Calculate the n-th derivative in any point using Scilab - scilab

I am trying to evaluate a function in Scilab using the following steps:
y=(x^18+x^11)^3 // function (the function is variable)
y1=derivat(y) // first derivate
y2=derivat(y) //second derivate
y3=derivat(y) //third derivate
I need evaluate the 3 derivatives in any point.
I know the function: evstr(expression) but it does not work with the return value of the derivative.
I try to use: string(y) but it returns something strange.
How can to do it, to cast the return of derivat to string to evaluate with evstr or how can I evaluate the n-th derivative in any point using Scilab.

To evaluate numerical derivatives of almost any kind of function (of one or sereval variables) up to machine precision (you won't get better results if you evaluate symbolic expressions obtained by hand), you can use the complex step method (google these terms you will have a bunch of references). For example:
function y = f(x)
s = poly(0,'s');
p = (s-s^2)^3;
y = horner(p,x).*exp(-x.^2);
d = imag(f(x+complex(0,1e-100)))/1e-100;
true_d = exp(-x.^2).*(-1+x).^2.*x^2.*(3-6*x-2*x.^2+2.*x^3)
--> disp(max(abs(d-true_d)))

To evaluate a symbolic polynomial at a particular point or points, use the horner command. Example:
t = 0:0.1:1
v1 = horner(y1, t)
plot(t, v1)

This is the closest I got to a solution to this problem.
He proposes using:
old = 'f';
for i=1:n
new = 'd'+string(i)+'f';
I know, it's horrible, but I think there is no better solution, at least in Scilab.

I found a way:
function y = deriva(f, v, n, h)
deff("y = DF0(x)", "y="+f)
if n == 0 then
y = DF0(v);
for i=1:(n-1)
deff("y=DF"+string(i)+"(x)", "y=numderivative(DF"+string(i-1)+",x,"+string(h)+",4)");
deff("y=DFN(x)", "y=numderivative(DF"+string(n-1)+",x,"+string(h)+",4)");
y = DFN(v);
disp(deriva("x.*x", 3, 2, 0.0001));
This correctly calculates numerical derivatives of nth order. But it needs to have the function passed as a string. Errors can get pretty large, and time to compute tends to go up fast as a function of n.


Second order ODE in Julia giving wrong results

I am trying to use the DifferentialEquations.jl provided by julia, and it's working all right until I try to use it on a second order ODE.
Consider for instance the second order ODE
x''(t) = x'(t) + 2* x(t), with initial conditions
x'(0) = 0, x(0) = 1
which has an analytic solution given by: x(t) = 2/3 exp(-t) + 1/3 exp(2t).
To solve it numerically, I run the following code:
using DifferentialEquations;
function f_simple(ddu, du, u, p, t)
ddu[1] = du[1] + 2*u[1]
du0 = [0.]
u0 = [1.]
tspan = (0.0,5.0)
prob2 = SecondOrderODEProblem(f_simple, du0, u0, tspan)
sol = solve(prob2,reltol=1e-8, abstol=1e-8);
With that,
sol(3)[2] = 122.57014434362732
whereas the analytic solution yields 134.50945587649028, and so I'm a bit lost here.
According to the the documentation for DifferentialEquations.jl, Vern7() is appropriate for high-accuracy solutions to non-stiff equations:
sol = solve(prob2, Vern7(), reltol=1e-8, abstol=1e-8)
julia> println(sol(3)[2])
On my machine, this matches the analytical solution quite closely. I'm not exactly sure what the default method used is: the documentation indicates that solve has some method of choosing an appropriate solver when one isn't specified.
For more information on Vern7(), check out Jim Verner's page on Runge-Kutta algorithms.

How to read corresponding value at specified time in DiscreteCallback?

Similar to this question, I am trying to solve this ODE with a time-dependent input parameter. It consists of a series of discrete callbacks. At certain times, a parameter is changed (not a state!). Times and values are stored in a nx2 Array. But I can't get the affect function to find the corresponding parameter value at the specified time. In the given examples, the value assigned to u[1] is usually constant. Consider this MWE (with a very Matlab-like approach), which works correctly without the callback:
using DifferentialEquations
using Plots
function odm2prod(dx, x, params, t)
k_1, f_1, V_liq, X_in, Y_in, q_in = params
rho_1 = k_1*x[1]
q_prod = 0.52*f_1*x[1]
# Differential Equations
dx[1] = q_in/V_liq*(X_in - x[1]) - rho_1
dx[2] = q_in/V_liq*(Y_in - x[2])
x0 = [3.15, 1.5]
tspan = (0.0, 7.0)
params = [0.22, 43, 155, 249, 58, 0]
prob = ODEProblem(odm2prod, x0, tspan, params)
input = [1.0 60; 1.1 0; 2.0 60; 2.3 0; 4.0 430; 4.05 0]
dosetimes = input[:,1]
function affect!(integrator)
ind_t = findall(integrator.t == dosetimes)
integrator.p[6] = input[ind_t, 2]
cb = PresetTimeCallback(dosetimes, affect!)
sol = solve(prob, Tsit5(), callback=cb, saveat=1/12)
plot(sol, vars=[1, 2])
It does not work. The error originates at line 22, since comparing a vector to a scalar seems not to be defined in Julia, or there is a special syntax I am unaware of.
I know that it is possible to use time-dependent parameters in Julia, but I suppose that would only work for continuous functions, not discrete changes!? I haven taken a look at the help for interpolate, but I am not sure how to use it for my specific case.
Could someone tell me how to get this to work, please? Should probably need just a few lines of code. Also, I do not necessarily want dosetimes as part of sol.t, unless they coincide.
You are using findall wrong, the documentation says
findall(f::Function, A)
Return a vector I of the indices or keys of A where f(A[I]) returns true.
Then you have to take into account that the result of a search for "all" is a list. As you expect it to only have one element, use the first one only
function affect!(integrator)
ind_t = findall(t -> t==integrator.t, dosetimes)
integrator.p[6] = input[ind_t[1], 2]
and you get the plot

How to make a function that calculates newtons quotient for f(x) = exp(x) in R?

I'm working on an assignment for class and I'm a little lost with trying to write a function out which will calculate Newton's quotient.
This is what the questions is asking
The derivative of a function f(x) can be approximated by the Newton's quotient (f(x+h) - f(x))/h
where h is a small number. Write a function to calculate the Newton's quotient
for f(x) = exp(x). The function should take two scalar arguments, x and h.
Use a default value of h=1e-6.
Test your function at the point x=1 using the default value of h, and compare
to the true value of the derivative f'(1) = e^1.
So far I have written the code as so
newton = function(x, h = 1e-06){
quotiant = ((x+h) - x)/h
return(x = exp(x))
y = newton(1,h)
I can see this is wrong, but I don't really understand how I can fix this, and what exactly I'm trying to calculate.
I have also tried this code
newton = function(x, h = 1e-06){
quotiant = ((x+h) - x)/h
y = newton(1,h)
which I think gives me the right answer, but again I don't really understand what I'm calculating.
Your function doesn't evaluate the values of x and x+h using the exponential function. In your two examples you are either just returning the exponential of x, or not using the exponential function at all. What you want is something like this:
newton = function(x, h = 1e-06){
quotient = (exp(x+h) - exp(x))/h

chen's chaotic system solution using differential transform method

I am calculating the solution of Chen's chaotic system using differential transform method. The code that I am using is:
for k=0:5
for l=0:k
for l=0:k
What this code does is calculate x(k), y(k) and z(k) these are the coefficients of the polynomial that is approximating the solution.
The solution x(t) = sum_0^infinity x(k)t^k, and similarly the others. But this code doesn't give the desired output of a chaotic sequence the graph of x(t) that I am getting is:
This is not an answer, but a clearer and more correct (programmatically speaking) to write your loop:
for k = 1:6
temp_sum = sum(x(1:k).*z(k:-1:1),2);
y(k+1) = (1/k)*(-12*x(k)-temp_sum+28*y(k));
temp_sum = sum(x(1:k).*y(k:-1:1),2);
z(k+1) = (1/k)*(temp_sum-3*z(k));
The most important issue here is not overloading the built-in function sum (I replaced it with temp_sum. Other things include vectorization of the inner loops (using sum...), indexing that starts in 1 (instead of writing k+1 all the time), and removing unnecessary calls to gamma (gamma(k)/gamma(k+1) = 1/k).

set function output type based on whether optional keyword argument present

I need to make a histogram, and my data points each carry a statistical weight. The standard hist function isn't equipped to handle this. I could of course import the numpy.histogram function, which handles weighted data just fine, but I thought it would be a good exercise in learning julia to try and augment the hist() function to accept weights as an optional (named) argument.
I started by looking at the julia source for hist(), and was able to modify it slightly (if amateurishly -- suggestions for improvements welcome), to get it sort of working:
function sturges(n) # Sturges' formula
n==0 && return one(n)
function weightedhist!{HT}(h::AbstractArray{HT}, v::AbstractVector, edg::AbstractVector; init::Bool=true, weights::AbstractVector = ones(HT,length(v)))
n = length(edg) - 1
length(weights) == length(v) || error("length(weights) must equal length(v)")
length(h) == n || error("length(h) must equal length(edg) - 1.")
if init
fill!(h, zero(HT))
for j=1:length(v)
i = searchsortedfirst(edg, v[j])-1
if 1 <= i <= n
h[i] += weights[j]
edg, h
weightedhist(v::AbstractVector, edg::AbstractVector; weights::AbstractVector = ones(Int,length(v))) = weightedhist!(Array(Float64, length(edg)-1), v, edg; weights=weights)
weightedhist(v::AbstractVector, n::Integer; weights::AbstractVector = ones(Int,length(v))) = weightedhist(v, histrange(v,n); weights=weights)
weightedhist(v::AbstractVector; weights::AbstractVector = ones(Int,length(v))) = weightedhist(v, sturges(length(v)); weights=weights)
If I generate some random data with
v = randn(10^5);
w = rand(length(v));
edges = floor(minimum(v)):0.1:ceil(maximum(v));
then weightedhist(v, edges; weights=w) agrees with numpy.histogram(v, edges, weights=w). If I leave out the optional keyword argument for weights, then weightedhist(v, edges) agrees with the built in hist(v, edges), and weightedhist(v) agrees with the built in hist(v), except for the fact that my function outputs floats rather than ints when no weights are provided.
I don't understand why this is the case (is h getting created as a float array? promoted?), and I'd like for the my function to fall back on the behavior of the built in one as closely as possible when no weights are provided.
Can anyone suggest why my function is outputting floats, and how I might change that behavior to output ints when no weights are provided? I'd like to do this without first creating the h array and then converting it from one type to another, since I'd like the code to be as fast as possible.
If I understand correctly, when you call
weightedhist(v, edges)
you are using the first of your three "extra" definitions at the bottom.
This calls
weightedhist!(Array(Float64, length(edg)-1), v, edg; weights=weights)
so in your "main" weightedhist! the HT parameterization will be Float64, so h will be filled with HT == Float64, hence the Float64 output. So changing it to Array(eltype(weights), length(edg)-1) would be sufficient, I believe.
