QT socket does no read all data - qt

I want to read the data through socket in Qt. I am using QBytearray to store the data. Actually server sends 4095 bytes in a single stretch, but in the QT client side I am receiving in different chunks because of my application design.
void Dialog::on_pushButton_clicked()
socket=new QTcpSocket(this);
void Dialog::Read_data()
QString filename(QString("%1/%2.bin").arg(path,device));
QFile fileobj(filename);
int cmd,file_size,percentage_completed;
if(!fileobj.open(QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Text))
qDebug()<<"Cannot open file for writting";
QTextStream out(&fileobj);
qDebug()<<"size of bytearray"<<byteArray.size();
length=0xffff & ((byteArray[3]<<8)|(0x00ff & byteArray[2]));
int rem;
byteArray.append( socket->read(rem));
server code:
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netinet/tcp.h>
static int msb,lsb,size,listenfd = 0, connfd = 0,len;
struct sockaddr_in serv_addr;
listenfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
memset(&serv_addr, '0', sizeof(serv_addr));
serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
serv_addr.sin_port = htons(5000);
if(bind(listenfd,(struct sockaddr*)&serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr))<0)
perror("\n Error in binding");
listen(listenfd, 1);
n=fread(buff+4,1,length, fd);
size =size-len;
If I execute the code in localhost( I can receive the data fully. The problem arises only when I connect to different host IP. Kindly help me in this regard
The problem is when bytesAvailable() returns the maximum bytes I am waiting for waitForReadyRead() times out. It works fine if the bytesAvailable() is less than as expected. Does bytesAvailable() allocate any buffer annoyed by this behaviour.
if (!socket->waitForReadyRead())
qDebug() << "waitForReadyRead() timed out";
length=0xffff & ((byteArray[3]<<8)|(0x00ff & byteArray[2]));
int rem_bytes=length+2;
qDebug()<<"bytes available"<<socket->bytesAvailable();
if (!socket->waitForReadyRead(10000))//times out here if bytesAvailable() == rem_bytes but executes well in other cases
qDebug() << "waitForReadyRead() timed out";
qDebug()<<"size of bytearray"<<byteArray.size();
for(int j=0;j<length;j++)
rem_bytes -=byteArray.size();
I have tried by sending different data sizes cannot figure it out why?. Please provide me a solution pointing where I have gone wrong

Your problem stems from your misunderstanding of how TCP works.
When data is transmitted from a sender, it is broken into packets and then each packet is transmitted one by one until all the data has finished sending. If packets go missing, they are re-transmitted until either they reach their destination, or a timeout is reached.
As an added complication, each packet might follow various routes before arriving at the destination. The receiver has the task of acknowledging to the sender that packets have been received and then making sure that the packets are joined back together in the correct order.
For this reason, the longer the network route, the greater the chance of getting a delay in getting the data re-assembled. This is what you've been experiencing with your localhost versus networked-computer tests.
The IP stack on your computer does not wait for the complete data to arrive before passing it to your application but it will pause if it's missing a packet in sequence.
e.g. If you have 10 packets and packet 4 arrives last, the IP stack will pass the data to your application in two sets: 1-2-3, [[wait for 4 to arrive]], 4-5-6-7-8-9-10.
For this reason, when waitForReadyRead() returns true, you cannot expect that all your data has arrived, you must always check how many bytes have been actually received.
There are two places in your code where you wait for data. The first thing you wait for is a four-byte number to tell you how much data has been sent. Even though it's highly likely that you will have received all four bytes, it's good practice to check.
while(socket.bytesAvailable() < 4){
if (!socket.waitForReadyRead()) { // timeout after 30 second, by default
qDebug() << "waitForReadyRead() timed out";
qDebug()<<"size of bytearray"<<byteArray.size();
length=0xffff & ((byteArray[3]<<8)|(0x00ff & byteArray[2]));
The next thing you need to do is keep cycling through a wait-read-wait-read loop until all your data has arrived, each time keeping track of how many bytes you still expect to receive.
int bytesRemaining = length;
while(socket->bytesAvailable() < bytesRemaining){
if (!socket->waitForReadyRead()){
qDebug() "waitForReadyRead() timed out";
// calling read() with the bytesRemaining argument will not guarantee
// that you will receive all the data. It only means that you will
// receive AT MOST bytesRemaining bytes.
byteArray = socket->read(bytesRemaining);
bytesRemaining -= byteArray.size();
All this said, you should not use the blocking API in your main thread or your GUI could freeze up. I suggest either using the asynchronous API, or create a worker thread to handle the downloading (and use the blocking API in the worker thread).
To see examples of how to use the two different APIs, looking in the documentation for the Fortune Client Example and the Blocking Fortune Client Example.
My apologies, there's a bug in the code above that doesn't take an number of possibilities into account, most importantly, if all data has already been received, and the end game once all data has finally arrived.
The following one-line change should clear that up:
while(socket->bytesAvailable() < bytesRemaining){
while (bytesRemaining > 0) {

So you are saying that waitForReadyRead() returns false regardless of the time given once your the buffer has all 3000 expected bytes. What other behavior would you want? Perhaps you need rethink the trigger logic here. Many TCP/IP app protocols have some sort of frame start detection logic they combine with the required message size to then trigger processing. This lets them cope with widely different package sizes that the intermediate networks will impose, as well as truncated/partial messages. Once you have it working, connect to it by way of your cell phone and you will get different set of packet fragmentation examples to test with.


Why did TCP-BSD server stuck in read() even data receives?

I've created a TCP server application using BSD sockets and NUCLEO-H743ZI2 development board with STM32CubeMX 5.6.0 & LwIP 2.0.3 in Keil-MDKARM.
I noticed that:
If a client connects and sends 11 bytes or more at first, server
receives the data correctly and read() responds displaying the data.
However, if client sends the first data lower than 11
bytes, read() function blocks even next received data is higher than 11 bytes, until client disconnects. After the disconnection, all the data queued is displayed.
Namely, if first data sent from a client to my server is lower than 11 bytes, event_callback for a rcvevent is not triggered until disconnection.
My aim is to make the server available to one byte reception.
I've pasted my Server task/thread below. Let me have your kind response at your earliest convenience and feel free to request other related files/libraries(lwip.h, lwipopts.h..).
Kind Regards
void StartTask01(void const * argument)
/* USER CODE BEGIN StartTask01 */
/*start a listening tcp server*/
int iServerSocket;
struct sockaddr_in address;
if ((iServerSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0)
printf("Socket could not be created\n");
address.sin_family = AF_INET;
address.sin_port = htons(80);
address.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
if (bind(iServerSocket, (struct sockaddr *)&address, sizeof (address)) < 0)
printf("socket could not be bound\n");
listen(iServerSocket, MEMP_NUM_NETCONN);
/*server started listening*/
struct sockaddr_in remoteHost;
int newconn;
char caReadBuffer[1500];
memset(caReadBuffer, 0, 1500);
/*block until accepting an incoming connection*/
newconn = accept(iServerSocket, (struct sockaddr *)&remoteHost, (socklen_t *)(sizeof(remoteHost)));
if (newconn != -1)/*if accepted well*/
/*block until data arrives*/
read(newconn, caReadBuffer, sizeof(caReadBuffer));
printf("data read: %s\n", caReadBuffer);
memset(caReadBuffer, 0, 1500);
/* USER CODE END StartTask01 */
The problem that's causing this issue is that you only call read once on each connection. If you don't happen to receive all the data from that single call to read (which is entirely unpredictable), you will never call read on that connection again.
When you call read on a blocking TCP connection, it will only block if there is no data available. Otherwise, it will give you whatever data is available up to the maximum number of bytes you ask for. It will not wait for more data if only some is available. It's up to you to call read again if you didn't receive all the data you expected.
One your second iteration of the for loop, you overwrite newconn with a new connection. You don't close the old connection. So you have a socket leak.
The problem is, my server was listening port 80. I changed it to port 7 and thankfully bug is resolved, now read() works as expected.
This bug let me think that LwIP had problems on listening that web(80) port instead of others. There should be a some kind of discrimination between listening some spectacular ports even for unimplemented protocols.

Using ZeroMQ ZMQ_STREAM to be a tcp client. Why am I receiving extra info?

I have an application that uses ZeroMQ for various things and I want to also use it as a tcp-client for other external connections.
Currently if the external tcp-server sends data, the client receives 5 byte id, 0 bytes, 5 bytes, and then actual message.
How do I get ZeroMQ not to send this stuff?
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <zmq.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <assert.h>
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
int main()
void *mpSocketContext = zmq_ctx_new();
/* Create ZMQ_STREAM socket */
void *mpSerialSocket = zmq_socket(mpSocketContext, ZMQ_STREAM);
void *mpSocket = mpSerialSocket;
bool aeBlocking = true;
std::string asAddress = "";
asAddress = "tcp://" + asAddress;
std::cout << "tcSerialServerPort::tcSerialServerPort: connecting to " << asAddress << std::endl;
int rc = zmq_connect(mpSerialSocket, asAddress.c_str());
if (rc != 0)
std::cout << "ZMQ ERROR: zmq_connect " << zmq_strerror(zmq_errno()) << std::endl;
uint8_t id [256];
size_t id_size = 256;
rc = zmq_getsockopt (mpSerialSocket, ZMQ_IDENTITY, id, &id_size);
assert(rc == 0);
zmq_msg_t msg;
size_t lnBytesReceived = 0;
std::string lsStr;
lnBytesReceived = zmq_recvmsg(mpSocket, &msg, aeBlocking ? 0 : ZMQ_DONTWAIT);
lsStr = std::string(static_cast<const char*>(zmq_msg_data(&msg)),
std::cout << "Received Bytes=" << lsStr.size() << " Data=" << lsStr << std::endl;
return 0;
Step #1: Don't panic.
It is very easy - either stop using ZeroMQ, or start to design things compatible with the published ZeroMQ API documentation. Seeking a third way is still possible, but one may easily guess what such a fork-project will finish in.
Best let's start re-reading the design rules from the API:
"Why am I receiving extra info?" The ZeroMQ published API says:
Native pattern
The native pattern is used for communicating with TCP peers and allows asynchronous requests and replies in either direction.
A socket of type ZMQ_STREAM is used to send and receive TCP data from a non-ØMQ peer, when using the tcp:// transport. A ZMQ_STREAM socket can act as client and/or server, sending and/or receiving TCP data asynchronously.
When receiving TCP data, a ZMQ_STREAM socket shall prepend a message part containing the identity of the originating peer to the message before passing it to the application. Messages received are fair-queued from among all connected peers.
When sending TCP data, a ZMQ_STREAM socket shall remove the first part of the message and use it to determine the identity of the peer the message shall be routed to, and unroutable messages shall cause an EHOSTUNREACH or EAGAIN error.
To open a connection to a server, use the zmq_connect call, and then fetch the socket identity using the ZMQ_IDENTITY zmq_getsockopt call.
To close a specific connection, send the identity frame followed by a zero-length message (see EXAMPLE section).
When a connection is made, a zero-length message will be received by the application. Similarly, when the peer disconnects (or the connection is lost), a zero-length message will be received by the application.
You must send one identity frame followed by one data frame. The ZMQ_SNDMORE flag is required for identity frames but is ignored on data frames.
The rest is obvious, follow the API documented behaviour in the user-code and all the ZeroMQ things work as charm.

Trouble in reading from Serial port using QSerialPort

I have to develop a C++ program for an embedded FriendlyARM-based processor system.
I use Qt Creator 3.0.0 (based on Qt 5.2.0) for desktop computer. My program should be able to read from serial port at Mini2440 FriendlyARM processor.
Before going to target system (embedded system), I tried to read and write from/to a serial port on my Laptop. My main problem is how to read from serial port. As you know, new computers and laptops don't have serial port so I try to simulate serial port programming using hand-made USB-to-serial adapter cable. When the USB serial cable is plugged in, it is recognized as "/dev/ttyUSB0" on Ubuntu. It seems to work well.
Please note, the other end of cable (the serial port) isn't connected to anything.
My first question is: Is it OK to configure cable like this, or I have to connect it to other device?
I try to wrote to /dev/ttyUSB0 each 10 seconds and read the data. I ended up the following code:
void MainWindow::refreshNotificationArea()
generateNotifAreaData(); // a typical random data-generator
QList<QSerialPortInfo> L = QSerialPortInfo::availablePorts();
for (auto e : L)
qDebug() << e.portName() << '\n'; // it prints 1 serial port: :ttyUSB0
// write to the port
QSerialPort notifAreaPort;
// 1. set properties
this, SLOT(errorReport(QSerialPort::SerialPortError)));
// 2. open port
if (!notifAreaPort.isOpen())
qDebug() << "Open failed"; // open is OK, no error message printed
string s = convertNotifAreadData2Str();
qDebug() << "Generated data " << s.c_str(); // OK
int a = notifAreaPort.write(s.c_str()); // write done
qDebug() << "Write count" << a; // OK
// now read the info
QByteArray ba = notifAreaPort.readLine(3); // read failed
QSerialPort::SerialPortError err = notifAreaPort.error();
qDebug() << "Error code" << err;
qDebug() << "What? " << notifAreaPort.errorString();
qDebug() << "Read count " << ba.size(); // 0
void MainWindow::errorReport(QSerialPort::SerialPortError error)
qDebug()<<"ERROR:"<<endl<<error; // nothing printed
Writing to serial port is OK. but Reading issues sometimes "No such file or directory"!
sometimes "File temporarily unavalable!
The strange thing is notifAreaPort.error() returns 0, and it means no error
-- Saeed Amrollahi Boyouki
You cannot (well, SHOULD not) write then read from a QSerialPort in the same function.
There are two methods which I use for QSerialPort processing:
Create and open your QSerialPort object.
Set up a QTimer with a timeout of around 50 ms or so (depends on hardware).
Connect the readyRead() signal to a slot which basically just reads all data into your buffer (QByteArray is ideal for this). The slot stops the QTimer, reads all data available with readAll() and then restarts the QTimer and returns.
Connect the timeout signal of the QTimer to a function to process the read bytes of input.
The premise here is that eventually all data will have arrived and the QTimer will timeout, at which point you will have had all of your data in the buffer to process.
The slot which handles readyRead() signal can check all data in the buffer for some "marker" which denotes that some chunk of data has fully arrived. Many devices use 0x0D or 0x0d0x0A as the delmiter. Others use NULL 0x00 or some other byte.
Evaluate the buffer at each iteration of the readyRead() handler slot.
This example shows the second choice and it works well for small reads.
r_port = new QSerialPort(this);
if (r_port->open(QSerialPort::ReadWrite))
connect(r_port, &QSerialPort::readyRead, this, &MYPROG::on_readyRead);
connect(r_port, &QSerialPort::errorOccurred, this, &MYPROG::breakCaught);
QMessageBox::critical(this, "SERIAL PORT NOT CONNECTED", "Unable to connect to the radio.\n\nPlease check your connections\nand configuration and try again.");
void MYPROG::on_readyRead()
// keep reading until we get a \r\n delimiter
qDebug()<<"raw rxBtes"<<rxBytes;
int end = rxBytes.lastIndexOf("\r\n") + 2;
QStringList cmds = QString(rxBytes.mid(0, end)).split("\r\n", QString::SkipEmptyParts);
rxBytes = rxBytes.mid(end);
foreach(QString cmd, cmds){
qDebug()<<"serial read"<<cmd;
This allows the QSerialPort to be read when data arrives and then the program can return to the event loop in order to keep a GUI from becoming unresponsive. Typical serial reads are small and of short time duration so UI freezing rarely happens using these methods.
There are a couple of issues in your code, but I will highlight the most important of those:
You are setting the parameters before opening. This should happen after opening. That is how the API was sadly designed, but we are in the process of revamping it.
You should command line examples for reading that I added in 5.2? It seems that you do not know how to read and those would give you a simple example. In short: you are basically trying to read before the write potentially even finished.
„Hand-made USB to serial adapter“ - sounds interesting. Are you sure that this works correctly?. I think it’s a good idea to connect PIN 2(Rx) and 3(Tx), so you getting data. Now you can test your device with any other terminal software.
I use for serial ports always the readyRead() signal and I check before reading with port->bytesAvailable().
And I open my port with port->open(QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Unbuffered).

Arduino WiFly - ad hoc network setup

I'm currently working with an Arduino trying to build an ad hoc network to which a device can connect to and send web requests to. The problem I am currently having is that I can only set up one connection and then when that connection is terminated (with client.stop()), all subsequent connections are not picked up by the server, even a cURL command just sits there spinning. The first connection I start when I reset the server works fine, and I am able to talk to the server; but after that, the Arduino can no longer find new clients (even though it's trying with the library given).
I`m using the SparkFun library for the WiFly shield cloned from GitHub, along with an Arduino Uno.
My current code is based off their default example 'WiFly_AdHoc_Example', but I had to remove a few things to get the network to start up which might be the cause of this problem.
Here is the .ino file that I am running.
#include <SPI.h>
#include <WiFly.h>
//#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
//SoftwareSerial mySerial( 5, 4); //Part from example not used (see below)
WiFlyServer server(80); //Use telnet port instead, if debugging with telnet
void setup()
//The code below is from the example, but when I run it the WiFly will hang
// on Wifly.begin(). Without it, the WiFly starts up fine.
//WiFly.setUart(&mySerial); // Tell the WiFly library that we are not
// using the SPIUart
Serial.println("**************Starting WiFly**************");
// Enable Adhoc mod
Serial.println("WiFly started, creating network.");
if (!WiFly.createAdHocNetwork("wifly"))
Serial.print("Failed to create ad hoc network.");
while (1)
// Hang on failure.
Serial.println("Network created");
Serial.print("IP: ");
Serial.println("Starting Server...");
Serial.print("Server started, waiting for client.");
void loop()
WiFlyClient client = server.available();
if (client)
Serial.println("Client Found.");
// A string to store received commands
String current_command = "";
while (client.connected())
if (client.available())
//Gets a character from the sent request.
char c = client.read();
if (c=='#' || c=='\n') //End of extraneous output
current_command = "";
else if(c!= '\n')
if (current_command== "get")
// output the value of each analog input pin
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
client.print("analog input ");
client.print(" is ");
client.println("<br />");
else if(current_command== "hello")
client.println("Hello there, I'm still here.");
else if (current_command== "quit")
current_command == "";
else if (current_command == "*OPEN*")
current_command == "";
// Give the web browser time to receive the data
// close the connection
This script is just a mini protocol I set up to test. Once connected with the wifly module you can send text such as "get" "hello" or "quit" and the wifly module should respond back.
Using Telnet I can successfully connect (the first time) and send commands to the Arduino including "quit" to terminate the connection (calls the client.stop() method). But when I try to reconnect though Telnet, it says the connection was successful, but on the Arduino it's still looping thinking the client is still false. What??
I know right, I'm getting mixed messages from Telnet vs Arduino. None of the commands work obviously since the Ardunio is still looping waiting for a client that evaluates to true. I'm going to take a look at WiFlyServer from the library I imported and see if I can dig up the problem, because somehow that server.available() method isn't finding new clients.
I am noticing a lot of TODO's in the library code....
So I found the reason for the problem. It was in the WiFlyServer.cpp file from the SparkFun library. The code that was causing the reconnect issue was in fact the server.availible() method. Right at the top of the method, there is a check:
// TODO: Ensure no active non-server client connection.
if (!WiFly.serverConnectionActive) {
activeClient._port = 0;
For some reason when I comment this out, I can connect and reconnect perfectly fine and everything works as it should. I will now dive into the library and see if I can fix this, I'm not exactly sure what this is doing, but it gets called when the server connection is not active and is somehow blocking subsequent connections. The problem with this solution is that the Arduino always thinks it has found a client since client and client.connected() evaluate to true even if one doesn't exist. Even client.available() evaluates to true right when the connection is terminated and the ghost "client" is found, but after that first run through the if-statement the ghost "client" is no longer available(). Even with this flaw it still picks up a new client when it comes along which is why it works.
How might I get to the root of this problem without using this commenting hack?
Are their any risks or future problems I might run into doing it this way?
What is the purpose of the block that I commented out in the first place?
Well, when you're calling client.stop(); how does the Arduino know whether the client has to start again?
Remember setup() executes only once.
Have you tried to include the following code in your loop to tell the Arduino to create the WiFly AdHoc network again? This may or may not work. I don't have one myself and haven't played with the Wifly shield but it's worth a try.
Remember to only ever execute the code once every time you need to connect again since it's sitting inside a loop that's always going to be running.
Serial.println("WiFly started, creating network.");
if (!WiFly.createAdHocNetwork("wifly"))
Serial.print("Failed to create ad hoc network.");
while (1)
// Hang on failure.

Persistent Qt Local Socket IPC

I'm developing an application that uses IPC between a local server and a client application. There is nothing particular to it, as it's structured like the Qt documentation and examples.
The problem is that the client sends packets frequently and connecting/disconnecting from the server local socket (named pipe on NT) is very slow. So what I'm trying to achieve is a "persistent" connection between the two applications.
The client application connects to the local server (QLocalServer) without any problem:
void IRtsClientImpl::ConnectToServer(const QString& name)
connect(_socket, SIGNAL(connected()), this, SIGNAL(connected()));
_blockSize = 0;
_socket->connectToServer(name, QIODevice::ReadWrite);
And sends requests also in the traditional Qt manner:
void IRtsClientImpl::SendRequest( quint8 cmd, const QVariant* const param_array,
unsigned int cParams )
// Send data through socket
QByteArray dataBlock;
QDataStream out(&dataBlock, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
quint8 command = cmd;
out << blocksize_t(0) // block size
<< hdr // header
<< quint32(PROTO_VERSION_PROJ) // protocol version
<< command // command
<< cParams; // number of valid parameters
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cParams; ++i)
out << param_array[i];
// Write the current block size
out << dataBlock.size() - sizeof(blocksize_t);
No problem. But the trick resides on the readyRead() signal in the server-side. Here's the current implementation of the readyRead() handling slot:
void IRtsServerImpl::onReadyRead()
QDataStream in(_lsock);
if (_blocksize == 0)
qDebug("Bytes Available on socket: %d", _lsock->bytesAvailable());
if (_lsock->bytesAvailable() < sizeof(blocksize_t))
in >> _blocksize;
// We need more data?
if (_lsock->bytesAvailable() < _blocksize)
// Reset
_blocksize = 0;
Without setting _blocksize to zero I could not receive more data, only the first block group (I would expect an entire block to arrive without segmentation since this is through a pipe, but it does not, go figure). I expect that behavior, sure, since the _blocksize does not represent the current stream flow anymore. All right, resetting _blocksize does the trick, but I can't resend another packet from the client without getting an increasing array of bytes on the socket. What I want is to process the request in ReadRequest and receive the next data blocks without resorting to connecting/reconnecting the applications involved.
Maybe I should 'regulate' the rate of the incoming data?
Thank you very much.
