to the available viewport.
min-height: min-intrinsic fixes that problem.

CSS overflow property

I've found some CSS templates where some classes have the overflow:hidden property, but no size defined. If I recall correctly, block elements stretch to fit their content unless otherwise specified. Since this is not the case, I feel that putting the overflow:hidden is pointless and I can delete it without hesitation. Is this right or am I missing something?
While that's the main purpose of the overflow property, it's not the only effect it has on rendering. The other major effect it has is that setting overflow to anything other than visible (the default) causes a block box to establish its own block formatting context.
This is mainly used to contain floats without the need for a clearfix; however that isn't the only effect of having a new BFC; there are a number of other corner cases that are better described elsewhere in the spec. Also see this lengthy write-up on the reasoning for this behavior (which, oddly enough, has very little to do with containing floats; that actually ends up being nothing more than a side effect).
So if you remove that overflow declaration, you may break float layouts, among other things. I suggest avoiding doing so unless it's absolutely necessary or you're sure it won't affect the layout.
If there are floating children inside that div, then overflow: hidden is probably there to contain them.
overflow: hidden creates a new block formatting context, and elements that create new block formatting contexts contain floats.
It may depend. if your div contains some floated elements you could use
div {
height: auto;
overflow : hidden;
as a workaround for the clearing. So I wouldn't delete that rule without seeing the effect on the layout
overflow:hidden can come in handy if you have a child element with a width specified which is greater than the container's max allowed width. Otherwise it will stretch the container.
See example
A common use of this is when displaying a carousel, with floated child elements. The elements need to appear inline, but hidden, so that they can come into vision when the left CSS property is changed.

CSS - Difference between display:(inline|block) and display:box?

I am confused. I have just discovered this CSS property: display:box;
I do not understand what it brings to CSS that was not already possible with display: block, inline, inline-block.
Anyone can enlight me on this ?
Thanks in advance.
It's part of the new flexbox module. From the working draft:
In the flexbox layout model, the children of a flexbox can be laid out in any direction, and can "flex" their sizes, either growing to fill unused space or shrinking to avoid overflowing the parent. Both horizontal and vertical alignment of the children can be easily manipulated. Nesting of these boxes (horizontal inside vertical, or vertical inside horizontal) can be used to build layouts in two dimensions.
It's still a draft specification, but worth playing with until it's fully implemented by browsers. It will probably allow us to get rid of floats in many cases!
Please note that display:box is already deprecated in favor of display:flexbox.
Last but not least: do not rely on w3schools!
You may find more info here.
Brief summary:
CSS 3 introduces a brand new box model in addition of the traditional box model from CSS 1 and 2. The flexible box model determines the way boxes are distributed inside other boxes and the way they share the available space.
This box model is similar to the one used by XUL (the user interface language used by Firefox). Some others languages use similar box models such as XAML or GladeXML.
Usually the flexible box model is exactly what you need if you want to create fluid layouts which adapt themselves to the size of the browser window or elastic layouts which adapt themselves to the font size.
By default, the traditional CSS box model distributes boxes vertically depending on the HTML flow. With the flexible box model, it’s possible to specify the order explicitly. You can even reverse it. To switch to the flexible box model, set the property display to the value box (or inline-box) on a box which has child boxes.
Take a look at the documentation from MDN:
The CSS box-orient property specifies whether an element lays out its contents horizontally or vertically.
For example, XUL box and hbox elements lay out their contents horizontally by default, but XUL vbox elements lay out their contents vertically by default.
HTML DOM elements lay out their contents along the inline-axis by default. This CSS property will only apply to HTML elements with a CSS display value of box or inline-box.
display:box allows:
Flexible distribution of boxes with box-orient, box-direction, box-ordinal-group... You can modify the normal distribution of boxes inside another box not only from vertical to horizontal (can be achieved by inline, inline-block or block with some float trick) but also in a reverse order (horizontal reverse order can be achieved by some float trick) and even in an explicit order.
Flexible sizing: the size of the boxes can be computed as the explicit size (using height, width, max-height, max-width...) or the size of the parent box and available space (with box-flex).
Handle the available space with box-align, box-pack, box-lines...
the new box model can do something the old model can't without additional javascript calculation, not much

Can child elements of a display:box parent maintain their defined height instead of all becoming the same height?

I've set up a JS fiddle of what I'm working with. http://jsfiddle.net/bjankord/2EKQv/
It seems if I add a height to one of the child elements of a parent with display:box set, all the other child elements stretch to that height. I don't know if this is how the display:box and box-ordinal-group properties are supposed to work, if so that's unfortunate. I was hoping to be able to reorder my html markup with CSS using box-ordinal-group when working on responsive web designs, but this height issues is killing me.
I am by no means a flexbox expert but from some quick testing I think you might need to change your layout to be three vertical columns and add box-orient:vertical to each of the parent elements. In order to have one child element taller than the others set the box-flex: property to 2 on your withHeight class and set the min-height of that class to 300px;
So I messed with your code a bit. I added a parent container with box-orient:horizontal to line up the three columns and gave each column box-orient:vertical. This seemed to fix the issue with height not being respected.

Firefox issue with display:absolute in a table cell

I have found an issue when using absolutely positioned content within a td element. The td element is not being recognised as a positioned element so the content is being positioned relative to the body. This issue is only in FireFox and the expected layout is visible in other browsers - jsfiddle.
Doing a little digging around it seems that the issue is related to FireFox using display:table-cell as the default display type for table cells. I can resolve the issue by changing the display to block or by adding a div container to act as a positioned container to the content.
Is there any reason to avoid changing the display type of the cell to block? I would prefer to use this method rather than adding additional elements to correct an issue in one browser.
This is not the same issue as described in either div style absolute in a table cell or Why "display: table-cell" is broken when "position: absolute".
If you set the display of the cell to block it will get wrapped in an anonymous table cell. The resulting CSS box tree is the same as if you created a <div> inside the cell and set all the cell's styles and attributes on that block.
This might be OK for many purposes. It'll break if the cell has a rowspan or colspan (because those don't mean anything on blocks) or if the cell has border styles that you expect to take part in border collapsing or if you have two such cells next to each other (because then the two blocks will be wrapped in a single table cell, not in two separate table cells). There are probably other situations where the behavior will be unexpected. But if you have enough control over the styles and content and aren't doing too much styling of the cell, this will work.
Did you try to set the position of the TD explicitly to relative?
This should reset the positioning. Actually, it is correct behavior what you are getting, and should not be only related to TD, but you know, browsers are fun.
For details on why you need to explicitly set it, check:
This answer suggested trying an option. It's written earlier than accepted answer, and is not deleted just for archival reasons and as it is another related possibility for those coming here from search engines for slightly similar but not same problem. I appreciate your understanding.
